HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-03-17, Page 1•
.$5.00-A Year -1n Advance -A- $200 Extra
ryan Boyle In
reri Finals For
Pu lic Speaking
a •
• I
• .
Bryan 13oyle , 17 -year son '
of'Mr.7. and Mrsc,'....Franels Boyle 61.:.
Huron ToWnship , has advanced to
rhe 'area film ls iii_th.e.:Royal Can-
..adian.'Legion Public Sieakng
...Contest' at Richmond Hill th'is
•Saturday7 ...•
,,On•SatUrday 'Marth. 13ryan
'won theZone .C-1'"seriqor second -
ary School 'Class at Kincatdine...
rade '12 stifdent-at—itipley
1)istlict Iigh SchoOt. • His subject
was 1:110.,wledge".:: •••,' •
• • • t
• • ,
Last Stinda-v in HanOver: he.
• •
.as?,ain :placed first in his division..
Tile Hanover' competition:was the
. 'district . • • •
WEDNESDAY, 'MARCH 17th, 1971
higsbridge School Busy Preparing For
Student Exchange With Mo�seFactory.
, :Final plans. are being made for
the arrival of twenty-two grade
seven-students..frOM Moose'.Fac 7
tory on'Apri.1•2nd in Kingsbridge.•
They will remain until the after-
noon of April 6th when they will
leave for a tour to Midland' be-
fore returning home Their seath.
Cr; Dan Dalton , a former resident
for Friday, ,March19th, in St. Aug-
' ustine and the second one will be
held April 3Oth at Kingsbridge...•
Io r the next While;.§t., Joseph's
school will be a, very busy place
. and brewing with. excitement .
indeed' ' •. .
, . .
Couple Sell
• .
llaccompany theni.
Holyro()d 41rea. Farni
.of Kingsbridge •and another teach-
er Wi
• , 7
Twenty-tWo students from :
grades seven and eight at St Jos-
eph's.schoOl in Kingsbridge are ...
now . busy prepa r mg for-lttreirTtrip..
with money -raising events. They,
eave • for. N'ioose l'actory on June
(jth.and return Fri/4,y , 'June llth.
la help, finance thc., trip the•sen- •
ior girls• have heti] holdingba hc
• sales at ;school.- Film and sports
nights are planned, with the riext '
. • • • ,
Mr. and. Mrs. • File Parsons of
liolyrood have sold their farin
.and will return to their native
-Ertgrati-d-,i67 live ,. ••••
The farm .was forrneijy tile I'.lax
Bushell plade•and is located on
the; 8ih of . The: Parsons •
family, have .1-)een there for the
past 14 pionths.; corning from
. .11.• •
PetrOlia Where.they•spent:4 '
,.- .
1 TY
e nes ay; 4pril
7,th with the:fil 11) +"-111-Search of •
the Castaways"; :The children
are busy.'Making crafts to sell
1andTa raf dra-W,:will-bc-ircht-On-
:April .30th with. tree very gOod
• rp
.prizes; (1).,market hog, (2) 20
steak, (3) 2 'gals. rria.ple syrup.:
.Two bingo games': ate • slated „One
. . .
• They haVes-a•.• •farnily...of-t*rboy,&••
.Karlf9 and Shaun 64: They will
'return to 1\16rfoll, '..Enland • their'
original hone locality, ; about ,
• Apri,lI
..st. They /isit'ed ••
land at Christmas riffle this
„ „ • . • , •
:' The neW OWner,of.the farm is. ,
• Isaac High' of PaiSley. • '
• •iAr
• •
, •
Sing!. Copy 15c .
-.Miss' Elizabeth Ann. MUrdie'of
Lucknow observed her '90th bir-
thday on Tuesday, March 16,
when relatives and friends called
to extend congratulations and •
good wishes, •
iMs Mtuctie is a dAughtr of
Michael Murdie and Elizabeth
Ann Gibson and was born in Mc-
Killop Township near Seaforth.
She carne to Luelindw.the. first
Week of April 1906 as' bookkeeper
and cler,k at the. Murdie Hard-
ware, operated' by her brother
a position she held for
over sixty -the years:,
• When the MurdieHardware
was 'sold in May 1969, Miss Murdie
retired' aftier a`lifetime of 'devoted
serviceto this business.: •• . •
Miss Murdie is a resictent of
•Pinecrest- Manor Nursing Home, .
'LucknoW. She, enjoys good health
and is very interested in the affairs
• : • 4
4. . • • • • •
• ,
. , .
. .
" ••:7
of the'-cOmmUnity..,.
,A dinrier, was held at the home
,Of Mrs Ken Murdie Lucknow last .
Saturday evening'; when the
Jiy.gathered to ,hanour.:"Aunt Lib",
as she is affectibriatelyknown,..on
• • ,
Ashfield. eay‘ .5467
For Dog Damage
'Ashfield.Township Counekl has
• approved a livestock claim of
,$546 for. ciff Livingston who re-;
sides on the fOrinet Warren Zinn •
farMonstrie.divis.lon line sideroad
between the. 6"th and bth coffees"-
,Two;dOgs recently eritered:his
feedlot and before they left' one.: •
„taftle. beast:shad'•died,-1-WO more
had to be 'shipped on the advice
of a veterinarian and • seven rnare
were injured: . • . • • .
• ,
• „ • I •
ent,..Peerikrie0-'11 ni-thtT'
'Since that tinie.Mr. Livingston •
has shot a dog when a.secorid visit
was .rnaceto the feedlot: The .,
'.bwne:r .of the dog cannot be traced,
No one has claimed 'Ownership. • .
• AShfield,tOwnship.dog taxes
$2 for Ina le and ,$4 for female,
annually bring -a reVenue of •
about $500 to $600 to the toWn-
ship but ;his has been completely
wiped out with the :one claiin
CoUntil•rhembers are anxious
that •thC public be nia'de'aware
-of-dogsz-r-anning.-atialgehild .
ren at play tould:Just as easily he
thelarget.of•theSe dogs. . '
Winners In
• Tiny' Tot
Carnival Class
Top three prize winners inthe
pre schOol and kindergarten „class.
at the the Lucknow Lions Club.
CarniVal on Friday at the LtieknoW
arenai ate.t, left: 't�
Treleaven stOori4 Mien: M.'
Ifityre•:,.. 'ai0-
ihird. 1233sSell•is the son Of Mr. .
and' Mrs. Jatk Treleaven'Of LuCk-
now,' 'Helen rs the datighter of
Mr, and Mrs., Allan MacIrityre.of
kinloss and *.loelle is the *daughter
of Mr,and Mrst,t„;ary-ReaVie of.
.yinghanta. -
• •
other In Stori
A baby boy loth at. Winghani
And bistrict Hospital early
day morning of 'last Week narrow -
ly escaped having ,his first glinfp-
se of .a snow -cOvered world.
'Jonas Nolt.of Ashfield Town- •
ship started Out to take his wif.e
:to hospital about midnight Mon-
day and his .car bogged down in
-deersnow,near tut -know:
• A. snowplow operator carr to
their rescue and cleared the toad
sufficiently tO enable an ambu-
lance to reach then Apcompahieci
by a doctot4 'and the expectant .
,rtiother arrived safely at hospital.
shOrtly .aita-a;; ; Tuesday,
1 •
• 1 • •
1, , •
. ,
..Ralph Pagan, LuCknow' octogen7 •
Arian ; underwent'Surgery, ori Tues-
day of last Week for, the removal :
of hi's .leg above the ,knee., :
, • Ralph. underwent similar surgery. •
on the otlfer lei:‘,..W611 over a:Year"......•
:tie has not .erijoyedithe
bestof •
health in recent •months and has ,,•
'Tb-eirlIti":44)ii'a4.1.-..-e0- $1-10 ,christ7,
Inas tirrie. ..:• ,
04011401016111“014010iiiii.liiiii tuthg01
• . • • , • .
"••.„ • .1 •
Match For Lions
In Tug Of War
•A tug.of war, between area.. •
councils and the Lucknow Lioris••
_was_=a foature„Cif:
val last week end.
• The event, reminiscent of the
a-lecioni-a-n-Ganies.,' was billed •
as between'folarea councils,
fKiniois; AShfield, West: WaWa •
0gni:the village were still in • s'
training, When the event took
place and were absent from the
:Ville Elliott and Leo Murray •
Fron'i West ,WaWanosh there was,
lOe Hickey, Jim Aitchison and
was represented. hy'GirvIn Reed '
and Lorne Cook; • ."
The Lions Cluh ided Harvey
Houston,,Gordon' Finlayson , Bob '
McIntosh, Gordon Brooks, Grant
-ChiShorrit,Tiferry---Mesta'p an. Art
The Lions, who practice their ..
"Lions roar" eVery, two weeks:,
proved 'to be Mirth better winded
nd surer.of facit*rtrie11S flier)/•' •
ice surface, The rural councils,
weary frOni long winter of snow
'removaland. the ariXiety brought
on by its high cost ;Were no • •
,rnatch for the Lions, The Lions , •
;.fltwo pulls in very quidk Ordetw