HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-03-10, Page 12• -PAG! TWELVE ‘THE • LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,. ONTARIO WEDNESDAYs,..MARCH 10th TROHOME .. , en.extra degree of excellence THE BERkLEY .19"' Partable;'Color. Only • The Berkley is'a.•pol't$ble designed for. today's. modern living trends and k is .perfect for lntchen, bedroom, den or patio.. An important thing' to rem- ember when; buying,`•the4'.portable is that Elect ohoine/will • leave nothin out, they not compromise quail- se a TV i blew ---The Electro same ' • home'' ' • featu>"esand •' quality 'g6 in• all :'their portable. sett!. as •you :would, find 'inany Electro= home set. Honour Qgrents,Qn 54th AnnFversaryt: DUNG,ANNPN NEWS; • Congratulations to—Mf.and Mrs. Eedy , • who celebrated. their 54th wedding anniversary March 7 ,'1971 and• were honoured by a' family gathering at the:,' home of their daughter,, Mr.. and Mrs. Ra_ 1ph.Henderson, God' h4.. Also,, 'congratulations t6.Mr. and, Mrs'. Robih .Mc Whinny (n'e Sandra La.framboise) who were : married on Saturday,, March 6, n' 1971. Miss Pearl Colwell was taken by, ambulance Sunday; to Wingharn hospital. ' • • Dungannon, Women'.s•Institute•' meeting•:changed from February •' •25th to. March 1st was held at the home of Mrs. Graharn McNee. Mrs': Harry Girvin, president , conducted the -business part of the•-business done on another. lovely bow tie quilt. The sympathyof frien . , in 3'77 community is extended. to •Mrs. Thos i Park' arid' all members Of the family ; Visitors with Brown Smyth •for• the'week-end were Mr,: alnd Mrs Robert Brigham and Robert Smyth. from :Toronto . Mrs.•. Elsie -Haney. who is . 86.. , years of gage returned to her home ii inglra7i 'ter eonvalesc� rg =for, four. -weeks at the, home of `herr daughter, Mr. and Mrs. •Jack McGee; Dungannon. ' •• 'FWV-E WEEK MOTOR, TRIP Mr. and Mrs. K --; K; Dawson• returned ;.Tu:esdayi after a' five week. motor'' trip to•western/United 'States and: called on relatives. ' in;Los "Angeles: • :All schools were°"closed in this area Monday due'to •'blocked: roads' and poor 'Visibility. Many: adults': were ,unable to" co.rnmute. to work, in'Goderich., London, etc.: Harold Blake is in Victoria Its exclusive Electrolok ;tuning system' will give;'you:• a perfect pic- • ture that; locks' onto the •station ;at'. the: '= `touch .of.a button. Electrohome ,has INSTAVU.. which • ives . yoai instant Picture and sound.. A> direct':: vision icturetube • ves clearer> viewin . o -'`o excellent su er 'Electron. me has ��the ; p arbour: turner'' with Niboriutii con- tacts, #_or better reliability better reliability:indieWer service; problems even more .reliable than gold.:All• Electrohome cabinets are superbly designed by Deilcraft, ► ► ► a • 1 PHONE 528-3112 LUCKNOW` LUCKNOW • PHONE 5283130. ria anrafters The second meeting of St. Helens Happy Handic'rafters .was. held on March. 6: '.The roll call: was answered with 15 members, -present:-Maii." --Bty1e=read•-the -- minutes ofthe' last 'meeting... ' We decided Cour next meeting. would be on March 13.., We agreed on getting brown book covers' with gold letters and if we couldn't'.get brown 'we 'would• get blare covers We discussed Achievement _Pay and_ decd"ed_on the following; . ;, w. Janice Gaunt will:d o he posters for Club 1, Debbie and ,Valerie Errington are going to do rife posters for Club 2. The corniient' ators for Club 2. are 6enevfeve ;' 1S1Ila11aIl end_ Mar. o e Mnrr t� . The diseussi'on was "What Mark- ''ings.pn Patterns Mean"; "Prepar irg. the f=abric for''Cutting" "Alt erationS . These :vete'done by„the. h :ir5. Gaunt. The 'Demonstration ing Pa'ttprns” „ ,Por Practical Work we took'our measurements., .' the meeting was closed with the Creed, , • u. 1971 OPEN MON., TIES:, WED.,, FRI., SAT. -; 9 A.M. }- 6 p.m, CLOSED 'THURSDAYS .ALL DAY , .„�qb..ra�i �R>i i IH.�1r�� 1.lrrr' DRY CLEANING IN,,BY 10 A,M.: l' SERVICE t . OUT BY .6 PA, SHIRT " PHONE•528-2335 DAWSON'S GENERAL. STORE DUNGANNON' 'Are now agentsfor our .cleaning • service PICKUP TUESDAY & FRIDAY AT 2 P.M.. RIPLEY HURON. SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE ' by Debbie Peterbaughz, • The annual Open House -was held at.the.-Ripley-Huron Central. -School on Tuesday;—Marchj9th The school, was open from 7 to 9 p. m:: Parents'.had°an opportun • ity to come in an see the work of :the children. The teachers -Were available'in 'order that parents,'., • questions/ could. be answered. 'BOYS' VOLLEYBAitL by Cathy Van Boven •` Courtney Liddle's teani won ti e volleyball charnpions'hip•. They played. against .Dou g,' Bissonnett e• s team. They.won the best. two out of .three Hospital, London where he .had surgery. 'last Wednesday Jim Boak fl'oin Crewe -is iso-rn: Victoa - for therapy: Mrs Bill Park, Wan- da'•and.Vicki .Went to!a s•pecialist.. •in,London Wednesday for allergy tests Greg and Wayne Nicholson hake been quite sick with • croup and flu. "We:'hope•ai[ soon .enjoy good health. ;`• 'Mr.'and Mrs: Frank `Thorn:pson`: returned Monday frd"Ai• their rnotor trip to .Florida. How` does this weather compare with .the South? GIRLS' VOLLEYBALL' • by Arlene Tranter.'. pn. Thursday , February/i28 the girls• volleyball tournament began. Ma.t ori Colling's.aeam played against `the 'tea rn.of Joyce. '1• Guikerna.•,The Barnes were the. :. best'2 one of 3. sets.•Joyce Gui.kerna''s team won. PUBLIC SPEAKING, • ' by, Cathy Van Boner ,: Patti`•MacDonald.will, go to Kincardine on Saturday., March ti to compete'tn ,the, .Legion' pu b`iic' spe'aking,competition, Good luck, Patti! BASKETBALL' by Joyce Black .Be`ginnrng�•on-March-°-2->lrere w71-1-,.�: be..basketball practices after-.foirr qn Tuesday•and'.Wednesdays..' ',CREST' CONT EST by Donna MacDonald.. , • The students of the Ripley t uroti'•' Central'•S•chool: have been: design - . crests for the school. These 'rests'are` presently: bein jtidcd., P Y g .,, The two winners which a:rc. kve=d- from each' classtoorn` will r.c.ce•ivc a silver.dollareach. The winner .will receive an additron<ii•• fivedollars•. animal health service -'‘11141,11,11FP'" leadership in nutrition R- EXPERIENCED �LEMEN BULK PAK =B IR ECONOMY.:.. • continuous research 0 The use of the Uterine Bolus to treat uterine infection has been ;welcomed by cattlemen everywhere -especially When made ava labre in the Shur -Gin -designed. disposable applicatolls •• ' ow from Shur- air tori esthey,,.bulk.b us'. pak for greater;economyin .larges herd treatment: Pr_ofact- y our=herd Against -uteri e-infecti i is Shur-Gain Uterine Bolus,- available in applicator or bulk pak (poly rani sleeves available).. management skills • growing animal health service ool for -the rown, an- dwl it-a--paak ge %t hur-Gain Animal Health. Service Centre. rson fr LI�CKNOW 0+2036'