HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-03-10, Page 11e. WEDN.ESDATR MARCH 10th, 1171 - .MONUMENTS • For sound; counsel .and a fair price on a monument correctly ,designed from quality material, rely on SKELTON MEMORIALS • Pat. Q'Haga n, Prop.;; ' Established Over Sixty Years •'T .•;+ , p:HONE: 881-0234 WALKER,...ON F THE LUCKNOW: SENTINEL LUCK$ OW; _ ONTARIO MI_sums:.. . ONTARIO.; ai'ZIRCiI NOT£S' .................................. World Day ,Prayer InKinlough Church K1NLOUGH NEWS The Mork).: DO 5, of Prayer for this comrriunity.was held on Friday the Presbyterian church with Mrs. Don Robertson key"—woman. and Miss Edna 13o:y1e organist; The form of service,was .followed.. Leaders .Were.,, Mass May E3oyle Nits. pert .Nicholson, Miss Winnf- fred Percy,,Mrs.. Howard Thorne son, Mts.. Frank Nla'ulden. • A.fi Working P under' ressure':: was . sliown:. Nirs:, Lyman Sutton received the offering 'which. pro - g vides aid for, a variety 'of e P cumen- ical: rojects'around the. •World, including projects Of literacy ••.• 1:.11 relief.and' outreach..It.was unani- mous: mous• that the offering be earmar- ked for either the.`John Milton Societ.y'of •Canada orthe Indian ,Eskimo. Association of,,Canada.. ,Several ladies read interesting' accounts, of The World- Day of Prayer services inother parts.of • the World; •t3tazil, was read by Mrs. John 'Barr , ;Lebanon'by Mrs. Stewart MacDonald Australia' by Mrs. William E. Haldenby , =-Congo-by-Mri Roy CdJTiris ; North Sudart'by Miss Edna Boyle, France and Ger.rnany' bry Mrs. Don 'Robertson, :Flungary by Miss Winnifred Percy Russia by Mrs. Art Hald•enby, Canada part l' by, -: ►I . • ... NOM • • • . part 2. by: Mrs: ,Don.M'cCosh!; Mrs. Robertson 'thanked every one'.an,d Mrs: Gertrude Walsh was a .ointe•d .ke woman 'for next PP Y yea.r when the, meeting will, be held,.in thelican Chiirel h n At l g.. I ' 1 Wh.itechurcb.IJCW ,Lucktip* Unit 3. WHITLCHTJRCH NEWS • On Wednesday March 3, the Unit' ed Church Women held their reh Tr uro at the home of • Mrs;, George Thompson.;. Mrs.; Garnet Fa•rrier'played, quiet music whileall were gathering. 'The the'1rne'of the meeting "Citizenship and Social Action"' was in charge of. Mrs.. Ezra Scholtz, wh'o-with•Mrs.,.Mi11a.n Moore, used the•clip sheets aril led: in a discussion period with quest- ions' and answers.. Mrs.':George . Thompson read the scripture;; • Mrs. Scholtz and Mrs. Moore . continued with' a discussion On such topics as What feelas honest? The attitude: of one person•to an Other; .Our. senseof values;. Our :awareness of the ,unhappiness of others; OUT .incorn.e out of.which to uphold' a decent iiving in' Can4. ada; Religion. sometimes confusei. people",but is waS decided our;" actions speak louder than words. • • record Hunger in •the•World was. listened :to by ,all Mrs.. Clifford . Laidlaw led in y ' .prayer. . Mrs .' De •K dei jer. sans" "I ' Would Love •t: o s. J u ifs zra Scholtz and Mrs Dave Bibb gave reports of the :Presb..teria1 they. attn, d d,a1- Mitchell a Mitc ell on February 17. Mrs. Milian Moore � president • 1 1 • The The March meeting of Unit 3 of Lucknow United Church Women was held at the•horne.of Mrs.• •. •• n:.,attendanc:e of 20 members •;:: Mrs., Gordon Ritchie opened' the meeting with.a poem followed by a hymn .and prayer .The roll call was• answ Bred by, a "favorite' bible verse'.. Mrs,. James Ritchie reported•on Community and''Friendship, Mrs Walter 'Dexter t n' Stewardshi pp , . Mrs. James Wraith on Welfare and Mrs: Ewart 'Taylor„gave the ' 'financial staternent. Mrs.' Fred Horton offered her home .for 'the • April.'meeting when: a bake'sale: will.,be held Ideas fora Spring aftetnoon tea were di -s- cussed, Mrs. George Newbold • thanked the ladies for help at `the 'Presbyterial: • Mrs. Kenneth'Murdie took ,charge of the program , the the me being Christian women and polit- ics. After: singing a hymn, script- ure readings were given by seven ladies with a4 comment on each i eading : Iuli s Hardie -;led -fin '` prayer Five ladies read artioleS regarding the attitudes Christian Women have towards politics and• question were askedregarding divorce, abortion and 'immigrat - ionl. Miss•• Helen "Thompson sang a lovely solo t'l .w:ant to do my best for Jesus The meeting closed. with the reading of A. hymn in unison followed -by prayer. A lovely lunch was served by, the cornrnittee, ,presided for the business..' It was' arrangedto have a ;S,pring Thank-.. offering on ,March 31.,. Th,e Roll Cah was.'answered :byY..8 giving , 1 a • g averse with the•.'word "Nation” 1 - 11 es: ave her report ;A.Lenten S'er vice is to be "h'eld 'in'the united Church MondayMarch 15 -at , •8 3,0, in : All are invited to That -tend,: Bir•thda ''tea was •e, i y 'then enjoyed 0®0001.41..1 pb Oe000 - ®000004.1.4 oo0i 0 000♦ 00 1/4 T h . 1-e*= aw4 `orisered. `1}j lie -Begin=ion�Tex i�e-Ce rt and announced by••the Canadian Weekly :Newspapers Association, is. open to any.: reader of a CWNA-member paper, except staff': • members..or regular contributors. - • ' A $300 prize is offered' to the reader : who best describes in his or her.. own' . words, just what the weekly newspaper means to him . or .her. The written = ress-rorr"of-frank �-o- pinio - howl be=aleast-250 -- words but' should not exceed 700 words: Objective is -to -encourage- CW-Ndi;--readersthe-rr selves ---think : families, their lives about• what their' weekly .:.:means • to them,their • and their communities, and to set these thoughts down in straight forward Ianguage.-PAS-hed-ite-rary expression- is -not sought. The judges will be . interested : in simple, clear exposition that indi- cates ndi cates' an awareness, by the reader of the role of the weekly in'the community: Judges will not look for .excessively high praise for the local week- ly ; eekly, they. will study. the .judgment, and understanding by readers 'of the function of the weekly.,. _`Chis could come from a :wee'kl of RECEIV •. • NO LATER THA 'ENTRIES MUST BE EI) AT THE SENTINEL THURSDAY ; MARCH ;18, 1971 AND PREFERABLY EARLIER. ALL ENT. RIES MUST ;BE. PUBLISHED 'IN THE SENTINEL BEFORE: THE -END OF. M et Your Entry h . • e winne `r ` I be -announced at the CWNA - Convention in.-Augu wll • For Further Information; , Contact . .,.. _ . KO00p4 h4000O K®'V:0'R.Ab040'O01bd®♦^►d�4•0i000i.i�NOM®'q.'�'�•0404'0'OO INLOSS Mrs: Evan Keith and Mrs.. Allan • Maclntyte_,attended,•the Social. Recreation Leadership. Course Rp1'ey District High School on Monday e.vening.. COMPLETES :COURSE' ' JackMachines .has completed -a' `. twom -onth course in elecrronics in •T.oronto. tl. i .ss.: ng. •e.. e , 'enjoyed 'a:srownobile,'toboggan •and'.`skating .pa,rty,ai_ Dickies on ,Saturday afternoon.' Mrs. Ll yd MacDougall .accorn- panied• and •Mrs. Grant Farrish and girls o n on,on aur ay, Sunday chool and -Church were again cancelled at South Kinloss Presbyterian Church on Sunday. --Bi an -Keith was. wtt-h-the-=F-'-E.', - Madill Drama Club to Goderich. on,Saturday when they staged their play "Sandbox... 01 Pallbearers THOMAS J.. PARK Tlio.m.a s ;Tarries mes Pa'r.kf • A'shfield Township passed awa , in Wing- •ha;rn and District Hospital on Wed • • nesday;;I\larcl,3rd,''He;was in his'.9Sth year +Bar4-440 chip on,'November :14.th , 1,876 he was: a son of John f :' rk and. On February 1st 1.128 he�ncarried` Gertrude',,add at.Dungannon:' Mr .Park was a farmer,' farming on ,the 4th "Concession: of Ashfield until about ten years ago; Surviving Mr; Pak.are 'his Wl e , three -daughters acid two sons , Mrs; Thomas (Verna) Haila.m of Goderich,' Mrs. Thorn- s :(M ed) La it r ; sf • God'erich Mrs . Gordon (Mary) (Schultz of D ungannon, John (Bu:ster)4u1de-rson and: Will am-. Park,:,bot.h•of Dung • annon nine- •teen •gtandchridre.n and three great gs ndchildren. • 0 ' Hoe was,pred'eceased by his• -` parents•,.; two •brothers Richard, and YJoi1n and three sister's Mrs. Thein- 1aS-(Sarah) Wiggins, Rachael -and Mrs. Thorrias: (Elizabeth) °• Ca t4ipbe l . The furetal:service was held at 'MacKen2ie;•lemor.ia1 Ctapel,: *Luc:know °on Saturday , March Rev. R.'t'Jdendahl, minister -of Pauls :An l can Church; Dun- • ln'ternient wo.s. at bungannon e&ietery with.'Rev . Clarence INicclenaghart `of butigannon 'officiatit. at the grrCVesi.de sere vice, P 11liett ors +were Sid graridtons INoritiari.?Cutbe'rt., 13rttce Culbert I E3zitr!y ,AndeGson ,itii •'Lawlor trincis 1°luiher,. 13tib Woods.. Flowerbearcrs were Eric Witig`irls ,13111 \i g,xtxs Jr Y , Jotsri Arid;erdn • �traci:�,tefZtleii P:4trk�: