HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-03-10, Page 911, „ EPNESDAY,. MARC44 lOth,
' ' •
THE' LUCKNOW SENTINgie, P40101., °Nail'
, „ • •
.,The first annual Ineknow Re -
/Creation Committee Flea hockey
tournament here on Saturday waS
-a fine ,suc•cess eyery way. The
tournament was under thedlrect'•
i.op of Rem Alton, • '
' Touinarneni ..organfzers 'are al.r
ready talking abOut nexi year's
event , thinking of new ideas to. •
make Luckpow's first hockey
tournament even. a bigger sUccess
next•.year ,, •
Liscknow , with three Wins', .
iiever P14,-yed better and won the
LuCknow Legion'trophy,
. ,
.. ' B,E14t014 P..: MPLEY'2 . ,
. _
.4 :r--, - This ga•Iiie-r,cya§--piiyedr-at4-;9.-i-a-.-rrI :••
I'vlktr‘ray •MaWhinney scored twiee .
. ,for Be.hoore and Ray Willits,bric,,e.!
, 'Jeff MulveY had.an assist. for • .
' .', Ripley , Paul"colling arid Jeff'
. N1cTavish scored and Robbie•Fari-
, ,• ..:ell had arf,ass1st: " / ' " . •
;..BRLISSEL,S 6f,=- OELdflit'VE •
. .
• •. -This gzinte.at.10 a.m.. saw .1<en.:
Co.us'ins.with,4 goals. and 1 .aSSist;' ,
eac i score once.: • •
a. Brian:Eiphio sc re,c) and
,assistecl twice; 'Other. goal scoters
'Were Singles to Wayne McDopagh:
and Jeff Van SreMpvoort..;AssiSts
•Wentto Larry. McPherson, 3 Blair
SteVe MCPherSon and Mark
• -
•• . • .
• 1.3RUSEr.,S - 13ELNIOKE, - •
V The fifth, gante
4;BO ,Ken CouSiris three.,
,00als and an' aS'sist for Brussels..
4t' Kinloss Boy Scout, GrOup
7Committee met at the'honie of
•Mr. and .Mrs. Gordon Wal;1, "
.MondaY everiing, 3clarchl. During
the buSineSs',DOn'Be'll ig)reeq
aisist,Cubrnaster , M.6.',Barry John-
ston', 'Plans Were madc to have'the
5ather and Son piiiquet.on'March:',
26 at, HolyrOod The Ladies
Aux.iliary•Will complete plaPs... fdr
Brian Tenpas had a goal •and an
'assist. Kevin Her'gpti and Kevin
Pennington each Scored oriee.
, iVIUrray.Ma.whinney
and Don .Busby!ea.ch had a goal'.
'and an asSist.,
PHONE 524-7811
' '• **prop goo*: 13
F.W.. •
:69,44 tel.ficeiluitt._.'te*iir.
of faiiiitalenteetion'w-Ni'
LucknoW carne through With
their ,seCond-big in the 6th " •
game at :5:3°0 Mar,ksrrien
v;Fere Steve Simpson, 4 goals,,
iiSsists;. Raul,IvItirray, I gOal , .2 •
assists;:-Latry,JACPhCrsOn,l' goal;
2„ assists., Paul,Hainiltoti, 1 goal;
• 1•4.ssis.; Brian 1phick 1 gyal„; Blair
Aitory,A:asSi. •
1.,L1C-KNOW 3 7.BItySSELS 1.
'The charnpiOnship game of the
day"; played before a large crowd
at 7 p.m...Saw:I:tic know' edge
13rtissels 8.- 1 to take .the 1,ucknow.
,haJf the.Legion by president
.torn'i\kir,rison. paul Hamilton,
scored twiee •for Lucknow With
..Steve Simpson' getting the third:,
market, Assists W,ept,,,,tO.;Br6n
, .
.• •
^ •
Lloyd Ackert repotted on Ventur,
!-in,e.c,ting arid 'a'sled •perrniss-
ion for Yenture4 to go, tO• the:
S Sho and. also. for a .
fishing trip in May. to Al,gonquin •
.Park•'!",Perrni.SiiOn Was :gianted!
I3enedidt reported•on
actiVities and:that their
Oa.rnping'ras Pat Completed du:e.
to` weat)ier...Cohditions...,
Fund =ra iSing ,Was diScLiSsed...it
was decided tO..hold prOgre•ssiVe
.euchte and 'seeve a. hof.tutkey.. •
p14.te •w ith eNP'eryone w'eltonie •
Thts :
HolYrood Hall SattirL,
daY Nfar:ch 13., •
, 7. ..T E,R.T.ON
pavid•Nic:.\lichael Graham
1 and 'Lee .C;riffith had a gOai and .
, , . . .
assisi; • AS:SiStS Al$c),,.Went:td
• ciatry Stan•Srnally:' • ,
•Brewer and Nathan,Peel..
The ganie was ',played at 11 a••.in,.
lAICkNici•W 12.0 OAISL.E? '0 s.
'..Lueknow's first gaine of t,he.,clay•.
ba at.. 1`,.j. noon when they , .,•••
• soiniiiiy defelted
SiinpS,On scored:4, Pa ui'ma
for 13ruiSels-arid Briarf,Tenpas
• •
: •
All the !.;t:411inov,,/ team plaWd-
wel ip the three,gartiet
the t•roPliy.: Bria,n Murray
Luc knovy gOaktenOt, had tWo
, •
outs. in ihe fiyit tWo ganieS. and
Only 1, goal 1n the'-firra1.:,
.• , ,
garne,„ • ,
• . • .,
All' the .boyS. 'the first six .
,garnes.rec'eived.apples; hot dogs-,
db -buts hocola te imilk. •
After:the seventh. game the bOys
had sand•wiches , ice cream,. ..'.
Or'a'nge drink and relishes.'
A Real:Western
A (1Nf inA E Nit k fith:15c:NESitcNoiAtori01?:
q tst (.01A )it,O iiAt Pt( ‘Uffi 5 RI if PO
Thuri, • Ofily
Fite101 end tbourde9-
o 7:30 fh38
of tive
A Russ Aleyer Production , •
ONE SHOW NIGI-ITLY Thi,s is not a sequel- ,
0 8 P:M. 'there has never been anything like it
, ,
Mr and., 1\4rs . ,;Kf. rry,..14o.gati of
-..London.are proud parents •of new
son „' A :brolher .for, Todd:and
ranother .grandstin-40.-Mr-r and; lv1rS •
' , • ,
%Mr •and Mrs.. J.oe cpurtney. ,
sPent.: ih Sagin7
aw , ichigan wj.trk, Joe,ts
. .
• nk OWe ficfeouif and 't
:surPri4s Pf $7.6445 't9PAr' ..•
ed with -a defit:it•lf, '
thc previods. year:
c.lerk was instructed:to
:advertise 'for. Garbage Collector , ,
'Onilding'Iiiipeetor and Warbole .•
he ad -
. ra n a
ks n , : : i g p. NA! t h Joe'S.; The norrrial.Roat Byr,qav? w4,
•,. •
2si.ster, MrS.: Judge'and•fahlily. • ..gi'ven thref: readidisl.askiivt,he .
and Mrs.. Albert.'Heffernan' '• apploval• for.the : . • ;
and 'fa•Mily Of Brant ford .sperit ;the .expend,iture, of $160 , 00d •bn „Town- •.• :
• • •
... • .
' n
• ,
,' • .
•• • ,
• ,
• :
.' • .
: •
. •
• • • .! • , .
• . , •
, •
s 0
Pa"rli'an.lent Tbrorito. Ontaiio
Crop IrtSiiranCe A4efits thiArea..
'cEoRGE TUA.TON AGEN6Y 319 Huron Rci,, GODERitH, '5244411
GEORGE A4 WATT; ,111.NTI-1, rliotie•623.92111
:51y• InspentOr. and. t .•RO • $np.
.f.nteridentito adli.ertise fOr• GraVet
cOntract.;,,ilt run; grave'1`.; Heavy:
'Machinery', ,Weed siiraying:and
cutting.' , • ' • .
In'teeltcnd with i\ir ;' and' Mrs.; Or 7.
mond. liefferrian and .had tO: re 7
main a feW, days longer :because
of the inclenient:Weather.
,Copgratulations, to Mr,. and
:Bbb Mc VV. himiey .(Sandra ,
fra filbolse)'who Were ni.arried
here:Ort 5atutday..with the recept
ship rOads l'97:1 and•Also a.".Supp- : ,
lernentary• By-law of $162 !OOP
• ;
was'applied fOr:••• - , . •
"'town§hip.accounrS of $1,0e2.§4', :.'*,
and Road; a,ccOu nts (of $14 ,204. 93.::
and lviuniCiPal-drain acCoutiti.of. • .
$2:,790::00 .Were:ordered.paid.
Council•adjoti.inecl 'with the next.
'Meetirigs March:1 and April 5th'., ,
„ion Fallowing at SaltfoTd.Valiey . ' tAki; TotT4r, . • • • ,
' • :
• , . .
-CLERK.. ' • 2 ,'.•
Ft-d..Vassella received
„Word, 0,n; Suhday ;evenitig: of the
.Pasi,11,+,-.7,:91:tiei'' brother ,
• DennislIallahan. of Maiton Re-
, quieM.Mass and:Burial fot
I la llaha n Will be held
Mrs.. Dennis. Daltbn returned
:.her',hoine at the end df:thi,iveek
from the ,Alexandria ,Maripe '
HOspital, Coderieb.' •
• ,
• • • '
• ' , .
uron owns ip
n s 19 it
rplus Of
t cttlite.t on.
jSt ‘with all Members. pre -
qic6ept COtmeillor EtnersOn
V4ho'Atas -attending a cOrtirtlittee
-meeting of the Cotthty,'
• ,',F.Om Boyer ,and Sam. Nic Gregor
addressed the 'eouneli ,asking
counoil's s.uport to have the ,
§choot °part of the Trailer Camp
'licences rernoved as no children.
_ .
(tetV ir-sr rain
their catnps,, Council promised
full stiOptt, csf:6ny Meetings' that
niay Carrie uP With Previncial
flugh Camel:on sent'a lette-r in
hie..h he w.ishes tO• r
Inspectpr;as‘of April h:t and
cyas a.cepted with regret
by d6tincll.•;, •
The Andlioi4s:leport. was rec'eiV-,
ed atid cansiderect by Coin -loll.
and theiW,ed the yoa.r'1970. cnided
. •PHONE1-357:1630
Fiiday and Saturdais at 7„:15
and:945. Ail Ottlet one
'show at.• except where
lint -ed on theprogram.,.:----
-* *:* *** *** *
MAR. 11, 12, 1.3
Adult 'Entertainment
, •
r, •
• • •
• ••
• t,
; • •
. • `
COlotti - Starring
Richatti Atari Aida
The 19th amendment' prohi-
bited drinking It didn't,say a
'word about Ma& double-
' „
. •