HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-03-10, Page 5WEDNESDAYS M '10th 1911. _ .. THE 4UCKNOW SENTINEL, LUJCKNOW, QNTAR,lO PAGEQ I VE, Kt 1.. Mac ENZtE; t -Optornetr.iit NOW IN ,RIP.LEY' E.V. R ,WE :YE'DN:ESDAY office Hours 1000 a,m- to, 5:30. m . Phone :Roy M'aclenzie Ripley 395.5154 for appointment R, HAM••LTOM:' ,OPTOMETRIST • NEXT TO WINGHAM • PHONE: 357 .0LYCEUM THEATRE 161 JOHNSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME. Modern and Convenient. Lucknow, phone 528-3013 Day or Night ' Servin • All faiths According. to Their Wishes' Moderate Prices Established 1894 THANKS oeumoommmoomulemom Miss Catherine MacGregor wish- es to 'express thanks ;for cards, tele- grams, 'flowers,, ,candy; fruit and gift ad--to----alk--vitro A s ,steel' in, making . 'her.' 98th birthday Well a happy day. ' I' wouldlike, to 'thank,. all .those who ' remembered, me in -various;t ways while I. was; in hospitals and since coming home: Special thanks to Drs.' Corrin and McKim and .the, staff on second- floor of Wingh•ani; Hospital, A special. thanks: to "Bill Nelson and Jean Whitby, 'Ruth Mathers THANK .YOU • Thanks to the: referees Keith' Kil- patrick,. Bob Ritchie, Kevin Mur- ray,' Jim Murray,. Grahammil- ton,,.Gary.Sutton and Glen Morning- star. who "assisted .at the 'Flea Hoc- key, Tournament; for donations of. food for . the boys; to Wittichs and Westons : ;Bread . Companies; Alex Andrew; ;.George Joynt ,and ' Silver- wood; °Industries. Special thanks to. Ron Alton for organizing, the Tour- nament and to those who •.assisted in any way towards thesuccess of. the. day: We wish to, express our apprecia- tion 'and thanks for the : cards pan d' gifts that • mn ntuec ade our 35th:. � ��. sary-sue -a happy occasion: ;INSURANCE: ; FIRE, 'WIND, CASUALTY. AUTOMOBIkE• a'nd LIFE To :Protect Your Jack, Insure, With Jack, Today:; J. .A. McDONAGH., Lucknow; Phone 528-3423. R. W::ANDREW Barrister and •Solicitor LISTOWEL,•ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW • Every Wednesday and • Saturday :Afternoon - Office in the Joynt Block Telephone:' Lucknow •528 3116 Archie and Birdie. Nicholson• We wish to thank with' ;all. our hearts 'in our ;time of ': bereavement, the ' friends 'and neighbours help- ing in various ways. Special thanks: s anletters: receive ; •to the :ladie.s, of . Dungannon...`United: -Church; • Calvary Baptist `Church, Goderich Pastor • Kenneth • J Knight, Rev; Clarence' 'McClena ghan ,and 'Stiles Funeral" Home; -for' • TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF K.INLOSS. Tenders. for spraying.cattle..under the.' Warble'.Fly: Act will be .receiv- ed until' Mareh • 15th at 12 noon.. Sprayman • to :supply own, :help and wa'rbicides •, and collect necessary fee. Tenders to be on a ",price. per: head'.'. basis. ' • '„Fraser 'MacKinnon Clerk -Treasurer, Kinloss' Township. R R'', 5 Lucknow~ TENDERS ' TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS': Tenders for Warble Fly Inspect- or will be received until March 15th,' 197,1 at 12 ,noon; .applicants to state alary salary and sup- ply own "transportation, .' . . Fraser MacKinnon, Clerk-Treas., Kinloss Township, R.R. 5 Lucknow • , TENDERS Tenders Wanted for Warble Fly Inspectors for 'the ,Township of Hur- on for 197'1, season. Tenders to be in a. lump sum for the complete job . And in the hands of " the under-. signed by , 10: • a.m. ' March ' 15th., Lowest or any tender not 'neccess- arily ' accepted. • Eart ' Tout, Clerk TENDERS Tenders wanted for; Garbage, Col- -lector--for , the Sumner -Cottages in the Town$hp• of Hiroo ,for the 1971. season.. 30; trips required Tenders 'to, be, for the corn fete job .and, in the -bands the under- signed . er- signed by 10 a rn. Marek 15'., Low- ,estacceptor.:aed.ny, tender not neccessarily, x' Earl . Tout,, Clerk NOTE CHANGE. IN.,TENDER TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS:. TENDERS. FOR CRUSHED, GRAVEL TENDERS. will , be received for supplying approximately. 14,000 yds. of , crushedgravel to , be delivered on Township roads by •September :1,. :1971. Gravel to pass 'through '5/8, inch screen, to';„be shovel fed; and contractor to .'properlystrip pit: Tenders to be in to road ;superin tendent: by March 15,. 1971 at 12. noon; Certified cheque •for 10% of contract to accompany" tender,. Lowest tender 'not neccessarily .ac-• cepted.:. ' F. ' Schumacher, Road Sup't.- R. R. 1 'Hol rood' • , • 1I!■■■aanaia■messea;.1•;111■' ▪ • .a ■ ■ . 1 the many ,acts of kindness. Mr. .and Mrs, Benson -Shackleton- - • Carol,. Gerald. and Valerie CAVIIIL'ER. AND \COMPANY CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS SANDBLASTING DEMOLITION WORK SPRAY ,PAINTING ARNOLD 'STOTHERS PHONE -,529-7403 • "FOR ESTIMATES ■ 5, ■ . , ■ ■ ▪ •■ ■ ▪ ' Et TENDERS.. TOWNSHIP OF. HURON` Tenders will be received ' by, the Township of; Huron, ' for the .follow- ing: , 1.' Loading and hauling of pit Ciro �:.; gravel with' a minimum Of 1,000: ya ds-pei_day.-Contr-actor-to-state- ■ price for one mile 'and . eheh ad- s ditional ,anile.'• ▪ Crushing.andh,u.lin a rox= g Pp ▪ imately 15 000. cu, yds. of gravel, ■ anywhere in the . Township, also ■ ■ _ . •. - price -for -stock piling. Contractor ■ ■ to supply a minimum of 1,000• cu. ■ ■ yds. per day. ■ ■: '3'. •Hourlyprices' for motor scrap • 77 ACRE' FARM ` i' • • 'ers and .pushers. State truck size; $22,000 ■ year, model,. and number avail ■ ' ■ ■ A Bargain If You Ever Saw:' , • , s ,.WAL'KERTO,N Phone $81-3471 TH',RO'.U'GH YOUR :REP. eflOSS THOSE YO'U H E1LP' WILL ALWAYS, REMEIUIB.ER CRAWFOR.D and MILL J. H,CRAWFORD, Q.C. ALAN. R. MILL, B.A., L.L.B. • • able. Contractor to supply, grade man with. 'machine. oes • One! 77 'acres of mi -ht -w14.- • 4• Bulldrizers and ` scrapers.' C6n five „land =' Lucknow area. Truly' :..tr.actor to state price per hour,. r beautiful seven room : home; s number available, .size and model . barn .60' .5t.36','and a' roomy imi • 'plement.shed. A dandy farm and° ■ a moue maker from : the Word: li go ! • 'Machinery included. in put-: a chase' price. '/ . y ■ ■• NATURE .AT', ITS -BEST IN LUCKNOW• •' EVERY R WEDAESD,A►_Y _. 1o.. a... m. to 12 ,noon Located in Breckles°Block Phone 528±2.320 IN R'IPLEY' EVERY FRIDAY 'In Ross Martyn'Building WINGHAM BRAY CICTORF• of. machines : • • 5. Spraying Of/ weeds along Town ship roads .on hourly basis: ,Chem- icals :supplied by' Township. Con= tractor to supply machines, Op- erators and be fully licensed: ■ 6., Cutting'.grass along Township A great deal is'beirtg'printed these .days, about:the efforts of overnments to -help industries expand in Canada , o •help Tthem. gut,.when they 'are in danger of collapse. Recent examplesare the massive aid. 'fro.rn.the federal' Gove•nment to the Dennison Mines and the Canadian Au,torn obrle^ industry. The National �. Farmers. Union does, not question this, only: points out that :these '. industries are not ai y -.more •irropor- tant than. Canadian.farmidtg, At the regular meeting of Local 335 at .Brookside' School on March 6. , President ,Bev . McNay explained'ttte .U. Youth.' Seminar which is being h'eldt"in Ajax March 27 and 28 for rural young .people from Region' 3 (Ont):; Lorne Ltf then explained. the, IN. F. U. collective bargaining 'on' corn.: • • • Ted Prunce, who has been work- ing in the :Local talked abouttthe Canada Health' and ,Accident and Premium Life Policies which he is selling „to Union arnembers only. Charles 1Nilkns , membership chairman, announced a: meeting for Half to plan a membership camp.•' -a•ign.` Allan Webster, on the re- search committee., 'is assisting this roject.:' � . FOR SALE HERE IS : VALUE YOU CAN'T MISS,'-- 100 ACRES: — 85 workable, -gently—rolling;--3—bedroom brick house, barn , 45 x` 60. and ` 30' x 40, lust_` $14,000 for cash RETREAT ACREAGE Teel - water area,, 50 acres,'.20 acres bush mostly hardwood, rolling, ,secluded, asking $4,000. QUIET ,VILLAGE ,,OT shade trees perennials; 1/2 `acre with. well, $1,000. Terms :available. . • roads .on hourly basis: a' • All , 'abovecontractors • shall be ■, aval' a a on one week's notice.• ▪ 40 'acres of hard maple some 1 Bidders must' use Township Ten ■hemlock arid ..cher'ry. A; .goody der forms for gravel. Tenders; will :strong spring creek located . ing be• placed in Tender box' in. the' •.:Teeswater . area-- 'office of ;the undersigned by 10 a m...•1Vlonday, .March 15, 1971.' ■ HURON TfJWNSH�IP■■ • Lowest or any tender .not : nes ec- ° ■ .. , ACREAGE. n : ■ sarily accepted. Dave Moore, .LL r• Road Supertendent • inBox:38 Ripley; Ontario • ere's a: real-iauy-dor_ $1000;. -L- w vvith, :1 00■L ■with• $4.,000.00 . down payment.!_, `100 acres of• rich workable band, ■ __ _: �... , HIROPRACTIC ■level and stone .free. Municipals; 256 OH ST,y • 1NLNGHAM, - `PHON'E 3511324. =' ■ditches liaue `ust: been it• in -A Areal buYy. . located in Lucknowr': 5 area. : • r 10--; _ ' $6,400 DOWN PAYMENT er Phone. Win gha►m `�--`MEM ORI Office 3573$30 Roc 3574130, • • '" �• ,: ,. . . ,.: ��'GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY, LETTERING. - EL OPTPMETRIST GODERICH .The 'Squat* • ( Phone JAckson.:4.1661), • A.•• ARPET .• CHARTERElS' ACCOUNTANT 35,x•= i?' ouch :Stre'et Coderlch Teleptiotle 524.7562' l{EASO 1AvBLE-PAICES: , R Buy Direct end'. Save Bis. Ph.. 357-1910' Res: Ph. 157,4015 MacKENZIE ME1V ORIAL' ,CH'APEL FUNERAL SERVICE Servicesconducted according ' , to your wishes at your Nome,. your Church; ;or at our° Men fr-,'. finial 'Chapel' at. no additional. charge,. , „ •• Lt cktiowi; "Phena 01443i ' • Day or Night • :For' These. 'Properties Please. ' Contact •'.• . ROSALIND HODGINS: 395-2337 dr R.R. ' 2 Holyrood, Ont, NOW FEATURLNGNEW. P-HOTO=L-1S-Tur G-SEroVICE•. *• :.yk • RETREAT ,:ACREAGE — in': Kin Mossy Twp., .jus .off highway, 9, 700 acres mostly bush, creek .crossing, the : 'property, just'.$6,500 with $1,0.00 down.. ET Y0 _ U• G �: NIAMWITH' ,.: ■ Balance, terms to be arranged '• •+•: w on this 1112 storey home :having .a ■: . ■full ba sem ent2-wyearlti"orl�" is furnace,. '3 be cc rooms and 4 pc. ■ bath.' Wall to wall broadloom in' ■ living room, Attached car gar-■ ageituated�orr awellkept lot; ■Fuh1 Tip et d price, only :$15,900.:00. P' r • ✓ , • DON ' HOLST REAL ESTATE, I4TD...'_ • REALTORS,; 'W IN'GHAM 'RURAL :, NtARIO PRIVACY .PLUS 'I_ ....:4 rooms•�up:,' family sized, .kitchen, dining area, living 'room down,. 2 'bedroom .Attached :apartment, s'e •ara'te_ utilities--frame-construction; well located in the town of Clinton: Out of .town owner, will consider :all,. offers. Asking $10.1300, ,terms can be .arranged:-;;; • • EADSTOCK VAL ERVICES • • i.anted disabled • • •e' cattle and horses tOP' PRICES': PAID 25 ACRES bf retreat property " Vin, Morris Twp.' mostly bush, spring creek on the property, very access- ible, 'hydro available. 'Asking $3,900 •w-ith$900-dowfl't Make''ris an. off'e'r'. 100 ACRE FARM LT• very rollipg, good 'hardwood bush, located close, 4o ,Blyth,~idealtsnowmobiie • oper.. ty: Owner is asking $9,000, immed iate possession available: • "• ',For These Properti'es'. Please Contact Small animals ' over 150 pounds , picked up free 'of charge' e pay' you for your animal at ' your, farm. ed ▪ 24.-HOUl7 FAST EFFICXE1�iT s. • SE CE ' ' ' • Co. • ,WALKERTON' • Member of the :arey and 3riice' Y 'Mtiltiple Listings Service ,Phony S29;7350 llfred Vicintee • a • wBarry McDonagh, Rep., Office 528.3423 mi ✓ 298 8326 ■ , . si Rest = , r . le'• CALL Colima 887.9334 BRUSSELS PET"' FOOD SUPPLIES' RA. 2 BRUSSELS'` Licensd No. 2/3'0•70' • illiwii1110.1.10400111181.111.19101110.114 Lit ML. Over , 60 . Salesm Working rot You