HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-03-10, Page 4• PAWItOint THE Lt1COI; • ENr4 i.. i , LUCKNQW+ aPITAR..IO • :WEDNESDAY MARC H. • 19th, 1971, SAL HOUSEHOLD MOVING Local' and long distance Midwest- ern moving and storage.. For free estimates •.call Eric Walden, Wing- ' ham, .phone 357-3221. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL is for _sale at Mel Stanley's Supertest in Lucknow: Pick upan•extra copy. from Mel;: .T.V. ANTENNA SERVICE Repairs and ' Installation,, Free .Estimates., Wear Mound Service, Doug_:Harker, Phone .364-3313 Col- lect, Box 467, Hanover,' Ontario.. FOR SALE Holstein cow carry- ing her second. calf,' due March • 10th; W. G. Hunter, .R.R. 3 Luck • ` now, phone,. 529-7186. AUCTIONEER SERVE' • Grantl+IeDoriald; Rrpley Wallace, Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed ; Auctioneers Sales of' all types Phone Ripley. 395-5353; ,Teeswater 392-6170, SINGER SERVICE Repairs to all'makes and models; ales al�d' Service=on new�products SINGER'CO...OF 'CANADA, Phone 357-3730 after 6 p.m. STABLE CLEANING -moving •:manure piles and .-snow plowing withcrawler. 'machine.' Symes Bros., l ucknow, ..528-5203 'or:: 528- 2608. BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT FOR SA,LE - 1st and 2nd cut hay, Contact ,Lloyd Johnston, R.R. 3 also mixed grain. twheat, oats and EIolyrood, phone 395-5390 barley). Wilfred. Pentland.. Dun- gannon, phone 529,757. . HOUSE FOR SALE - 3 bedrooms, 4 'piece bath, ' livingroom,. kitchen with built-in cupboards, utility. Nicoll. Immediate possession. Ap- FOR SALE -1966 327 Chevelle, ply Albert Gammie 528-3104. 4 speed,` good condition., Sacrificed. NEED A SPRING TONIC we, Phone _395-2937. .or 395-5500. P have it Elmer Limbach Pharmacy, FOR SALE.= 1966 3La: ton Chev FOR. SALE = auantit of mixed ruck: , 4�-'speed,-.transmission, V8:- q Y grain Garry,�oats & Herta'•'barley: engine. John Black, R.R. 6 .god -Doug Drennan, . R.R.' 3• Goderich,. erich, phone. 529-7624. phone 529-7425, FOR SALE' - 1200 bales ' of hay,, .30c: a bale..' Also pasture for 12 head of cattle; Elmer Woods, R.R. 2 Lucknow,, phone 528-5505. : f• SUPER CASH.'BINGD 'Legion . Hall, Lucknow„ every. i Thursday,, 8:45., .p.m. Pot of GoId game winner take all. ':14 reg- I• ular gam. es, $10 each. 2 Share the Wealth games;: A $30 Special, Jack pot.Game for .:$110.00 on.58-calls or $25. consolation prize... , EUCHRE, TURKEY .Progressive euchre at 8:30 pan. Saturday, March 13 at Holyrood Hall, .featuring' ,.hot turkey; plate served 1,0:30 12:30 sponsored by 1 Kinloss° . 'of 1st � Group � Committee G p, Scouts. Proceeds, for• Scout Work..' Everybody 'welcome, especially snowmobilers: FOR SALE Fairbanks :Morris REAL SAVINGS Hammermill, $60; 10" Massey Har- We wereable to get a real buy on ris. chopper, $25 1956 David ;,Brown 150 160 ' 170 •• 180 - 200 bushel ..tractor, 3 pt. hitch,• gas driven, $300. Ina/lore spreaders Bob- 6582._; --_ -:: --- fertilizer readers at Sri; :over. Also t r p FOR SALE dropped calves,, Hereford ' and Holstein. Alex Far- rish, R;R. 7 Lucknow; phone 529-` 7305. : REFRIGERATION SERVICE Guaranteed. service to all ".types T Complete applianee_repai BURKE ELECTRIC Wingham 357=2450 - ,:Electrical Contractor Appliances ---' Motor Rewind. 24 Hour Emergency Service - ' ' cost on 1970 invoice : ' a We have.several. 36 - 40.- 48 - 72 plate.discs:- 10, 12 - 14.- 15 foot. cultivators, • Plows, semi : and mounted Corn ,planters and :seed drills • For. Information Contact rs at _.::. ---VAN-EY-LAM • Telephone 21, Clifford or '528-3618 Lucknow FOR SALE =- one 22" G.E. stand- ard' range. one reconditioned Hoov- er Spin-dry washer. Greer T.V. and Electric; Lucknow,, phone 528-3112: COMET WELDERS (180 and 300; amp:) compressions, : guilders, fer- tilizer augers, power ;bin,: cleaners, rods 'and accessories. Geoige 'Mes- senger, area representative, R.R. 1' Ripley, • Phone. 395-2815., Smith Roles Ltd., London, Saskatoon:' Try m Coet before you buy. • CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Every Tuesday: and Thursday Pigs ancLCatt<I_e, :Tuesday Cattle only, Thursday, in by •1 p.m: BILL'S MEAT MARKET • FOR SALE Beatty: automatic --feed-=and--imanure--handling: equ>ip=- 'ment,, stabling and pressure sys •terns. 'Contact Beatty • Farm, Ser vice CF.ntre, Clinton 482-9561. PICTURE`: FRAMING our spec - laity, wood tfd`Wi al: =1�FmcwelY- Photo ' Studio, Wirkgham. - ..James Snyder, proprietoi, phone 357-1851. FOR EARLY DELIVERY order` your. , Cattle' -Ear -tags. `;now:. Elmer mbach Pharmacy, Lucknow. • •HIGHEST PREVAILING PRICES paid.:for- dead .and' disabled; cows; and ' horses. :Call collect 881-3459' Walkerton.. Graf Stock 'Removal: SILVER .LAKE GENERAL STORE KI:NLOSS, QNTARIO. Open 7 Days. and Evenings, F ' Closed Sunday a;ni. and Tuesday'? p.m . Shop For :Our Week -end Specials TRY OUR: SUPER ':ICE-CR,EAM::' k CONES %. GALLONS 85e I NZOIVIE'rA)E R CE. Taxprepar/ation, financial, state-' ments, averaging baaic herd, etc. cashor accrual system, work done at , farm,. reasonable fees.. -FARM TA-X=SER:V$ E `': Phone 1-4360401 ` MAGNETIC "SIGNS For cars, '.trucks, , 'etc. ,Plastic, custom ' formed in 3 , dimensions. Instant-on;Anst-ant--off:: adv-er-tising_i :Max ,Riegling, phone 529-7427. • BARN . EQUIPMENT -, complete line of Acorn Equipment and, Clay Equipment for pushbutton ,'farm- ing;^c Westeel - Rosco .Granaries;'' Chore - Boy ,:`Ml'll ing' Parlours;. i"r. Alm Complete Line. Of Corrug- ated Metal ' Culverts; z 6" to 24" sizes on hand at all times; larger pipe by order;. Lowry Barn: Supply, Amberley,. phone 395-5286. ELECTRO , HYGIENE vacuum -cleaners-=and---supplies, upright;; specially for 'rugs; also cannister' and cylinder types; Vinyl ' all weather floor mats ,for, ,house or business -all colours- and, sizes. Gordon Maize;. '.' Lucknow, • phone 528-2423. : SILO AND ROOF EXTENSIONS Anyone wishing, to ' :have . exten- sions on their silos . or roofs, please calLor write_This' can _be._done ; now. ;1 orgeWraith-Box-95--� Ga erich - Phones Residence 524-7002 or Shop - 524-.6511., .• PLAYING CARDS ' Plaktic coated single decks from $1.19 up as well as double decks: Ind euchr =decks 4-euehre--earcl only). Drop: • in at The Lucknow Sentinel. BARLEY CONTRACTS 1 -----LIMITED SUPPLY CONTACT US IMMEDIATELY SEED GRAIN'- GRASS IDS-SEEo ORN` DUMONT ALUMINUM SALES AND SERVICE, windows,: doors, awnings, -sidings; For -free - estimate 'call Roy .Emberlin, your, local ' dealer. • ' THE 'TEESWATEIt. NEWS is. .µ available at The Lucknow, Sentinel, IOc per Copy, I f you are interested in the yews of Teeswater and Diss hitt, pick •up a copy CLEANING AND TREATING TRUCKING. * 'EL..LIQTT'S SEED MILL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO` PHONE 528.3500 RECEPTION' A Reception will be held for Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brooks' (Joan' H de in the Ripley -Township. ' Hall on Friday, March 19th Norm Duns•: more Orchestra. Ladies please bring lunch. • POSTPONED EUCHRE. PARTY ,The Postponed .:F.uchre, . Party;/ will be. held ' in Zion L.O.L. Illar4ma n --Mend � ay,; M 5a t8. p; Admission 50c. Ladies with lunch free. Good; prizes. FOR', SALE= registered Dach- shund , puppies, 10 . 'wks. old, Two females,-mone .male, -;black and tan. Phone .or write Keith, Cranston 529- 7528. FOR SALE' , McCulloch chain saw; model 1-43;. T, C. Anderson, 204`, Regent. St., .Goderich, Phone. in advance 524-8401 in morning or late 'at night.: • -CALF SCOURS Treat the whole animal.. Nixon's Scourex combines 14 different ingredients .,for: fast- acting control of calf scours and secondary infections. Elmer Um= bach Discount , Pharmacy, Luck- now. NOTICE HI\LRAY FARMS' LTD. ABATTOIR, : HOLYROOD' The best: in. Home Grown, Dry Fed,. Driug Free Beef. Try our Fresh Home .Made Sausage. Custom kll= 'ling ,by appointment, Phone 528-2132 NOTICE CHILD HEALTH CLINlC, The= -ch ld--]realth~--°ciipic 'ofd- theme Bruce County Health' Unit for pre: school children': and infants will be held at the ;Legion Rooms, Luck now" on Tuesday, , March 16th from 10 to 11:30. a.m. �. . NOTE., CiANGE---OF' -DATE`-: Please note that the date: of. the Teeswater !Junior Farmers: 'Variety concert and Play has been changed to Wednesday ' and Thursday, March 17 and 18 at 8:30 p.m, FOR RENT FOR LENT -acres -caps o - land, plowed, also . pasture ;for 30 head of cattle. Apply to Peter Cook: phone 528-2541:' A • NG EVENT' ST. PATRICK'S DANCE A St., Patrick's Dance will, be held in:' Whitechurch ,Hall on Fri- day, March .12. Music, 1by Tiffins Orche§tra Admission Adults $1,00 Public Schoolers • tree: Prizes. Lunch served. Under auspices of Village W.I. BAKE SALE ' The 'ladies :of. Local 335 of the National Farmers' Union;, are. hold- ing 'a St: Patricks bake sale .in the • former Mullins Ba e k Shop. in - . Lucknow on� Saturday, March 13th at '2 o'clock. *Come in for a coffee:. break. ' DANCE A.Dance, sponsored by the Blue- water ' Snowmobile Club, • will be \lahp1.1 0 'Saturday, March ,13: • from' 10 -•' 1. Music , by: the: The::Country Boys $3 a couple with lunch provided, A . RECEPTION A reception for Dr. and Mrs. Alex MacTntyre v=i-ll-be-held-in-the-L-ue •. now. Legion, Hall on Saturday,. rc ore es ra, Everyone welcome LEGION DANCE. Ju'cknow'•Legioii are sponsoring, a dance ins the :LegionHall,-Saturday,: March 20. Music by "The Twy lites".. Admission' $1.25, :per per- son. Persons 21 and over . welcome • STRATFORD MEETING 1 • Mr. R. Lince, Manpower Counsel- lor will bethespeaker at a Respir- atory Disease Meeting on. Wednes- day, March 17; 1971..at 7:30 p.m. The meeting will be ' held at/ the.• Huron -Perth TB 'and . Respiratory Disease Association office at 121 Wellington St., Stratford. Please try to attend: CARD; PARTY' A. Card Party will be in the. Dungannon L O L. • Hall on 'Thurs- day, March IA -at 8:30 p:m. Every' one welcome. FIELD OOP 'COMPETITION Anyone wishingto enter any of the Lfollow,ing: coinpetitiong `p ease contact :Vernon Hunter,. Oliver: Nic Charles .or the ,'secretary; as soon as possible:.Competitions ' are. hay; barley, mixed grain, ensilage corn and grain corn. Sponsored',by Agxi- ci-` j tural+Society: and-Departinent of Agriculture and Food. 24 HOURLLSKAT=E--A;THON The: Lucknow Agricultural Soc- HORTICULTURAL: MEETING The 'Lucknow and District.Horti-.' cultural Meeting ; will be . ' held "March 15418-;30 p.m: in the Legion Hall featuring an• Irish programme, •OPEN, HOUSE '`•On *Thursday evening, March 11 , there. will' be a Student Exhibition .and Open House. at -the F. E. Madill. Secondary School 2 between . the hours of '7:30 and , '10: 00„ The.com munity at large is ,invited to attend - free of charge: WINGHAM, BINGO Windham Legion Bingo at The Legion:Hall, Wingham,'Wednesday, March'.`' 17th at 8:30: .p.m. 15 reg,':•1: ular games,. $10 `prize each garne: 2 share -the -wealth games; .$50 'special, must go. Jackpot game $550 , on 6 calls with` a $35 consols ,ation..Admission :$1.00. Extra 'and special cards` 3 .for 50c . or 7 for $1.00. WANTED WANTED -. to buy sows .or. young gilts, disease-free. Phone 395-2328: WANTED girl to babYsit 2' year, old boy in child's home, to: start , immediately. Contact Mrs.:. Bob Ifoome;'It:R. 3 Lucknow: WORK WANTED tile .ceiling and : paneling, 'kitchen cupboards -remodeling .and repairing; reason- able rates, free: estimates ,; phone ; , :Ripley' 395-2221; Roy Schneller,' . Kinlough. OPENINGS FOR.3 PEOPLE''- U` If a,you.-want,work-parteti.rne •time, Good income in your area,: .no experience 'necessary: Phone 395-2850. Ripley, Ontario. iety are sponsoring a Skate-a,thon commencing; March 23 at 12:00 noon. Entry forma and --r-ul -._. .. . es are, available in the Surrounding ,, g schools and from: Committee representa- tives, Vernon Hunter, Bob Gil- 'christ, . Frank Alton, Glen Walden, Russell Irvin' and Marlene Str -thers. •P -art •o€-proceeds-`w�iti-help orfill! defray' summer swimming ex-' penses. CARD PARTY A: ro ressiv i? g e euchrewjll be. held at Brookside School on Wednesday, March 17th at 8:30 Lunch served. Proceeds for.' `Victoria ,Fund". Ad- mission 50c. . TREASURE TROVE; N0" THE NT. l AUCTION and SALE MANAGEMENT SERVICE Contact "Bill" At 11.17t. 1 Kincardine PHONE•395.5491 +o"AN'Y TYPE. OF ,AUCTION" W NTED fDERENT -±=zla lintiit able for cropping, 'five mile radius of •Amber'ley. Contact Lynn" Lowry; Amberley phone 395-5286., .MOBJLE-HOMW.�S . •THINKING OF A MOBILE HOME OR. • RECREATIONAL .VEHICLE? Many makes and models to choose' from, For a better deal, drop' us• a line=-or==-telephon• e -. RUS.TON MOBILE • HOMES Ly 547 PLAINS RD.; EAST BURLINGTON "1 e1 ,i Coda 416i 432•a400'