HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-03-10, Page 2PAGE TWO WEDNESDAY,- MARCH 10th, THE .LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 1971,, • .SENTINEI,, � • LUCKNOW, O.N,.TAR#O. 'The, Sepoy Town" . On the :HuronEruee Boundary -Second • e1a4s--Mad Re ation'Number-0847-' : ' , Established 1873 — Published Each Wednesday Afternoon Member of the C.W,N.A. and •O.W.N.A. 'Subscription, Rate, •$5.00'a year in advance -- to. the U.S A,, ;$7,00 Donald C Thompson; Publisher WEDNESDAY, :•MARCH loth, 1.971 ev. H. F. ppleyard; Bishop;Q. Georgian Bqy, Present For Re -Dedication Of St. Peters Anglican Church, Lucknow The Right Rev .P H. F,, Appleyard ,; Bishop of Georgian,•Bay,'-,, officiated at the Re=Dedication'of St. Peters Anglican Church, Lucknow an Sunday. St. Peters Church, recent - rt1y-;was-completely redecorated Services scheduled for it a.. in: ,Were delayed about twenty minut- es when the. Bishop was late in arriving from Kitchener due to , severe winter weather conditions. Bishop Appleyard was assisted by VMaor Jackson, a„chaP lain with • the Canadian.` Armed` Forces'.at Kingston who was spending. the weekend with hin. Others .who..assisted'in the service were Rev. 1-1,•.1,. Jennings ” now ' 'living retired in Win harm; who was. a: forrner ,rector at 5.t Peters.. and • Rev :.C. F. Johnston , also l v ing .retired in. Wingham and who has assisted from time • to time in the. parish:. Rev. R., Od.endahl is the.present Ken M�cDon�ld Has: Heart Surgery rector of•St. Peters in Lucknow as:•Well as Christ Church, Port Al- bert; St. Pauls, Ripley; ,Church of The Ascension, • Kinlough; St. Pauls, Dungannon. Members of the sten. parishes were presenrat the .Re -Dedication on Sunday. Bishop Appleya;d performed a service of confirmation for Karl. Lentz of • Stoney Creek. Karl is a s'on�in-law .of Ralph, Foster &Tort SPONSORED BY LUCKNOW' AND DISTRICT"LIONS CLUB ppp�D.�iOp}�pp; p.�N •. ..l ,. ':: •%:: 4n: •:•> •.. i-atiirf y::r. 1i 1... •,...,. .. {ii ` specialmusic. was• provided bye the :choir of St.. Peters;', assisted by'others:., 'Mrs Toni Pritchard was: organist .and. special trumpet:":' accompaniment was !provided by, Rick 'and Eugene Pritchard, As social time followed r<n the Parish Hadi when those present had a•chance to meet Bishop Appleyard.and•renew other acqu-; • ainta'nc s. ; WasF,orema.n,4Sentiel Plant;. KINLOU;GH NEWS, Mr, and Mrs Tom .MacDonald• were to Toronto to,be:with their• son; Kennethfwho underwent heart.. surgery. ,We are pleased toreport', he is progressing favourably: •• The weather, of Thursday caused until .Tuesday'of this week at Mrs., Lorne Eadies. , - _.. .. ..- . • Mr. and Mrs. Blair Allen of Listowel visited with Mr. and, Nies Russe.11'Hewitt: . • • OnSaturday evening'Mrs..Jaci Barr held a family dinner and , '• birthday party 'for Mrs. Morley Further, to the report in last week's paper about the d,eat'h of Bertram Smith of•Dutton, a form: er employee of .the Lucknow Sent`- inel, we received a note froth Clarence. MacDonald of Brantford,, 'formerly, : of ,,Lucknow and. Goderich With 'further 'details about Mr.: Smithis':time' in Lucknow Berrtra:m Smith .joined the:. Sent inel staff`aS foreman early in 1915 whe'n'thelate A.D.; MacKenzie •was •publisher... Clarence h'lacDon- ald was' the junior member of• the staff then having been on the job about a month.: Clarence' worked -und:er--Bertra rn-for -eleven- months: - until enlisting for service:in World•War 1ip May 1916..• The other membersof.the Sentinel staff in 1915 were Bushell (Doris Barry and-f.Rose Srriitli=a-nd=A-lice-W= V-ilas - -both-:. • . Barr.' • • Mrs• ti/ii Smith will be hostes's' • • for—the ,meetir'.z ��o: the A' r iica ChurchWomen Wo�r;et On gnudr cc -s afte- noon., . t r who set :the type •for; the paper:. by hand. There Was no,linot,ype esetting Mac -MAO -at the.' Sentinel then, All .type for the paper was set by,hand. LLBE H:EtD F.RIDAY,, MARCO nth •IN HONOUR OF 1 ance WHO HAS SERVED THIS AREA AS F�IREMAN AN CHIEF FOR 45: YEARS. D'ANCTNG TO' CARRUT lti • HERS' (�RG`HES'x'RA sENTATioi ' 'AT it P M ==� LTJNCH WILL BE SEI#`f7BD.. EVE ,SONE WELCOME, - UKKNOW,ARE TH1S COMING FRIDAY, MARCH 1 'STARTING : WITH TORCH LIGHT PARADE AT 7 O'CLOCK SHARI" I" ADULTS - 75C .. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS 'SOc .CHILDREN —• FREE COSTUME EYE OLLOWI PRE-SCHOOL and KINDERGARTEN Best Boy or Girl $1.00. • ,75' 50 PUBLIC SCHOOL STUDENTS. Grades 1' and •2, Best ,Boy or Girl $100,.' ` 75, .50 Grades ''3 and 4: Best Boy or Girl Grades.; 5, and' -6:.. Best` Boy or ; •Girl ' Grades 7 and $: Best Boy or .Girl • '; '0 $100 75 ".50 $1.00 ..15.:` r•5 HIGH .SCHOOL and ADULTS: -est—Lady-or==