HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-03-10, Page 1In'Advance----$
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N1r.-and Mrs. ThomasJ. ago- Elgin; Mrs. Donald : (Yvonne) Cray,
tid .;-,45--gr-a ndehildren'and'
50th Wedding•Anniversary on. •
••Tuesday, March 2nd.: They were,
the thyited Chigehi Winghafn.
N Magaffin was,the former,
• -•- Ann. Jarnieson of East Wawanosh
• daughter, Of the late ,Mr, and Mrs.
John Jamieson. Mr'. Magoffiii is'a
son of the • late Mr. and Mrs.'
JNies;N:algOffirt of 'Listowel.
Mrs: \,lagOffin hive a
family 'Of. three..sons and three
;daughters- Ivan, killed in active
dut.y.'inWorld War 11; Lansley of
• London; Ernie of toronto;,
(2a1Viii(Lorene)Irwin of Oshawa,
N!rs•I'lael< (Ferne). Tierney of 'Port •
'6.great • • •
They werepiesented with•al.7
television from the family along
with other;gifti: Flowers Were•--- •
received from the Village. of.
Luc know •
• . .•
•. • .
• Mr. and M.rsM'agoffin lived at
Toronto for a few yearS'in.The
early part of their Marriage. They
liVed for twelve' years just south
of Lucknow where Bill Nelson now ,
resides and at Zetland and White-
church before Moving to Lucknow
last...July, They reside, in the' rear
.,•apartment,in'the honie Of Mrs,
Jessie. Alii • "„. ;
dent= 44 Years As Lochalsh
Storekeeper, Will Close Store In Future
out •
the Stotkin.his general store at
the store after 44 years in business:
in the Same location•
(rarrititFrcha-WI• the •-sttire
nary 1St 1927 It Was.the;formet •
briirri'MC141rdret. kraherr.
Frank:toOk Over',
• • • ,
tof filanY, years .he and Mrs:
John Frook Sells
Holyrood Store To
Ambleside Man
Mr. and Mrs. John irook have,
sold their gerier,al"store bUsinesS at
Holyrood to Mr.. and Mrs. John,
Maxwell of ,,,inbleside'near'Tees.-
Water. '.•
mr,..and Mrs. Frodk have been
at Holyrood for about four years,
purchasing,the.business there from
Mr. and rs. $ain,Fariner who'.
. r
. ,
Misi.Cather'ine MacGregor of
Lucknow observed her 98th birth-"
day On Friday, March 5th when
many .relatives ,and friends called
to extend Congratulations and.good
,Miss MacGregor is A cia0ghter of
the ,late P16 Ns. MacGregor and
Jesse Mackenzie of Cape Breton;
where she was born. Catherine
,earne Ashfiel
hd'as a child with
Kincardine.A:hlwe1_1,a! ar.ents Ent has been.a resident
of Lucknow for over fifty-seven
served as postmaster at Halyrood..
The` Frooks have a farilily of t'.% years'. For many years her
sons and a daughter, Donald of as a sCarnstres.s were.,Intich•in de;.'
Elmwood „Richard of Woodstock thand*
and Mrs'.,„.yirgil (Jeanette) McNab • •
of Durham. Mr. and Mrs Frook She,enjoys 'fairlY'goOd health'
p return-tolraTiover their is -alert --411- very uiterestes in.
Pi4ee of residerieebefore coming the affairs of coTnrnunity
tU Iiolyrood,
. s.
;•Mr arrd Mrs. Maxwell e
family.of four young children.
They were recently residing in ,
lorida- and-he,-formerly-oper-ated •
a 'photo studio in •"Wingharn;'1-ie
new ovpierS will take over neXt
Monday-friurch 15th w iTh Hooks
pla nnitig 40 move' qt Saturday,
'(M.aeStuart who has re w_itft
. • .
• -
her 1961 Whert•she .and .11er
husband.' the late George Stuart. •
MacGregor is lovingly cared -moved to liudknOW from the 'St.. • .
for .1,y her 4ister,; Mrs: ;GeOrge. area ,.• '
. • •
'Selv•es.' stranded atariotis points:,
• Visibility once again prove d to . be
the worst offender, for the. mOtor-'
ist and-w-as-til-on-many-oecations;
'clurin the three:day, period: pith.
,ing.snoW blocked many:roads:v./
Hits Once Again
Storm conditions again hit this
area on Monday.he
weekend and stretch-
Travellers again found 'them
• Schools were:again ciosd and
semi-ploSed.,..opteratingfon a' •
Mak-,shift Tuesday .• ,
morning dawned bright.a•rid.sunitY
and the area ,once again began to
dig itself out. ' • •
Most tural..schools in,thearea,
'did not operate Monday and some
remained closed oh Tuesday.
. .
In ,Stratford on' Sunday , March • •
7. Mrs: Quinlan was the former': .,
Myrtle (Hamilton) Graham, R,N,
'daughter of,thelate. Mr. and. Mis• •
Wilson Hamilton of;LudispoW.
. • •
,MrS.' Garfield MacDonald of •
Lucknow is a sister. • *.
. .•
funeral service 15 in •Strat
ford'on Wednesday.; /vlarch
. . . •
bishop:•Apple.yard, Present For.,SOeci01.Seir*ice
• ' . • . ,
' • • ' •
. • . • . . • • • • .• • .• • • , • •.• , • ,
• • ,
•peolile of the.L6chalsli area.,,apd
• • . ••
the cduple.will.contintic to 'reside
at Lochalsh after the store is
Lochalsh, on'highway SC '
bei -Wee y
..at one time had two stores. •Iii •
recent .years d'InehaS. Served:the
hainlet and indicative of the- .
changes in rural life , Lochalsh
will sOon be without ev.en one, • •
Bruce Board Does Not Favour Typing
Course-AtRipleyi'IigirSchool As
Proposed By Lisburn Womens Institute_
At the regular Bruce County
hoard of Education meeting of
rehrha'ry 16, a letter was read'
• 'from the Lisburn Women'S
M. req11eS,ting that the Bruce •
• in typing at Ripley District Higil
Ihe request w referred by the
Board to the administrative si
4n)( y •and r‘dor,l'itnendatibn.,
The: flitter has hten investigat -
'ed and theadministration staff
recoin4nendi that typing Itot...,he
introduced to the Program of
• Sttidce"s 'at Ripley District High
at this time.
The reasons for makingythi
recommendation f�11ow
At preSerq cotntmimial programs
Mr John Cowan a fortner rcsi-
dent 01 Ashfield,"dieditt..G.alt.
ItTicral ospita- 'on .Nun ay i
March Ith4 Shta in her 8.4th
year. . •
The fnneral sciViee.'was held at
Mac Kenzie' Me morialhapei
Laic know on 'tit esday.; March, Oth..
'.1"emporary rentombnicht wai at, .
South 1<in1oss
. ••
The howl* redecorated' Se, 'Peters
Am:tliedn,Church 111 LtiCknOW wai
rededicated on Sunday
ating irt.the service,., left to right
were key, .Odendahl reetor :Of
St„. Peters; Rt 'Rev. P,
Appleyatd, tishop �f Odoigian,
IlAy; MOM.- Jackson; I.:Chaplain
.with the Canadian Porces;,Rev4.
Jennirigs• of Wingham i •
former rector of St, Peters
1.1-1C knOW :And associated parishes,