HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-03-03, Page 18PAGI EIGHTEEN':
It Takes .Only Seconds On Our.
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Ltknow United
wrch Wednesday
•"Stewardship.,:-; It's. a Big Respon-•
sibility" ;..was the theme of the.:
Ninth Annual'Meeting of. tt e
BBruce'Presby.terial United.Church
' Women held'' on.February 24th in
'the, Lucknow. United Church..:. The
meeting was chaired by Bruce •
; Presbyterial U.C. W. President
Murray of Palrnerston,. •
who .welcomed the large,
gathering A welcorne:.was also
: extended by •Lu.cknow .U,C. W.
` presiden't Mrs, George -Newbold
•and RevR, G, . Ntcho ks..
:Morning business included a
•sutiimar Y . of the 1970,activities, of
the 5.4 U C, W,'s in Bruc
`greeting$ read,' from other•Presby=
terials in :the Conference '*.finan-:
•cial Summar . ,the 197.1• .+dg
Summary., Budget
and: to addition to a report of:
new. literature available, there.
was a larger literature display.
Mrs W, P. Krug of Chesley,.
a.ve,an interesting g e st, rng introduction
to "The Americas" the adult.
study for ..1971: Mrs.: Krug rnerk •'
tinned the. Widening gap between
the,•developed' countries Bach as
Canada and the' underdeveloped
countries of The Americas, sugg-
esting people turn their eyes
.south and'becorne involv,ed•with.
our neighbours, She Urged 'people,
help; met e supply ng-foire7
;aid, - butbytrade.
Mrs: Martin Johns •president of
Harriilton •Conference, United
Church- ernen `broughttreenng's'
.from .1Hamilton Conference .
'U. C. W. ' and the. Board of Women
and.congr.atulated the women; of
Bruce on'•their:1970 achievernenth..
two:comity . events of;Con erenc •.-
g �
U G; W;, •are: the: H•arnilton Corn-
ference,U.C. W. Annual being• ..
held on•March• 9th. and 10th at •the:
Five S•cJools: Represented
SI*•ti e.n
ple In
Sixteenyoung public speakers
from fiveelementary schools.,
B ookside , •Lucknow Kinloss, St.
Josephs,'S.chool. at Kingsbridge and
North Ashfreld.'participatedin• the
Lucknow Legion'Publicn Speaking :.
Contestlield at the Lucknow Leg,.
ion Hall on Monday evening
Therewere two, divisions, junior'
and senior: The juniors included
young people up to grade '6• and
the senior•:group was grades 7 and:
$. A winner from each division
will 'represent Lucknow-. Legion at
the: Zone C-1 speaking contest at.
Kincardine on Saturday..
Angus MacLennan,,.principal at
Brookside. Public School, was
master of ceremonies,. Judges. were
Mrs Wilbur Tiffin; Wingha'm;
Jirh, Henderson, Lucknow' and Mrs,
'Mount 'Forest United Church. Dr.'
Harriet Christie•; new '.Secretary
ll be the
guest speaker on the, evening of •.
March 9th,' -.A ytrainin'g day will be;
held for Presbyterial officers in
Fergus on March 3lst,
•,In the afternoon; vine'Riyer•.
. es t e worship•service
-and=a-Mernori =1=&erv--tee--ih rem- -:
embrance of fifty-nine deceased •
U.C.V. members in 19.7O' from
Brtre-e:-ib9rsi9 fiV�,--.G'olih• of fiilou'nt
Forest, U.`C. W. sang a; beautiful
solo :"Let•- Not -Your -Heart ,: Be .
Troubled"., S.he-was'accorrtpanied '
by Mrs.: Gordon: Montgoiriery,' who
haalso supplied, music daring 'the
Cecil Blake, Dungannon, Stuart'
Collyer, principal at LucknO
DistrictPublic S.choo•1' presented:•'
the judges. With•gifts'on behalf of-
the-Lucknow Legion.
,.' Qrn..,.MLorrison-, Legi_on. president,
•presented'' the awards.,to the speak-
Mary Ann Alton, Brookside ,-was
the junior winner. and second
place went•to Nancy Alton of
Brookside:. Mary Ann spoke on
CKNX and 'Nancyon the Eskimo
Spitz. Tfie other contestants,
their school, .and their, topic in
the order'they were heard by the
audience were, Maxine Bradley,
.North ,Ashfield , The World and
the way l see it; Barbara• Loree,•
Luc know ,. Books; -Bridget :Dalton
Kingsbridge, •K'irriba; Grant Gil
Christ',, .Kinloss, ,Gordie Howe;
Karen. Doelman ; Kinloss , Milk;'
Mary Eadie Lucknow CKNX;
Janet Farrish, North' Ashfield.
1 Colonial,' Life id' Anieric,d
Mark Frayne, Kingsbridge:, .See
you later alligator if the per shops
don't get you first. • •
Janice Stanley ,.;Lucknow ; . .speak.
ing .on. S:niles , won. the senior `div-
•, .. econa`p ace :Was. won .y•
Gera ld-Doee1rhan-of-t uoknow=`w-ith
Rev. C. B, Cary.of Clifford ,gave
a talk on Stewardship, explaining,.
the Saxon origin of the word;
stewards " Steeg" meaning house
:and "W.eeard"..mg Peanin •kee er =„
"Steegweeard Stewardship is .
synonymous with Evangelism, and
Evangelism is.l;inked:with mission.
MT. Brian Jackson; then spoke,•
on- his new work as United Church
Congregational Consultant, .:ex-
lai.ning'the res •Ps of the-
P g .�o_�ibil>u•
.lay people to their cletrgy., Mr1
Jackson offered . his services'' to any.
Vicon re ations•who wish.his assist.
g g, .
ance .
Mrs-: JOhris-then conducted tfie •
election of.officers .and' installat
ion service,'for the following 1971 •
executive was conducted by.Rev
Ross•.Curnm'ing•, chairman of Pres-•
-bytery Ivies ; G ` '' arra , partner;
ston, President; Mrs. ::H Slum •,,
skie ; •,Dobbinton, Past President;
Mrs. John'.Hill, Pine -River: -Vice.
President; 'Mrs. Ben. Rattle; .•Kin-
cardine ,. ,.Recording' Secretar;y,
Mrs L 1nyd Butt ,-Palmerston ;:
Corresponding Secretary; Mrs.
Ronald. Slade, Kincardine•, T:reas
urer;`.Area Vice Presidents are
;Mrs. Gordon Farrow, Allenford;.
Mrs. AIB. - Eagles, Southampton;
Mrs. Lloyd Cartwright Walken-
ton; Mrs. A. Darroch, Clifford
and Mrs. Francis Gemmel ,
.±; l ipley��Cha-it-rnezr d`repreesetr :-
a -fives of Presbyterial U, C. W.
are Mr's.. Leonard Francis Mount
Forest;., Miss Eleanor Lochead ,
Chesley; Mrs. tarries Kirkpatrick,
Ripley; Mrs. J.CJDowning;_Car
' • 1 haifie
ampton; Mrs Win, .Wells, Palm-
ers'ton; Mrs .Irwin Fletcher, Kin-
cardine; 'Mrs. Duncan Thorburn
Pine River; :Mrs....Robert%Turnbull,
ey;;�.•M•Role-yv-att�,, .
Kincardine; Mrs'. Walter Farrell;
Ripley; Mrs Arthur Wright, Tian
over; Mrs. Nothian Belfry, Walk=
erten a'nd Mrs. Earl Francis.,
Mount Forest•
the .topic Pollution ...Others,, in the• •
order they spoke ,, w re Judy
Tigert., Kingsbridge,)Smoking .
Maryann Frayne, Kingsbridge',
Lucy.M.: Montgomery; Mary 4:
Bradley.,: -Brookside , -Hands;.-Janet
Whytock, •Brookside., Venice,'
ltaly. .
Several:ladies from• here attend_'
ed the United Church Women's
Presbyterial held in• Luanow on,
Wednesda,y. .
`Fred Eaton of St. Thomas visited
recently withhis brother, Bert
May White visited on Tuesday
with Mr. and Mrs. Ben T.enpas,
and baby daughter, April., fn
Brussels: Joanne Van dah-i has
been with her sister for, the past
two weeks.
Contratulati;ons are. in order for
Mr..+.and Mrs ,:Robert Osborne on
the. birth Of a 'son. •
14liss Lorraine Bali was guest of
honou°r at. a • bridal shower on
Saturda . afternoon in St
Church, Ripley. Several Olivet .
ln'd-'iergtt ended .
19�70's, in various:models ? sedans• and ' an
door hardtops' in' Fords, :Chevrolets,'Pontiacs; ..
including -Catalinas 'Skylark Buicks ' and'.
Cutlass Oldsmobiles
1969 FORD: custom, power steering •
VELLES, a 2 door: hardtop and :a 4 door sedan' .
1969 CHEVROLET Impala, 4.door hardtop
. 1969' CHEVROLET Bel Air sedan
1969: PON'FIAC, 2 door hardtop
1969 'IMPALA , Custom 2 • door h
. ardtop
'1968 PONTIAC ,Parisienne, 2 door ;hardtop,
, full'e iii. ped
3.-4:1969 PONTI'AC, 4 door' hardtops: '
1968 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 2 door. hadtfullyequipped
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1969 `FORD Custom 500, 4• door
1968 PONTIAC Laurentian sedan;. 6 cylinder
2 1968 CHEV Impala; 4 door hardtops
Used'' cars from '65• to'68 to various models, • sedans, hardtops
and 4 door - 90% of all cars, are V8,powersteering,
and all automatic,
19?.ECIIEV /4•.•ton - :1 i
1968 CHEV van, heavy duty V8
1968 CHEV 1/2 ton pickup with autolnatic'ti'
1967 FORD '14 ft, stake body'
1966 CHE.
VROLET` tilt. caber, ' -
1962 FORD 1• ton 'stake.. h duals
A number of Econoline and Chevy Vans from '64 t
o tl''.77
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