HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-03-03, Page 17• ' 1 WEDNESDAY'', MAP;(0 RA, 197i • iii.E'WC1140,W"..EENTINEI',.. LUCKNOW,"ONTAN110f!.._J,.. , • PAOE, ••SEVENTEEN..,. • (not.•exactly as, • • , • .• or. in Chief — Bobert Rooney • IS's Beverley Smith Mary MaeCharles -J.- Barry, MacDonald '—Britce 'Aitken CO• WEST Mr.. Turvill the principal of our school has deParted 'for, parts weit - ward.; Thhs role as:head 'of, the Guidance Department , he is, attending -a course about connsell., ing for military careers. We wish him a pleasant journey. • SOCIETY • • After the Ripley Juveniles troun- ced.Gorrie and became Western Ontario Charrips, the spectat- ors arid team rettred, to IvIeCreath's. Mary and Shirley. Were holding a small bash for seV era 1 hundred. of their; closeSt „friends.. ful, little affair' Was:the consensus of opiniOn. The. milk and' Cookies were delicious and the Lawrence. Welk'records' - superb. • . ' 13 CU FT. FUL,..y GUARANTEED ',..• LIMITED QUANTITY . ' • • • . I* • • These refrigerators are,specially ''priced to clear. Prices are .4111111•.'.11110...411111116.'4411111iP. oalso: • LUCKNOW PligNE 5284112 hower e Recent ride -.k1NLoSS..1\l'EWS • Ala,rge crowd attended the .shoWeron Saturday afternooifin honour'3f a. recent bride,. Mrs. •• • . Alex, 1\1.atIntyre. of. AllistOna. Mr$••. 'TdCollyer w:elcomed ,d11.: A rousing singsong, includ- ingroundwas'Iedd by. Mrs. A114 n • MaCill(yr,d„411d -.Reaqtrq,;$,were given-byMT8-. • %Harry Lavis and Mrs. 'Allan lntyre and Contests... c�nductedbyi , Mrs. 1 ',0:icf<le'and 'Mrs.' Evan ' • Keith.`A•presentatiOn 'poem, was —tea Giftswere trundled inon'a Wagon •.by the little MaCintyre children. and: the bride was assistedatLogen .1.iftElrel-g-iii-S4y---M-a-ry-klatintyre---: • And Fielen.Hall, The bride was thr,i116d with the lovely gi,fts.ak • showers, are •not enstotri • Holla nd• • • * • . ;Comnutrito" poned iri South KinlOss �hsunday •due to. the i.0ad conditions. • 1rS:1)Ou'glas Ceaham for a few days last week with het sister ,N•trs.,Etta brlItirtiOnd 111 . LOtlded*' ";• • %Jr; aadlkIrto Douglas Patterson 0 liutimgron visited 'writhe week-• • ;,ead"with,Mit•. and Mite, Allan Mac ttgaIl anc.1 fainily"; TheiiF ereftt.rtlastinattt when lfl talaing eit• ViCtotia tiOspitarvt,„ ' , ..London.,'• ••• •• • • • ••,• • Cheryl. and Catherine of Wh4by.:... . Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dickie,'DenVer. and William• ' • ' • .• • ATTEND.SLIMMY DAY' 4 . • . .'.I:ifteen.ladies who. took .the': :,:s Ka SpOtiSOre-dOurgr'e,:••: "The Main .Dish the'.Mcar attended the .1Sn mr-hary ..rkiy in• Il<rtein: Illeitiday;-A 'grOOp of Ores‘Sed." as. their 'husbands) . , • . sang a•chorns composed" try Mrs, k9.071te1r1i7vfitch told7drartlre77...: men7folk:thotight of..the course. This was.:diretted byNlis. Ted: Collyer ind accorriPanied on the piano by Nils.Donad C. Mae - 1 rt he-Lleaileis-40 • ,badges Were: Mrs, •Clarende• Ritottie,,and,,irs. Leonard ' , • , • • Sunday.; Grace a.nel Audrey Ma.0 bougall.Spent 1n,6(tra.,day at. the boale of Mi. and Nits, 1_,1qd: • MACDougalL • .• S ev cr al from the* Fourth attend - L. I. ic s 1(5WeL •):\''1TI $tt ,th • 'Ito Me "Or41\41rs rcld Austin of Lt.tc.'know in honour ofNliss Sh'aron Wttgnpr , i e .11,A1‘011 LtCeiVecli Malty useful and beautiful gift's., Vi had zi • snow'rnobile paily 1)ickies on 8atiirday 4i(ternoon., with wetherroast 'in the bush• • I)r,, and Mrs: Alex Milellityte returned to. Allistonea..r.4' Sunday '1,11orning befdq,, i'oa•ds•cc inipassable., OW. Serfou§1 hirley,:Wf thank you.' d , . fat close -checking action;.' .was obvious that:.zeach tearn Was 1. playing to win.' Ripley scored the first s'oal.abOt the five .rhinute .rpark and chalked up two more before the end, of 'the period., ., Gorriestayed in the game by •scoring once. At the Starttalhe • second period docile applied the • pressure and .scored twice to tie the ga'nie: The checking became very close and hard hitting ensued... Both teams tightenedup deferisiyelY. Temper S flared Billy Kirletnanhandled an.oppon- ent in a. boxing .match, They each received"majOr penalties bu.t 541* was thloWn qin of the game.. • bout seemed • tO.:Piea k; the tension and Detinislvlartin,scored: twice within 30 seconds, to put, •Ripley .aha..' Ripley scored, • • Fo'rmOsa Mutual• 9 old Annual. • The 4rinuar Meetingof,the Members of the Formosa Mutual • Fire Insurance Company was held February '5.t.h,The balance:sheet as presented hy•the Company Sec - retaryievealed:the splus.a,ccount • noWcstaridi at 'an.all time high of 4461,000.:00- while amount of" 4n.Surante atrik inver • • • . • , 000 t000 Losses for the past year amounted to over $1.94000: The Company is now in a. pOsition to offer package policies, fire', ' • • wind and liability coverages. • charles 'Kelly Of Paisley was re- eleCted President while Edward' ' Dietrich of Mildmay will again serve as Vice Chairman, Vernon • 'T; Inglis, the ,newly appointed Assistant Secretary , 'was officially • introclUced. Donald McKinnon, the Corripany's Fire Prevention Officer, addressed the gathering •• urging the. necesSity of updating . •barn wiring. He stressed that most ' 'OMISSIONS You May have noticed .4 -pt. • Big Red"; ".Chesty',,;,".TWiddle-1 ewer andWen •Courtne: are • not inentiOned i,n this issue. They_ left a specified ambint dleash . c Otain place at'the:right• tinie;' If they 'miss next Week's. payment;however,;: they will. •return. • , • . • .• :.• W.06A:A.• CHAMPS Spectators by the dozens' potired- 'intO Ripley Areria• tliday. night to witness 'the Ripley jpventles.- Capture :he. Westerr.Onta.rie Championship. :The excited., frivolOusfans,' filiingthe arena' •• :to the rafters, cheered their team 'to victory Ripley had defeated CiOrrie.twice;: on Sunday by a ,store of 8'7' 6 and on Tuesday ;night 'The 'Ripley tern . . .haci,,driarned,and 'worked for ,this night all..year. GOrrie.squad IneAsi-,ttt.ey-harn . their Skates.. . The first period started with .• - " 0 0 • :1'wenty minutes frorry the': • • . a 91-tatyipOnShip Ripley stepped .on the ice for the last period, ' •. • • '.very determined to win, It wasp.,t, easy'. Gorrie neVe.r. gavf up. Ripley. scored four times in the. • • • ' . • • 'shOuicl haveew.heavier service • ..: • , ... 'installed , Hydro energy 'on the . • :•:: • .• ,,, . farm, as well.as'in hornet, is ()Ad. , of today's wonders but Unless prop...! • ';, :erlyrnaintined , he' cautioned ,• cari.„-icEu-ie-44l4eGOmeorie of-4hei-L-- ..--H---, : . period while 9orrie scorednce.tc make the final score ,11.-• 4.. As,:. thetlas. few seconds ticked Off on: the clOck,,.the:Ripley fails and. • :..players flocked to the ice to smother each other writh cheers•.- „The', iipley Juveniles' Were 1970 - •-71. .Western Ont•ario ".E" Chairip-.; . The two..teanis,shoOk' ..hands and then as the -disappoint!. 6.or'iie.team trudiled to their : room; Murray.. Ma c•Dop ald..retOgnized the charnPions., • by playing a victorious.tune.ori, .the bagpipes. •Dennis Martin, the.leading:tearn captain Presented With:the .trophy by Mr. l3radburn In appreciation.of our great.COach-;:the rearn heaved • .iNieedliain 'to their shoulders... and Carried him around the e. • •.. Most serious fire hazards., ' • •••;',„ .• --teamrnates The team will 71;0:0-4e&-ori-itte-411durlders-- _LnOw_advarice_totheall,-Onfirio,',,• . • -4.s, .g fans. John Hopisma our goaltender who made many great saves, was also FitlalOn the near flAtute,•. . • • . • • • ".LAP SHOTS . • „ ". - the jinx was broken Jim:had ‘. • • Cbacheda team to :the finals - ''•,. •.g years without aCharripiOnshiP vie, made no doubt 'about. the championship this year the evening concluded in a victorious.fashion when many players and' fans retired to the "1\1acareath household for pizza .• ' and punch -,thanks to Mary and the' team: wouldlike to thank 'all loyal fans..andlyou; can r.est :assured th4t we will play the, best. • hockey you will eVer see in the: •OntariO finais.. . . . • . . ' • , • . • . • ' • . , ' • ' • • , . • . •1 • . • • 0' IN V ITATIONS. -.1.ANNOUNCEMENTS.1` INFORMALS' ACCESSORIES„ • 1 • 4