HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-03-03, Page 14•'r PAGE FOURTEEN' ;THE 'LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUO,KNGW, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY •MARCH. 3rd. 1971 isiri ct 'mended For Earlier Issue HOCKEY NOES:. Playoff Action Bantams ' The Ripley . Bantam Hockey team ha sifted' through' .two series' and is in its third :now., Ripley' easily defeated Blyth in the first 'seriesand then went on 'to drop Brussels in a two games to one. decision.. On Friday night, „they 'started'. theirthird serieslagainst Zurich in Ripley. It' was a.close; fast moving hockey. game with lots :of scoring. Zurich 'finished on top with a 9-7 score, JUVENILE Ripley started their final •. -• - *playoff -series --for -the-Western-- Ontario Championship with .•a big win over Gorrie on Sunday: The .action at the start was • rather sluggish or Ripley seemed to be disorganized after. a `weeks rest but. Gorrie did not take advant?ge of t' At the end of .the first the, score was 2-0 for Ripley :on •.goals • by Kirk,-* ` and •: Barry. MacDonald. . •: Gorrie came out'strong in the`. second period. to tie the score. •2=2:lRipaey bounced' back with It ected President- WHITECHURCH NEWS N^,. • , .. The uniit called. The Dairy• Fare consisting: of instruction in cook- ing withdairy.. products,- began on. ;Saturday, February 27 when the :first •rneeting.was held at the. • home of the .leader Mrs: John.' Gaunt.' Mrs,. Gaunt opened the meeting with the' 8girls 'in atte_ n • dance ;repeating.the pledge in •. unison: ',The election of officers was held: President, Kathy P.urdon;. Vice • Pr-esid-ent ; 3uth-Elliott, Press Repor, ter, Kathy Wybenga.•and all mem-• bers will take a turn being: . secretary::. The discussion`centred on''the different ,forrns'of'milk and: the care of.milk and was given' by Mrs.. Gaunt and her assistant , Mrs. Fred 'Tiffin: Demonstrations given were Egg nog and how to make it by 'Ruth Elliott and Kathy , Wybenga : Grill,- ed Cheese Sandwich was demon- strated by :Kathy Puritan , Lori Purdon, Jean' Sim son, Janine i'urdon W ndy Pardon. and -Kay, • Wilken. :Dish washers were Ruth Elliott; I<a:thy. Purdon, Kathy Wylenga ; , The name.. chosen fox the :C.lub from those submitted was White church Dairy Dippers; •Regular meetings •will be held on Saturdays at_ 93.0 -••am. -The-next meeting_._ Will be ,held•at the 'home of. Ruth'. Elliott. The roll call then 'will be an answer to the question What variations• -or itnprovernents • • cbuld' you stake: on.your flavoured • ' All are to attach the pamphl'ets given in their 'record ;book and write their first meeting. • • These' meetings proMise to be. very instructive and'interesting',• The girls will benefit v'e'ry from the, expert guidance of the: leaders,. Mrs. Gauht, And Ttffin.' 1 three goals and Gorrie accounted 'for two, more•before the end of the period. Dennis • 'Martin received. a 'gash over the . eye and. had to leave -to ' receive stitches.. In the third. ,period Dennis returned ,at the half', way mark and immediately • *$parked the' team. Ripley scored three times: to take an 8-4: lead.'In' the last five minutes ,Gbrrie threatened by scoring two goals but •Ripley held on to the lead to win the game. "PHOTO MISTA ICES" Last • -week's • paper • had a number .of ' errors ' . on the pictures. ' The Miss, . Valentine Queen' who's- picture was'dn:the first page was Debbie Tranter. On the inside page:. the one picture was of Shirley McCreath crowning' Debbie Tranter:• The Curling picture consisted: 'of the`. Darwin 'Pollock Winning rink, of , Cathy Irwin's. , This. tearn • won 'the Darwin Pollock trophy;- '• ADDITION One of ' the great sensations around the* school these :days is; "Chesty',', ;'a.: sultry temptress wilt; •isthe dream ,girl of every •.d the name "Chesty" when a•_Slightly . =J n e brrated gentleman' ,approached her at tile ,Plowing Match' and said "You.'re'a. Chesty' r :aren't you." Allegedly confusing _ `.`chesty" • with - Chesley 3.1 --she--replied yes. -Odd; because . she doesn't _.come 'from that .town. We believe you ' though, Chesty..: You're our favourite. sevenyear-old. ,.NOTES x From -'an unknown source comes the .word': , that several. RDHS girls went skiing.a while :ago "Big Red", "Twiddle - twerp", Joan Ferguson and • Shirley McCreath went to C,ollingwood for a day on the • slopes. <Shirley's mom followed. ata discreet distant" . On being askedabout the trip`Big Red" said /enthusiastically "It sure was fun: -.Especially when 1 pushed Mary (Twiddletwerp) down the' ski run backwards.'.' "Big Red", is noted for her sense of humour. ; W • REACH FOR THE TOP On February 17;. four flowers. of Grade 1.2 went to Wingham to compete on TV against Walkerton DS.S. the game can be • viewed on Saturday'next at., six -thirty. RUBLIG S_PEAKLNG._. •On Friday the l9tIi, liDHS . had its • public , speaking competition. Juniors were 'Sally. Elliott, Trish • • Campbell, ' Joyce : Elliott, 'Bob' Bissocnette, Mark Smith •and. Bonnie Boyle. Senior cham • i'o ' was Br an Bo" 'e All -the contestants are to be congratulated on the 'quality of their speeches Bryan Boyle was the • overall ! winner. First' among: the ' juniors was ' Sally Elliott: Judges were ;Mr.Stanley,. - ev eorge all -acrd -Rev -K `-J.. ooney:. it was a : finle contest and we wish the ' winner continued. pied I� S4th�.Year. horn In Ashfield MISS V.J'� KILPATRICK • The' death of Miss Verna .Jean Kilpatrick occurred on Sunday',.. • February. 21st at her residence 43: Market Street,. Goder:ieh•,in hef 54th year., She was born'in Ashfi.eli Town- ship oni June'2b:;107 , a•,daughter of Miltaor andClara (TVacoley),'' Kilpatrick.' She resided in Ashfield until 1943, lived in Woodstock from 1943 to 1950 and since 1950 has been a 'resident of'Goder . '. Miss Kilpatrick had been employ ed by :Simpson Sears Sales: offie;e,, Goderich for the past nineteen years:, She had. been manager of the. office for the past Thirteen years until retirement for health:• reasons in June;1970. For seven of the=thlrte:en-•y e-ars-she.wa-s-super--- visor for six other •a.rea_offices. •She' was; a menber of ' Ndrth Street United Church. The ftineralservice. was:• conducted at the McCallurn Fun- eral Home •, Goderieh •on Wednes.- ay, e.•ruar:y _ ,t v Raymont WAs. minister Pallbearer? were 'M rk'k.ilpat 'success.: RINGS` The new -'school: rings;.arnved': last week.' Beautiful in silver, or gold', ' they•, are a ,wonderful. reminder of RDHS, The good taste of the Student's: Council is hereby commended. •• ' • " S.A.C. , . The Student's ' . Action. Conimittee held . a :meeting last.. •night. The •:vote• was 'unanimous• on the question 9f.going'out and finding'a Irttle:aetror►;. • isit1 armers •To put more dollars in. the ,pockets of Canadian fa•rrners is one,of 'the main aims of the Nat- ional Farmers.Union,'This keep farmers on the land where • • they,wantto be, and..out of the ranks .ofthe unemployed in the city jungle—..,,Many people -are-. -- employed .in providing machinery. fuel; fertilizer* and the many, many other 'goods and serv'ices, farmers:rf' ed. Many more are employed in.processing.agricultu- ral products.' A healthy farming industry isgood-for-a comrri.unity' and good; for' Canada. ` Farmers have too often let isions affecting them and .their • industry be'.made by_peQple ;w.bio •we're•not farrners:':Now they .know :they must retake their own far::r' • policy;. The National Farmers, .n-eon=Ys h or aniz, d 7oup u 'farmers, not'affiliated with 'any • commercial organization, Meetings are held monthly and notices are ih.locai papers. burin 'the ' ast tet • members, under Pres- ident Bev ,McNay of Ashfield Township and Da•ity committee -chairman Antone Vanbsch, also. ofAshfield•,• visited all dairy producers Within 'tie boundaries of, Local 35", This' takes in an area of approximately 40 s-civare• miles; Farmers •in other commod W ities will be visited' at another tithe, Thinking Dag CbservedBy: guides;& Brownies .Company leaders Marion' ohnst- . one and NancyRitchie 'weld�omed guests 'at, the door, for the'Thinking Day meeting. • After roll call':the Guides went intoa. horseshoe for colours with.'. Patrol*leaders. Mary Ellen Havens, Brenda MacDonald .and Sandra Finlay..They sang O Canada and; repeated the Guide Prayer. Capt- 4n.:;gav-e a t li -on Thinking; After pennies/ Were • collected for' the tNrorld Friendship Fund., taeutenant had a Reading on the Fund. The• ir•ls renewed 'their purpgse and Sane the Guide Law. ert WHEREVER WISE_ BUYERS ROAM A YOUR FAMILY MEND THEY TALK' ABOUT JOHNSTONE'S FURNITURE' Phone 528-3013 rick, Allister Green, Everett* Spariing Percy 11u'nde11,' Cecil ' Blake Cis -nn -Patterson.._ Interment was in" Dungannon Cemetery. MISS: Kilpatrickis survived by ., her ,parents , Mr,'and Mrs. Milton Kilpatrick of Gode'rich, and .two, brothers Clifford and. Harvey, both of •ft. R. 2., Luc know She was predeceased by one. brother,. Me loin in 1922. ' FRESH HOME KILLED Hinds of Beef Fronts of Beef 69c,Ib. 59c Ib. Iamb 49c l6. Pork • WHOLE OR HALF' WHOLE OR .HALF.. te,..tip t k+.,. 60c Ib. ROUND S1REOIN: Debbie era mare an nforr'n._ .4d ell, c3 G et: �er:t ,"C t:oi Corberl to. ready th i,r dtala•:.sy r,T�«tu eta handicraft .r,s' t�pt�al 1oOa1 dishes were used to ,te JaFan,',Ie ico Italy and.,Spain iubllowttig refteshme:nt.s Captain hada Thinking :Day prayer' and we closed with Taps,, 1istriet Contin- issitirier Mirs . ' Nancy 'Mao Le,nnan wt's present for the Special Thinly ing nay meetings -rrnai►„alio wouti.imornt,ren o w .HOMEMADE SAUSAGE OR ,4 PORK OR BE•EF LIVER . 3 L8 .� OR WIENERS PHONE 3952961 2.L1B. 99c: RIF•LEY ONTARIO:,