HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-03-03, Page 11Elr1•NESDAY, MARCH 3rd, :1 • THE LUCKNOW :SENTINEL, LUCKNOW ; ONTARIO T • t15th 'National'. Trad a Show and Convention.. PAOt! . ELE,VEN ATTEND OUR MILKER CLINIC GRIN DAY,. MM;*0i �9t At_ Tie Store IN .YQUR t�M1PL.ETE r for free check-up and adjustment by qualified Per- sonnel: Youpa yonlyfor needed replacement'parti.• �.. • • Robert,"'Finlay of Finaay :Decoir arors-7-i cknvw ;..-and-- vlrs; Finla. y, attended recent ;lbtti, annual. na-t-aortal convention and tr•a;de — show of, the:, Canadian Paint• and Wallpaper`,Dea:lers Association^at the• Inn on the •P3:rk , Toronto . r Here, \1rs. Laraine,Sipos , let, color it,ylist for Canadian Indust ries rriiifed ,: d'emonstrates..for and \lrs Finlay,. technique,* • of iiiatching paint color with . . wall.coveriii s:. . g . DERICH • On TuesdaFebru.:�9.on ##2u y.. 'County :Road east of/122 •CountY . . Road, Earl, Hann -florid Pa e;, `16, .Iludson, Cort.,"K t'chener and, ,Rdbert (,ordon :Powell , ,Auburn x were itivo ell in a two. car, ace1 dent resulting in minor.damage tothe vehicles they were driving • On Wednesday , 'February, l0 on'#21 Highway,'north of..Junct ion `Colbone:-Ash.field :Township •Line', Thomas. Va'nderburgh , R./R,, 3,•Goderich and Ben, Henry 18867' St. A.0bin : DettOit ivlich:i: g h a'n were involved' in a- two car accident resulting in darna,ge to their 'vehicles.. Passerii er. John Hardison 7438; Georgia „Detroit Michigan received injurie•s.. Cin Wednesda.y:, ' February .10 on' 48 Highway „i west .of:` :. Benmiller Road(Huron •Road'27) there was .an eight vehiele'acci-' dent involving Pahl Patrick Rau Seaforth;. Barbara Yoilock,.,R.Rr 5 , :coder ch, E woodyAtkinson Goderich; •Shi:rley Dupee , • Olin' ton; John Gray, Galt; Blanca Kor nfe in Zorohto;_'William Knisley,; Goderich,and Eugene Harvey, Goderich', resulting in darriage to the vehicles they were driving: Than Kornfein and• d.r-... Robert_: Pollo , .ich received injuries, bri,Saturday , February .13 on 10th Concession west -of St Helens , John Bowen A'itcliisor , . OPEN MON., TUES., WED., FRI., SAT. — 9, A.M., 6 P. CLOSED'TH�:IRSDAYS ALL DAY • • DRY CLEANING 1' IN BY19 6 P.M. SHIRT SERVICE ,..: OUT BY j ...�. • PHONE $28-2335' Mortgage protection througl°Life Insurance CONTACT m. J. Kina an R.R. 2 Lucknow Phone' Wingham 3574.9$1 SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA R.; R 2 Luo'kxow :was-inv al�red�:r_:.- in a single truck accident resin:=' tingLin damage 1.0_6e vehicie.::1_e ;was driving KIN•CAR:DINE. During 'the blowing snow'atorrn in the'morni,ng of Wednesday.,: ',February 10,.'197.1 there was again another .series of rn;inor car: colli= cions; sortie consistin of.•as ima.ny g Y as five cars Most sof these colli- sions were riiino,r ih ,nature and no injuries were 'suffered.by, anybody. .On ,Saturd,ay:;evening, February ;. 13..;•.l971.a truck driven by Walter • Hyde:Of R R;. 2; :Tiv.e.r:ton Ontarin.>rolled.ove oil-rr2 ' 141.-: way causing ebnsid,eable darrage ao .thea ruck: however ; nobody • was injured. O:n Ivlonday,'Februar'y:T, ' . Constable Poland investigated a • two car :collision On i#21' Highway •iior.th o:f:Urtderwood.'Cars. driven; by Stewart Bates of Southatnpton rill• -C eorge Scl u ltne:iss-o=f-New7- 'Hamburg were damaged slightly 'and nobody, was injured ;._ On -:Sunday ,- :February 21::;:' Cion=' ,stable• Wiwczaryk investigated a two ear 'collision on Ross Street in rs_r. d.r i v e.n..-by4oh n , Rut}ierfo•r.d .and Arrnstront Wilson of l:ucknow \dere da.niag'ed extensively,.. •pot}i drivers, escaped 'without ihitt.ty; '1444r_t41o4} stable W.iwcaryk investigated a.' • two car accident on # 1 highway, Thctwci cars were driven by Alan Corr-irice-r-o ,; e-[ tota--yid- t.ewart-,-- Raster of R, R�. �I 5 , Kincardine ,.. Untario.: Nolxody was"irtju.rcd rtl; ; the Collision. Also op. Iaucsday ,; .Je rruary 26'; 0;01—Astablee, lVhi claw was called. to an accic cn[i is ey [7tit taus, :to the bad storm was t[nahle to ,attend. The cats involved` wete .driven. by John l,looisriia of Ripley,, ,and 'Wttllace Pollack of ,R. R. # 3 , kipley , Cntzi rio. Minor damage Occurred.,t eKaeh tar Due td the 'severe snowstorw there was a total:of twentytfonr accidents .reported to this office • and: irlvest,igt;atcd during the height of the socni. Most . of these cbllis'iott were,of thea minor although •sortie fn - • 't••••••••••••••• ••••••*4414•••••4••*.••••• Ne.. LOOKING BACKWARDS f WITH MARGARET TIIOMPSON FFBRUARY 1951. Karl Boyle sold his 100 acre, farm: on Concession ;10 , Kinloss ' Township to Gerald Rhody, ". Joe Wall:and' his. son•Llo.yd of Zion• sold their farm to D:.. A A. Hackett of Belfast-:. . This `farni. was formerly.' known as the Richard Gardner::farm'.: A motorist ran' dow n:a •'lynx, .on, the highway near Walkerton'„ Sainuel Nicholson,, 19; -year-old. Belfast young: man ;:was fatal1Zy injured whi:le.unloadiiig logs at ' the• Luckriow Sawniill yard. Proceeds'of the Christmas,` New 'Years and Burn's night' dances 'enabled the •Lucknow Fire Corn" parry .to pay., off the "nro'rtga ge•"• on-thei-r--tiew; Fire 'Hall. 'The-cont struction ofwhich was. financed • completely by the Brigade juries were •suffered, • Tliis goes: to s/low that. whenever t -he roads and vis.'lir7ityT,are pobroidue to snow.storrn'and it seems best't'o•• ' stay. off;the. roads you are ,march. safer by. stayiii .at, hoine •and fot feiting even taecessary duties for. t}ie°..time_ 1 IZ CU.LVER,' ':Provincial Constable, 0 YEAR FEBRUARY' 1931, Pr,:A. • M: Spence', w'ho'ha;d :.been. in business'practice :in. Luck - now for.the' past twenty-seven :years, disposed Of .his store ,lust ness to•'•Fraser Patterson, . who had. been associated, with him ,in the • store :for tteprevious twelve years. :'FEBRUARY. •1911' The Sterling Batik of -Canada • closed the Kinrail sub -agency o , the,Dungannon .Branch; .It'was4: found unprofitable. • • The Grand Truck,•Railway' Systern. was advertising "W'inter aursto.Mex c. ' � 3 �CO�OradO-- ifornia `a nd..-cific • n Pa to Coast.' Points, with features - double` track fast' :service ,: finest roadbed ; Modern e4uipMent ; unexcelled dinin g 'car ser lice', all'.elernents of • safety and comfort" The Luck= • riow agent was 0.:.Martin. • • RIPLEY Custom Butchering: Curing and"'Smoking , .Cuttingand Wrapping Sausbge IiAakng. - Fast' Freezing' HOGS ;AND CATTLE ON MONDAYS CATTLE ONLY ON FRIDAYS , Have cattle° in _ on Thursday for Friday's kill' g We Are Whatever o Hang Your Beet From With Two Bi Coolers, 1 To 3 Weeks Requirements Are For Home Freezers We Sell Choice Home Killed Beef, Pork and Lamb In Any Quantity At Lowest Marketing Prices .. ALL MEATS ARE.GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FOR YOUR PROTECTION OHAS. HdOISMA; PROP,. :AJATfOIR3 5-2905 STO RE 395-2961