HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-03-03, Page 4PROSE POUR' THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,ONTARIO. r t' WEDNESDAY',, MARCH 2rd, 1.971;' • HOUSEHOLD MOVING Local and long, distance Midwest ern moving and storage:For free estimates call Eric 'Walden, Wing- ham, phone 357-3221. THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL: is for sale at. Mel Stanley's Supertest in.Lucknew..Pick up an extra"copy from ';Mel. FOR SALE '' ,31) young Holstein and Guernsey cows, 14 due.'. soon. One Massey. Ferguson No. 18 man.' are -spreader good --condition: Or- ville: Russell .357-3816. CO.OP SPELIAL Winter clothing at special prices. Lucknow . District ' Co-op, phone 528-2125: AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, 'Ripley .T Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed .Auctioneers Sales of` all types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teesw,ter' 392-6170 SINGER=SE RV.IC E:'. Repairs to all makes and models; Wee a fd-Setvico on new -protects; SINGER CO. OF' CANADA Phone 357-3730 after 6 p.m:.. STABLE.' CLEANING ° . moving manure,piles and ,snow; ;plowing with. cawler machine-Symes Bros. Lucknow, ' 528-5203 ,:: or 528- 2608.. •`-CO.OP SPECIAL Men's ' overshoes at special prices. Lucknow District Co-op, phone 528-2125. FOR SALE _ one 22"" G.E•;stand- and range., one reconditioned' Hoov- er Spin-dry washer. Greer T.V. and Electric, Lucknow, phone 528-3112. :FOR SALE - twenty 11 week old pigs. Jerry - Cranston; • Belfast, phone 529-7407. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Every Tuesday and Thursday Pi'gs_and&Cattle;Tuesday Cattle only:,: Thursday'. in by 1 p.m. BILL'S MEAT. MARKET FOR ` SALE ;- Beatty, automatic 'feed and Manure handling.; equip- ment, stabling' . and . pressure sys- tems. Contact Beatty Farm Ser- vice Centre, Clinton 482-.9561: PICTURE. FRAMING --our spec ialty,- wood Laird- metal. - Maxwell - 'Photo, Studio, Wingham. James'' Snyder, proprietoi,; phone 357-1851. A BARN ' EQUIPMENT - • complete- ' line of Acorn Equipment and: Clay Equipment for pushbutton farm - in Westeel Rosco . Granaries g, c , Chore may ;NTiI ik ng I'ar ours * Also Complete: Line... Of Corrug- ated Metal Culverts; :,:r 6" to 24" • sizes en' hand at allth ies;: larger pipe by order; .Lowry Barn Supply,- Amberley, 'phone 395-5286.. BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Contact Lloyd Johnston; R.R. Holyrood, phone 395-5390.. . FOR SALE 1200 bales of hay, 30c .a . bale. . Also pasture, for 12 head of cattle.. Elmer Woods, R.A. Luc•mow, phone 528-5505. FOR SALE' - ,polled Hereford bull, dark red,, well marked, 17 months old. Call Oliver McCharles, R.R. 3 Lucknow, r95-5266. FOR SALE 21" ' RCA Victor console T.V,, reconditioned, new picture tube.. Greer. T.V. and Elec- tric, Lucknow,' .phone 528-3112. PREGNANT . ANIMALS Supple- ment u le-ment feed with • Nixon : Calcium Phosphate. Special advantage n the , assimilation: of calcium and phosphorous. Elmer'' Umbach .Dis- count Pharmacy, Lucknow.. FOR SALE •' dropped... calves, Hereford and Holstein. Alex Far= risk; R.R 7 Lucknow, ph, • 7305. •REFRIGERATION SERVICE. Guaranteed service to all types Complete appliance repairs :at BURKE EL.ECTRIC:; Wingham 357.2450i ElFeffiCirContractors Appliances --.- : Motor Rewind 24 Hour Emergency Service FOR FOR, SALE. -.1st ,and 2nd cut hay-, also .mixed grain, (wheat, ;oats . and barley). Wilfred Pentland; Dun- gannon, phone .529-7357. 'OR SALE. ' - Duroc meat -type /hogs, serviceable age boarsand gilts,. Priced to sell. Jack Mac- Kenzie, R.R.. 3- Lucknow, . phone 395-5276 NEED A . SPRING TONIC we have it. Elmer Umbach' Pharmacy.' FOR SALE--=' a quantity ofmixed grain,: Garry oats & Herta. barley: Doug Drennan, R.R. 3 Herta. phone 529-7425. FOR SALE 3 ton Chev truck, 4 speed transmission, V8 engine. John Black; R:R..6 Goderich.:phone 529-7624. REAL )SAVINGS We. were able.'to get :a real :buy 'en 150 - 160 170 180 ; - :200. bushel manure spreaders • Also fertilizer s • readers at 5%. over. cost on 1970 invoice We have -several -36-40 -' 48 : - 72 plate discs, 10 , 12'' 14 15•. foot cultivators, • Plows, semi and mounted Corn planters and seed drills • For • Information Contact VAN. EYL BROS.,. -�-- Telephone 21, Clifford':or' 528-3618 ' Lucknow FOR EARLY DELIVERY order. your Cattle Ear -tags now. Elmer Umbach. Pharmacy, Lucknow. - HIGHEST PREVAILING PRICES paid for dead ''and disabled cows and . horses. Call' :. collect 881-3459' Walkerton. Graf Stock Removal. SILVER LAKE' GENERAL STORE KINLOSS,,=ONTARIO Open 7 Days and Evenings; Closed Sunday 'a.m. and` ' Tuesday .7. p.m. ShopTor Our Week-eend .Specials Pe TRY,:OUR . SUPE_R I_CECR.EAAl CONES 1/a .GALLONS8Sc FARMER'S INCOME' TAX SERVICE Tax preparation, financial :`state- ments, ,averaging basic herd; etc. cash or aecrual system,workdone at farm,.' reasonable fees.; Phone 1-438-0401 MA:GNst1C SIGNS :. For cars, trucks, etc Plastic, custom_ formed in 3 dimensions. Instant on, Instant off advertising. Max --'Ria lih .;,..: hone 529-7427.. g g � P .-1 FOR SALE maple: syrup equip- ment 3' x 12evaporator, 375 buc leets,=g,athe:ring--tank- ncE sones All : equipment in good cdndition. Morley Johnston, R.R 2 Auburn, phone'. 529-7129. SILO :ANP •ROOF EXTENSIONS Anyone wishing to have , exten- sions on their silos or roofs, please call or write. This can be:,_done-.no_w:.-, George Wraith, Sox 95,-Goderich. Phones Residence 524-7002 or, Shop • 524-6511: - �' PLAYING CARDS Plastic coated ingle decks from $1.19 .up as well 'as double decks • Only). Drop'. in at The Lucknow BARLEY CONTRACTS �L1MITEISPPLY• CONTACT US •IMMEDIATELY '. SEED •GRAIN - GRASS. D' CORN DUMONT ALUMINUM SALES AND SERVICE, windows; doors, awnings, .sidings; For free. estimate call Roy Emberlin, your local dealer. " , THE TEESWATER NEWS is available art The Lucknow Sentinel, 40c per copy. If you are interested Vie the •Jews of Teeswater and Drs, pick up 8 copy. rr AUCTION SALE CLEAR'NG AUCTION SALE .' • of Real •Estate, Livestock and' Farm Machinery Will' be held for FRANCIS' MITCHELL Lot 25, .Concession 5, Iluron Township, PA miles south of .Ripley and .21 miles west; .1y miles south of Pine River. Store on Highway 21 and -21/2, miles East' on the 6 Con- cession uron owns THURSDAY; MARCH .25 Sale Starting at 12 .noon Full list will be>printedin Marcl�I 10 and 17 edition of local papers Terms Cash, Auctioneers Grant McDonald, Ripley 395-5353; : Wal- lace ;Ballagh,' Teeswater .392-6170 NOTICE HILRAY FARMS LTD. ABATTOIR, HOLYROOD., The best in Home. Grown =-Dr ` 'Fed- , y ,, Drug Free Beef. Try our Fresh Home Made -Sausage. Custom •kil hn • ba.•. g�v pp9atitment Phone • 528-2132' NOTICE.` ANNUAL' MEETING WINGHAM AND DISTRICT HOSPITAL .'ASSOC IATIQN_. The annual meeting of the Wing - ham and District, Hospital . Associa- tion will be. held on ' �- F IDAY,�MAR.CH,Sth,--1971 Training School, Catharine Street, Wingham • All matters of business pertaining 1 to the Wingham and. District Hos- pital Association will be transacted game SUPER, wiCASrHtake BINalLGO4, reg'- Legion `Hall, Lucknow, . every Thursday, 8:45 p.m: Pot of- Gold • nne. .1 ular games, $10 each. 2 Share the Wealth games,. A $30 *Special. Jack - pet Game for.$105.00.oil 57• calls or $25 consolation prize.. ,EUCHRE, TURKEY Progressive'Peuchre at 8:30 p.m Saturday, March ..13 at Holyroo Hall, featuring hot . turkey : plat ser._ved.110=:30,. --12: 30Tsponsored b Group Committee .of 1st _ Kinlos Scouts. Proceeds for Scout. ;Work ST. PATRICK'S DANCE' A St: Patrick's Dance will be. held in Whitechurch, Hall on Frl: day, • March •12. Music by Tiff ins Orchestra. Admission. Adults $1'.00 Public School.,rs tree. Pries. Lunch 'served. Under auspices of Village W.I. BAKE :SALE The . ladies of Local 235. of, the d National Farmers Union are hold - e ing a St. , Patricks bake sale in the Y former Mullins Bake Shop in s Lucknow on Saturday; . March 13th at 2 o'clock Come in for a coffee' Y break: : • Everybody welcome; especiall snowmobilers. . ' SKATE•A=THON The "Lucknow Lucknow Figure . Skating Club Is holding: a Skate-a=thou this Friday... evening, . March 5 .from 6 to 10' p.m. If , anyone would ,like. to contribute; to the•,Club and has not been asked to be a sponsor, 'please phone .Mrs.'; Eldon. Wraith 528-3115 'or; Mrs.; Barry McDonagh; 395-5326:•' y mem'ers •0 t e igure.Skat mg Club _.at`e participating n the skate-a-thon. . The public' is wel come to attend: ;• • ICE. CAPADES • A bus .will leave Lucknow on Sun-- day, March 7th at 11:30 a.m. for the Ice capades in . Kitchener.: •'Price $5.50, includes ''tickets.. in the . Blue;, section:: Call Montgomery Motors; 528-3007 for. reservations. RECEPTION A reception,for Dr; and ::Mrs. Alex - ac n yre WI . e e din the Luck - now. Legion Ha1L on Satur-days:- -, March 13th. Carruthers:;Orchestra' Everyone . welcome. OPEN HOUSE All parents: and interested people in the -Ripley ' area' are invited to attend Open ' House at the; 'Ripley Huron Central School, 'Tuesday March 9th, 7. 9 p.m: WORLD'S DAY OF .PRAYER` The World's. Day of Prayer will be observed in the Lucknow United Church on Friday, March 5 at ` 2 p.m. Theme A New. People, for a New Age.. ,Speaker Mrs. Jack Pol- lock of • Goderich. . STRATFORD MEETING Mr. R. Lince, Manpower Counsel` for will be the .speaker at a 'Respir- atory Disease Meeting on . Wednes- day, March 17, . 1971 ,at -7:30 .p.m The meeting . will.,1 held_at-th uron-Perth TB and Respiratory Disease Association office at 121 Wellington St., Stratford. Please ,try 'to attend. '. WANTS J. 1 • ' HELP WANTED; - woman wanted. for night duty at Pinecrest Manor. Nursing Home,Lucknow: Phone 528.2136 or 528-2186. EUCHRE PARTY A euchreparty will . be held at. Zion Orange Hall ,on Monday, Mar- ch 8 at 8:30. Admission 50c Ladies' with lunch free:; Good prizes. • RECEPTION . A wedding reception in honour of Mr. and Mrs.. Robert McWhin- ney, (nee Sandra LaFramboise) will be held on 6th Saturday, March 6t �� in the Saltford'. Valley ' Hall • from 10 .m P to 1`a:m<--LunchLL-will=-be; served Music 'by "The 'Country Boys" • WANTED child of a working, mother to take care of in my. home by, the day. Contact Mrs. Robert Damsma, Lucknow,. phone 528-2471. WORK WANTED tile ceilings, and paneling, . kitchen • : cupboards remodeling and repairing;;' reason- able . rates, free estimates; phone,'; Ripley: 395-2221,.Roy .Schneller, Kinlough. OPENINGS FOR 3 PEOPLE you want . to Work part time.. or full time, Good income.' in your area, , no .experience necessary. Phone 395-2850: Ripley, Ontario. WANTED - a child's crib and a baby stroller in- 'good . condition: Phone 529-7227: WANTED TO RENT =' land 'suit eble:for cropping, five. mile; radius of Amberley, Cont -act -Lynn.,-Lowry Amberley, phone 395-52.85..... . HELP WANTED SALESMEN.. - TEXAS OIL 'COMPANY • • Needsood mangy overfor . short trips surrounding LucknoW.` _._ fact -cu s tomer ----- s.We Air • . rai marl J: A' Dickerson; Pres., South western 'Petroleum Corp., • ht., Worth, Tex. .CA •.TY The St He ens :W,I ding a: card :party on Thursda_ t y,_ -Marc th- a 8:30 p,m.. in their Hall. Procee for new card tablet, Lunch served,, MEETING Th reg-`alar--meeting--of-Local335 of the National Farmers Union at Drookside 'School, Thursday, March' 4 at 9, On, sharp. This• is an open meeting . CLEANING AND • TREATING • :TRUCKING . *' ' • ELLIOTT'S SEED * ' MILL Y . LUCKNOW, ONTARIO' PHONE l!38.3s08 frd• •-:_`irec ors and other officers. In' order to cast a 'ballot in the election df directors:a person Must be • a member of the' Association, One year memberships may, be ob- tained for theism/1 of $1.00 from the Wingham. and District .Hospital of- fice, These memberships .must. be purchased at least ten. days prior to .the annual meeting, .Everyone welcome„ • • Barry Wenger, President John Strong, Secretary CONTACT IRW,IN'S AUCTION and SALE MANAGEMENT. SERVICE"• COnt:l<ct• :`Bill ° • At R.R. 1 Eincardine )PHON'E. 395.549) "ANY TYPE OF •AUCTION,'' RON JUPE PETROFINA CANADA • LTD: IHIANOVER; : PHONE 364y2246`. or 364$409'