HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-03-03, Page 2PAGI TWO, . THE LUCKN,C.W SENTINEL, 'LUCKNOW, ONTARI. irtie. LUCKNOW SENTINEL ' , UCKNOW, ONTARIO "TM Sepoy 'Town" ..u.; On Ilia Huron Bruco Boundiry Second Class Mail Registration -Number -0847-4, -�- ..Es ablished 1873A, _... Published Each Wednesday. Afternoon • Member of the.C.W.N.A. and O W:N.41 ' • Subscription Rate, $5.00 'a year in• advance to the TJ S,A , $7.00 • Donald C. Thompson,., Publisher W.E.DNESD,AY, MARCH 3rd,,1971 HYQ:.U'RE. THIRTY YEARS LATE;:JQHN! A special government committee studying dental, care in Canada last week recommended to Canadians; a• system' of dental care, sunilar, to . medicare. The recommendation was made to, the federal 'govern • ment and health and welfare minister John Munro has stated that, it would be at least, two years' before Canada:would have such a program. The committee commentedrthat' a government plan would ensure. . . 1.1 .1 1.1 .••• • the program could start on' a gradual basis and provide a 'national .dental care ',program for 'children, commencing with the; younger children andworking up to all. 'ages. The committee was set up in June of'1968: and . now close to .three years .later, has -'recommended, the.: dental :carve program for children; among other' things in the. report.' LETTER TO THE EDITOR School Never. lose+d x.37 Year 935. Mead,,'owside Ave, Sudbury, Ontario:. February 21/71,• 'Editor; Lucktow :Sentinel, Dear Mr., Thompson,• -i' opplk BEA PART O' I.was interested..i:n your comm tints •on the weekly newspaper convention held recently in Kapp uskasing , the model town of _the North where I spent 37 years of My life. During 'my years as : 'supervising principal one of my chief problems was to encourage. well qualified teachers to come North; even though equipment' in the schools was second -to no .other _centre-and.saiaries w..re_th a best,. in Ontario, we found that good teachers were, nbt anxious to corne so far North. When I' read of the awful storms around Lucknow, .where• th•e.schools a rrcLc posed .down for days at a time , 1 often:think that NOT ONCE in 37'.years did I'close the • Ka: uskasing 'schools because P ofweather• and not: once in .all that time did the schoo1 busses -;fail ro.operate They so1nJ'times cme T.�L late but theyalway ' s got there. -_- WEDNESDAY; MARCH' 3rd, .1971 COME TO • ESDAY'OR THURSDAY EVENING ;ars SEE— ROOK5IDE' VS, JBORNE• IN GIRLS d !BOYS VOLLEYBALL SEE, Thursday, EDUCATIONAL: CLASSROOM tugs! SEES. 1 •DISPLAYS;' PUPILS- WORKING IN GROUPS, CLASSROOM WORK EVE Yo -WE sake Presentation report washeadline getter iii the, daily:res .but the're .ort • The p a .. ..p s> ... report on,child dental care would produce.' many snickers.iri •this community. • Many years ago, local''school boards in this area.: saw the value :. of dental care for all children We can: recall,,,; close to thirty years., ago, making our regular trip to Dr:Little from the•local public school. The "big kids" took the . llttle,.kids to the ,dental :officeand over a of a few ears dental'care for, r child ren .wfis introduced. •tflthis.. area 'and the resultswere.quite apparent, It didn't take ,a . federal committee to come upwith the idea, it i a; minister of healthandwelfare 'didn't takem . we re to consider its merits: •A ..few local school trustees `.workiin::for the good .of • g,the children 'and the • community,' mos ly Without remuneration, implemented this excellent .program.. - There was a. ' cost` involved to: the; local school board, but it . was probably the best spent money of our education tax'' dollar.'. It didn't. take a dozen office, girls, a couple ,of; dozen white collar clerks and a half dozen administrators to collect the money and pay it to the den tist ' as it does with our present.: medical care schemes. It was '.a simple arrangement' between dentist and school board, The -dental program? which.' we. have ,been told ' had its origin in; our community, worked 'effectively' for at least thirty years:' Exact date.. of its origin was 1940.: ' ' ' Two years ago it. stopped. Not because all the teeth in Huron and Bruce Counties had been repaired, but :because„ we had moved into more progressive era in education, County School Boards. Local school ' boards and,their members. saw'the advantages of this dental program, parents' and children knew' the effects, but county ,s.Chool_'boards-puts • .themselves a one fixing'.teeth and discontinued the. local 'program. Now a : committee .has recommended to government something which-came--into-effect ui-otir-•-area--years and years -ago, 'sombething, which was turned out by countyschool boards and something, which had, proven itself ,to local: ,residents; . ..---Ourgovernment will mull it over and in due time, a few years or so, will come up with /�a , recommendation to include elementary school pupils' in a:dental ',Care :program: Everyone will think its Won- derful and wonder why it wasn't done thirty years ago;. Resideints-of our-a'r-ea= will-know--it-was-! T•he, bush c.am.ps ;ope.rat.e foal .aut during:the; cold.months Cif January. and Fe I. can'.t seel'n to remember any .• •. time when the old second school where' I attended , was ever closed rbecause.'of the' hth er � ev r e wea a . However e. 1 think that the modern generat - ion,must be softer than those of; •my early days when snow. storms seein,to put •a crimp in'all actin:- . ities. Yours truly, Ross L. MacDonald. :Maple Grove L' O, L, 1044 held'. a benefit Card:party. • rt. in Zion hal y 1. : ebrt ary 22nd 'for Mr _ a nil' Mgrs Russel Johnston, Ashfield;'who lost t1eir home by•fire. •High gent. - Bert Alton High lady lyres Al Irwin .Consolations Mrs'.:. Frances Wi:lkxns and John Ritchie. �... '.During th'e •eveni ng Bert Alton inane ;the , presentation'.off •an' en- . 'velope.of money,to Ivlr.' andMfrs Russel Johnston: Mr. •Johnston on behalf of his wife..thanked those present and'.. welcomed them to 'visit.. them -in LuCi now VARIETY CONCERT CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1' ' Mapleton: F�u.r • haue..eo_ualEy .proved their talentsina variety. ;,„ P. of barber -ho z e son sand' lei �P .g he•-audhensec in an-i-n-xcres- ng manner.: • LocaLta.lent •-prowuf ed_good' .entertainment,when Mrs.; Alex . Hackett Mrs • Jim' O'Donnel;l and Bob 'Campbell' -presented a .skit called "A, Ministers Mistake:.'. Little' Sally :Kerr ,' daughter of 'Mr sand Mrs..Alvin .Kerr of Dungannon . • delighted :the: audience 'with Ir,:sh . andn•t,when Mdances • Members of the: Luc'know Agricultural Society are pleased with the response of those who.. helped in any way. to Make. the, evening a success LOCHAL5H t6'wor-k f er ha 4 be -err oif`fo •: Mr: and .M rs. ©liver McCharles spent:a 'few days in Toronto dor ng the past.week where. they • :attended the:. Convention • : — o` ; • ario,, David'.MacDohald has been'a ,patient in hospital in Kincardine, Mrs.. ,krnile, MacLennan 'arid .Florence apcnt a -(i'oiiple: of days visiting in Stratford with -Mr; and Mrs; Tan Morton, v` Tom Farrel is a patient in Winghani, hospital, where he has, leen for the pat, few weeks.,, Mrs,. !.lorry lac:Donald is hack several weeks' frdnr'an.injur,y to .her hand Recent visitors at the home of vers. Emile MacLennan were Mr; and. Mrs, Eldon MacLennan and boys= f t le rt h. • Frank •'}-}ani ilton , a former res-. dent of this area, has been''a patient in Kincardine hospital': Mr and Mrs, Donald Simpson:;. and farnily have. been enjoying a visit from their daughter Betty, Min f)a,vies And their riew grand child. "}`here:hrave. heel more signs of • Spring in the appea•ranc e of r;rows ground hoy;r,,rrtto even ;t robir;t, • CARPETING I I Lucknow; Ontario jimulaimmumminwpr LIMITED TIME ONLY. CUSHIoNF'LOR AND LINOLEUM , YOUR COMPLETE HOME' DECORATING CENTii} DE, .. WALT PAPEI ; AND CTL PAINTS , DRAPERIES r•r..•....r Ptm'ine 518.3434