HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-03-03, Page 1F
$5.00 A ..ear In Advance $2.00 • Extra To U S A WEDN-E-SDAY,: MARCH-•3rd,197 . . >-Singl*-C-opy-15c
20'I. agee
;hill Hai Kidne�
onion: M�fldayon
Sherry "')awn, 4 -year-old
daughter. of Mr. and •Mrs. Ross.
Irwin of Lucknow; underwent:
surges\ .for the removal of a kid
ney.in Victoria Hospital, London
on! \tonda`•.'df this week. • , �'
The );ouragster was in .her normal
good-he:rlth until Friday of last
week when she began' to'laeinorr
ha'ge; S.A. was teiraoved to Win$
• 'haps 11osp toil and the following.
• `• day. was t'ake7 to. the children':s •
hospital'in Loudon,; Surgery`was.
performed on ;°.londay, morning.; •.
Win Junior. Division'Monday,`
Enter "Hometown
•'Ike Lucknw •Sentir ei, in co-
operation'with the Ganadia i
Weekly 'Newspapers .'.Association
,find Doriiinion ;Tex-tiile Cao;_, i•
apuneorti? a writtns competition'.
for 1iol tioif Scnit in'e1• readers •on
"C)tir•1Iou town Paper
The t4r tteaa,c xpression of- frank,
opinion shouldbe; at' leas,t•.2o0 '.
words• hut: not 74O....
Mar 'Aran Alton:; 12-arear-oll. .
da'tr xhte`r . �.
'A'lton•ef lhelfdst was th.e Junior ' •
winner:at [lie t ekiio , egi
.. t w;•Let,lotl
Public: Speaking Contest • held. at
the 'Legion'Hall on> \londa .•iii.�hr
Nla rj; Ann is showri;-on tl're left
She is •a grade .t; pupil at.I3rookside;
Objecti••.ve .i •to :encoura. ge read:'
et',' the.:msc l.\!es to rthinit about. What:
their weekly hieans!to:them,
theirfantili,•es,, their,lives and:. '
their coinniii'niti^es; and to. set .••
these: thoughts down, n siraightfor•.
,ward langu a'.ge .' Polished ':literary
ek,pression.is not :sought. The':
judges will he ince
pie; 'cle"n exposit.ioii that, i.ndic -,
' sites aii'awarreness: by'the, .reader of
• the role •of tlie weekly in the
cornmunity. •
- 4. 1
/Judges will not look for •excestiv'
' ely high praise for • the local
weekly; they, will studythe
iudgrnent. a nd',uridersta nd.ing by•
readersof•the,ftrnct.on o.f the .'
Lntries•must.be received by.,
The Sent.inel;byJhursday;...mareh
•ib and will be'phblished in the
,papers. All local entries will be •
forwarded to:the•national>.cortip-
e'it-ior . ,
` udtina,.
Th( winner of the,national
compet•it;iott will:receive/ V.30.0..:'
On I'ricsday',.;I°ehrtrary 2.3, tle
edtitestants.ftoin North.A'sl fie d •
Public School,: vuho are to
advance. to Lucknow in theehoL
seri .,
$eVen contestants gave their
speeches, /rats. I3oyle announced
the winder§ who were; ia.net
Parrish speaking on "Colonial
Life" aiicl Maxine 13r'ad'Ie_. nn '.
7 he World the Way 1 See It";
Other fier°
firta•lsts•were Cathy
Simpson� , Annette Elphick, David
p ti, 13tian Howes and ,
flds:.Three Years
s`Ont. Director
�3rs, Olrv'er \lcCharles'of Loch-
lsfi lig
.a is cor»pleted",a three y�i;c' .
ter(n..,of service 'as ladydirector
represet tin •g ,dist:riot 10 on the
Oi Carib"Assoc,iation:Of A r•icultur`-
al Societies, \lr•"s:..M'1cCharles has'
been.•a member and: worker'in'
Lucknow Agricultural•Societ for
many years.:
R .hostess•:conir a
ittee at the :recent convention.
;held in .I'bronto and served on the
nominating committee to. picks
:new slate of officers
She wars cliiihle to rwn ' .res,'
dent• of the Ontario association
which:'is .composed of•15•'districts
but „did not let her;nate stand
11cGharles w.afi a.senior'dir'
ector•with three years scrvire', ,
most'terms of office are for.two
District10, which Mrs;•.\lc(;liar.-
les' represented , hid a'provincial,
preident` gas rerenrly as --Jt- -
'During her territ of offs :c, �.I•rs
'McC:h<a'r`"es`'visited the .fairs in
district ' 10 and;in;au\• others thron-,
1'ioii•t.'t ;te pro -:ince S,Ife.'\;,i: the
.rceiptenc.:0 many we wts 1C
from the various hoards.
N1rs;,'.Rcuhen•5ch lits oi`:
--Clic s 1-c- - rs -t-1 ani i to w -:-lea d ri 'u tG > itt --
atiV•e •for: district 10 and'J''ohn
Thonipsot•i of Chcs,1cy it/the
theta's .repr,scmat ivc:
Public. School and ,poke on
- ' - ~ he li.;lit=ie •Nancy,
hindeen William. Shackleton,
24 -.year-old son of Mr.,and Mrs..'
Benson Shackleton of the Dungan
non area died. on Tuesday of ,last
week when a corn storage
bin collapsed at Hallowen. Fa'r•rns
.on the 4'th concession"of Ashfield
Township and, buried him under
.the. corn,
Lindeen'was a"part tune employ.-
ee at the liallowen Faints Ltd,
',mated' ori rhe 4ih .o'`A;sfi'feld at
'Highway .21 I le,•had been working
with.f3ryan 131ack in the storage
:bin which is estimated to ,have
contained seV era"- thousand bush.-
els of corn:' 13ryan.blackleft rhe:
40 ' foot hi'n fora ,short 'period 'and
when he returned, he, found the
corn had collapsed on 'Lindeen.
The Coram?r,'`I�r.
Flowers,; pronounced.. the, young
man dead.a t
r'i h.
t e scene•.• Constable
Mac' '• the:'' C;odea x;li
Altorl;:11 • dausht'er oS tile, and 'Ont,a,rio:Prey ncira1 Police w'as_the
Wa.ldci'i of :Lucknow. investigating officer. • /`
•Nanc laced second in the Trou:
Y P. h p , The •d•eid` "ototti.w�is liorn'oi:
of eii s' ca:kers_. Slat-is'a1-sc a: y : -
.p, c')ct,o-het-l�3rh 1t, xi'ite9�h�zires�ic•, ..
grade G pupil at l�rookside orad
.those as 1ler. topic flasliiitao ''Sr lapleton Chapter of . wee't•`A'de1-
ines :Merely •as a forrir of.
recreation and pastirue , now
find theinselvet .qui.te capable o'f
:thril:llnt,a`n audience with their
harmonious voices arid. displaying.
theia'ease.of actin ;in •coi_rnedy
.ed in Ashfield all his life ..• He
attended Crewe. public School..
Besides his parents, Albert •Ben -
:son Shackleton and Florence,
Jones, with wkorn he resided en
the 4th of Ashfield, he is,:surviy+
ed ,by two -sisters and a .brother
Carol of .Goderich, Valerie and •
, Gerald; both at home,
Lindeen 'attended Calvary Bap-
tist Church in Godecich and the
pastor , Kenneth J \ Knight, con`
ducted the funeral service at the • -
church, on Frlda j