HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-02-24, Page 16THE LUCKNOW,., SENTINEL LUCKNOWt 'ONTARIO 1 WINTER. Ladies' and ' Men'e Giris and Boy's' Jacket t 3.6x Girls' Dress. Coats 2 3 3x 4 6x Girls' Dress .Coats 3 SIZE 14 • Boys' Jackets irls" and ,Boy's. Jackets r 2 6x SEE .y The Sentinel •. ; • • • • • • THAT a benefit card party w, 1$ held Monday evening in "the. Jra,nge Hall at Zion for:Mr; and Mrs. Russell Johnstone who recently lost their Ashfield hone' by fire: The evening was spon- sored by the Zion .1...0:L. pert Alton made a presentation of aloneysto Mr. and Mrs, John- stone on behalf ofthose present Luckno E,DN.ESDAY� FEBRUARY R4, 1971 YOUR: LOWEST ' PRICE$ FOODLAND ��; r�•..�•�!�*ti..�..�• �r'�I"'�' ��i�r..i� � r�� tom!+� �� ��I��.�.�u • SUPREME. 5:OZ • Instant CANADIAN. RED. 73/4 OZ Sockeye Salmon SAVE, SAVE: Only79c EXTRA GOOD VALUE Pay Only 59c CLEARING PECIAL BARGAINS v I-ADIES' AND MEN'S WEAR 1. AfN'T F{Dil�il~N_« FREE PICK-UP, AND DELIVERY .TUESDA�f AND,FRIDAY 1 1 • • 1• • I .In renewing her subscription.: • • Mrs.' John L. McKinnon of Kin: cardine:'writes "Still 'enjoy getting the .news from home :Thanks tQ.Lane Gardner for send- ing:picture of:S.S':No,. 5. Have', never seen it before.: My father was in first row; and aunts, uncles` and cousins; many y of them have passed. on: Was really thrilled to see it. THAT .Mrs Jim: Mathers.of Luck-` now received a fracturedleft wrist and .an upper arm fracture in a fall whileskating at. the"• Lucknow Arena last Weekend., THAT Fro-nittrri-MViurdie if, Paris, accompanied .by MrS Ken. Murdio and ,Kir; and, Mrs,.. Gor don• Fisher of.'Lucknow , 'returned: last Saturday fromra two-week motor' trip to Florida . Along • at Lakeland with .their uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs-. James. Nixon. . ' THAT' ;'Bill Sanderson of L%cknow won the '$110;00 Jackpot at the • --Lucknow-Legiorr-bingo last Thu s day evening. • THAT Ia benefit hockey match was played in Kincardine arena on..Saturday night, February 20th; Kincardine Bulldogs' versus. Woodstock 'All -Stars. Proceeds, • amounting to $612. 00 went to one of, the Kincardine players, John :Fludder'Of .Lucknow, who. has .been off.work for, the;past three months due, to an injury received in a 'previous game tr r RPETING • CUSHIONPLOR AND. LINOLEUM YOUR COMPLETE :ROME DECORATING CENTRE- LIMITED TIME :ONLY .tl aibiw� t nlatio 1T DRAPERIES ER AND C -I -L PAINTS' WAi•LPAP Phan: 5$$4434G SWAN`, GIANT 24 OZ. t Liquid Detergent LYON',S,100 COUNT' Tea ags: P E -PRICED•-. buy Only 49't PLUS.15 BAGS' FREE, Qom,. SCH:NEIDER'S LEAN eteake#teg int SAVE 10c . !. DEVON. ' GOOD VALUE: ieflers Sale 2 Pounds_ WITH 5:00 CASH• PURCHASE SAVE 20c b . t Hc1f-Gal. Ice Cream ONLY 79c VALUES EFFECTIVE :TH,URS,.'FRIDAY.,. .SATURDAY FEBRUARY 25, 26, '27 : • •PHONE LUC .KNOW ;538.3420 I HAT . Vlr.' and . Mrs..Frank Thompson of Dungannon',and 'Mr, and Mts: ,Donal'd MacKinn- on'of''Lucknow: left'last Saturday by car•, for a•.h'oliday°.in. Florida.. THAT a letter was:received at The Sentinel this past week from;Alex:Hackett of•Luchnow who is -spending thewinter 'in - Tuscon; kritiona:-He is --pleased=' • to .be receiving his Luckriow. paper.:Mr..Hackett says he is', .enjoying.himself and was going. to visit. Mexico for a couple Of''� —d y.s;;.,-Th ather- :as. 75 to -8 degrees:. -THAT-th .annual Cl urch service 0 f.sCubs Brownies and C,udes-;• numbering around fifty.,; was =he:lzliiSundayy; Febr-u it 1st. at St. Peter's Anglican Church,. Lucknow. • iflle, ,Passes n Her 4th Year •.Sympat by is extended to and Mrs.. Ph1Tip l3reckles (Cheryl • Ann Pollock)•of Goderich in.the death of their little daughter ,Cy=nthia Lynn, age three years eleven. n.o.nths.. Her d:each-ser -4. .urred:on Thursday.,: •Febrii'ary .1.� at War MemOrial'Children's Hospital.,'London: following an, illness of, two,"rrmonths: ---Gynti is -Lynn was bQru.i-n.1<�n eard'ine cin March 4th:, ,10`.0;7.. fie= sides he'r, parents she`•is survived; by two brothers • Christopher and, Je ffr,ey; :grandparents Mr. ,• ' and Mrs. Walter I3reckles of Kill' lough grid I-.lr. '.and Mrs. Murry'' I�crllock Rtpiey Gr, at' •grandparents are Charles 'oaloc•1<•- of'EZipley, Matthew of Toronto, Mrs. Gertrude, t3ushcll•" EassAusic_... •' of R'.. R. 2' Holyrood , -Mr . a nd ,'rc " • ............ Art Bieck -les- of Lucknow Students. of Mrs'. W. A.'(sralla r7l R. R. 1, :Lucknow for Roya11Con= servatory of •Music••exarns_,:weres jade I3C`piano`•`="'ho tours Ivirs. Shirley Morris , Ripley 78;.. Grade VIII piano'- first clss honours, Donna Craig; daughter -of• Mr,° and Mrs. Donald •Craig,' Kinrard ne s -_ani Thornpso.n , daughter of Mrs. L. C Th'orripson, Lucknow 57 Grade VII piano. -.first class honours, Ann Maus, daughter of and ,'firs. Don 'Maus; cardiae 83, (grade 1I1 history y pass, Mrs: Shirley Harris; Ripley 68:-;,. Grade II,theory y first class honours, Mrs. Elaine 'Pollock J1; pass, Sally Elliott , daughter of Nig. and Mrs, Jae!: Elliott, 06,• both of Rp;le.y,r A `private funeral service w�►�.:: held,on Saturday ,. February.'2rrt1 ar11 t S Stilesj.nrle.ra1-41p Godert.ch, Pastor Leslie •I1oy'wrl,, minister: Interment wa8;at Maitland (.Grin' etery• N. • CFIAPPEL. -: HAMIL'I'N Nlr, and Mrs. James Ilaniiltori of Exeter.,.,Ontario wish.to ann. ounce the engagement of their daughter, Marilyn ,Elitabeth to i3riari .John Chappel , son of • Mi', and Nirs. E9Waref. Chappel of Staffa , Onta'rio', The rrtarriage will take ,place Sattlr` daji , Marek 20, 1971 at ' oe'cic,r it in Exeter United CImrcli. 1 xcic'i Ontario.