HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-02-24, Page 12•
new hog
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understanding experts who
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'eighty/years of eitperience
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'Solve your problem today.
at Victoria and Grey;
'Mt/St ; .COMPANY SINCE. 1889
►•N•••••••••*•N••••••N./.40.x••• ••••••••fir•••
10 YEA R$A., GO
x , :FEBRUARY 1961:
John H Reid: ;retired as .Presid
era' of Pine River Cheese Factory,
He—`had served-thir-t =one-- ears -
and was succeeded by. Cecil Hurn=
phrey who: was a • me:inber of the.:
Board';of Directors`.'
At the annual vestry: meeting
of St. Peter's' Anghican Church a
successful year was reviewed,
highlighted by, the authorization:
for the building of a Parish Hall
adjoining the'Church. Arrange,;
ments were•being•planned for. the .
ceremony.of the Turninof-the- •
sod `on Easter Sunday.. •
.30' Y EARS' AG
The barn 'on.the farm .of' James
,Valad concession 8, Kinloss was
destroyed by fire.
A local firm "The Maple Leaf.
Aire:raft •Corporation, secured
an. order, for the, mani;ifacture of.:
c, mponent airplane. parts.,, Sever, •
a e c ' a l' _ .
r � ized ewe-lders-were:- em''`
played .locally and the firm was
operating on an overtime; sched-
A large banner was strung across
the west end of the arena which.
read'; .in big black letters, "The.
Home of. Murray Murdoch ,, The
Iron Man of 'Hockey". • Murray:
was born in Lucknow , a son Of
Walter Murdoch • "He had earned
this "title: by .playing 'more . than , r
600 consecutive hockey a mes
wit -the New York Rangers. The
Sepoy Town proudly claimed
him "a :native son , . •
Lealand Hill, Manager
El 'in n i
� a d.Kmgston Streets•'
Goderich 524-7381
'Anyone who attends-a-locaa hist
Ory meeting at Ripley will'tell you
that history is fun,to d'iseuss.. '
Storms .and illness had 'delayed
this winter' ms• beetin g, 'ut not
folks' enthusiasm'. Mrs, Peter
MacDonald opened 'her home to
twenty four•gue'sts of.Ripley on
February 17th.:
The discussion`.center;ed on Ent-
tainment of past years. Judging
by all•the games, dancing;
plays, sleigh -riding parties,: con.-
•certs, box socials and a few who.
played cards, it.would seem that,
folks had a very jolly, happy:.
time long' ago with no expense..
There Were. no paid',orchestras;.
dances were held in the homes pro
and everyone helped to vide
the fu., Especially'.mentioned
w-ere_the--nnual`Oy-ster Suppers
• sponsored: by'the; Oddfellows ,,
rnusicais and Chatauqua. ,Each,
person •purchased u ;season's'
tickets for Chatauqua and.,a •
troupeica ine_fbr_a_we€: <long -se
les of concerts, plays and
lectures.. Last series were held
about 40 years ago.
In some areas the Epworth'
League provided :fine programs'
for the young folks who`•often
'alked' hire -e -or mpre-nnfes-to ---
.� Celebrate
th Birthday
The -W 1; hie o i-ts 24th.,. •' '
Bi:rthday•Party at the Grove •
Centre onfriday evening.: ln
spite-offthe Y e a ehlippery • ,
roads there was a good. turn out';,
Ever-yane-en joyed they -f lms'�o-f
Expo in' Japan, which ss`Marion
Maehan.•had takenon her trip
Over there. She showed a number
of items•Mhich s'he purchased •
there Following the fil ns arid'
social visit, a delicious lunch was''
served including .birthday cake,
complete with candles and .ice
Cream,' Thanks, for the evening. ,
goes 'to corii,mittee members Mrs.
Janet. Farre:ll,':Mrs:Marjor.ie..
Thom son and'.mrs,.' Katherine
,'sir. and Mrs. ' Earl Elliott and-••
famil Visited •ort.Sn a = With
Mr. and .'?,ir5; it on `Hodgins and
•family of l iiiloss.: •
Frank Storey spec ''Sunda{after
noon with' F.ankie •DOre
and '; rs ".Ray Collins",speni.
Thu-rsda; 411A -if
een':s farn:ily, ."fi ..and Barn
'iii.. and Mrs'; Du:Wayne Greig
and family visited lastJweek:witli
r: tilr'.:..a.nd:-.:'-;\-V-i0tor--G-a- •
Mr. and Mrs, Barry Johnsto
Mr, and •Mrs•:- bon McCoshi were'
Sunday guests of Mr. and �tilrs_
Jarn•es McEwan.and boys of Kin-
loss ..'
Mr. and Mrs.Don;Johnston and
'r •— tiMr :-- Gordon -Pat hs
Lucknow's :Reeve, •Robert John-
ston, was. chosen- warden' of .Bruce
County,. • He .entered, the Lucknow;
Council in 1913 and WAS returned
• to office 'each', year;
Tlre''follvw>ng officers .were e1
ectad: at the annualrnee_ting
• . V'OLLLY 13A LL '' ,
µ . by Kerry;.Boy.le:'
On Tuesday , .February 19, 1971h
the girls' playgffs in volley:ball.
began with Janice Reeves" and;:
:Marjorie Collings team in the
lead with•12 points..'
'• The boys' 'pl'ayoffs started' Monday
•February.15 with• Courtney'
Liddle's.and Dou'g Bi'ssonnette's.' A'
,team-rn= he•lead. "`.
by Carol MacKay.
.On.Frida.y , February 12 , Patti
M'acDorial4 went to Port Elgin to;
compete' in. the County Finals:,.
After .a valia,nt ,effort Patti,
lost, A .girl. from Tara came in
first. Unfortunately the'writei of
this article did not catch the:
girl''s .na;tr?e . But the main :thing-,'
Brownie. News
On- Tuesday, 'February. 16 the
Brownie meeting opened with
Packie conducting -a game
",Detective .
: Afier-Fait�c.@ireen-Norma-Mac
Intyre placed the Toadstool, Me
had •Brownie Ring.'• Inspection was
for cornplete• uniform and a
During Pow Wow , Brown,OwI.
told the Brownies• about•the
crrn-servieeon- e.ruaty- st- -
.The Brownies'nade plans for the
meeting next week 'as it wilI be ,,
Thinking' Day,: This .is the day w:e
remember., Brownies;' around, the
World. . '
At work Period Brown Owl and..
o Packie helped•'each S;ix w
the. Lucknow Curling Club;' Presid their project •:for next 'meeting.
ent, J. J;. MacQuaig; Vice "Presid Five tweenies showed' Tawny
ent', H R A i 1 in�Se real. ,. OWI'haw-;wail-they-cou-1d-br=a-i
T. .S. Reid; Managing Comnnttee' and talked about ,doing a good
p..• Archer, G.. K. Smith turn.
We then had a ame. Ski ' a d `
. . t g ,. .P n
Balance. Everyone joined in do;
ing, Semaphore .for a ;few 'minus-,
es and the meeting: closed~with
Brownie Prayer and. :everyo•
ne ;
:On,_1vLandd_y February' 15, ,_the
Ripley, Girls' Hockey Team lostto.
the 'Brookside team,,'; The' score was;
2. 1. This is the second, game our
girls'have 'lost•. '
On Thursday, February 18th the
Kingsbridge. lit Co; of girl, Guides'-
met in the church .l asemerit for
their regular meeting Roll: Cali,,
was taken, Lt: Caesar read;the
Opening . prayer.
Lately the Guide: have been
pretty busy working on crafts
such as knitting''and embroidery
good results. All the Guides are.
looking forward to Sunday Feb',
ruary' 28th when'the Guides, and
some of the parents are s . lan'nin:
to take a 'bus trip to ,:ondon to 'see, ;
the' Ice Caiiades.$ '
joined. this year,will be enrolled•:,,
next Thur.slay.: •They have been
d workin very-hard=to-pass-a the r
►:DORS' VVR IT '.:
• 36 Minto St..,
Sarnia ,; Ontario,
December .17 , 1970.
Lucknow :Sentinel,, :
Once; again the time has., rolled.
. + g ,
aroundto get our little donation'
away for the "•News" ;from the
North...! It islooked forward to •anda
welcome:when'.if,arrives at our
house.' Generally it arrives on
leaving by.the Arch..':`
Friday, :this week a da earl
y, y
Congratulations on all'the,.
goodwedding � pictures etc..'this
year. The one •this week of Santa
and the Maclityre children, is
extra sharp., flow 'd'id.the rnan'
age.to get Jack G=ardener off the•'.
attend'. One member described,
the celebration of Hogmanay' in:
Scotland wIien.she was a girl."
Several read interesting old
poems, showed"p •
• .Stewart Shielis. with his•recordin s
of lively music added to the
program. • •'
and their families and Mr. and
Mrs.; Ardill' Mason visited on
Friday with Mr. and`Mi's. Walter..'
Forster and family
• People=in° Ripley--took-their •
sports seriously years agog Once
Ripley was'playing hockey at
Winghani . W,. N, Bushell negot
iated with the ,C; N;R, to take
"Ripley • folks to thegame '
Y g • Five
t-r-a3a_c-o tt Were= et
Ripley supporters, who 'made the
rafters of the Winghain Arena ,:
e in
The March meeting will b
e ,of. John 3vlc2vlurchy, Mrs. --
Niary•MacDonald, Mr's. Herb
;.' Farrell with Mrs. Stewart. Need-
ham as Lunch Convener Y 'Meet.
•to be at Mts...Mary MacDon-.
a'ld.'s home. • ' . .
Sunday with her mother, Mrs.•
John Bell of Wiarton.
Mr, and 'Mrs Don Dore , Vicki_
and IFrarrkie visited on- it -r -da
evening 'with Ivir. 'and 'Mrs.. How-
and Thompson. . '
Mrs.Don Robertson Mrs. Don
McCosh and. Mrs, Lyman Sutton
spent Monday. afternoon with
Marty from this -area attended'
the Juvenile hockey game in
Wingham on Sunday afternoon
to see Ripley Juveniles defeat
,6orrie :8 - 6.
A.card,'from Major ;laid McNabb
of Hayes .Lake in this area and '
Kingston reports he hasenjoy'
ed a 'trip'to Puerto Rico since'
hristmas. '
tests They are ..Bridget idget Dalton..
Di nne Van €o,oy; D.o.nna Moran ,
Kelly Deller and Vera Van .
Drepan. Congratulations to`.therri:';
.Sortie time in March we hope: to
have -toboggan and. skating parties•,
Campfire was' presented by `
the Bluebirds. It included songs
jokes riddles' and:,a merhory •
quit The meeting closed with
the singing of `flaps".
farnl? I'thought he was thereto
stay. It.still 'isn't the.,worst. place
•to live.
•Seasons Greetings to all,.`
�....: Cecil Johns on
69' CHEV,4 doors
• , 8 automatic
68' •AUSTIN, 4 door
67 FORD, 4 door sedan, 8. automatic
with radio
DODGE� door :automatic
. .t � 6 E11tOMat1C '
power steering and radio '
66` PLYMOUTH 4: d k . •
oo , 8 automatic
with radio
66 FORD Galaxie :500,,:2 .door hard
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66FORD 4
, door, 8: automatic, power'
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steering, radio
CHRYSLER, 4 door, power
equipped a
FORD Fairlsne' station on:.
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1'LYMOUTH .2' -door bardto
P, g4
automatic with radio
65 FORD Galaxie 500,' 4 door
hardtop,, 8 automatic_.:_
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GE, I ton, 8 cyliideri, 4 ,speed