HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-02-24, Page 7' WEDNESDAY; FEBRUARY 24, 1971,
'• , „ . • ,
-; •
. • . .
Music by Dixieland .Brass"
(chicken; Steak,: pigtails, spare ribs) •
7:00 P.NI. ? 4 ./
The evenhIg is open to all the public with a special invitation to
snowmobilers . . •
Had Winter.Camp Aniberley Resident
At Silver Lake Moved To Ripley
•.Williatn 1Dickie „assistant •
. • • ,.
Scout Leader and helper Jarn,ie..
Caalia.rn With ScOuts Ken McEwan,
Terty''Burt, Steven Eck'ensWiller
and. Lloyd 'Hanna had a very
• 'suceessful.Winter.carnp in the
---'Silver- <earea-on7
end. , ; ' • '
' SCott" Hackett: is sending
•:this week at -the home of Mr. and.
.Mrs.:.Evart Keith as his father, •
• .'alL'stet .Ylackett isndetgoing,an
-operation., •
Sparks Who canie first in th
pared•speech ciaSs at the Hydro •
Huton,TWo.,: Farm
r *
N.irs. David King has sold her
farm on second concession tO.
N1r.:anct David Rigg.of Tor-,
onto. Nlr. . •a Rigg and: •:. •
friends spent the weekend here.
Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Col:ling
visited on Sunday'with NV: and.
Mrs.: Jack 13iiihell of Kincardine
Mr; and Nits. Doig Moore;
:Michael and Eddie visited bn
° Sunday. With Mr'. an,d Mrs'. Oscar
White 'and May, , • •
Mrs. Oscar White attended the
Bruce Presbytery meeting•in
Harriston. on Tuesday. • •
Nliss Sharon Coiling spent the. -
weekend in Montrearin. tonriec,t-
. ion. with 'a university prograni,
returning to 'London •on Tuesday.
:. Mrs. Win. J. Courtney moved
tO Ripley on.Thiusday of last week
week: Clara , as•She•is•known'to
"friends here, has led such an
active life"innlany,faCets of our
ly missed. by,all. She, WaS a,lways%
a willing:Woiker in Church and
:Institute work, Usingher talents',
a,s a pianist And, singer and.aIso
Wag a reporter Tor seVeral.. • • • •
years to the lq
LucknOW and, Kincardine; •Our
Hear Travelogue
And Slides Shown
Commence Plans
For. Craft Festival
• Yes folks there .1/11 •one
hUndred thousand welcOtnes -await
ing you at the newly orga:iii.Zed
SumMer Craft Festival to be held
inl,uckpow ; July Q and 3Ist
Mr. and Mrs. Reg Jonesthe
managers of the. conunittee4, Mr.
and Mrs: Dan NIcInnis the treasur...
ers arid Mr. and /vIrs. Oliver Mc.7
Charles will look after Public .
Relations. Any profits will
go to the Lucknow -Agricultural
Society. ,
Miss Nancy Kirkland..of Stratford
''Teacher's College is practice
teaching this, week and next ' '
Mrs. Robert He1M, returned. •
home from Wingharn •
hospital on Sunday.
Miss. Wanda Hunter, a•:student-•"
,of Windsor University is spending'
this.."Stiidy-Week' at herhome
here. •
.• A lienefit card .party ;was held
in. Zion hall under theausOices
of On,•Monday evening, for •
ME..'and .Mr. S. Russel Johnston. • ,
Due to the slippery. rOads , many
people were unable to attend: .•••
There'll be fun for everyone ' 'A fire destroyed the home and •
when the arena doors open at contents ,Of the Johnstons this . •
10 a . m, on Friday, , July 30. ' They are presently liYing
Craftsof the area and antiq" ties' in the furnished •apartment of. •
will he on display Baking, pro.,.. ,andy Hackett Lucknow, while
duce and many types of arts and Sandy sPeli.ding he winter at
crafts he'on display- • '
• .
•• .
. . , •
• Committees ate being'set Jim Ritchie retuined horne last
to look affer the -whole ffair•. Wednesday from St Joseph's
. : • .
you have:4. handcraft to display hOspital'Where.he'•had undergone •.'• ,
or to sell if you •would,liketO• :1.1rgerY' •
sell ba:king or garden PradUce , •
ti-E-eppartlinity, •
:-Kinloss and -Mrs. Charles
• • • • •Mr. and Nil's. •Irwiff of' •
Just contaet any of the above .•
...„Lueknow. and District1 IOrticUlt7 mentioned for space. in the arena; .
ural Society Met On Monday even informational d particulars will
February.15: in ther•LiegiOn Hall be Mailedt0 yOu dr - you n -,14y: •
with a less thaiyavet.age • , • pick Up•Ilyeri at the•Village
a L
2nd Vice ,Preilde_nt , conducted.•
very best wishes go, witp Mrs: • the meeting. Nliss,lielen Thonin- •
re- .
Courtney as she. makes her. new .
son led in singing '0 Canadaand rUtcs •
honie.in the ,Ipwry :Apartnients '.:- ., a.fel• which
held in the LE. Madill•Seconclat) • • • • ' • ' •; ..„ ' • ar•andqast Fsecutive meeting
Ilii,-ro-f la,st _Leo:1+a
in Ilipley., : • ' 2 ' • ,..
' . ' SI-erbool-lan4treta-Tlie-tOpie-_____, A fter;_ra444.w_g_pOne merits' be- ...:...d....and_..a.cio.p.Lesi_.. , •- . : .:::
. , • . . .
• , Annotincenient of District 8".•'.
annual me eting .to fie:beld , a t .• .:
•Lion's Head,• April 17 and
. 0...HA. Convention in,Wiridsor'''
June 16, .P was made:. Appoint
rneneof delegates. td, 0.11..A. , ,. •
was postponed till Nla reli meet -
• .
Wilkins and 'KeianY were in Wood= •
Stock on Thur;day,visiting...11-., • • •
andMrs.. Charles. Riach andtheir
infant 'son Christopher Robin. • ';
• • nd Nirs.
Each Week or so We 'Will try to Hunterwere Walkerton..dn.
of ler speech Was'Pefseveian:ce. cause °f...12'44 weather ,.the2L.0...t...:
• • l'he net competition will be Sat -euchre I'N'T)' was' held at the
. . ur,day at drenco' e.'. -. ..'. 1, . •Amhe•rley Hall on 'Monday night
, . . • . •
•.• • '.;
Miss i3.e.ttv colWelloi:s.'enjOying' of last week it.e'Pl.lz'es aw'arded
were high lady -,'=--Mrs'. Einile . , •
• ,* . a v:/eekS.Vacation frOm" Western . .
.., i ,,. • , - ' . . • - , McLennan, high ,gent. -. JaCk. '‘...'• ,,
CrifverSitv :, ''• ' - ' •
,..„ ..• ••• . '. ' ' , • •• . • , ••• ' .Carnpbell and lucky draw — Bob." , ..
1.)Ouglas..nd Walter •Dickie, .lan MacNay. There were ten .tables!
-. °. • • Neimiehek and David l3pard., all
• •. . • .and.• lunch was - served following.. •
'.'. •• of the University of Guel0h-,..spent... _,
the card games.. .'
-. .Satiirday at, the .horne of Nir.. an . , ‘,. .,,,,,,,,
Mrs; Ira'Dickie. • :, . • • ...kA 'N r'''" '
. . ..
Allan NtacDoirgall and 'Denver ' : . , • • . . . •....
The pupils ancl.:Iheit teachers
'.... Diekie Were ice -fishing on ;Lake,: NIrS: Marion' HUstori•and Mrs.,
........i,n460e.,oti the:w..cek-,en4.; • • • . 1.)a•Yid.,,MCKeniie:Of.Pilie River ' •
':•°KNEW...Z.ENLANb. .• - ', .; , , ,.• 'Central School 'enjoyed -a ,..,. • ' .
lutt'eStirg_ietter$re_:i:lii,4' : Skatitig(fiarty in'the Ripley arena '
• retelyed front Jack and .."13,1anohe, On‘..,Friday afternoon .: Following th.i.
• , Needhani who are now In Nelson, skating, 'everyOne .came back to. ..
' •
New Zealand • The boat ,trip, from. Pine River.. Church and the ladies..••..
°.'1.Vancouver to Auckland wai° ver •.' of the V. C, W. served hot.° .. '..
....erijoyahle'with. stops in the chocolate and hot, ddgs.... • ..., .
1 la wa iian.„ Sa nioa and Fiji 'Isla nds , On Saturday Mt :.,:aild Mrs. Elnier
. .• ,, • . . . • • , Snieltzet.and •Nlis. Art Stneltzer •
, . .•
. .. were in• LbridOri ,to bring' their: ......."
. .. .
.• . little daughter Llizabeth home
, . • , • . .
. -
---1 ..-E
. . . . .. rtitififst,:.-Josep...,0,,,-,.pital:
. ..
. .
NEE e •
•DS ••:.seveiral Week• -,ends; Whe
: • storniS prevented local. youti,,
people fronr visiting their.‘liOn:les
it was ,goOdto see so :fnanj'i. around.
the area thi:s•past
Courtney , iiretRra
rey , Judy Thorburn ,
•Shirley Reid ,• 'Nlary '‘Vaideit and
Anne Fergiison,,Charies'and Reid '
Liddle all made it .in .the ,ipprec
O iat ed. good weather.
,Misses Anne and Joan re.t..1.nson
. we•r,e the Org•aiiist and pianist:for 0 .
-"` •
Flmer Smelize.r, a long. viith
other I itubn towrishIp.couvieillbrS,
When you need -the
comi3etent services of a
went to Torotito t1week to
attend• the (...,,,00d Roads convention.
••••••m. at -6•-•--
you on such items
Tax Matters, Succession
uuties, Plapning and.,
•0 Adniinistering Elates,
Investments, Savings
and High Interest .
- 'Certificates,
. •
31 By sitebi.,;.TattlatrY"
00- 0000'0
IANT Aps-.
The 'PrOgranitil,e.:CortVerrer.,
*k.e,ep.:you infornled. of the aCtiVit- • NI:ondit*y. They'yere a.ceornpa.n- ,
..and ;progress. of. the Ltickno, ... •
Suininer,C.rait re:stival which .
-we hope will hecarne 'an
:The need: for. such a •Venture•has°
been evident',''f9r.Many years as •
nypeople:in. the: areado, I -land: -
work otvarying types' quilts,
ru.gs ,woOd futrilt
Ute 'and •
crocheting ,
painting,,Pottety., cetainics
hand :.rnade,'dolls.; ,Candies,, flow-
:erS,,and 'Many riia.riY• nidre arts
'Ina:Henderson gave •
.•and„crafts. We will .have them
interesting des.cription of 'her. trip
...or 'you to see'atthe Lucknow.
to the 'Fat' East last..Sun:inlet
travelling:by Jet 743 .which' arena in to ..vitt the
• - '2
.carries 303 paSSengert, They .
teachedlapin in 16 hours flight.:
.ftipt-ii!Toronto.:Ao...•Tol<°yd, a city
. •
hy". Mrs
Mrs.: Wesley' Ritchie and .Mrs.
of.11,002,06cripeople w,ith.,Orodern.
., • . , •
!stOres like ,Eation's or Simpson's
•arid. niodern trapsportatiOn. She
described the Japanese as
trim -1-1(.1,very.i)Olit..poolO.,
Whose •food,COnsists Mainly of, .•
, • .
rice, fruit and fish she • .
de:Scribed. Expo the beatiliful.
•,itiOnntain scenery., the Cleisha
•:girls:, ?the:NO-Men: _
„rice :paddies , and the' ever, •
. present odour of fisli.experiened.
'0p,%/11.creip. the ...East: The
sits Of the,E'rilperbr .Ja
• .
and his family has descended ..to, • .
many shrines remind the tourist •
of: the Buddist and .:shintii 're lig - • •
long'ofthe ...Japa nese .. They tray
'elled to aie,•bOrder 1?etweenRed...
(1,1ina.;ind:,Fre'e and sensed
the una•st a MOng alFelasses,
On'their tour they visited the
Presbyterian Girls` School
taught for forty. years..Of special.
i•nterest:,irl the' l?hillipines;-Wete the
lovely modern hOtels',.the homes'
built `on:stilts with thatched rbOlS.,
the waterbuffalo,and thehanatid..
iioii Kong the Malay•Sta.tes
where land is priced 'at $00,
per$,Squale•fOot, were also iticludcd
in tlict(iur, flOrneWard. botrod:the
-trii5-vtsited-i-lonoltrimttnit -Pearl
Ilarl)onr. • . `. •
11\liss 'XIanclieTisher 'showed„ very
interesting•and•Cbrourful'81t4O$ °
IT �ri thoir triPwhih alt.
enjoyed , •
13e11'thanked those who had
taken part ,in the Prograrnnte.
. ,
arliel,,z1 McDonald.. The. ladies : , •
attended the Summary program • •
for . hist itute• members and. friends.
.held:in the Legion hall..The' •
topic "The MainDish:makes
themeal" Was.discuSsed...!.Roll• ' • '
Call.was.answeted MtS: •
liunte,r giving leader'- report
on:t.he•CdUr.s.e. Which -was held"ip
Luckpow in November. N1rs.
MeNangliton read her pbern..., ; •
which he composed, based on -
thecookipg denionstration
the same topic, whictishe. attend..
ed at that„iinie..„.. •••
• • •
irect s
' • .
- sells
. " •
e Luckliow Sentirie