HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-02-24, Page 4PA.GI FOUR • • THE..LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, •ONTARIO WEDNESDAY'0 ¢FEBRUARY 24, 1971 HOUSEHOLD MOVING Local'. and' long distance Midwest ern movingand storage. For free •estimates call Eric Walden, Wing -1 ham, phone'357-3221.: THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL - is, for • sale at' Mel Stanley's Supertest lin Lucknow. Pick up an•extra copy •.from -Mel.. . • FOR. SALE• -- ,1968 Mustang, Fast back, in good 'condition. Call Ross 'Forster. • ' Lueknow .' 528-3941 after • .6,p.m. • CO -00 SPECIAL /' Winter'. clothing at special prices.. Lueknow, District.' Co-op, phone .528-2125. UCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, . Ripley, ' .Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater. Licensed Auctioneers • Sales of all types Phone Ripley 395-5353. Teeswater 392-6170 FOR SALE BERG STABLE,EQUIPMENT Johnston, Contact Lloyd- ohnston, R.ti,. 3 llolyr'ood, 'Phone 395-5390. , HOUSE FOR SALE - at Amber - ley,, ` .goodlot, separate garage, three bedrooms, • two: baths, oil furnace, broodloom, reasonable. 'Mrs. John C. MacDonald, .Ripley. FOR SALE -1966 327 Chevelle, ex- cellent condition, phone. 395=2937. FOR SALE r 23" Rogers Majestic. .. ` ., n •a console T.V., . reconditioned, new picture tube., Greer T.V.; and Elec tric, .Lucknow, phone 528-3112., . . FOR SALE one 22" Beach standard range; .one 22" G.E.', stan- dard range Greer 'T:V,• and Elec- tric, Lucknow, phone 528-3112. .., FOR SALE 'dropped calves., Hereford ' and Holstein. Alex Far- rish; R.R. 7 Lucknow,. phone, 529- 7305,` REFRIGERATION . SERVICE Guaranteed service to all 'types SINGER SERVICE Repairs to all makes and models; Sales. and Service on ;new products; SINGER CO. OF. CANADA 1 Phone •357-3730' after 6 .p.m. STABLECLEANING moving:. manure -piles -and snow._ plowing, with , crawler • machine. :Symes giros:, , Lucknow, 528-5203 or 528- L OiNGE1 FOR SALE =um jack for pump- , SUPER, CASH BINGO ing water. A l ..Y;, to awrence Mac- ; Legion ` Hall,,.' Lucknow, every. Leod, R.R. 5' L' ucknow, phone 528- Thursday,' 8:45 p.m. Pot" of Gold 6091. . game winner take 'all, 14' reg •_ _ ular games, $10, each, 2 Share the. FOR SALE Duroc meat -type games, ames, A $30 Special; Jack - hogs, o hogs, serviceable . age. boars • and -pot Game for $100.00' on 56 calls or gilts. priced to sell. Jack Mace , $25' consolation prize. R.R. 3 Lucknow,. hone ' Lucknow. 'Legion. Public Speaking' oir of Mi.: and Mrs. Archie Nich SALE - 2 'Holstein heifers, .Contest 'will be held in the" Legion olson's. 35th Wedding `Anniversary, FOR.. SALE . if Culbert, R.R;'.6, 'Hall Monday,- March:.1st at 8 p.m. at their''home: on Tuesday, March: due March .1. Eldonr , Goderich,phone '529-7494.' Winners from Kinloss, : Lucknow, 2nd, 2 - 4; • 7 9 p.m'. , • Brookside and North; Ashfield Pub - I • 'RECEPTION A Reception, will, be: held 'in hon- our of Mr.. and. Mrs. Donald Ban- nerman (Janet Carruthers, ):: at ' Kin- loss Community Centre on Friday, February 26th....Carruthers Orches- tra. Ladies please bring lunch.. OP.EN .HOUSE,, Kenzie, uc now; p 395- 5276. PUBLIC SPEAKING Open House win.1)e held •in- hon. FOR EARLY DELIVERY. 'order your Cattle Ear -tags now., Elmer Umbach Pharmacy, Lucknow.. SAVE, . 25to ��' ON NIXON N SCOUREX ,O - Buy the 32 tablet bottle. Depend- our- -treat-ment for-- eight calves. Elmer . Umbach Discount: Pharmacy, Lucknow. , • CO.OP SPECIAL: Men's : overshoes at ' : special prices: Lucknow _ ;District Co-op, shone 526-2125. : • COMET WELDERS ; (180 ,.nd a00 amp.) compressions, gt inders, fer- tilizer augers, power bin, cleaners, rods and accessories. George Mes- senger, arta: representative, R.R. 1 Ripley. Phone :395-2815. -Smith Roles Ltd., London, Saskatoon, 'Try ,Comet ::before you buy. . CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Every Tuesday and Thursday Pigs' and Cattle, Tuesday' ,Cattle' only, Thursday in by 1 p.m. ,. BILL'S MEAT. MARKET Complete appliance, repairs at BURKE.-ELECTRIC_ Wingham 357-2450' Electrical Contractors:, Appliances - Motor- Rewind 24 Hour Emergency .Service NOTICE lic Schools and. Kingsbridge Separ- ate School will participate ' Junior class up : to Grade 6..and Seniors,' Grades 7' 'and ' 8, .The':,winners of this contest will advance :to • the ICE :CAPADES A bus will .leave Lucknow on Sun- day, March 7th at 11:30 a.m. for the Ice Capades : in Kitchener.' Price .N . $5.50 includes tickets; in .the Blue. Legion. Zone' finals at Kincardine: section. 'Call Montgomery Motors, • 528=30071or nervations.• FOR-` SALE - Beef-type-bred- heifers, eef-type-bred-heifer's, calving soon. '392-6297. HIGHEST PREVAILING PRICES• paid'. for ;dead; and disabled cows and horses. "Call 'collect 881-3459: Walkerton. Graf' Stock Removal. SILVER LAKE GENERAL STORE KINLOSS, ONTARIO Open 7` Days and Evenings Closed•Sunday a.m. and Tuesday 7 p.m. Shop: • for Our .Week -end Specials TRY OUR SUPER ICE-CREAM CONES . ;. !•!'. GALLONS 85c FARMER'S' :INCOME TAX 'SERVICE Tax preparation, inancia s a e- ments,, averaging basic herd, • etc cash or accrual system, work done' at farm, reasonable fees. Phone 1-438-0401 FOR' SALE --, Beatty automatic feed and manure . handling equip r ment, stabling and pressure sys- tems. Contact .Beatty: Farm Ser- vice Centre,. Clanton 482-9561,. • PICTURE FRAMING : our•`. spec • laity, . wood and:: metal. Maxwell •Photo Studio, Wingham. James :'Snyder, pt•opr` ietoi.,-"phone '357-185.1. I3ARN EQUIPMENT ' complete ,line of Acorn Equipttent' and Clay -Equipment?-fol pushbutton- farm-- ing; Westeel` - Rdsco Granaries; Chore' = ' Boy Milking: Parlours; Also Complete Line Of Corrug- , aced Metal Culverts.; ;; • 6" to 24" sizes_. on, hand at all times; larger'. pipet •lit ler_;_..Lcwry_a:rn_ Supply.'. ,Amberley,• phone 395=5286. MAGNETIC SIGNS For cars,, trucks, etc. Plastic, custom formed•. in 3s' gimenSionS. Instant ' ff Instant on, o rl vertisin - Max Ricgling, phone 529-7427. T.V. 'ANTENNA -SERVICE Repairs and . Installation,; Free Estimates, •Year. , Round Service, Doug Harker, Phone.- 364-3313Col- lect 'Box 467 Hanover Ontario:• SALE -maple. .:. a ui FOR. syrup q p- -rrrent: __x3e2--ev-aporatot 1,3'75-buc--- kets,, :gathering tank, and spires. All equipment in good 'condition. . Morley' Johnston; R.R. 2 Auburn, phone 529-7129. HILRAY.FARMS L'TD.' A BATT° I R,-HOLYROOD___ The 'best in Home Grown, Dry Fed, Drug Free ' Beef.. Try - our Fresh Horne •Made Sausage. Custom kil- ling by appointment. ; • , Phone 528-2132 • • , NOTICE. ANNUAL MEETING • .WINGHAM AND DISTRICT HOSPITAL •:ASSOCIATION' :... The annual ' meeting of the Wing- ' ham and:District -Hospital. Associa- tion ' will be: held" on ' FRIDAY,. MARCH Sth, 1971 at 8:00 :p.m. Nursing, Assistants' Training School, 'Catha ine Street, 'Wingham • All matters 'of business pertaining. to'. the Wingham and, District .Hos- pital Association will be transacted: including the' election of directors• and, other officers. ' - In,'order to cast a ballot in the lection -of lirectors-aerson be a member .of.' the Association. Oneyear memberships may .be• ob- tained for: the sum of $1,00 from' the Wingham and District 'Hospital of, fice:. -These-memberships--:must-be purchased at least ten days' prior to the annual meeting:. . Everyone .welcome.` ' Barry Wenger, President, John Strong, Secretary' LOST LOST - will the party, who took' a man's. gold checked' hat .by mis- take at, the reception last 'Satur- p day night kindly-returnit-tor -the Lucknow. Legion; Hall. • Charlie . Wilkins • ' : MOTION PICTURE:. The . motion • picture:. "The: Rest less, Ones" , that• tells' the world .the'- truth; will be, shown . at • the: Lyceum Theatre, . Wingtiam, March 4, 5, 6. Two shows each :night 6 and '8:30' p.m.,. spimSored-by-Ehristian Bus- iness Men. Tickets $1,25. Advance Sale $1 00,.phOne 52873615: N F.U. 'DANCE Dance to the. music ' of Don .and the "Westernaires at • the .Lucknow Legion --Hall;- •-•Saturday; Febr_uar_y_ 27, 1971. `.Dancing from. ,10 - .1: Ad *mission restricted to. persons over. 21. Lunch, provided; Sponsored by NF.U. Local 335.: ii:oraw '.for.. quilt to be made at dance. CARD PARTY: Dungannon L.O L.•: will sponsor a Card • Party . in the Dungannon:: Orange: Hall on Thursday, Febru- -ary. 25th. Everyone welcome CALIFORNIA 'TOUR; CALIFORNIA. TOUR by. 'Modern Motor . Coach, ' .21 days, fully es- corted, 'no •overnight travel; the. biggest bargain •in. a California and• area tour, ,travel by Carr's De,. Luxe . Coaches, contact, De Luxe Travel' Service, 260 'Tenth St. E. Owen .Sound, phone 376-5712. RECEPTION Reception in.,m honour of • Mr. and RECEPTION, reception •for. Dr. and' Mr .._ As1 Alex:• .MacIntyre will be held in the ..Luck- now. Legion' Hall' on;' 'Saturday;'. March "13th. Carruthers•. Orchestra:, Everyone welcome. MOCCASIN DANCE A giant Moccasin Dance will .be held at 'Elliott's.• Beach Bar, Am berley;; Saturday, February::' 27.•:: Music by "The Dixieland Brass", Outdoor ' barbeque. (chicken, steak pigtails,' spareribs): 700. p:.m: 'til ? ? ?' ? Open; 'to all :the 'public. Special invitation to'snowmobilers, • . W1NGHI M. BINGO Wingham Legions Bingo. gat' ;the: Legion Hall; `Wingham, :Wednes-. day,:' March'.3rd. at 8'30 `.p.m. 15' regular' ;;games, . $10 ,prize • each game, 2 , share -the -wealth 'games;. $50 .special must go; Jackpot game $540 on 6' calls w th, a 35 co:ns41 anon. Admission `$1.00 extra a,na special cards 3 for :50c , or . 7 for $1.00..0 -Mrs:—Rick-=-Humphreys-(forer-l3F----- $ Ramona Hanna). on Friday, Feb ruary . 26th • in -Whitechurch Cqm- munity• . Hall. Tiffin's Orchestra. Ladies please • bring :sandwiches. WAITED Everyone :welcome. VARIETY CONCERT .: Lucknow :Agricultural 'Society will hold`a Variety Concert on Fr day,; February 26th;' at 8:30 p.m. : in -Brookside Public School; fe"aturirt "The, Sweet Adelines" of Listowel and local talent: Crawford. Douglas • of C.K.N.X will be master of cer- emonies., Adults $1:00, children 50c. Those ' wishing transportation to. the concertcontact` the secretary 1-or=a director TIMBER : WANTED -... Standing.''.• Hardwoods; all species.. Will • buy logs.. For top cash prices call Craig's Sawmill, 'Auburn:,526=7220. '. SILO 'AND . ROOF EXTENSIONS Anyone •wishing to ,have' exten -sions_on_;theu�stloS t_....roofs_please- call or write. This can be done now. George Wraith, Boit 95, Goderich. Phones Residence 524-7002 orn' Shop 524-6511 PLAYING CARDS P asti coated=singte_decl s' ..from .$1,19 up as welt` as double 'decks " 'and euchre sleeks (euchre card's only). Drop -in, at The Lucknow Sentinel, DUMONT ALUMINUM .. SAES rAND` SEII~YIi✓E•; wind"own` doors, awnings, sidings, .For. free estimate' call • Roy Ember1in, your Weal dealer. ' 11E, 'rEESWATEItNEWS' s ' available at Tht; Lucknow Sentinel,, 'lac per copy. If you are irlte_ rested•' up ., py bit.: triol,, pick a co in the ,iews 'Of 'reeswaler an - sante LIMITED SUPPLY: CONTACT: US' IMMEDIATELY SEED GRA-047=-7G.R-�CS SEEDS -- SEED CORN CLEANING AND TREATING: .TRUCKING :ELLIOTT'S 'SEED MILL LtUCKNOW, 'ONTARIO: • Pt1ON•E S2$ 3500` - HELP WANTED FOR• :EXTRA. -INCOME ' Men sand, women any' age. Tart, or :full time. High Earnings flea sant. ' . Dignified' Work. • Flexible. Hours. Perfect "for men with jobs • anal women_wth_schol `fie child- ren. Training provide. .FOR INFORMATION `CARD .PARTY p. ACT. CHARLIE LEE Kairshea W.L; will: s onsor • a CONTACT. Card Party in Kairshea Hall 'at WINGHAM, PHONE 357..1383' 8:00 ,p.m. on Tuesday, March 2nd. WORK WANTED -t by- and• an.eltn . ktZchen cu bo were' remodeling, and: repairing; i eason able rates; free_ estimates; Qnc • ANNUAL MEF:TING-- i' .: '-'u ou ti.___,' - :.:..-_.. Roy , Schnell tile "ceilings SERVICE S 1 M 1 I the omeitute members Everyone paneling, ow bl Ripley `195' 2221 R per CONTACT RON `JUEE The ainilia .nee Ing ofthe Pine " g River Cheese and Butter Co-oper- ative, R.R. 4 ',Ripley, Ontario will be held Friday; February, 26th at 1:15 p•m. in Reids Corners Hall: PETROFINA .CANADA. L,TD • HANOVER.. PHONE 364-2246 • or 3644409 ; OPENINGS' FOR 3 PEOPLE; . If 'you ;Want to work ; part time: or full time, Good 'income in, you area, no experience necessary; Ph .one 395-2850 Ripley, :Ontario:. IRWIN'S AUCTION and SALE. MANACEM.EN.T-. SERVICE ... Contact "Bill" At R R. 1 Kincardine • • PHONE'39S441i-'. "ANY TYPE' OF AUCTION''' WANTED - -some work. for t months of -February and March, Farm. •work, 'or. repair .jobs, ,Cony tact Melvin -A, Yoder, R.R.' 5'Luck' now, c/o ;Ben °R.. Troyer, .'Con.. Q: WANTED'. •---caretaker for Helens United Church, duties to commence immediately. :State ry desired. Lowest ' or any applhC ation not necessarily, accep Send application. to Don Cameron », Rx 2 Lucknow roar` 271 ' by, Saturday, 'Feb' y+ hww