HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-02-24, Page 21'R • PAW TWO. ' THE IUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW; ONTARIO The LUGKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO' 'The, Sepoy Town" - On the Huron-Bruce;'Boundary• Second Class Mail Registration Number 0847 • Established' 183 Published Each ' Wednesdayf Afternoon Mimiber of C.W.N. .. and O.W.N.A. Subscription Rates $5.00 -a,• year in advance :— to the "U.S.A., .$7:00' Donald':. C Thompson, Publisher , 'WEDNESDAY,' FEBRUARY' 24, '1971: Lti • COMMUNITY INFORAAATION! Last week's..Sentinel carried' a' letter �to the editor concerning the fact that `nor a than one community activity' is. sometimes planned ...� . for the same night' because of the fact that committees in charge were. not ':aware, of each other's intentions., •'` The letter ,suggested:.a central point in Lucknow whereplans for- tpeoming-events_cs ges ion was for a 'bulletin.. board in:.a central point .which could be referred' to, to indicate' plans for futur e events. The suggestion was' also made of a committee or individual Who would co-ordinate dates, and., that organizations could check with this source before planning their event: We: are a' bit skeptical about the success of a bulletin; board listing upcoming events •;The community we are ,concerned wi' large: one stretching. from 'Blackhorse; to Dungannon and -,from- White- church to Ripley and' Kingsbridge. A• bt etin-boar-d -in Lucknow;,j, not too convenient -fora group_at� Amberley who are sponsoring an .upcoming event.', There : are' many c problems •surrounding_ 'bulletinboard� _keeping itnup to date, esponsi Dear Sir. o• _Pl . -Fa a 1thc; mon • • held with Bruc even: • . WEDNESDAY. Says Farmers Union Not Social Club, Not Glory Seekers; Interested In farmers • Dear Done' We have been asked .from time' to time• what does. the National. Farmers' .Union stand for? what is.. it. doing? • The sole purpose of the N. F.U. is to put dollars in the farmers' pockets:.' It• is. not a social club -• we do not put •on.:concerts or'sports events which; is 'the: function of • ` the recreation committee in our . :area . When we:put on a .dance:,.._. have'' a bake .sale or hold a. draw it: is. for one purpose only . to raise my one to. further the,'work ..of the •N.. p. U' • ' • .• Also',,, Weare not glory seekers uestion$'nHng ;eceef Sunday ; February 12',.1971 Luctnow' Seuti„e1 bility, vandalism, etc. • We 'feel : there would be more logic in ` the ;appointment of one individual who would :co-ordinate information.on..upcoming events and relay them by telephone to those who are interested. However, .'•this' would also present some problems 'in 'educating the people ..to make .' use of this service:' :Most organizations would be ..unconcerned about n such an arrangement until the time would . come for `them :to, plan an'. event. Then there . would be the' possibility that ; theywould never Po Y 'think of advising the ,central point, never having .been in the habit of doing so before, Nevertheless, we feel that the' second : idea . presents more pos- , sibilities than the. bulletin.board::,It would' be wortha try if someone would be willing to give .of.,their 'time ` in this project: be accused of barn based i .and we admit o Cha b' we feel that a good,• system of advising area r esidents of upcoming. eventsin the community hasbeen in effect for close to loo.years For a small charge, the "Coming Events" :section of the Lucknow Sentinel will advise everyone in the community about events ,which are. planned tr by area ;organizations.One weeks would cost. $1 or if it - is felt it would take several weeks to make, the•point, 75c a week will, do • the trickafter the first insertion, 2500 households :will be • aware of your plans andthat's a bargain in anyone's ;views. A couple'of bucks spent now is 'a: better in.vesttnent than the . costs involy in a ha en O postpone an event to another night, or the loss of revenue by having two or more; events on 'the" sane ,night; Janu• be. o PLEB ' been ..'M beer, JC ' Luc•1• ..::.. Ba.nquet aturdar to kc year Swet 2nd•, 31st •4A ..The 'Father and Son Cub banquet was held on SatUrday of last week in the Lucknow, L{nited Church. • The `Ladies•Auxiliary to' the ,cln-bs=catered4er the-;rtmea-1-for seventy'; which included thirty two dubs„ fathers and. t,be Group. Cotrnittee fm Arrfold is. Cub Master: Follow i the dinner films were shown. :• COURSE • Sponsored' by Rural' Learning Association of Huron Township IN RIPLEY DI•STRICT. HIGH SCHOOL, FOR FOUR MONQA.'`f`EVENINGS MARCH 1, 8, 15 AND' 22 FROM s, TILL 10 P.M. NIGHTLY • r r •AbV'Ar CE RE'GIST tivrr.Ow` $2':50' • • 'to be sent to`, Reg Moore, Ripley AOR• • R.egistratr'or on first night of coilrse '$3,.' when weeaccorn•plish ;something, we .are after , .we do` not stand e° around looking for a pat on the back , we:are on to .some other • task; working,. for the. good of the farmer. The N. F.U. is farmer -controlled It does not' accept. money' fibril: any other' source - for it has been proven back through history, that ' every •farm .or;ganizatibn failed , `. because someone other than farm- ers gained.control.. The 'N,:F.-U. is presently :working on. policies for 'rnilk,producers, and grain growers. Beef: hog and poultry prices wi11 all be tackled by the N.F.U.` in the near future;: ro °•' But for these prams to :work , programs these. producersmust learn to 'support each Other:. . . •For more information On what the'•N. F U. is: doing, attend' our next regular meeting ,' the ti'ime. and place will appear in this. -:pa-per. Both-ihe-rress and the , public are welcome. Mrs. Charles : Wilkins:• •Secretary Treasurer Y Loa1335, .Recently ;there appearedin. your• paper for, three consecutive issues advertisement, concerning a .by law, to be passed by .the •village .council to. permit' Sunday sports after 1;30 in the •a:fternoo.n: The need for the:advertisement. has puzzled me, somewhat inns- rnuch, as there is no law in our province that prohibits sports 'on Sunday; There is a law.,` as 'l understand it , _ rohibitin g P ercialS-sports on the' Sabbath`, but the advertisement makes. no • mention of co ■ Just Sunda , sp oras . It:'w.ould•ppear•a: � y P therefore that to make a charge. at •an ' of•tile sporting events• on•'Sun-. P. g . day would' be illegal' as the adver tisement•does not•cover this aspect ; . . .About 4 • eacs a o;.when it.was' necessary t�. have .a'vote :of the SKI CL' • CONTINUED .FROM PAGE' 1 • McKim who was s , onsored b Barry Haokett;and•G'eorge.Guest; Zeke'Zeran by' Jtrri• McCauley and ,Shirley :!Tiffin;,' Brian'Arnold. by Mary :Ross; Elizabeth, McKim by J,:W. Joynt. and. Norma/ Ander- . son; 'Bre:nda.Arnold by Don'Ross Lori McKim by. Mrs. E.' McKim.,' Y. J; C, McKim , C- McKim C;A...Bell:and•A,.E. McKim,. Debbie'Arnold .by Walter Arnold Kathryn McKim by Mrs.. A E. Mc Kim', C Iy1c.Kirn 'and McKim;- Etta' Belle MacDonald YJ -ac- : k-Ma'c=Donald, Torn'eh�t er by Nies. 'Ken Chester; :'Brenda '.. MacDonald by,Audrey I IaeDon.- ald; Jack McKim 'by, M. H'... Corr- in , Mary McIntyre Susaii •And.= re,'mson by Mrs :L,wC,. Thousanm � soThoI?n`,p• Mrs r Alex Hack •ett , Don •,Thompso.n, Nancy. Thompson and Mrs:..Vernon,1-lun ter. Zt3 e-_ s"t0 •lithor -et rami erCla- ', —. sports.., 'a vote was'lleld•,.l.n our. community. The ballot's were 'made out with the. :question: You in favour of Sunday sports?''. • When it was; pointed: out that:there was_no:1a.w_agai nst_Sundayiports'_ and' such a question was redundant the ballots were destroyed and ' new ones we're printed with the question "Are you in. savour of 'commercial -sports ori'•Sunday?":' There is quite a di:fference.bet-' ween the two questions'. A vote_' by the people is no • longerrettu-ired,; i:t be done with a bylaw but l main- tain'that noiice of such should clearly state that the' matter in question is Commercial sport , that is if it is the intention to Targe dn�is ion. Or inrwise , • . there is no authority 'to make such a cha,rge... . As pointed out above , there is quite, a .;difference between ":ports"'and ``'commercial sports' If commercial sports Mas not the intention, then it would seem the advertisement' was unnecessary. Sincerely yours, Wm; A. Henderson, 44 i .l'iunter Street Woodstock, 'Ontario, FEBRUARY 24, •1971 TAX DATE CONTINUED FROM PACE . applications for Warble Fly In-." spector. Constde, rabl'e.discussion of the pros•and, cons of two tax levies during the' year took place. After lengthy deliberation., -a motion by .Councillors McDonald and` • Hickey "That the Township of West Wawanosh collect taxes. from its ratepayers twiceduring':. the'year , .to,,be dues on June 15 and .November: 1; ". was duly 'tna:de and -carried. • '.,The ltoad Superintendent'open- ed open . ed tenders from three companies for the supplying of fuel for the • grader. On motion of Councillors Du'rnin' and McDonald:, the tender', Of 13P Canada Liniited' , through agent Wo A; Hamilton, Lucknow, a.t 2;01:•9 cents per 'gallon was accepted..Other :tenders received •• were from, Gulf Oi1 at 22.10•. centser gballon and_Chisholir. P Fuels at 21.6 centsper gallon.. The 'Road accounts .were: ordered' paid on 'motion of Councillors • I.1ic.key and Durnin. 'The: following:'g eneral accounts .:g were passed for 'payrr ent.;on • motion of Councillors McDonald. and Hickey: Lucknow,Ag.ricultural Society; 1971, rant' $100.100; Dun- 0annon AgriculturalSoctet y ,D971 gra nt,n$100.O0,: L3uron Plow•' men's. Association, 1971, grant' 425,,00; Ontario Hydro, hall • ,pooer-19,:75;:Robert * - Sanderson, •balance :tile portion` Rintoul dram $2;53:4;45; :Village of. •I u.cknow „:fire call to ' Eng a-nd---- ho.nie '$150:00,; Neil Rintoul ,' tile. drain loan $I -,-E 80 n 0O •Don-Dur.-n•i-n the drain loanHtll:- iard' Jefferson., tile :`dam'Inspector.• $40.00;•. Welfare :accounts $110: O0 . ROAD. ACCOUNTS:. H.•'Cu•lbert;,: salar. $163..8mph/01; • G:: Hu Y, Operator $432.52; McDonald:,', •wingman' $330..:32; 12: •Phillips wingrna n $310.'35; • N. •• McDonald, • snow ploing, Hardy, snow••plowing$1:,560'•.00 : Chisholrn Fuels, fuel and tax sho 163: 09•C,ordon Stn th`' re p a:ir • ' . � � ' X P :Win g.$51,..54; es and wi 1 54•" son buiadozig .n snow $:324.. 0.6; Bank of Commerce ,: •C..P P, 'and Income Tax $1-98:15_Receiver '•General,• Unemployment i•nsuran c:e $33;d:0 Hackett•Bros. ,:cha•in'• oil.:and •re .air' 0, v ,_ r.' • i P :s, $1.3 Etecet e general', • .. G a.1postage s � OU ounce . d t .. t1 a u e o ndo,neer ',Oa rel.', 9.' 10'4; at .1:00• nY.' at', the Clerk's'.honie'. . J • OAN• ARMSTRONG C.LERI<' ■• i Cr • At':. Lucknow • Entries will be required to have'. a; total sponsorship of at .least' 50o an hour, r ries must. e- -b Monday, • in •" nim *Ili ANN km", f,.��.. PRIZES FOR lsf•AND 92nd WINNERS. ALL; FINISHERS WILL BE.RECOGNIZED '- ,._ PRIZE AL$O FOR MOST SPONSORS • • Committee representatives who' can *be. contacted for entry . and sponsors:up for rns are Frank Alton , Vernon Hunter, ,Russell Irving Mrs, Bob ,Struthers, Glen Walden, Bob 'Gilchrist. Sponsorship 'returns should be ;collected and returned in one Week; Part proceeds• Will help defray :summer swimming expenses. SPON$O'REI BY LUC'KNO'ICAGRICULTURAL :S ETT