HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-02-17, Page 14'fAtiE; FOURTEEN. •,r THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARaO_ RIPLEY HILI' ') .Fiditor' in. Chief Robert Rooney Assistant - Beverley Stnith,- Mary : Maccharles ' . Barry MacDonald Bruce Aitken. HOCKEY NOTES Juveniles proceed to finals..,.. The Ripley Juveniles defeated the Belgrave Sduad twice ,this: past. week to gain entrance to the Wes- tern.Ontario Finals. On Monday night Ri,pley'hosted Belgrave for ., the first game of the series ..Rip- ley took a commanding two goal lead in the first period with goals by Don MacGregor and Billy Kirk'., Belgrave came back hard in:the second to tie the score. Before the end of the period ,'12iple.y re taliated with three. goals. In the third period , Ripley took a . . decisive lead by scoring five more ,goals to only_ three by •Belgrave.. The. final score was to-- 6 in, favour. of Ripley ;. RIPLEY MAKES IT'TWO . STRAIGHT .. Q11 Thursday night Ripley •journ- ALL ,,BEN1ETS I4RE AVAItASLE 1NtTl ey:ed.to Belgrave'for what turned oat to be the final game of the.. renes ' Belgrave .out• hoping g , . desperately fora wih.to stay alive. The first period was very' close checking. Billy Kirk scored ,the I. BEAUTIFUL, LONG-LASTING •GENUINE ' FORMICA COUNTER TOPS WITH MOLDED -IN BACKSPLASH FOR ' EASY CLEAN- ING, AND RAISED FRONT EDGES TO STOP SPILL-OVER. ;ALL HARDWOOD, CONSTRUCTION, BOTH INSIDE AND OUT. HARDBOARD BACKS ON TOP UNITS ONLY.. IABINET STYLES FOR -EVERY SPACE-AND2DE COR REQUIREMENT: OMAW HICH -TO CHOOSE ' FREE:ESTIMATE NO OBLIGATION IIIRIi lTIi*IIINIIIBIII■�Id/Illal.11■Il ailIELfIEInalllaIIINIII/IIIallli1111111'Iai1Ii PHONE 528-3118>, Contributed Plans for the 1971 Lucknow Fall• Fair= are- ro ressin uite well although. the Fair is still many' months:, away; ' The: Fair will be held September :17th and,l8th , .; with .Ross Whicher , 1vl . P: ' rot e, ofiieal>y-o`pernng-tire event. P.relirninary Prize lists for .the; Ladies' Section were mailed;.in • January: Extra copies'may still ' ke. obtained from the Secretary. Preliminary School lists have: also' -.1eenlor4rde7rte the schools: tvlan Y.concessions have already been spoken for. Corning .Events sponsored 'by. •ucknow A'ricultural Society: to keep in n-iind.:for the .coming ,year' are: AConcert,featuring.the Sweet Adelines' ',. February.26t1i; 119tiel hornton ance ;, April 2nd; Craft: Show ; July 30th .'and •'"31st. 'Plansare,also underway for KNOW; a`Skate-a -thou the latter part .of, ' hop March. Directors.:and members of the Society. have volunteered to give 'rides to citizens without • transportation to the Concert at ,Br -Pu _.d - - - si ePublic School,°Feb-;: Mary '26th.. •I wish trans fou. you. Por•.- tation please..; contact, any of the :following people.;' Russel Bob Gilchrist'', Bob Struthers Bob Crr�.pbell-Vernon :Hunt=er , Dom -- aid Maclntyre:•,,.Dan McInnes, Jim O'Donnell.. Delegates appointed -to The.. •. .k 'Ontario Association of Agricultur- al Societies Convention in TOron- to: February 24th*nd 25th; are: "'Mx and' Mrs ; 'Russ-cr.-1M i n a'nd' Ntr:,. and Mrs. Peter Coo: Others . planning to attend are, Mr: and. Mrs . Bob Gilchrist ; .Mr‘. and Mrs. 'Bob Struthers,; Mr. and Mrs. Bob 6a-rra-pbel1; rlr, and MrsJ lrvet.. McCharles, • Mrs: McCharles „wi11, be attending as the Lady Representative for District 10. - --Collector-s--hae--a-lso-started canvassing, Jim ,Aitchison 'is in :charge' of•this. only goal of the period..' The. --recon„dperiod coftt hued -to -be _ ., . hard hitting exciting action'. The scoring took on a seesaw, pattern 1 ' Fut Rrpley--would-score-and then- :Belgrave ! :Th'e:end of: the period. • saw the:score 3 - 2 in. favour Of - Ri,Fley.. As . the third period start `` ed,' Belgrave knew they had to 'play Well or hand''up their skaters.. They quickly tied:the•score•; only to have.;Ripley• bounce back with a goal, '• The'action was,fast ! Thee hitting. was hard And•the goals. :were scored' ..furiously .. Ripley ; 'managed'to stay one goal ahead•of Belgrave until the 'ten minute •mark when the score•'was' 6 .�• 5 for Ripley: Y From then onwards. it was Ripley's game;. The line of:, Courtney, Kirk and Boyle• scored tirie after time to darken the. es of •Belgrave;:.. The final T score• of :the game was `Ripley 11 Retirement Income through Life Insurance? CONTACT .R. 2 Lucknow inahan bite Wingllarh 357.1987 .WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17,, 1971 dine 9 Saugeen •i0.:,; Kincardine b; Saugeen. 20,• Chesley y1. (MIXED) Ripley 9 , Wiarton 7; Ripley 3; Sau;eeta„7, Ripley,lEi , Ripley 1; Satigeen 10, Kincardine 8;. Ripley `'5 , Kincardine 9; Ches- ley '3 , Kincardine 10; Ripley, S , Chesley 6; •Chesley 4, Wiartoi 2; Saugeen 18, Wiarton. 2.,; After the pointswere compiled the Saugeen boys and niixed teams emerged victorious with, 42 1/2 and 38' 3/4 points'respectiv. ely. Second'and third place in the boys' drawwent to. Kincardine? 32 3/4, all 'Rpley's first team ,• with 23.1/2 points:, In the Mixed: division Kincardine •teas second with 31.3/4 points and Ripley No•. 1 was third with 31 points. The members of the victorious Saugeen boys' team were: Skip, -John— wso+ , -leeL Second.', Mike Shave and L'ead, pale Doran:: The winning Saug- een mixed.teana was cornposed of Skip.;;Norrn.'Laur, Vice Nancy Campbell; :Second .,: lint Fleiiing and= Lead,: Jo-.anne•Ko11' ni'y;., :Each team rec•eived'a'tto h Fres- i'Y P. en, ted by Mr :Brown The Saug e'en Boys' ;team now advances to o 1 the C. W.O.S.S.A. ,coiiipetition, Me,rnbers of Ripley teams were:, (Boys) 1 ipley. No.. ' 1, Skip,., Bill Kirk, Vice , Peter Walden;, Seer and , Blain Carruthers, and, Lead, 13oyd'Carrutlters,' • Ripley No, 2, Sl<ip, Glen. Wylds, Vicc , Robert •IRootley',, Second Ron; Pollock.arid • i;ead ,, Barry Nia,CD onald '• • (;Mixed) Ripley. No. '1, Sl<ip, 1)0,O' • "Floe”. Martin, Vice ; G til•Court ney;, Second• Brian ,Nitici)onald„ Lead ,Mary. ,MacC3iarles., R. pleyo, No;: Ship, ("athy. Ir win ,Vice, Stindy-1'olloek, Sec and 'C,ai1 'Huston ind Lead , Steve, Henry, •. Thanks forntal<iti; tlie,, bonspiel a success go, to ll.r, Doug Coultes, •Mr. Brown, "Moe" Mar- tin., Jim Ell ott,.Wahy POIIPek a'' and the :ladies who ea.tered;• VALENTINE'S: DANCE.'71 On Friday . February 12 the halls and gy:it of RDHS were filled to'capactty.as students from all over;the-region attended our nual St.: Valentine's Day dance.',, Music was provided' by 'the "Spott Farm" who drew in many. of. their adrnirets from as far .a field its Walkerton,,Listowel and Sarnia, The evening clima?<ed•at rltrd, night when Student Council, Pres ident.13rYa. yn;Bo le;and•last year's.. . Queer „Shirley \lcereatii crown. 'ed. the ne'Wdarling'of 'the school Debbie Trn nrer''ofE f ,a de_••10 1971 . • Of - tow IQ; eorke id •,eport$ pack mild Co Princesses WereSa11: Elliott of ' f e-:-ako ;Grade 10 and-Drannie kempton of aah�•. g rade 11: .9o; :d•'rc 20 =--1970'sin various models, sedans and '2 and 4 door hardtops:. in Fords, Chevrolets, Pontiacs including Catalinas, Skylark Buicks : and; Cutlass Oldsmobiles” and 13eigrav`e6: :Elliott Courtney' scored' 5 , Billy Kirkpatrick 4: and • Bryan Boyle 2: Ripley `now meets: the wnrrers-of the Corrie Valley series for the Wester.rt.Ont- ario "E' Championship. SLAPSHOTS ` ' ' • Bryan Hoyle played veryTwell' for'•his .first time back since he • broke his collar. bone . • •Don "Mort" laccregdr'surfer'.!: ed' a`s':rained`ankie in'.Monday`''s. P: y game , -"Believe 'it or not" there w ie et r o -fights lir ezthe of.the. games But there were a number of hard body checks' handed out. =Big Bad Lynn Reid threw several "bone crushing" checks'n Thurs- day's garnet. 13;.LA. CURLING BONSPIEL On February 12 this year's B.1.. A. t3onspiel was held at the 1Rpley ,Curling•,Rink,. Participating ':• schools were Wiarton, Saugeen, • Chesley, Kincardine' and Ripley,, Each High•'Schooi'entered a boys and mixed rink except Ripley v=irtr�i=i�- each category. since Lions. Head' failed. to arrive,' E.acli'rink curled three games; the, .boys 'draw com- mencing at 9.00; the rnixed,draw starting at- 1 ,0o '--Fo1lowiitg-acre--: the scores of the day's curling: •' 1 (BOYS) Ripley 3, Saugeeri 12; Ripley 8, Chesley 10; Ripley 11, Wiarton B; 'Ripley 2•:, Chesley 1.2; Ripley 6,. Wiarton '7; }Ripley I, Kincardine 10; Wiarton',, Kincar- '1969,'FORD custom,power steering. 2. 1969. CHEVELLES, a 2 doorhardtop and a .4 door sedan 1969 • CH VROLET. Impala, 4 door hardtop 2 1969 CHEVROLET Bel Air sedans'' • 3 _ 1969 PONTIAC,; 2 door, hardtops; . in' various •models • . work' )f' . • td all• 1969 :PONTIAC,'4 door hardtop . • 2 1968 POlTIAC:• .PARISIENNE, 2•'door hardtops, fully::: equipped ' 1968 PONTIAC Laurentian. sedan, 6 c. ;linder 2,-196x''CHEY Impala -4 door hardtops Used cars from '65 'to'68 in various models; sedans, hardto �s . and :4 door — 900 of all cars' are V8,. Steering/ ' P powerg/ . . and all: automatic 1970 CHEV 3/4 ton pickup._yith V8 engine : —' 9'0R1) V8, 1 ton stakes with duals 1969 CHEV 3/4�: ,ton' pickup 1968 G.M.C. 1/2 ton pickup • 1967' G.MC. _1 ton pickup '96-71rOtW.14 ft. stake body' Y , ftp stake:.body 1966 CHEVROLET •tilt cab, . 14 1964 1 ton stake k number of..Econoline and Chevy Vans. from '64 to r I S • Motors. 'BP •:Serve Stati •only • • Phone 88/4173 greet1 ;ically • THE