The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-02-17, Page 13DNE FEBRUARY 17, 1971,'
% d14p 111a$tte WatSjlel'
Dryer •
Ode p
eatures' 3.` c' cle. control :- regular, prima- lar, ress and pre -wash.
with 5 wash and .; rinse: temperatures. In addition ,yon .have
flexibility of the:' two speed control for normal and gentle
ator and spin speeds: All porcelain': top: and lid assurea.
e: Balanceof cabinet finished ; zn,hi-bake acrylic enamel •over:
osphated ;steel plus hi -bake "E 'n" rimer• for lasting beauty.
?, P. Pa P g . ty
en—'t2-lfi—� apaetary-�- ower -overflow -rinse-
dual ball bearinginount —..sloping. -back panel—Theavy_ duty-
ll.Yautomatic' dryer' Three complete cycles automatic
. p�.
Cycle - plus perms press - and regular time , cycle: Special
heat drying to protect any washable fabric. E cclusive new
tering system enables you to dry your Simplicity ,clean clothes
th clean air illuminated drum all porcelain top — sun ray
ment safety door --- multiple heat control — giant in=door
t filter (154 square inches).
PHONE 528-3112
w o e s. To
mb'rle: .
e Area
ase everyone hasn't .rnet our
ssi'o n , r.W have ,:Mr and
Wilfred Janissee and family.
Windsor', who havepfirchas
home'forrnerly owned lay
rid Mrs:: Tom Fox. Mr,. and
aaisse:e.:have eight chr_ld- ;'.
the two oldest girls are '
in •Windsor• and .four girls,
o boysare with them at • •
,-renting thea hatise owired -
fford Ernmerton are Mr'.
s. Tom Morrison and
ne little- child .' We wel-
ese--new•-c`orrieTs to our
e -•Sandra' Henry ,'daughter.
and Mrs., Lorne Henry has
patient in kincardine hos
eedy recovery,
and blowing snow still
part of the winter scene
sty found themselves still
1TT over this _past_ .:week --.
t es 'at_' Pine River United.
were Cancelled Sunday
,because of blocked
d oil Tudsday the. U.t,ci
a18ohad to be cancelled.
to the weather conditions,
mine'''Sad c Ila'w.kins"
dance; was held at. Ripley llistrict.: :School. Our congratulations
of `� ne et t r
g o 1�1iss � Dig n h lip o:
was chosen one• of the princesses
at the:. dait.ce. ;
Mr.. ,and 1 .Irs. 'Leoiaard. Elnies.
spent .the. week end in, Toronto•
and .visited •with their daughter
' Katy y'h �. Kath. works in. •the • lib---
rary 'of.the C. N:I.•B in Toronto.
Surgery Was -performed oil: little
Elizabeth Smelt7er daughter of
Grou.p enjoy
Snownobi.Iing On
Kinloss Hill
• Drifting snow caused t delay in
the arrival :of .a group Of youig
people frorn .:the Toronto area,;'
coming to Lucknow 'for a winter',
week end. Despite'the bitter, •
cold wind 5riownobiing and tob ..
oganning:was enjoyed' by rnan.y .on
the :hills•at Dickies. Don Weir,
and Bruce Ward of. T'Oronto were'
overnight ;guests at the .home of
Mr." and. Mrs. Ira Dickie: Other.
young people were billeted. with.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Maclntyre.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Chester Hackett ,:
Jam'ie',•Ian'a"nd Scott visited Soni'
day with •Mr; and Mrs. Evan
Keith and family,".:: C
Mr. and Mrs.' Ira Dickie and
William visited 'Sunday.: with Mr..;
and ."Mrs, Carl Dickie, and Steven
of HopeBay'. • Mrs.":John Dickie,.,
who ' has spent the last two months
here, `returned honae-with them.'
Mrs, Qlive Needham of London:
spent the last week with'Mr. and.
Mrs. Alian'Macl.ntyreand fa'm.ily.
Miss Anne •Graha'rn.spent Satur
day night with her friend Miss
The February meeting for
Kairshea W'Qmen's Institute `is to '
be , held ,,Weather. permittin
Thur? day , ;F-ebruary 18 at 2.;15
p. :,at the,home'of Mrs;. Lloyd
,MacDougall Plans wkill• be made
for •Summary. Day', February.22. .
A'n: interested ,group of young
,people •met with the Kinloss
ToylnshiP . Recreational Cornmit-•
..tee in Holyrood Hall on .Thursday
evening and suggested,many: ae-=
tivities for 1971:.
Mr. .:ai d; Mrs. ,•Robert;•.Gilchris't,
'and Mr:, and; Mrs. Donald C. •
'•MacIntyre and families attended.
the Variety` Concert in Brookside`
•School 'on., Friday°'.evening,'
Theist Lucknow BrowniePac
.r.. ary 'h
-with+o•nly ten out•o.f thirty one
‘Jile:bers' present', dire to the
weather',and chicken -pox.
Packue..condu t
c ed a'�aJG 77�.and•
then we had ou'r, Brownie Ring.
Kathryn IV1c Kim was Fairy Queen
so' was given the crown to wear
f?r;.the meeting
• s- a
- During . l w how -we: sa ng-`
Birthday•to Lorna—Bogle;: Brown
Owl. asked• three Aiestions. frons. the.
•"Question 'Box" . ' `These are, goner -
ally questions:about our, town. The
Mr:•a.nd 'lvlrs,; 'I 1ni r Sinc1t e'r ,
Brownies, find it• helpful if they
-sir rt nam s , especially_,
prow. the
the street th y live on, 'and .also
who Our :Brownie'testers. are•.and
where they live.
We talked about : the Brownie
u � r.l ft7rrrr�•a rrtl�-B<-o w r-t-t?v�-1 , ra i."nde
t't1e 13townies •they should bring a
pair°of Shoes to the meeting as
they are .part of the uniform,
Lorntlloyle-brou-ght-t-he- doll
Boise She, made.;to the meeting
ie slow the 3ro nies . This part
of the requirements for the Toy-
maker lBa.dge m She a Iso made
furniture and'arr,anged
e all agree. ,.. , .:,
He"len Wisser brought her tulip'
bulb,. It hasn't' b16oitied yet . but
we hope it wilt.
Brown Owl explained to th'e •
iris that siie-"of the'requrret•
mens 'for."Cook'" nd ` "House-
ouse-keepe " bacges are. 'included in
their golden: ] 1.I lid .work So Could
Ise' used for hot11;
After a ,few tiii7tu•tes of s0111a
pliorc wG closer' the Meeting
with the Squecte •and 1`apsi
London. She will •be: there about
a .week and then. will be able to '.
get honie. Elizabeth will be in a
cast approximately ten weeks.'
-Elmer and •Marianne."were in`LoW-
don Friday, also Iv1'rs. Allan•Mac
Dougall and Mrs. 13ob'.Cotirtney;
who visited: -with.. her sister Mrs:.
FTlwocid'Irwin.. .�
The local boys are taking,.
advantage of the good 'ice along
the shore down at Point Clark. •
The week ends are a good time '.to
see.J.ots of skatin _and "''choose
up -sides" hockey games.
Miss Mary Pace spent, the week
end in Ripley as guest of Miss '
'Patsy Henderson.
Mrs. Art Snicltzer, Mrs, Elmer
Smeltz'er and.l\,lrs. Cary „Courtney
atterided a,• shower.for,Mrs', RobW
crt 13ow. rs (nee. Sandra '1'homp:y''
son) Saturday at kincardine,.
Re:v. • Mr. 11111 conducted a
worship servicc9 .Sunday•evenitig
for the patic his at 1, ittct rditie;. ,.
Concert Sportsored
By Fec.eration
Was Great Success
Ashfield .Township Federation
of. Agricu ltureponsoeed another
big feature'when; they presented
their advertising contest at Brbo`k
side school on Friday 'evening
February 12th ' •
Winning' top honours„.and-
the'$20:00; prize was`Frank'Alton
advertising the Federation of the
In second,place and a number
that could go 9n to higher 'hon-
ours was the one presented by. , ,
Jimmie Wilkins, son of Mr: and
Mrs. Herb: Wilkins on advertising
Pine River. Cheese and was the
winner :of $15.00,
Third prize' of _$10:.;00 was'wo;n,
by Mary Anne Alton With Bissets
Ic•e Creain as her advertisement,
Mrs Francis Boyle, represent-,
ing,the Huron' Township Federa.
tion and advertising Rural Learn
ing, won for the 'Federation in :
Huron Township $5'.00 •
•Other numbers were•presenred
by -Brookside School, The Govern
Mentcomes:calling, Lucknow
Agricultural Society advertised '
L"'uc,know Fall Fair.` A,not'her'nuin
ber The Little Red Hen.,by the.
Huron Township .Federation was
'wel.l :presented.
There were •nurnber's by Walter
Dexter .ae.companied by Mrs:•
Peter • Cook; uets y b "
. Irene a•nd
'Francis Logteribe:rg , aeco:rnpanied Richard Orr-. , Mr Orr also t
entertained with music on:"his
guitar. The Ashfield. Federation.:
Sympathy is extended to.the
family of Milton,Stanley of Lott.
don , f9tinerly of Purple Grove ,
Who passed. away on Wednesday ,
in. London Hospital. • Funeral ser-
er vices were held in Ripley.
.A' surprise birthday party was
held on Saturday .for Mrs:, Francis;
Boyle ,by her family and; neighbors
Mi. and Mrs. Cecil Sutton. Din
ner' was held at the Suttons.
•Miss 'Sandra Johnston",of Lucknow.
spent the `week end with "Miss,
Cathy Dore.
Mr •and Mrs, Don IvIcCosh.'were
Sunday visitors of George Col-
Well of Lucknow
Mr. and Mit. , Roy Collins and
Bob Emmerson.visited with, Mr.
and Mrs. Don NMcCosh and Dick.
Miss Heather Boyle'was an over-
night 'guest
vernight'guest of Miss Vicki Dore.on:
Mit and Mrs. Bob Thompson
visited last week end with .'•
,friends and relatives in•Kitchener.
Mr.. and Mrs.. Glen Bolte and
Mr. and Mrs. Homer -Devitt.spent'
Fr//id"ay .evening in Stratford:
/' - M
Directors'=and three Men in'a tub
presented .a. Thank You number,.
•Mr. • Crawford Douglas ;• master.'
g .,
of cerernonies .'kept. the 'concert.
well announceda.nd ,he also filled
in: for-commurrity-si,nging-ted by —`•
Don Cameron: Jack Ca'esar and
'.Roy Bennett of. CKNX were Judges
:The -whole evening •`was one of •
laughter and .enjoyment and,
he;-Fed'eraiion. were pleatql With
the response despite .the inclerrient•
weather.` /':_
1969. PONTIAC Strato Chief, V8, power steerry91 powerrb a"�
1969 METEOR;' 4' door sedan,' V8 .automatic, power' steering
1969 DODGE Monaco 4 door hardtop, V8 power steering and:..
JJ power brakes � • � �•
196�9 BUIC1( Wildcat, 4 door hardtop,• air`condit pnrng,.fully
1968 PONTIAC Laurentian, V8,: power equipment.
1968CHEY, ,'4;: door, 6 cylinder automatic
1968 FORD, V8, 4 door,, automatic
1967 CH EV Stationwagon
2-1967 FORD Custom '500,'4 door, V8 automatics. ;.
1965 METEOR, 4.door, 28,000 original miles .•
1965 VALIANT 2 door -hardtop-'
1964 COMET, '2 door, V8 automatic
1463 METEOR S33, 2 door. hardtop, V8
*. * * *• * , * * * * *--air h r r * *•••-*
i`O;i3ESOl.D'AS 1S;
'*.. **.
ilt '1t * * * �4 ,1t 1r 1t * * 1r 1t' * '� *. e; * * * "* .1r *;' * * •
PHONE 523-434