HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-02-17, Page 11WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17,. 971.. . ME SECRET TO SUCCESS /S: TO$TR/KE WN/LE. THE IRON IS NOT WLTNOIIT GETTING YOUR FINGERS BURNT.: • :L.UCKNOW . !NON E , 528..3430 • rn • sbrid e• ,9 9. G:u ides 't I'e_41„nObridge Girl Guides t:'.. • Opened. •the:ir `meeting with• roll call.. THE LU, CKN:OIN. 'SENTINEL, LUCKNOW ONTARIO PAGE: ELEVEN, KinIough Resti Died' In 67thY�ar, - • MRS;,,1'l:RRY. 10D -GINS •The death of"Mrs... Perry l lod gins of Kinlough'occurred of Thursday, k^efii•tia:ry"4th at Bruce, lea haven :Walkerton following a" lengthy ilines's. .She was,, the fo-rnler I:lazel' Ethel: Percy., daughter of Wtai.. •J'.ercy ";ind'•Mado1i 14 c1onal&and was tit Kinloss '`l'ownsliip. on, Sept;- ember 23 , 1904:.: on Noveur.ube•r 11, 1939 she mar- ricd Pcrry-Nelsdti llodgirrs of Cal - r.oss Township.. • •I'1rs; llodgins iev'oted a."large. 'part of .lier life to clturela and AD ia'l work, She wa.s a member of Fiiili u. li Presbyterian Church and a life' ..nietuber •o.f the Women's ,tilission ary Society • She, was one time. president of the 'Sunday.Schoo and very active in Sunday Schoobl. .and church Work: She was. a: life member'of the Holyrood Woolen's' Iristituie and' devoted time to :the TWeedstnuir.•. writ•ings'and was also active in.. he -4 •clubs,; Mrs. llodgins'is survived'by her husband•,` one daughter:Mrs. Rob ert•(Sharon)�Brooks, •son/ -in• -law Robert. Brooks' and grandson 13evari of Win:Tham; two. sisters and one. larorh'er \[rs J?�l it Barr ; Mis, ltirttithifred`Percy. ind :Alex, Percy,' all of K'inloul;.h District., • i.lic}•,then fortr'te.d` a'horseshoe and Captain :Vert discussed a ,••trip`to the;lce Capades in°London on February 28th.' i .ta.in 1'igert' • Lt "MacLennan. i- ic1 Lt c , i e sa r= t l.e rt-s.ta-rt.e.ci.; the .._� s rrls ons.c inhro'ider'. .and"'knitting: :,wa;liows held Carr .fire.', :and o.1?ened•.with a- ger b ' . Pra) ) ,1)onnci'\loran' .Nora" yati r.e id .some; .jokes followed s'kri wi'ih1'rer.) I MacLennan and' joi lint hohert) .ota •, 'S•oule Campfire'' .:`wer( t.l'ien' son�ssting.; Lt • itinett was'tatissed'sas-she... W.is. -away; On, her second' ::11t�ne.� riiouir.' . • . ;ind ehsiliissal, Wbitechurch Area Native Passes • MRS. IlARRY'T,ICHBORNE The death of -Mrs: Harry ;rich-, borne of Goderich occurred.in Alexander Marine and General Ilospital Goderich on.•Thursday. ,.; February, 4th ) :She was •the fornier Agnes" Kennedy;,daughter of David Ken- nedy:And Jane, Fisher and was horn on January 6th ,, 1901 in West`Wawanosh Township near Whitec11urch, ' Un:December 24, 1924 she married Ilarry 13. NI: Ticlrhorne •and il;ey have been residents,bf CJodericlt since that -time. • Nirs. :T icltborne.was a riieaiiber of Order' of ;Eastern .Star;.1. O. D. E.:; Ahmed< Chapter; Woinen's Institute and Pvlary lia;stirt4's'. • She was 'a member of.,St • George's Anglican' Church. and the ;Ang1ican,Church :Won ien Nits T'ichborne is: 'survived' by her `husband; One sister and three brothers; a 1iss Annie' iKen Hedy of Wingliam, Alex of -Winnipeg, Dave of,Victoria , British. ;Colurur- •bia •'and George of near 'White- , church.. • Funeral service was; condu•cted ion Monday.; February .8.at St 'George's, Angl•ican Ch'urch, C,od: ltev . G. G•. 'Russell was,• nunistc.r. • - = She was pred'cc•eased b•y tier An Eastern•St:fr•Irlcinorial Ser-• parents and' one brother l larold vic:e..was! held at:tlhe� funeral hone J . .. •Percy oil Deccriiber 1.:•., 1911'•: On'Saturday evening • The' funeral s.er.vice:was held j erment was in Maitland at Mac 1enzie\1ernoria,l:chapel, Cemetery;, God crtcli• , :Lucknowr:on Saturday,:.Febr,uary 6 P'allbearersjwere Pct,er Sta.ne:; Rey-. --lc kit:tit-e.y--w-a -s--r�t-inist:e-r: _ . __ .forth ;._e1*ff 1=iac�kett-;= T -y Yn`bee-,t Pallbear.ers•,were John a'lodgins Lara'ib ,' Lero Ta lot;,.11orton `Jac'J<, Barr.; Wrn: .Percy .,.,Glen • Ta'ima ;. Al.bert.'(Red.) Riehl: 1.•ialdcnby, :Walter I3reckles''and "'Niletalluin. Eue.ral Iloit.ue'•.C�od- y n• Fred C,uest;'••.' erich was •in charge, of funeral.. • Ternporar:y enro17ibi lent was a•t” arrangements. SOtith Ritiloss••h1'auso.l.eurii with fin.- al restint~ place •c;recailai•11 Cernet.•- Latl'ics of hiriiousih• lM.ltl.•S: scrvccl .saiidwielies'' aindtea:at the 1;ulcnow 'Legiop Hall followirig the sere ite >. bOUt. ornomovV1— 1 ciir Ili live liitppier ••- enjoy your ret'rrei lent:years more �•-; When vitt' enrol in ti Victoria and Grey•.R•egistered Retire-. ment Satvings:'P1an that 'Brows. • va tu year, Otir Ciut rant cd Investment Certi. Beate: Plein, for.jinstancer, ttci'ds to, your'`rctireit:ent money.' at -theerate currently 88 0 -- ctmipounded .semi -an tivall, • - • ' for•' every hundred. dollars in. posted Talk it Over today v ith •VI 1 and C;r;cy, : TRU G'( R� d:fifv• SING Lealand` kill', Manager Elgin and 'Kingston Streets. Goderich 5244101 0 ou�icil Arrive- �n Snowmobiles iIu1 oI ;C Ut:i NCl L,.MINU'Tft.s . ; 1ill ron' Township.Counci1 'regular meeting wa.s'hcld,on: February 1st critlr all nieni•bcrs- present , ,two arriving on snow:iitobiles Tlarce taf+11T1hcr.s...0f':tltc Depart Therit of NIut11Lip•al Affairs attend ed tite nicetiitg to further discuss 'tonins; and' :Oficial Plans for the Townshtp 'and left with the impres- sion that ciipres-s.ion.that `Coiinc;i.l'will rocced •• with. Zoning. Jdhn L. Roulston 'was `appointed„ Municipal Drain Inspector:for 1'971. d;onall0n of --$23 .O0 Weis iiia•deu to the I lorticultttral' Societ.y ,. lacing y' ,cars. . the,,satiie as in foriiica• Ontario Water :Resources 'Corp mission promiscd to liaVe 1it_T}�,rt.lrl�iwurid ,uhtlivi" sion Puriip house which is having, frost trouble tilid 'will report to. Ctincillriter, • • Road•aCcoairiti:of4 , 7 1,3 4 1'14, l ow-tlslitti4ter tJ_tit f '_� `t ,,T2y', 28 sand ,Municipal Ora in accouIs* of $2 , 573 • 07 were *Ordered paid, ' c1'he nteeting adjourned to ilicet ai;,lin on February 15th ,rind,?' larch 1st, ;DiSCOUL__ CHESTERFII BEDROOM- SUITES $UITES DINETTE SETS sP!•, HOME FURNISHINGS 52.8'3013 MOFFAT4PPL/ANCES CURT A! N It was •a pleasur2` to cyine to $Chbol brie; day last week to see ` new curtains .it. all the roorras. u J They •rea lly liven things Up. IvlltS. hachAY. Ri TrURNS';.: •chool speakers.. The winner.:of e` finals i - - • L .cknow Schools was Patti, Mac'=,' Donald of :Ripley. Carol:MacKay ' ,Y of the•,sa;me school'placed second We' wishPatti the best of luck in the' County Finals. in 'Port Elgin .It t.s_ni:ce to Ste j1rs:: 11cKak. 'back 'to her ,fortlier•,pQst a$, the • Grade S.teacher. 'hlrs •.NIcKayr ha keen off from k:oa•1-for=thy .past three' rrionths Mrs. 'Collins`'' filled iii fdr_her� •'.. PUBLIC SPLA.KINC~, On•lcbruar y�;,b RiBle'-Iluron . • Pubh•e:Sclaoal.hc:id•'ts'Public -:-..eza-h _.:contest sp tri�i,, . .�� • were•as follows Est Pattie''.Ma Donald,' 2nd . Robbie Sutton; 3rd. :Carol. N1acKaY'• 4th. Billy Rutledge The follow-ing da ' February O,r.sch'obl hosted ,the •1ucK;now • on, .February i2; , a FRE> MAN— to -Mr and Mrs': -Joe Freen anof:she a:rdtori in' St, PP , Joseph's. Hospital os ital ; .London.'o n Fe b- ruar) .10th;a son, Robert Paul, ',Baby L.yas stillborn. A private servicewas held at Stiles• Fune'ra1 llonae ` rda .Goderich .on Sat ; , u s) Terri ,orar • entornbinerit`was 2t.• ,' .. ' Maitland hlausoleu.ni with final, • resting lace NlaitIand0•Cerneterz • im proven effective y--� proven safe ■ proven economical' Available in 1 and 5lb. packages, o uc s imited • PHONE 528.2026