HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-02-17, Page 10PAUL' TIN • THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, L urd)flrws Trinity U.0 Ort February lith, the Trinity 'U. C. W. ladies ;met at the home of ,Mrs: Alex .Hac.kett ,. withine. teen rrternbers and four children " eserit .The President opened he meeting.with a reading "Pray- er is the Breath of God" The devotional period' on "Church Women at Prayer" was, • conducted by Mrs: Warren Z with the scripture reading from.• .. Sermonon the/111214f given 'by • Mrs. Dougla ard... The roll. call was answered:bya "A Child of .the• Bible" • The treasurer's ieport was giv - en., and thank -you notes, read .from Mrs:. Marion Hunter and• Mrs. •Hummell. rs•:. Bert:Alton re- ported on the visits made. • A read•. ing "Count Your Blessings"` by Mrs.. D. A. Hackett and one on "Valentine's", by Mrs. Allan.'•' • • ' Ritchie. Were -program numbers: The Study Book Chapter'relattng to Latin America" was taken:by • Mrs. Chas. Wilkins.. ' • Mrs; •Donald Hackett distributed- su- pl $' Via •be finished ,.and the •materials received rf •om Eatons w ere also handed out to's the ladies; The aprons are to be brought: to the "March• meeting to be judged and- kept for the bazaar: The, ladies were reminded of `' the Huron -Perth U.C;1N.meet, ing..being • held Wednesday; Feb, • ivary '1'lth , at Mitchell United - Churcli.'v aur U .C. W:-w:ill join • :with, the ladies, at Lucknow United Church •fore" World Day • of Prayer",. March 5th ,:when :Mrs .. Jack •Pollock will be the • guest •. • speaker The meeting closed by all join- ing in singing "The Lord's my Shepherd and. prayer by, Mrs.' Hackett. Lunch .was served by the committee in charge Lucknc. r .Unit 2 Mrs,..Orland• Richards welcomed Unit 2M of.the Lucknow United' Church women to her home oh February 9th; at 2 p..,m.. with 18 :members and l visitor present, Mrs. .' Raynard Ackert opened the meeting with .a reading followed. by prayer. Business and all com- mittee convener's .reports .were given. Theroll call was answer- ed by a: very generous arnount of money.,, and 'articles turned in for' the layette-. The General Meeting: is to be held on February 16th. ' The Pres- byterial -is being held in Luckr. now United- Church on the 24th of February. The supply committee has asked for a quilt .biock.18 by 20 to be turned in •at'the nett meeting. As the mernbers have not received the prograrn.sheets for • 19:71 - please note. the following for the; March L . C W meeting. Date ----i-a-Fc:h-lkl} P4ace . -Momet of Mrs. Russel Irvin; Roll call; • Proverb. and. its 'reference Devb tional,.trs•.. D :.A. • Hackett, Mrs'. Russel Arvin; Study Book, •Ni,Le-tt,Alton;--P-rog rant Douglas Baynard •Lunch commit tee , Mrs. Chester Hackett, Nl s..: . Russel Irvin, and.lirs.. Doug'. FZayriard• v t �... :�r . The isi or, s from Fe.b uary• to ---varehleeti�-a- e-4irs --jRalpf Cameronand Mrs'. . . Jerre 'Cranston'.. Mrs..' Drennanopened the prog- ;ramme with. the'singin'g of•a hymn and rep.eatin.g the • Lord's prayer in-. unison. •• S given :by Mrs:. Wm. Hunter: A'.lovefly solo entitled:, "is He • Satisfied'wtth Me" was•rendered •' by Mrs.: Eunice•'Dunsrnuir. Read enrge • . 1 - s Saunders:. Mrs. ,borne Eadie very Y ca abl took•~the.:2 nd chapter ,of— the o f — p the new study book. entitled "Man's New •World", :lst "Science` in nature"; 2nd part "Man• in Nature", This was followed by 'questions and, discussion..• A read-, ing was given. by Mrs. ;Drennan.' • • The' meeting closed with hymn. "Come let•us sing .of a• 'wonderful' dove",.led by Mrs.' -J: W. Joynt, follbwed:b'y prayer. .A.• pleasant 'soc al period • concluded.' the. afternoon,, with Mrs,, .'Drennan and':Mrs L. Eadie assisting the hostess,.. L 'n lbu gh .'A. KINLO•UGI. NEWS . The•,Anglican ;Cliurc' Women met`.an .Thursday at the home of Mrs Roy Schenller. ' Mrs Gert- rude;Wa lsh Presided, 1 :tilts G e -o e 0 ha l read -the---:- scripture•from the. 23rd.psalrn•,.. • and 'Mrs. Art Haidenby gave- the Meditation '"Ou1�ok" •The word for.tle •roll call was ".Love". • . This 'part -of the...meeting closed with .prayer. and• the. afternoon was' spent in'quilting a;fancy'quilt. �',rsfdford Wall gave the. courtesy•remarks atid a delicious'; lunch wasserved by the hostess. 'Church Reports. Successful Year WI-I1TECHURCH NEWS The annual meeting of White - church ,United :Chur .h was held Monday evening February', in. tiro Church. .:;The minister K J. D' Koei&er opened the 'meeting With',•' the reading of a psalm responsive iy •and prayer. ':The mini tes were; read by Mrs. hiillani Moore" for .her husband•Milian Moore secretary unable to be present. Members of, session reappointed were Garnet Farrier ,'Clifford Laidlaw .,, Russel. Gaunt.. Members of the Board of Stewards reappointed were Mrs. Garnet Farrier , Clifford Laidlaw ; Albert Coultes , Carman 'Whytoek ; Fred Tiffin,' The Secretary -treasurer, >,'s \1i1- lan 'Wore. Auditors are Elwood'. •,Groskorth, Ivan Laidlaw Russel Gaunt.:.. Organist is Mrs.. Gainet.Farrier with assistants John Gibb Elwood , Gros korth , Joan Tiffin. \irs'°Millan Moore is to look after the Observer. Cha Man - Donald •.Morrison ;••David Sleight- holm, Earl Thompson , ;C'arman• Wh. tock•, Russel'Chaprnan , Clif= ford Laidlaw. [" • During 'the 1year Kimberley• •' Cecelia jaidTaw•°..Fdward Dale' Jarriteson and Robert.:John Jamie,- son .were.•.aptize, •an three •t y : mernbers joined the church, There - were no deaths.:, The •ge'neral repo;tt was"given by Mrs. Millan Moore with $3455:50 being received asy-�v'ell as $76:3•.20 received' for Mission ary.and Service. The U:C. W report was given. _•hy'the: Pres dent. Mrs, Millan 'Moore. • They had an:interesting activey , ear., Babes in.June and •'• :at .Christman had been: sent valued at $159..25 which included bab\•,'s layette , Overseas Relief and. Fred Victor: Mission TheSunda'y:School' with Super •intendent•Cli''fford Laidlawand his group of teachers had a ver g P y successful year in all. departments. A "young"people"s' group organ - Y 1aed last 'fa.l.l: of.:the vocal church ;i, ,. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUAR• Y 17, 1911' LucknOW Presb,tarian Churc. R v,. ;Glenn Noble, ; B A. B.D. 'Minister /, one -2744 ..FEBRUARY; 21st • 10:00 a m,.: Sunday _ • School 11:00• a m.: Morning Service LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Rev: Robert' Nicholls," Minister - yRUARY -; FEB •1st :2. 10; a.m. Sunday School • • 11:00• a.m.: Morning Worship 1; p.m, Youth. Confirmation Class. 8:30';p m Adult Confirmation s`.,•.. POINT TO,PONDER definition of '. being . alive eine able to respond posit- •• 1 to 'thin s tat` are happeningto 'us." When' . -we—ca do -=that. anymore *i- nlay : still., be ,young •in years' and physically quite healthy .butin. some ,Very' real., ways we are dying: Dr: Robert Bater s• 'Presbyterian LUCKNOVW'' CHRISTIAN; REFORMED ..CHURCH. W., Van Stempvoort Service, •10 00;=a.m.• English :2nd Sunday Dutch • 2:30 • p,4i, ,English• r VISITORS 'WELCOME Denominational Radio .Broad-: cast, "The. Back To' God flour", •every Sunday: V.ICS (Stratford) 2100 ' p,m.; . CFOS • (Owen' Sound).— 6:00 p.m. • . ANGLICAN • CHURCH •LUCKNOW AREA PARISA The'. Rev: R; Odendahl •. 'Bettor FEBRUARY .21st Qui •'b'a : esima'. St, Paul's. Ripley 9:15 a.m. Ascensipn'Rinlough 10:30 a.m; St Peters ,I ucknow 11:45 a.m. -St-PauL D annon "- 3 p.m. 2nd' and 4t4'•Sundays • • The ladies o•f :the Lucknow •: Presb •iy,'•omen's \lissionar ,Presbyterian y. • Society Met in the hone of Mrs .-Noble• Johnston on' February 11th'. with t,w,enty; seven_:ladies. present \:lrs N : . Johnston opened the.:. rneeting with .prayer, which was followed with a•hyrnn: The ,"'Airn aid Purpose"•of the Society W,as repeated.. NIrs Slieiwood ga\ e dee Uib1 Saud. -found in St�Luke Christ's answer to,,th'e law �•er,, who •y. asked how hen -light inherit t tern. l Life's namely to' show 'mercy: ilnto everyone who is his neigh. bout ,. and' -He• also reprehended Martha and'.cornrn:ended`,Mary, :.her sister !The News eontii:ried•. es hold Joint meetings every second week .from- September to June and r t'he. are. g �.owing: in..nu ti ,Y bers':and interest with'Presdent•; ` d th:,Llliott : Vi:ce Pres: �: Tar; Lou Adams.Secretar `Darlene Simpson; Treasurer ,:• Judy Jamie son Counsellors'• Ivlr and. Mrs.`:' .' . Garry Chaprnan.. T e •, "�.h�.e..e 1 M ss 1 gets• un er t e; :