HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-02-17, Page 6PACII TH LUCKNOW SENTINEL. ,LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY,: FEBRUARY 17 1971 o �---. , Il Ckiy: utterr:Clea.ners. AND • r� 'n • �e s ilo $100.00 DOWN. PLus.INST•ALLATIOI BALANCE' JUNE' • 15, 1971 • WITH NO INTEREST ' CHARGES ORDERS. MUST BE IN' By FEBRUARY: 28 • LOWRY.. � SUPPLY, ' AMBERLEY ►HONE 395-5286 ELECTRICAL. CON. TRACTOR; HURON 60 RD OF EDUCATION NEWS BY MR&. '.WARREN' ZINN Questions:- I,• Do schools lose grants if the are closed during the stormy • weather? • ... Since January l', 19U9;,,(when County Boards were_ formed) grants have. been paid .on per fiupil;basis,' ? • lits 'ha and not on attendance. .1 .s been adyanta eous'to the::Boards, in the "snowb'elr area, • 2'. Do'teachers• and custodian$. rece'ive..pay if school is'closed?. • As .principals,, teachers, secret' aries, 'bus-drivers•:of Board owned'' ,buses are a.11 on salary :they re ceiv.e.their full'pay cheque. ai Is a student•with a Grade ,ti •Piano and.Grade ,2 Theory. in 1. Music allowed an extra credit in .Grade 13 , if said student will be; attending university. Grade 8 Piano and Grade 2` Theory is' acceptable as a credit for the secondary, school hono(ir .graduation diploma. Certain - Universities will acceptit'as a .credit in their school of Music. only. However, it is not Teachers and Department Heads of Guidance .spoke'to the Board of Education 'and outlined their work, in .both elementary and sec- ondary, ,dealing+with academic, personal• and. social.coneerns:.. Students are free to see their guidance .counsellor at:any time on their `request, . -4 great deal of discussion took place on; the. recent storm as far asscf oo1s were.: concerned., The administration staff and Board members ackndwledged-that'the principals , and staff 'Mall the` schools had done 'an eXcellent job in looking after their students•- many went beyond'• the call of duty, It 'was felt:that parents: , • should not avoid' their, responsibil- er ity� to the peoplewho .looked aft . . che-strrd-entsnd it_w.as-hoped.-*that some token of remuneration has. been made.:• , • • That twie,e yearly •paymerits of; the 'education levy'•from the • municipalities .be made on June 3`Oth, and 'Decemberf15th to. the Board'of Education. . -Huron County Boair'd of Educa:7 • tion resolved; th'ar they. do'not. . ;wish to continue its participation. in the :Student Accident:'Insurance t• parents pay a ever 'Plan (Sl '. 'thay Septeinber).because. 1'} it did not coverrnedical'expenses pay- able under the Ontario Hosg to Service Plan and: 2)subsc•ribers ELECTRIC HEATING' WIRING' AND REPAIRS Aux E .LE-T';R -A L MODERNIZATION FINANCING ..:AVAILABLE j I 00 40W Phone 528-5802 i On February 4th the' Lucknow.: GuideCornpa'ny;met•at the United •Church for their, regular meeting'.. do not have an, opportunity to'. review the terms, and conditions of the Master:policy •before paying the insurance premium; ' The Board .decided to'.engL ire into; dental•' insurance' Which, at present t-eoye•red-by-0; I -:S. -ITP.' A County Council Liaison' Com .mittee was• formed urde'r' the chairmanship of the Vide -Chair-" ;matt; John Broadfoot, Twoa;other Members appointed were Mrs: Marian Zinn (library).and `Dr. A. B .Deathe '(health) : It was rec-` omrnended that•.County Council establish a similar committee ' re and that` the'2' committee 'Meet 2 dr 3•.tidies a year to discuss nor-* for admission to:any'other faculty. It is therefore' advisable, that students receive confirmation', in writing from the adrnissibns' g ,,. Office, of the university they :wish, toattendconcerning: the allow ance of..this.credit. din THANK YOU. The parents and staff of St. JoKingsbridge,,elh's School, . thank the road superintendent and b , s drivers for the immeas; urable assistance given during the storms of the past ,month, It • is these men who are on the roads ' and who know the road conditions; Without their advice wrong decisions would be ,made that could lead to difficulties. and hardships ThanksP articularly for the advice given b •Mr, DadGibb, the driver for the St. Augustine route: that• school was dismissed 11 but aeleven. u .` • o et 'safely home: Without his timely • advice,; the'pupils, p pils�,t.._,g _ _.. _ _, ,�,. teachers' and parehTiwouTa^have'hada .difficult three days, • CLEM S:'TEFFLER , PRINCIPAL W Spon.sor .I. . Dance Valentine••, W.III'1''l GIl I Ji2CI I lid's The•inie.ril1bers: of Whitechurch onie.n's' Institute ; residents of the village;,sponsored ::'.V'alen- tine Dance .on Friday evening in Whitechurch ConiinunityMetior ial Hall ',lith anattendance of '. 116 adults and around 30 chi•Idren.; s oreh.esr�� s ipplied music and Brian Rntoul•did the calling; The door prize was won by Mrs.. Spence Irwin, The birthday near•,. ,est 'V'a;lentine Day; .since, there • wac. no'one with 4.V41iltine :birth;' AMER iy , was .won by' Art •Ernewein.. �1 lucky cup pri'e ;was WOn by l.tc lc A tnstrong. The driver of the car bringing the great'es,t ►iuittherto,thedance w'as won :by Paii1 Elliott, .who brought 7, Novelty prizes were given, foi .i �d. the shortest person paying y iii ;g sion Kathy Furdon • 'Tallest' person.,•payin adia si sion was 12us"sel Gaunt, No?oTie found Valentine anion; those°w'earin, Valentines so a prize, was given for:corning' tine farthest •, which was, won by, •i\1rs,., I1ita Allman' of Toronto I'he..W I..':inernbers on Sattic -' day, made arrangements to.,hold a St. Patrick dance with Tiffin'''s Orchestra ;to supply [T1lisiC,• • ma ters o Us routes: and their. effet t. on'snow ploughing , health and>librar.y. • services Mrs, Dolores 'Nicholls instructed -Last week , :I. also attended a_ the"girls on. "how*to set a•tatle special education meeting anti. for a -special occasion . •and dis- heard Mr, : V, L. Vandergust:,:'.con cussed' how 'to determine the "best sultant from the Department of Education speak about the.- "Child economic buys" .for the family's meals This w as: a portion af`t*e horriemaker badge: • : Three girls Were• e_i rolled'as Guides, on February 11th, 'Joyce Belanger,;,'Nam y. \'ar•ren and- Beth ty.isser •` 'r.' aac :sirs. Warren f • and .�Irs�. ivisser er.r e p `s-ent o the. enrollment.' ,Thefiag wa` . peseri ed:by a color.party.consi- tial_; of Kathy T reaez ien ,, Brenda a'cDo iald.:and, Joanne cme:. l i rebai=.y 21.st was announced Flays. were 'made for tree Irte =. taational. _ht :b.at the•.Lice: Lieuter art'cond°uCtet? clow h.e i ee• •i� � :. �e e:s•.. wit Specific. Learning Disab:ili-ties' or the perceptually handicapped . child (,j. that has minimal; brain.dasnage Wi hou•t':intellecttial retardation (ex. 'dysle:xia ; ;hyper activ its-,. etc ) He showed us Bad$c?tola ': He also Stated that 15.�4;� of child, :en ,in school need some. kind 'of special. education (ex. child who cannot read , the child' who can not s ell . the child who cannot. • •ou ;never know when yo:t reedin. .i `r ez.r. but:.is not deaf): In, Psre:holozacal ser`ices,; dint �� the-pa.st;..,,ea , _one Mind ed •: o nt- student aj-e- e-er es ..,._nec at the Chilc:en's Psych,- toric ,P,esearch Institute, LorldOn;. �-� the moo: e;ic:: Psvehi•atri•c Hos- MONUM ENTS r ,gourd counsel and a fair- price on a tponurrient orreet;v-e:44o-m auclit•arial, rely on SKELTON MEMORIALS , 1 •. st �ri`t'shed Over 5iaty ' is W?ALKEI `b' I' . • •' PHOhtE S81-tri34- • Cascade, A family -size tank, that:keeps ,itself' full of hod, water, •Quietly..' Safely. • Lots of hot water for 'ail those unexpected clew i Lobs an extra load of laundry; a visiting '-foot:ball team; a playful !.pooch that Pikes to Orin the .outdo' g arsindoors: _.. With .a C,scade electric; water heate.r`. •',' i;n the •houseiyou've got t'he biggest 'baYg:aln hn hot water: M•7 4