HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-02-17, Page 5. WEDNESDAYS. FEBRUARY 17, 1971. T11S WUCKNOW~ SKNTINELi LUCKNOW, ONTARIO AG!' Pin K MaacKENZIE, O.D. .Optornetr is.t` NOW IN..RIPLEY EVERY WEDNESDAY Office Hours 10;QO'a.m.. to 5.;30 •p•, Phone Roy MacKenzie Blpley 395-5154 for appointment R. HAMILTON OPTOMETRIST :',NEXT TO LYCEUM'HE•ATRE WINGHAM PHONE .357'4361 A JOHNSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME .Modern. and Convenient know,_ Phone 528:1013 Day or' Night ' Serving AU Faiths According . to Their, Wislles Moderate Prices . Established 1894: INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE and'. LIFE, To. ProterrYour. Jack, insure With. Jack Today CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank.all those,who sent' cards and gifts tome while in Hos pita!: and-. since:. returning. home. Special thanks to all my neighbours who have helped. with chores. •• -Ken. Alton' I . wouldlike.; to thank. everyone who s� kindly.rememberedme with. cards, treats 'and visits, :while I was a patient .in Victoria Hospital, '.London,. Special` thanks to 'Dr. Charles Dyson and' the nurses . on 3rd floor:' f . • Richard Elliott Notice' To Creditors NOTICE TO :CREDITORS •. In The •'Estate Of , THOMAS ALPHONSE LEDDY Late Of .The Township Of• Wawanosh, In County Of, Huron, Farmer Ali .persons claiming against the. above. Estate. are required , to: for- -ward --full- or=-ward--=fu11 -particulars of their claims to the undersigned `on' ' or before the 15th day of :March, 1971; after 'which date the assets will be distributed; DONNELLY' & MURPHY 18 The Square . `'Goderich, Ontario Solicitors or. the Estate NOTICE., TO CREDITORS AND. 'OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE :OF STANLEY JAMES PYMM late of the Village of, Lu.cknow the ' Count of _ Bruce . _'.Accoun Deceased' NOTICE IS. 'HEREBY .', GIVEN pursuant to . The Trustee A'ctthat. L. A. McDONAGH uckr�o?w:, Phone -528-443,_____._ •R. W. ANDREW:` Barrister and 'Solicitor LISTOWEL, .ONTARIO,' IN LUCKN.OW Every Wednesday and, Saturday Afternoon Office in the Joynt Block Telephone,: '. Lucknow ` 528-3116 GAVILLER .AND COMPANY CH1-R MSI -TS WALKERTON.'. Phone 681-3471 all creditors and others having claims against, the Estate of the -late-Stanley,-James Pyinm=are: -re- quired to. send particulars of their. claims, duly verified, to J. T.' GOODALL, Solicitor for the Exec- utor of. the said Estate, onor before the -:-:27th day -of .February,,--A-D: 197f, 'and that after such date the 'Executor will proceed' to distribute assets ssets of the said Estate, hav- ing- regard -only ` to theclaims of which he shall then have : had notice. DATED at Wingham, ,, Ontario, this 2nd.. day . of February, A.D. 1971. J: T.. GOODALLL'.:. Box 730 • W Ingham, Ontario Solicitor for the Executor ENDERS TENDERS FOR WARBLE FL,.Y 'CONTROL TOWNSHIP' OF ASHFIELD Tenders will, be received by: the undersigned until 12 o'clock noon, Tuesday March 2nd,, 1971 for --�• 1.. Warble Fly Inspector, price per.. hour. 2. Supplying approxiMately, 1,000. pounds W'arbicide powder; 15 pound lots: 3'.. Spraying of cattle in the Township twice under the Warble Fly control act. Contractor to collect ownfee from farmers... Lowest or, any ten- der. not necessarily accepted Donald M. Simpson, Clerk R.R. 3 Goderich 1..SO[D1T SANDBLASTING' a DEMOLITION WORK ARNOLD STOTH:ERS ...pH -ow -529403' • FOR ESTIMATES • ■. ■ ■ ■ N . ■ ■ st ■ ■ se w • iSATE• ••`; RE p►� E ■ ■ .. ■ ■ ■ IN, - .*. ■ ■ ■ ■ GET AWAY■ ■ _ ■ a From -.the busy ity`and-rel • • by ski-dooing, hunting; and , f ish- ing on this 50. acre parcel of •rol-: sling : hills, some' cedar bush and ■ CRAWFORD sand MILL J. H CRAWFORD,; Q.C. •WINGHAM IN LU.CKNOW EVERY. WEDNESDAY 10 a>,m. to, 12 noon" Located in �Breckles"Block 0 REMEMBER Help Your RED CROSS TO HELP ;. BRAY DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC 256 CENTRE ST., • 'WINGHAM, Ph -ono -528.2320 IN RIPLEY. EVERY FRIDAY .1n. Ross Ma'rtyn Building • Phone 'Wingfiam, Office 357.3630 - Res: 357.2330' :winding spring creek running: =■-acros property LocateVaear ■ Lucknow.. Full, :, asking price. ■ $6,000.00. ■ .. TERMS CAN BE r- ARRANGE171, ■ -PHONE • 357-1224: WLGHAM_ MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES; CEMETE R.Y-LET.TE-R IN.G REASONABLE PRICE' Buy Direct and Save' 1.3us. Ph. 357-1910 Res. Ph: 357=1015 OPTOMETRIST.- GODERICH' The 'Square Ell On this 1', storey : home having ■ a full basement, 2 year old'oil ■ !furnace, .large ki:tchen,'" living IN MEMORIAM • HENRY ui..loving memory, of. a dear ° husband and father George. Henry ..who passed away .suddenly one year. ago February ,10,-.1070- .We 9,.1970..We little 'knew AS we woke that morn; The sorrow, the -day would, bring, .The call was: sudden, , the. shock • ' ,severe; .' • To lyse. the one we loved so dear.- It: is 'sad towalk the road -alone Instead of side by side t .But to all there,, comes';a moment When the waves • of life divide One year. has passed since the day you left• To, go. to Heaven above . . But • your : laughter 'still' rings in our hearts • .And we still can feel your love, Lovingly remembered by . wife and family Jean, Faye, Wanda and,. Bob: • KENNEDY -' in' in loving memory of Mrs. Wm. (Cecelia) Kennedy, • who. passed away February_ 18, 1970. You neer failed•: to' do 'your best, Your heart was true and tender;. 'You :' laboured hard for those - you loved t • .Ahd left us` to remember. Just a "thought from those who , • loved you d-are'[efther.a tor'remember'' In 'our. hearts . you will • live forever' Because we thought the world of Eveou r remembered by husband, Wm. Kennedy; Brother ,John Crow- ston; sister,..Mrs. Wm. Emmerton. HACKETT =- in "'loving memory' of'. 1+irs ta-Hackett; whopass awa - two.• years ago .February 19th '.1969: Three little' words;: ,"Forget me ,not" Don't seem :much,but mean a plot., Just ,'a memory fond and true To 'show,, dear .mother; we,think of you. Ever remembered by her family. U geMcClevis ilIRetire' Otto. C. McClevis, Bruce .C64n4 t . provincial Judge has been granted sick leave to May 20 and; has submitted his resignation Lo be effective then The; resignation andsick leave. request were submitted' :December 18 when the judge, was taken to ' g - Walkerton's Brucep County Hos it- al, The judge has to sentence two' ,' iindividuals for possession of drugs,, one impaired and, a minor having. liquor., while he ison 'sick leave• and before his retirement is grant- ed. .The sentencings.are expect- ed to be done in. Walkerton as .soon as possible, Judge, IvlcClevis, bean his,.car eer in 1924 as police chief for Wiarton when he .was 23: In 1.9-28-=he-beeame a -n QP.P eonstabie stationed at Hanover and ,in 1930 was moved to Walkerton. . He .was. appointed, Bruce County magistrate in_194: and judge for: that county in 1968. The 'smallest driving fine ..hand•- ed our was 'for• '$5 and .$1. 75 costs compared to.the larg,est of $650 dndsix yeas'.suspension of. the , driver's licence: . NG0NG4,d10!lNN.N•lG■Ns . CAMPBELL in loving memory, of= -a .dear--husband-•-and--father; Richard , Albert Campbell, who. ,passed away, February 16th, 1970 Fond is the tie that was .broken,. Dear is he who is .gone; In memory we will always keep h m, As long as the years roll on. •Ever remembered- by wife 'and family.;; BELL.` _ in loving. mem• ory' of a dear father and husband 'Francis' Morell Bell who passed away Feb-. uar-y--19, 197e, Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear, Fond Memories linger every day, I Remembrance keeps him near: A1waysTr_emembered•---and_sadly missed by the family ,and grand- children: . ■ room with, wall 'to wall, broad- ■ • gloom; 4 pc. bath and'3 bedrooms: l • ■ Situated_._nn • a_ well jandsdaped • plot: l ui)�prioe► $500. "■`, E ■ Having 90 workable acres of t : 11:-we1-l-tiled; =e1ay loam, ' 12=-aer-es-■ sof mixed bush, barn 60'. x 48'1 ■ with . new steel roof, milking ■ ■machine and hammer mill, 3 ..bedr!oomLbrick..home with__a_full■ l ijbasement. 411' this can be yours : i ■for only$20;"000.00:__ ■ ,a MIEN! :1 ■ . • . ; ' ■' ■■■ `DON` H'OLST REAL ■• IPhone JAckson 47661)• A� M. HARPER :CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT $5. 57 South Street, Coderith' Telephone 524+7562 ■:..;• N I REALTORS,:. 1 ■a. �, ■ WINGHAM ■. N 'RURAL ONTARIO • f N .:- -;SPECIAL-iS-TS' ■` -a: ..a▪ , a' . ■ . ■ tt. McD•o4i.i h .. 'Re1)4 ■ r Of f ict. 528-3423`' -• ■' ■f Wanted - dead or disabled ' cattle and'. horses TOP, PRICES PAI MacKENZIE MEMORIAL CHAPEL •FUNERAL' SERVICE Services .conducted according. to' .:your wishes' at your Home,. your .0 iiieeh,. 'or at our Mem- ` • •oral .Chapel rat ono . additional charge; : , Phan' S21�3432 Lucknew', • • Ilay`' or N ht , ■ Res. 3,95-5328. ■ A 4 ■ I■rri■tiiaimeriewisw si irs HERE; IS VALUE YOU 'CAN'T MISS- 100 ACRES 85 workable, gently.Leolling,_4-4 edroOrn brick. house,/ barn "• 45, x 60. and 30x40, just $14,000' for cash. . RETREAT ' ACREAGE Tees - water. area, 50 acres, 20. acres bush mostly hardwood, rolling, sec luded,.' asking. $4,000., • QUIET VILLAGE: LOT -' shade trees perennials, 1 .. acre with well, $1,000. ,Terns available. For These Properties • Please, Contact •ROSALIND HO�'GINS 395-2337 or'• R R. 2 I- olyrood, Ont. :NOW FEATURING 'NEW 0-L-1:STING-4 Rte:ICE RETREAT ACREAGE - in 'Kin Loss cps just --off highway: 9; 100 -- acres mostly 00-x=acres`.mostly bush, creek crossing. the .property; , just $6,500, with $1,0.00' down. . PRIVACY PLUS INCOME --' 4 bed- roams ,up;�--famsized-Aft-Chem ily . sized hen. dining area;: living room down, 2 bedroom, attached.: apartment,sep- arate ; utilities, frame.: construction; well located in the town of Clinton..• Outof town owner will consider' all .. , offers. Asking., $10,800; terms can be -Arranged--- 25 rranged 25 ACRES of retreat property' in Morris Twp. mostly ' bush, spring creek on the property, very access; ible, hydro available. Asking; $3,900 -Witt'-$900-down., Make -us -an -offer. 100. ACRE FARM - very rolling, good hardwood bush, located. close . ; _to_Blyth,_ideaLsnowmobile.-proper-= ty. Owner is a -king $9,0(X itnmed- iate ;'possessioyi`wavaiIabie. For These Properties • Please. Contact.. Small animals over 150 pounds picked .0p free `of .charge :We ,pay you • for your' animal at` •your,farm 24? HOUR- -FAST- E 'FICIEN!- SERVICE , CALL COLLECT 887-9834,. BRUSSELS; • PET FOOD • SUPPLIES RSR. 2 illtU5SELS License leo. 3-C-fi0 Phone 529.7350 . • Wilfred McIntee: iro.,; Limited WAL,K,ERTON' ,Member of the Grey and Bruce Multiple. Li.$tiogg, •Service• Litt :M,L:S. Over an Sideinneti Working For Yar '1.