HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-02-17, Page 4"Atli 'POUre' • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW ONTARIO WEDNESDAY', FEBRUARY 17 1971 HOUSEHOLD MOVING Local and long distance Midwest- ern moving and storage. For: free estimates call Eric Walden, Wing- HOUSEFOR. SALE; - at Amber ham,. phone 357-3221, legood lot, separate garage, LUCKNOW SENTINEL - .is •three bedrooms, two baths, oil for furnace, broodloom, reasonable. • for sale. at Mel Stanley.'s Supertest- '• • in Lucknow. Pick up an extra copy Mrs.` John C. MacDonald,' Ripley.. from Mel: FOR SALE - 1966 327 Chevelle, ex- • cellent condition, phone 395-2937. FOR SALE 1968. • Mustang Fast- . back, . in good condition.' Call Ross. FOR SALE - 23" Rogers: Majestic` -Forster:; Li— after consolerTV ' recondi oned, new 6 p.m., immilmimoloonw BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT SUPER CASH BINGO • Contact' Lloyd Johnston, R,R..3 .: Legion .Hall; Lucknow,' every liolyrood;phone 395-5390, . , ' .Thursday, • 8;45 p -. •Pot - of : Gold game - winner take all. 1.4 reg- ular games, $10 .each. 2 Share 'the Wealth games. A $30 Special. ,Jack- pot Game for $110:00 • on. 58 calls or $25 consolation prize. CO -.OP SPE:.1 L r'clothing at`.s ial rices.. Wrote � p. Lucknow ,:.District : Co-op, ,phone 528-2125. a AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed .Auctioneers. Sales of all types • Phone Ripley . 395-5353 ,Teeswater .392-6170 • . SIN •,. RECEPTION' SATURDAY' i' The' Reception for Mr, and Mrs. Tom Nicholson :(.nee •Mary Panna becker )., that was ,,cancelled two u -d `Sat -,.T _. _ _ � lr --� eld •.. ilbeh • o w w k a Elec- ee s acture tube. � Greer T.V. and , . , 2 February 20 in the' Lucknow Legiion:. ric' Lucknow, phone 528-3112. ' . •Hall .; Tiffins•Orchestra.:Lunch Pro- FOR SALE'- one 30" used electric vided; Everyone, welcome. range with. "timer;', `one: 22" Beach standard range; one 22 G.E. stan- darts range,, Greer T.V. and`• Elec tric, Luc FOR SALE ` dropped calves, Hereford and Holstein. Alex :Far= rish, R.R. 7 Lucknow, phone 529- 7305,. REFRIGERATION SERVICE LGE 1 Guaranteed service to all types re o:all makes and models; Coq��,Ietp,..apiili_ance- pairs at Sales and Service on new products; SINGER CO. OF CANADA • Phone 357-3730 after 6. p•m. $TABLES CLEANING - mowing. manure piles and snow plowing, with crawler • machine. . Symes Bros.,- Lucknow, 528-5203 or 528-' 2608. CO-OP SPECIAL Meir's---overshoes ' atpecial prices. Lucknow District Co-op, phone 528-2125. DEAD S.TOCK'.. Fresh dean cows over 1,000 pounds, $12;00 , each; dead . horses, $20.00 each; over 500 pounds. ac- cording to size. • • LORENZ REMOVAL DURHAM Call Collect 369=2410 • CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Every--Taesday-and--Thursday Pigs and Cattle, Tuesday Cattle only, Thursday BURKE •ELECTRIC' Wingham 357-2450 Electrical -Contractors Appliances Motor Rewind 24: Hour; Emergency' Service • SNOWMQBILERS Blue Water Snowmobile. Club will sponsor Wiener Roast on, Saturday evening, February. 20th at ' MacDonald Cedars, Lot 12, Concessions 14, 'Ash- field Township.: All snowmobilers are invited to attend. PUBLIC ,SPEAKING Lucknow Legion Public Speaking. Contest will be held in the Legion Hall, :Monday,. March 1st at 8 p.m. Winners from Kinloss, :Lucknow, Brookside and North Ashfield Pub- lic Schools and' Kingsbridge Separ- ate School will participate. ,Junior class up to Grade 6, and Seniors,.. Grades '7 and .8. The winners of this ' contest will •advance to the Legion Zone finals at Kincardine: • CA-L-ITORNIA TOUR ._ � .. _. CALIFORNIA TOUR by .Modern Motor Coach, 21 days, fully es- corted, no overnight travel, the biggest bargain in, a California' and. area .. torr; travel. by Carr's' De Luxe,, Coaches, contact,' De Luxe Travel Service, 260 Tenth 'St; •,'E. Owen oun.. ; •p . ane FOR SALE Beef type bred heifers, calving soon. 392-6297. HIGHEST: PREVAILING PRICES paid ' for dead and disabled cows.. and .. horses. '-Call' collect 881-3459 Walkerton. Graf Stock Removal% SILVER LAKE GENERAL STORE KINLOSS, ONTARIO Open 7. 'Days and Evenings Closed Sunday a.m' and Tuesday 7 p.m. Shop, For Our Weekend Specials TRY . OUR SUPER ICE-CREAM; CONES i'• GALLONS 85c FOR SALE : 2young breeder. hogs and ..York is a rom a premium- hog George Moncrief; - ° in by i p.m.. : R.R. 3 Goderich, phone 395-2832: BILL'S MEAT MARKET., "FOR ;SALE - Beatty. automatic feed and manure handling .equip-; fent; stabling ' and pressure, sys- tems. Contact Beatty Farm.Ser- vice : Centre;' Clinton .482-961.,' FARMER'S INCOME TAX SERVICE Tax preparation, financial : state- ments, ''. averaging basic' herd, etc. cash or accrual system,Work 'done at farm, reasonable fees.. Phone 1 -438 -0401 - MAGNETIC SIGNS T For . cars, trucks, etc. Plastic,. custom formed, in 3 dimensions. Instant on, Instant • off advertising. Max• Riegling, phone 529=7427. .PICTURE FRAMING our spec= laity, wood' and metal.'Maxwell;. 'Photo ;• Studio, Wingham' . James ` Sty der ro rietoi . =hone 357-1851.; y rP. P p. ' ' BARN EQUIPMENT complete line of Acorn Equipment and Clay equipment -for_ pushbutton ',.;farm ing; : °r Westeel --Rosco`G7ranai•ies- s'S Chore = •Boy Milking Parlours . . Also Complete :Line Of Corrug- ated Metal Culverts; :,ti'`6" to 24":I: sizes on 'band at, all times; larger pipe by order; Lowry' Barn Supply, I Amberley, : phone 395-5286. SILO AND ROOF: EXTENSIONS Anyone wishing to have exten-. " : cions=on-their silos or._roofs,. please.:; call or write�.�This can be' done •', now. George; Wraith, 'Box 95, Goderich. Phones' Residence 524-7002 or Shop • 524-6511. , . - ; PLAYING CARDS ' Plastic • coated single decks from and, euchre decks (euchre cards only), Drop in at.The `Lucknow Sentinel. DUMONT ALUMINUM SALES -AND -SERVICE, windows; doors." awnings, sidings; For free estimate. call Roy Emberlin,. your,, local dealer. • THE TEESWATEIt NEWS - is vailabte at The Lucknow Sentinel,', 1Oc pet, copy, If you are interested the sews of Teeswater and Dis-. °.._4ekti,-rick 0u MOTION PICTURE -.: Vie.=-motion-pictur " hetest Tess Ones", that tells the world the truth, will be shown 'at. the Lyceum -TheatreWingham, March 4. 5, 6. Two shows. each night 6. and 8:30 p.m., sponsored by ChristianBus- 1iess Men TTickets $1.25. Advance' sale '$1.00, phone 528-3615. • #F1 W.I. DANCE The St. Helens W.I. are sonsor ing a._ dance in the , St. Helens WI Hall on Friday, February 19th. Tit - fins Orchestra. Ladies please bring sandwicheg:. . .CARD PARTY The St. Helens W.I. areholding a card party. on Thursday, February 18th at 8:30 p.m. in their Hall.' Pro- ceeds -for new .: card tables.: Lunch served. DANCE Dance-to-the-inusic he-orth= er-n . Gentlemen' at : the Wingham Legion Hall, Saturday, February 20, 1971; dancing from 10 1, Res- tricted; admission to. over. 21, spon- sored -by-the-Huron-County-Feder- ation by-the Duron-County--Feder-ation of .Agriculture. • BENEFIT CARD PARTY. A . Benefit Card Party will be held.` at Zion L.O.L.'Hall, February -2211d-for-Mr. and. , MrS: Russe Johnston, who lost their homeand contents by :fire. Ladies please bring. lunch;:: . LIMITED, SUPPLY CONTACT -US IMMEDIATELY N.F U ,.DANCE Dance to the music of Don and the Westernaires -at--the-Luckoow- Legion Hall, Saturday,. February., 27, .1971. Dancing :from '10. - 1. Ad- emission restricted to: persons over, 21. Lunch provided.. Sponsored by `N.F.U., Local 335.•' Draw . for quilt LIONEL .THORNTON. The :Lucknow Agriculture Society -are :sponspring a-Lionei:Tharntort Dance on Friday; April .2nd at Brookside 'Ptiblic School. Dancing CARD• • ' PARTY St.. Augustine C.W.L.; Card •Party. will be held Friday, February: 19 at :8: 30 p.m. in the hall. Prizes and lunch. provided. : CLOSING; NOTICE, • Beryl's Beauty Salon will be closed from -February' 22nd until March 16th. HILRAY,.FARMS LTD. ABATTOIR,tf LYROOD Grow 'Dr'y . 1 he� best, in Home . n, Fede; Drug. Free Beef. Try t our Fresh Hoiiie Made, Sausage, Custom kil- ling'. by appointment. Phone 528-2132. CHILD,HEALTH, CL.IN'IC The child -health clinic -of .the Bruce County. Health Unit for pre- school child ren and infants will • be held at the:: Legion Rooms,. Luck - now on ' Tuesday, February 23rd from 10, to 11:30 a.m. ' • ' .NOTICE__.._.. Roya ana' tan' • gion '.: ra c No. 309, Lucknow, will `hold their regular. meeting . on Tuesday, Feb- ruary :23 at 8:45 p.m:• All mem- bers , are . requested to ;attend,, VARIETY:CONCE T ; Lucknow ' Agricultural ' Society will hold a Variety. Concert on Fri- day, February 26th at;830 p.m. Brookside Public. School, featuring "The Sweet Adelines"-of: Listowel and local ;talent.: Crawford :Douglas of C.K.N X will be-masterof cer- emonies. Adults $1.00, children.'50e., Those wishing :.:transportation to. the-concer-t-.-contact_the_secretary, Or a . direetor. PANCAKE SUPPER Annual Pancake Supper , spon- spred by the Anglican Church Women, Tuesday, - February . 23 from 5 to` 7 'p.m.. Adults 75e,'child- ren under 12, 50c. ANNUAL MEETING The ` annual 'meeting of the Pine River, Cheese and Butter Co-oper ative4 Ripley -Ontario' will,. be. held ,Friday, February 26th at 1:1'5: p.m. in Reids ,Corners .Hall. ANNUAL ,;MEETING: "-TEST WAWANOSH MUTUA_'. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY • The Annual'Meeting 'of. the Cont- . pang` will. be held' inthe . Dungan- non Agricultural Halle on • Friday, F e 'uar .19th, 1971 at ' 2 p.m. to receive and dispose of the Finan cial and Auditors report, to elect 4 Directors, three' for ; , a term of three years and ''one .-for ' a ;term -of one year, "and to transact any other businessthat may rightly come before the meeting. The retiring'. -Directors :ar-e- -Ge IT --Kerr; er- McWhinney and Mason Robinson, all of whom are eligible for re -el'- ection. Mr William Wiggins has resigned due -to ill, health, a Dir= ectbr will be' elected for a 'term of. fill this vacancy. A Policyholder with intent to run as a Director of. the. Corporation shall register • said intent with the - Secretary Treasurer af;the_Torpor- ation five(5) days. prior fo any General Annual Meeting. TIMBER WAFTED --, Standing Hardwoods, all . species. Will buy to • s. For top cash prices call Craig's ,Sawmill, :Auburn 526-7220. ..HELP,.*ANTE_D• FOR' EXTRA INCOME Men and women .any• age. Part or , full time. High Earnings. ' Plea - 'sant Dignified Work:' .' Flexible _Hours._.Perfect,for .men with jobs and women with school age child- • ren; Training provided.; FOR INFORMATION CONTACT' CHARLIE LEE . WINGHAM, PHONE 357=1383,,. WORK WANTED = tile ceilings; and: paneling, kitchen cupboards remodeling and repairing;';reason able ' rates; free estimates;._phone Ripley 395=2221, Roy: Schneller', Kinlough, ' WANTED lady for general ousewor: o • ive in . ro onda to ' Friday, two children,.. One of school age. Apply :George. Humph- .. rey, R.R. 2 Lucknow, phone 529- 7601: } WANTED : -= . a White rotary, sew- ing ; : machine, Contact ' •Melvin Yoder; R:R. S.Lueknow, c/o.Ben .Troyer,, on. 4' lot 18 •Kinloss.' •. , , .WANTED some -work -for tib months of February and March. Farm work : or repair jobs: Con= • tact• Melvin: A. Yoder, R: R. 5 •Luck - now, c/o Ben B Troyer; Con 4,. lot .18, Kinloss:. &M6'dOM1Ton' rnr. - W!/fifePR Y0ea/ SERVICE STATI 9:30 pm. to 1 a.m. . Policyholders `.are urged :to :at 'tend. SEEDS SEED CORN. CLEANINGAND 'TREATING ._1!RU.CKING L '. * * * ELLIOTT'Sr SEED` MILL LUcKNOW, ONTARIO NONE ' 528.3500 MOBILE 'HOMES `THINKING OF'•A MOBILE'HOME OR RECREATIONAL ' VERDE? Many iYniikes and 0)&18' 1.0 choose ft•oni, l:'or a better deal;, drop .118-'a line or- telephone • RUSTON MOBILE .HOMES LTD:' f41 PLAINS''RD., EAST BURLINGTON' ,Code !Ili j t32ti14O0 1 AUCTION and. SALE , MANAGEMENT' SERVICE Contact "Bill" At R•,R, 1 Kincardine PHONE '395.5401 "ANY` TYPE Old ADCtION" fammonvoimmonimisimenii CONTACT RON JUPE PETROFIC NA CANADA-- LTD. ANOVER PHONE :164-2245 or. 64-MO9,