HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-02-10, Page 16PAGE SIXTEEN. • THE LUCKNOW SENTINELS LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • THAT:'Harold Winkler of Lucknow, an employe:e'of Lucknow Furni-' Lure Company, was the winner of a new 20" TV in a draw spon sored by Wiiigham Kinsmen Club at the Wingharn winter carnival• last week end ' Seller of the winning•:ticket 'was El Hoffrnan, manager of.:the Lucknow Burnt= ' ttrre who -is a-rrremb&of the Wingham Club, THAT Mr. 'and 'Mrs': Bill Schmid Mrs. .of Lucknow and.Mr, and Prank Field of Teeswater are -presently on a; motor trip to California...' THAT Mrs; C?. G., Anderson, of. Belgrave ; observed her 84th birthday reeently. • Mrs, Bryce Elliott of Lucknow is a daughter, Mrs.. Anderson, is the former Elizabeth Rutherford of, Helens. • THAT a card from:Barry. Kilpa't .rick ;Who is now ,holidaying in warmer. climates and dated' Jan uary 30 reads "Having'a nice'' - tithe in A`capuico; Mexico. Temperature 92 degrees, they. don't -.get any rain,, till June or later Going on t? Braw.nsville Texas for a. month" -Barry is the'son of Mr. and Mrs.' Clifford Kilpatrick of Belfast. THAT Wallace. Houston ,,'son of Mr. ,and Mrs. Harvey Houston of Holyrood ,; is presently doing aerial survey work .with his -firm. .'at Lake A.lbinel, 150 miles north of Chibougamau , Q.u.ebec , ' about. 200-3.00 miles east of: Jarnes 13ay.•. Mr. and Mrs'. 'Hous . ton. recently had .a phone call from Wally and he stated that the'temperature'was 40' below.. • the only casualty was one froz en ear.' -The rrien are ;hying in uninsulated, tents; THAT the "Re:ach ,for,the 'op T'V show on Saturday•'of this.'week', (3.30p. m. will feature students of the F. E. Madill Secondary' School against Saugeeri District. High School, of Port Elgin.. An advance. preview will let you know that 1siadill defeatecLPpet Elgin, later to be defeated by, Collingwood. The. Collingwood match will follow: on February 20 : . This year's' Madill team:has advanced farthep than any other in 'previous years winning two games. . ,THAT a heavy, load o ling off'the roof.at the -yard o Joh{i W. Henderson Lumber' Ltd. in ,Lucknow , did:. darnage to the hood of.the. Henderson truck, which was sitting beside; the` ,building. The snow just missed the .car, of.',John W.. Scott of R R.. ,..a...Holyrood which' was parked .' nearthe truck. . THA'?' William` Kinahan, local's ,hfe. insurance ,agent, was recent-' .ly presented with a seventh yea'r•• quality service'aw.ard by„the' Saugcen Branch of the Life' Underwr'iter's Association. • • Luckn DNESDAY, FEBRUARY •10. 1971; QUR `LOWEST PRICES" FOODLANL . HE1NZ14OZ. SAVE 2Sc Spaghefti �o Tomato Sauce Tws6 c . . CANADA CHOICE 19 OZ. Green Peas HABITANT LARGE 28 OZ. or: leg , Sou NABOB 6c OFF PKG. Fresh Coffee P� SAVE 1Sc /! Tine 95c SAVE 10 TInSt 4k THE ,BEST IN THE WEST' n1Pound� •89c'.. SALADA 100 COUNT STOCK UPI Tea Bags PRIOR PARK. Pay Only, 69c t -MAPLE --LEAF SMALL NOCK UPI ?2 • WIDE -WALE CORDUROY COATS Borg or Quilt Lined, Green Red • - Purple, Size. 9 13 : and 14 - 18. Regular $29.95'- $34.95 • e Price ' $23.95 7. ylon .tacker NATURAL LAMB TRIM;; Green. Brown Black,,' S` 1111 = L Regular$24 -95 $19.95: • SUEDINE'. Borg Lined One size 16 = brown,. one size' 18 , = '.green, Regular. $29.95. :/,PRICE .Sale ' :Price. $14.95' Ljflk:S�uSo es 2:Pounds APLE •LEAF . FAKE'FUR. White - grey beige, SizeS 9 and 14. Regular $25.00 to $49.95: • Wool Herringbone Quilt lined,. leather trimmed, Beige,- grey, sizes 38 - 40 - 44: Regular $32.95. SAVE 19c1 Devon "' Vl ieners ` 2 "Pounds 99c , :' '�Y�r"1.'V'w^�"�'"V'1'V'1'V1y1.^�^1V\•"�•'r'V"'� V'�11'��. HEADQUARTERS FOR:• NTARIO RE,R-SPr*P•-• LE i■■ 1psiiso i : ii:i• 11r ■i na' ion BUY. OF THE WEEK1' ;, , SAVE ,TO 19c Burn's ' Pure .Lard , 2 Pounds VALUE$ EFFECTIVE .THURS.,. FRIDAY,' SATURDAY FEB. 11, 1St 13• , • ' PHONE; .LUCKNOW 528.3420 LAID: CAMPER COAT'S One size 18 in green One size 12 in red Regular $19.95 $1.5.95 Vinyl 'Leather., Borg lined, Navy Red, Siz 13. Regular $39.95 _ .ESS 30% '. .Corduroy Pant Suits. Green - brown, sizes.9 11-.13'. Regular: $49.95. - • . TO GO AT .$34.95' Nylon .Jackets With ' fur trimmed or,. hoods., . Green red - ye sizes 2 6x 74. • Jackets fade -Tangerine Bottle Green Navy, Sizes 4 - - . 6z, Reg., $13.95. SPECIAL $9.95 CLEARING $5.95 14.- et446.x... SPECIAL, $11.95 Fake Fur Coats Regular $2495: CLEARING $14.95 I only size 4 Reg $i6 95. $10!95 3 only size 14 331%3% 50% OFF c• • a' .' .- .- .^\•- ~ .' vti^\^i,'�.'\^.`�' .:`ti-`.^` ::� c`G''sa".t CNC': ' C�.^�. •.^Ccs^.^..^1c\c\; BOYS Orlon Hooded Jacket 1 size 4 - 'grey. 1 size 5 SALE '. PRICE $9.95 Wool Melton • Jackets' Qv t lined, detachable hood, Sizes .4 5 - 6 6a, : Regular •;15.95.. .. SALE PRICE $1 Nylon Jackets wed or detachable hoods ze 4 6a. Regular :$6.95 to 10.95. CLEARING $4.95 • , , = '$•7:95._.. • .� ..� �G�G�G�C�."`L`L".'�C`a'�."C'..^•�^.. vC`�a";!.^a^ �...v,�,; �"W^v; v^•G�ti `L"`l> `G"'�^+.""+L'�C.;�i.' ,..:. .. .., , .. -.. o. S.•,.'13'19,.: 18 Jackets p . $21.95 for $16:95 eg..$1O.95 for;$8.95 '' OTHERS AT.1 PRICE7. en's Etegular $49,95 SALE PRICE $39.95 inter j:ackets SALE PRICE 29.95. •o CHEAPER JACKETS AT 'VARIED DISCOUNTS' •Kegu1ar. $29•95 .SALE PRICE ;23.95 HTON'S CKNOVI E BEEN TOLD By -Rev: -Duncan--McTavish elE RAN TO'MEET'M`E 1' had, been ,awa'y'.for 'several months w-eFk}ii istant_cix- and without ;letting anyone know I returned, home: unannounced. It was late on:_a'winter `ev.:eni he ing . T sun was almost, down as I errierged through the row: of cedars that 4bseuted she rod from_y other's home on the top of the hill. . Spring, the dog began to bank the first to bid ,m'e welcome. Instantly., :there' were faces at the window looking out to see who was coming. Then around ;the ouse came a ratan, tri his bald head , holding his ha nd, above him to protect himself f-r'ont-.the--obo-I frosty evening 71-t was my father, 'rgiLVe„as we11 fi.,c d irr tha'tE;zia things -'as when we left `"if not a little better There was a 'hear'rt• 'Meal prepared and:a joyous fellow ship .as .we sat- un arod •;the ,festive. board, again, though I,Ao.•not rc c'al.l ,,that the menu consisted of:. :beef':or veal:: 'But: one~ thing.:I do' recall, ,was. that home a .good place, to be in and rny heart was, warmed as it: ha:d norbee'n sine c ' I had left. And whenever':Lke road : that .great story .in St.:.Lu, `and . . the 'words , •" He. -•ran and fell on !TA', :neck and kissed.him";,'.I see' ag'iiii . that bald headed man, long,.gone o�rsrLterrirt>e ;ber-e-I ': know he, received a welcome running don'tha't hill to greet' has eldest sonw. still remernher'hfth running dov'n that hi11 as fast as he could ,to greet his -son. There was ono ddibt:aboutr4haL-gFeetin genuine. He.grasped my hands in ;a grip 1 shall never forget, as•he- hasteried to enquire regarding my health. There was no embrace'; no kissas - n• the, story of the- l rod-- igal Sony 'Out people were brought up in ,a school of thought ' that would regard such actions,: between men asbeing, in pbeit'. ,taste. There was no robe ,or brig. or ^shoes. Fortunately, we' had squandered nothiiig: •during opr,•st'ay aw'aCy'an'd`wer'e- rethelitng borne' ___: • 9th Birthda as .8 Y Ylns-. Ed ` horn of Lttekno.1 observed. her $9th birthda4ola Thursday., February 4th. ,',' She is the fo"ruler 'Rosemary' Miller, .daughter of John Miller • and .[3arbara, Wallace. and was, n-kn!hosh �oiv us lit p- and where•;she: lived for the. .grc t't er part of het life. ,Mr. Thoni passed away in January 195'0'. . Mrs, Thorn has four daughtc'rs,• Irs.o^.itoi�...(Nelen:).,.Rothwe11i f • Nortvbtidl Mrs. Al'(Jean),Iviartili'' of .Lbrig 'Beach, California; !Airs, Carnpbell (Margaret) Thom} s0fl and Mrs. Stuarf,(Kathleen) C}ol . lyer , both of Lucknow; eight grandchildren, six great fraud- children and one sister. Mrs, Wft). (Margaret)-Golloher of Norwood,