HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-02-10, Page 15WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY Pk 1911 THE 1,,UCKNOW SENTINEL,' LUdICHOW. *, • ,• • • . PAGE FIFTEEN • ' . . . • : The following article appeared- recently in the Toronto Pally Star. . . :. , .„,.., , It , Prime IVIinister Trudeau' recent trip Central Java and the fact that be visited the Canadian CARE team ,working in the public ...• . - . .., . hospital at the, eity of SoloWhat giyei the,Story more local interest ''' , -, • • . ,I, ',I. '• ' .'„ .." is the fact that=part of the teant is made up- of Dr. John,Mowbray and • %I-2 - -'-''.= his,'wife Kay. Roth are natives: of Lucknow. Mrs. Mowbray Is, the •• former Katherlxte JohttAton <•• - JOGJAKARTA, „Central java—The weatherman had predicted rain squalls, but it 'turned out to be Pierre Tru- deau weather, 'and, 'the ,Minister wasIable to commune with sultans; • • .Climb ancient monuments, • watch:dances and kiss six ' pretty C,anacliannyrseS. •.All in, all, yesterday was a. 'tnemoralale day. ,In' ,what looked like an overpopulated Garden of.den., • '• In Etorobttditr,' where: the.. .clou'ds shrottd the top of. an , r d 'au watched . band of . haif- naked male dancer,s,enact battle scene aethe,fool: of a. • . • 1,100-year:old 130ddbist.MOn-• unient, as high as •a 101to7 • rovhttilding. ••• . NOISY RECEPTION • Despite. a tight• schedule:, Trudeau made the quick de- Oision to go to Solo, This is the Most densely , populated part of Java - 1,400, pee „pie per' square Mile.. The rich land brings in five.to Six harvests a, year. SOW, gave Trudeau a noisy reception. There were ou sands of children.. Waving Canadian and Indonesian , paper flags: There wereov- erhead h an n 'e r s readiag • .44 • • swapped Toles with the driv- er of a. three -wheel bicycle', taki. • . He shook Winds, With'the , 'driver, ordered him to. get nside,. swung 'u'p onto the, bic.'cle, seat and pedalled off tq.a and roars of • laughter'. The driver enjoyed • : a • R THAT SPECIAL 8011 CAN BE FOUND AT LADIES' AND MEN'S WEAR. • • -.AGENT FOR KINCARDIN.ECLEANERS FREE PICK UP AND DELIVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY • , • •., , . • • In a 'leiter receive.d thiS Week': N.Irs: Ken 'Mowbray Of-,ToWn , •froin Mrs... John -Mowbtay, the ; . . „ 'Fir1 Swri..;.,Ettrest Ackert. • . Elected. •to.the Corittnit.tee Stewards, were: Harvey HoustQfl rfarvey'Webster'i Donald.Thornp,',' .1<enneth", . „ • • • • , • _ • 7 • r"7-1,. • Trudeau istse on, e.irn uI in .everNi,.. 'one, of the. thou:. • sands of ,stone".carvings. of, ..• gods.: pt •..• = . • :desses and monsters •'SULTAN'S PAIA0E., " In the mOttiin Trudeau thepalace of the SO-. tan of JOgyakarta, then had • another of the ...liCes..*The'fiOgpitable sultan , had* not realized ho*.rhany,.• guekts• would • descend•• on: •hitn; and the hot cUrries. and • the cold beer • were son gone. • :• Trailing Trudeau thiouh, • the .,mornin was Di John ;Mom/bray; •of .Sas katoori; his wife, Kay, and * ••. • Mowbray. both graduates of = • • the University of Toronto, , . are members.of a Canadian •C•,ari a di ail CARE team:, working -at -the public /hos pit,al: at the eity,, of SOW.. ' A week earlier, Dr. • 'Charles GodfreY. .of 'Toronto had , gone to Singa09re to, ter .to visit Solo Dr Godfrey •was Oneof the hien who did . , the early. surveys for the project, in 1968, and he was . anxious tn. see it get. atten- :tion,. • ' ' •• • Minister Trudeait:" On the chance*. he visitor would 'come:: the city had Iwo days earlier paved the side Street'. I. 'to the hospital.' I..., • 1 •011 sixCanadian nurses. theS' ,•'. were • eanp'e, c en o • Ont, ; Lois ..lames ,of,. Poreupine, Ont..; V aerie' Kir'y Winnipeg; Rita. •••• were 'of •,bripithfilel.;' Alta • Sharon tiffin.: of ' Indian, • .ked., gask..: and:IN/Its. I -1r+ en' Macae, 'of IcIinberley,.. ' . wds 4thrilling day'.for all: thp • team and our fa rnily when' the :F;ritne Minister 'came ib..SOIO., and visited the CARE (Medico . Projeet). -Fie didn't have;:rnuth • able etew.,: SOrne had had. . nursing', or. teaching exneri., ence in AIsia or Africa.,Alt had .vonuntered to come • ,fiere fortwo years at $150 a ?nom h, JOr'. MoWbray iS re!. ceiving• $350a month.) • •Miss MeMiflen :carne hore..'... from the ToonloEat Gen. eral. 11,0 s p 11 aJ atter, two years .v,:cirking in Ghana Mess Jarnes had. served in and.AktaNIiik, with. Ti. r, betan reTti,s.,,ee children in In. di and;as directOr . of Yschool for. 'nursing asSistants -nHondia s.- • . Mr. Mac it a ei* trim :Served with. ". •:. the •armed: forced in' World War 11. and th•pri, Jot* 21 • • COmnlunity Hav- ...mg raised twosons. she de-. i'lLtcrRICA,L deau tented.- the hOsPital.' OF talk with him.'• • We .went to Jogjakarta : at pls0,. ro_4neet his plane and were put irrthe reeeiving line. Scptt was thrilled becausehe topped to ntalk with .. • : Our. cars were put Motor •eade and we toured all, day :with ;him ending up at Solo at 4 p..rn. it: w -as great".fim n'ffotOrcydre es- cort and all. . •• We got in on all:-. the tours derf17 onStrations; dances and an o•ffic- • .iil •• MacLennan Was eleCted. to fill the term 'of Bob' Fisher who resigned 'his. office: It was decided to re- duce the nurnber of stewards to 15 andto make the term of office tirer•Hrent•••fOr3 each. 'ear, •• . Whir -PEOPLE 4 COMMUNITIES •*,ADVER14ERS. W.• B. .Anderson was eleptedqo the Board of TrusteeS.. • . ded,r..ge„..NeWhold; resigned his office ' as Treasurer of the: Building Fund and Add" Webster was elected 'to that post: . ' Ar the cdndlution'ofthe .rneet • ing .Rev. R. G. Nicholls expressed thanks to, ail who had helped -rna-ke-the-yeir-a-Strccess, • W. :B.. Anderson eicpie:Ssed the appreciation of the congregation 'to Rev. and T.Mrs'.. Nicholls for their leadership during 1970. Themeeting closed with the tenecliction.' •• • • • • •••'UNITBD•CF1U12C11. ,:•••CONTINUED FROM PAGE1 SOUND INVESTMENT .•••.` • . COUNSELLING . • • . • • . , • • • highlight•of-the .G.1.T: PrO-, grain rn e in Whi-ch-thu-gi'rls : under the leadership of Mrs .Rob - t Nicholls and Mrs Gordon ayley; riiiscd: $300 for' the Ntission of the Church, in' the presbytei•ian and United Churches.. collected for. U.,N 1 C hada Ira veiling .su•pper,, • 's pyjana party , Bible Study ,• udethe Uwe (If recflne11iat9fl as some of their other activities;? • • Reports•from•the Explorers ana Youth Groups were Dot so:enCOUr aging due t� lack of interest, in • these groups in the • ba hies. on the Nursery roll. •-Clarence: Greer, presented, the. treasurer's report Which indicated, that•all obligations weres-rnet f"O• 00 ,.although the: congregation was foreed, to dra,W orittic balance forwarded at.: the beginning 'Of , the • . • -. .• cided to volunteerfor work., :here. • The Canadian Jeilin is he:reon a ,five-year.project o • tors and nurSesin this area. - Of the $180.000 if costs to •:run the program. each yeal% ' the Canadian gnvernnient froni CA,FtE.hiCanada. 'After tbe speecheS, • ELECTRICHEATING WIRING AND REPAIRS • • . Ther ,• ina srnalliffiFe, Trudean was presentedwith: gifts. Miss, Kirb:V, hiptiatil girl in a yellow dress, gavi him a „puppet 'frills lilten0s$.. L E C TRICA L • Meibtilf•Sli2ATI.1 N ••:.,:f4deau a .. • Trudeau .pi•einised that if . he beanie ffl h would• • corne t the.htispital, At.the. • entrance' ..helissen , ...Canadian • nurses. •:Ahcitit 8(1 nurses, :„ lined no.; • in their .starened. uniforms* in the int*: setie. with uttindet4:'. •'Oh ;$,attiftfayt *. lour ---nit.laknits; Ittideatt TREASURE TROVE competent services of a Artist Iorisipariv, let us help you On items as ;Tax Matters, 'Succession Qpties, Planning. and-, .." Administering Estates, loveStMentS, Savings and High Interest ,• . Certificates.„ • STERLINORUSTS ' • • 372 Bay Street, TO R ONi-0 • 14• • ' .. • . .• • • , was contributed to the :Biiildpig Fund leaving:a, bal.••'..;, ghee 'Owing of $1,3 , to begin 1971. • , ' ' . • A budget.;61 $15 544 for $57o G.' for Mis‘ii0k1and Sr ,Vice, Fund WAS a•Cepted. ;,.• • The falloWitiq,peopieI were fideted'id,thc.seoiOn:,1 year tcrm Ry 11-aven,.Wilfr,ed Men., an; Gordon ‘1,:laite,„ (with an auto. niatic election for a five year term 101012). •• • 2jear tetin„ Raynard Ackert •• Vern Fltinter",,Jotir pritchard,. • 5 year ternf Mr t; nr,Yte Vinyl Davenport Suites $159.00 up (triAlICAND-11,AVENOOFti) . „ . nyl $ptitesover $89.95 • ioy.1.H$0*et,...Rockers ••LARGE SELECI'IONS 4 • • .: ac enzle: Htlrm, or, .'"a' • PROW 0. tii44132 • 4' • " •