HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-02-10, Page 13• . .FEBRUARV '10, 1971: I . . • „ , • . . • , TH,E.H.L.00KNOW 1.414;KHOW**ONTARK).' • PAGE TNIRTIIIIN • .1 SHAMPOO and FIT ALL'BATI-I SPRAY Reg, $ 99c* . .• BATH BRUSH; Reg. $1.89 71a • yAPORIZER HUMIDIFIER, Reg. $6.95 $4.77 • Lux LIQUID, Reg. _ __ •,T"' •59c WAX i...ANT.truogisT.IN.:Rva.,-.Rom.,1$.t,49...•97c • • • . . . ..•• . • • . . . • . • JOHNSON BABY POWDER, 'li" Reg. $149 *. 69c 200 SANDWICH ,BAGS, Reg. $1.00 TAME, Reg. $1.39 99c DIOXZEIVIA, Reg. $1.69 ' $1.33 , • . COTtTAC C, Reg. $149 c TOOTHPASTE, Reg. $1.29 __ _ _ _ 91c. . • CREST -TOOTH PASTE, Reg'. $i.29' LYSOL _ LITERINE; Reg. $1.39 88c 14iVEA .C111t4114; keg. $119 BRONHIDA.cQUGH SYRUP.; Reg. 99c 69,c . • • • MINERAL0IL, Reg. $1.45 99c DriISTAN TABS, Rai. $1.35 93c 1 .CORICID;N D TABS, 20, $219 oi=o1=tio.spol0=0) Elmer Umbach UNGANNON abid Skunk Found InArea— 'U'RF[E GROVE TRAPP.E1)13..Y.-§NOV.V. ' • An ,iterri 'Missed during the. great -storni •in January was at' home Of•GorclOn Kurt: :The snowdrifted 'against their: door., trapping -Mi. • 'and Mrs..,Kutt in the 14 Kurt had toiescape 't'ho' .a window to cleat the snow froninthe door The KurtS, gre.stilk without phoile . . , service as result of this stor. • Also during 'this tinik when' F. E. Madill students. werebilleted inWingharri, Steve SOhnstori•And Jim bores, when,the.hydro was, off canvassed ,four hodses for.a candle, , At the:fourth place:the lady dug up a bit of candle for the boys. Mr, and 1VIrs EarlElliott,.. 'Joyce and Ian visited.oh.Saturday with Mr: and Mrs. Dori McCosh,. and Oick, - ,Bob Emerson, Mr. and Tyli.s. Stuart Lane and, girls visited. On Sunday Dop Dore and •• • r. and Mis. Don: Nlccosh . • AMBERLEY were in Loridon On Thursday to spent Sunday With Currie Colwell , take their daughter to St.. Joseph's and family • . , • • , Elizabeth remained to Last week the previous ch,,rvae,yh.tar,,,k6eanPt !,r71TI,oved and have one [-staTed wintry -arid .stOrtnY • and .everyone was glad to see the Two young men tram this area Week end visitors with Mr. and : with •clear skies 'Clifford Errirnerton a'nd' Clarke ' k endarrive• Just • • Mrs: Art Haldenby were Mr.' and and sunshine • - • , as the snoW Ferguson left on Friday for a.hol- seemed to be leaving, freezing '‘ • Mrs. Howard Whiteside, Howard •iday in a warmer climate. They • and Brian of oro t rain and high winds came to. - • . -dLtornotor to Florida and Mr.P. A..:murray:and mr. J4rn.. play avoc again wit t e .toa s then fly to the Barbados es Hodge•were:deliveringrnaii= '-'and4rY,(mnd-We-0:11-iles • - • - • • NOTICE OF MEETING • • • • TA.KE•200.Tica THATTHEANNUALMEETING OF PRODUCER .MEMBERS OF ", •. ' " : . • • • • . • . ••••.• • • ASSOCIAT1I WILL BE CONVENED • S. hoor,.9( .Qi Veb�a21971.: AT, THE LEGION HALL IN THE TOWN. OF CLINTON. For the purpose of the proper, business of 'the annual meeting, the considering of amendments to the constitution, the election of, the county board of directors.' Between the hours of 2:4)6 o'clock and 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon of the above mentioned date, NOMINA'I'ION, AND ELECTIONS for councilmen under the Ontario Hog Producers' Marketing Plan will be held. • . McGregor, President Lloyd ,pikwart, sicreter* • • • • • mr.-and Mrs, K., K. Dawson • eft -Sunday, , Jahuary3l, 1911 Or:. four 'weeks•iti California , conipaniedhy Mr. and 'Mrs. or:man Auburn. • • •• ". .Thesympathy, ol,J1314o_mniun7;. • - tTr is extended • to, Mr ...Brown • myth and. Other telative,s. and.; riends of Mrs. Bessie (Smyth) tewart.,. who passed away...Toes-. ay: ; Febrtlary: . • • . Mr....*and Mrs., Irvine .Eedy , . nd •N•IrS.• Fred' Y9ting,..john a.nd ha ron.',: assisted Mr, and MrS:., Bob ht.:takingtheir. niany-sifts,te.,. itehener a ridw. ere 4heir.gueStsSuriday., :•* • • We are pfeased 1<ni*:.,that nate I lodes' was 'a ble 'to, return ine,from Goderlefi hospitaf. lbert „ Were.gtiests of Mr; and s. caaharn. McIlee a':nd l<en Suntlay,. .• , • lcv,and.•Mrs, j.,:. Ur e $ter./A:rt.: ted Wittr-Rev;-alid•Wlitt7CIAT Me:ClenAgliadand gItfott On Mrs. 1vai ivei,t, mts Cathy itiatt .anlMrs in''Young to,o1„ the header's aining Cut 'at Wingbant fly, Club classes in two.groups_ irliegini before lolig„,."'"eparat.',. L A NCS I TE.'NEWS on .11; R. -2 HoiyrOod on Friday Hydro.pOwer was off again in the , Area residents were interested ,... when they Were•in collision w,ith ArriberleY area Thursday night. , in seeing ReV. Mr. Hill on a truck during a 'blinding silow,-... ',,, ,and ridry-t..ecausecorth-e free*7)-Tig time" Sunday', 'Tie participated ' • -' . • ,. . . •. . . . , storrn: Both men wre hospitaliz- . rain Ma,king. breaks in the lines. ,. in a panel discussing the COnfer-'- .. ....-" . ', • • ed for a.- few .days. , : '. l 'ence held at Niagara 'Falls ° • ' ' The school students hadan ex - Mr; and MrS'., Toni MacDonald , • ended ho i/.. - • ' - day with Just one-half Mrs. John Dahmer and children . • were in" Toronto during' thek Mr visited with her parents d Mrs Roy Mac Kenzie of Whitby, time day on Thursday, their only . .'..„. , . at'sch9ol during the Week. ' Mrs. Art Smeltzer on Saturday Mrs __CliffRoulstoripf_LucknoW ,.. , . • Omitted last' week in the names. Mr . a pd.'Mr . Morley Bushell of SISTER PASSES: . < s ,,, . of . LthoSe belping,With Bill keinp- •Wingliani Spent an evening with. Mrs., John Hill flew to:Victoria,. ..• • , .. , ton's snow plow was that of Min= Mrs, John Barr' • : , . • .. :B.C. , on Monday of last ,week to ra-'-'- y Thompson: Those from a.distance who .. attend the funeral of her sister. ' Several pe6ple took adVantage .... attended the funeral of their aunt , The Syof: the good sympathy of the community • weather on the week .,..• '•• ., . the• late Mrs,., -,-Perry Elodgins,.were is extended to her and her. family : endio,estonie to the lake •to cheek • ... : ,-.• • ., Rissell.Barr of Agincourt., Sandra • •141-s; 'Hill; along with her son ' .- on their cottages after the storM. . . , . ••• . , Percy of Toronto and Joan Percy . Cluck and friend who had been : 'Mr'. and Mrs,. Bill Leonard andhn of Brantford: ; • • • .stotm-stayed at the Manse, were Mr, and Mrs.; Earl Lavery Were . Mrs.. Roy Schneller Will, be host - taken, by taxi to Toronto •andthen up frorn: TorontO.a rid brought. Mrs ess for the Anglian Church on by plane: Chuck was .return- WM. Leonard to'her'home at Pte: Wornentebtuary-meeting orit---,-`ing-to-Sau-I .Ste. ,Marie. '• Clarlze-T---Strer-had beenisiting Thursday'afternoon at her, home mr. and ,Mrs., Elmer Smeltzer With her families for two weeks * • • , The cats and deg belonging. tO ‘Bill Brooks had tobe deStroyed' because they had .been found eat ing. . :: • Last We.ek school' buses Made, their routes on wednesday.and nitirsday only. ;The first f.the week all country ,roads were. not plowed and4y-:-Frf4ay. fre-ezing • tan made the 'roa0s:treachercus:: Mr and Mrs Bob Yount!, of Hanover Visited 011 Sunday with 2-1\4r. tid--1 -YOung. Many of the phones in the c:Orn; inunity baye been out ,Of'order, niiking.cbmhiuniCatiofl difficult in thi:neighbourhood. • e'S 'for SW -rimer" being •tlie':eourse. • • cotigratulations .to 'IVIcWhinne.y.'„ Sr, Wbo,will be ebratfri rebroaty 7 MrS:;' doi.16' and bet dangly ter , ‘vr•it, Allair and her " • frind all'fro'rn ingleside 0, 'near COrnWall, Were gu'ests. at the sveddingSit firday: at ,Mrs,„ ‘t.:;Oty.,6' is, a:. iister.8f CRAWFORD MOTORS CHRYSLER - DODGE - PLYMOUTH WINGHAM ONTARIO 70 CHRYSLER 300, 2,Ndoor hard- op, power equipped and radio' 69 PLYMOUTH, 4 door' sedan,‘6 automatic with radio and power steering 69 CHEV, 4 door, 8 automatic .,68 AUSTIN, 4 door 68 DODGE Polaro 500 2 door ,p--44tutomat* 67 FORD, '4 door sedan, 8 automatic with raOio 66 PLYMOUT1-1-4-door, 8-atitomatic- with radio . '66 FORD Galaxie 500, 2 door hard- top, 8 automatic andraclio 66 FORD 4 deor) 8 automatic, power 3-5 7 - 3862 66. CHRYSLER.,4 door; Power equipped DODGE, :4door, 6 auomatic, power steering and radio IAN .tatiOnwagon, 6 automatic, with radio 5 FORD Fairlane statiOnWagon, 8 automatic • „, ..-Steeting4::radid .•,••: • • • • PLYMOUTIR'Z'thicithardt S . • . •.. -." • • atitedii*le. with ...tatito • . • • , FORD Galaxie 500, 4 door hardtOp;, ,atitomatk •-•••• • .. TRUCK:. • 68' -miles 41 •