HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-02-10, Page 8'PAGE .EIGHT • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEI-,.ALUCKNOW„ ONTARIO LUCKNOW Ttr own �a:n'd Co�o �, In spite of freezing•rain the •,; Town and''Country, Bowiers Were, out in full str.ength',after the stom: Charnp,ion, over everyonewas Earl Swan with his '302 single ' game and his double: of 444. 'Cooed bowling �Earll.'. For the ladies we have Olive.' Smith with her 172 single'°and 307_ double, ••T'eam points:won,' Turnips:,3 Carrots; 2, Lettuce :3. and Potatoes' 2. Teaknstzrndings`-.Glarence Be]l'-s Lettuce 47 Henry'. Carter's Pota- ,. • toes:'45 ;' Mel. King's ,Carrots,44 , and Jack Campbells Turnips A gentl'e.retnmder to 'everyone 'you -bow3.:o-n Wednesday -fox--.. this. week only, so see you all at-. . the allies,; today Wednesday; _:Febrpary :10 instead. .of Thursda °.�. Y y February 11.. ckrlow • Dungannon. 'Men's,high'triple• went to Bill en,s. Midgets Win Three dames The Lucknow. N1id1ets hoer:c'y team•downed•Milverton 6 1 in playoff hockeyF-on Fef tir•a-r•Y42nd-, Lucknow• dominated the play throughout the game which was played. in Ludknow Jinn ,Murray eameup with. a hattrick•with Ken Farrish: Gra:. han1 Hamilton and Andy • Whitb,y counting singles. Kim Cowan - scored the other two goals. Lucknow ret.ur'ned to .Milverton on February 4th -edging them 2 -, Jim Murray and;, Graham Ylariiilto scored :both goals in'.the third period.Twenty,penalties were': handed out in the game. • On Sundaynight Lucknow.;got, by •Listowel with a ti 5 wine to; • give'them 4•pointsfor a regular scheduled: game 1. eas WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10,, 1971. RjPLET'JI..I.A.11" IR .- Curing and Smoking • Custorn otcher�ng Sausage :!Making — Fast Freezing _ .,Cutting and Wrapping -- .. HOGS AND CATTLE ON• MONDAYS . CATTLE ONL (ON: FRIDAYS ' Piave cattle . in *on Thursday for Friday's . kill ' B' Coolers We Are Able To "Hang Your Beef. From F rs We SellChoice Home Killed Beef; Pork'• With Big , • 1 To3 Weeks --Whatever your Requirements. Are. For Home ;Ieze ,. At ,Lowest Mar`;keting Prices Quantity ; , wand Lamb Ing Any Q ALA -MEATS 'ARE 'GOVERNMENT :INSPECTED FOR YOUR PROTECTION CHAS. HOOISNIA; PROP • ABATTOIR ° 395-2905- STORE 395-2961. Lucknow Arena' Schedule -�-`PUBLIC-TSKATINGL Public School 15c High School 25e' Adult 40c Sunday Skating Silver _Collection. •.THURS.DAY, FEBRUARY 11� `. 5:30 6:30 'Bantam Practise:, 9 10 Ashfield. Recreation FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12 • 2 - 3 L' it�know Sehool graxe Lucknow'Fleas and..Belgrave .- 'Fleas'pl:ayedto a: 2• 2 tie, in •a: hockey game in.the Lucknow. A1San. Johnston takes high triple Arena on Satutday last Bill Goal.sc'orers for. Lucknow were. Ofthe week with.816: Bill Hunter rolled the high sin le- of 318.. Allan Paul: Hamilton'; ' Steve Simpson ' • g and Larry MacPherson with:Steve Johnsto Yed 315 and 305 games. ecnncs.won;, liumkr5.o. .Dodge Mustangs' 5, , Fords.' 2; •Pontiao.s 4, Oldsmobiles'' 3. Games` of 250' and over: ':Bill Hunter 318, .Allan Johnston 315, • 305, Charlie AndersonHar- o1d Ritchie 297:, Bill Stewart 256 Fred` :Young 253 John 'i.i'therford' 256. Team'standings:- Fords 79, OIdsmobiles 72:,. Mustangs .62,. Dodges' 54 , . Pontiacs 46 , - Buicks, • Simpsori'also'credited with an. assist. • .• For Belgrave goals were scored by Brian Shiell and 'Grant Gnay :- and'botli; were: eachcredited with. an assist. - Ab Morton ca tur'ed both hiL'Th P smtg'ie . mid-'t'rip11e o 296 single and ,677':triple.. Games over 225 •Zeorg.e Stanley. 234, ,Art Purriey 242.;. Ab .Morton, u e 296.. , .u -n ro r Leag.296.., 9 Team'points: : Owls' 5 Cardinals. Jim Ritchie had' a• high single ' 2 Vultures 5 , HawksY 2 of •231 and Murray'utton had;a Team` standings: Vultures 96., y' 1Owls•77,'Haw;ks;79, Cardinals 28, high double of. 392, . Bc�nnle ^ha atgl single of ,239. and' ,a''hi h double.' Of 44-'7 . g Teasn.' rots: Ch elets.5 Life- savers 3, Potato 0hips Wagon . Whe els 0 Died,Suddenly F�Howing. Cor.onary WILLIAM R. 1 .LLOYD' William`Lloyd of London passed' ....' away suddenly :following 'a coron_ ary •attack' to :lis: 72nd 'year. • and :Mrs. .Lloyd were read; to`leave' for' home :after 'attending the morning service at St. • C,e.9rge's Anglican' Church when he was stricken'•and rushed ;irnrncd iately.to`St,.`•Joseph!s Hospital;` where. he 'passed away Bi11., as he `was well known by; had';been critically ill during 1009 4 5 ,Brookside: School -but ma e.; :a s.p d t: a • v- .an 8---t1 Ice Rented -m.!as- -jo-y- -g. h•':c retire ent a_t n'c ''SA7f1URDAY,,,FEBRUARY:13 8 -; 10 Flea Practise 10 ; ''12 ..:School Hockey 12 . 1:.30 Novice Practise' 2 - 4 Public Skating 4:.30 6:00 -= ..:Pee Wee ' Practise, 6:30 Flea 'Game. Lucknow vs Brussels 8 - 10 Public. Skating ,SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14 • 1:30 3:30'1-- `Public Skating • 6,- 8 Figure: siting 8'. - 9 Bantam Practise 9' 10 : Midget Practise MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16: 4 5 Brookside ' School • 6 7 Pee Wee 'Practise' WEDNESDAY, •FEBRUARY,. 17 2 - 4 Preschool Skating 5 .- 6 Flea. Practise 6 7' Novice: Practise' '. 7 -• 8' •Juvenile Practise riuk.1ey 5:t . ;. Apt . 204•., London; During:last Year the „Lloyds motor ed':to Thuc�deF-. rd- sited -- their son•Ivan and•family motored to New Brunswick' and enjoyed, a -holiday, with their daughter Doris,,and' family and were, planning soon.' to fly fora winter holiday to New Bru'nswic-1 :. wit t e omes family Bill was born in Sault Ste.,'Mar:- ie and c.a'me.'to the' `Lucknow arca ..as a. young Man and. was' einplo�•- 'ed at Silverwoods of 'Lucknow,,; On August 18th, 192t; he tuar ried Pearl LuellaBoyleand they res'ided. in Lucknow ,'where their two children Ivan and Doris i;ri...w up. Laser they :moved to Krncai dime when they bought and ope t'i ed;the South End ,grocerystor.c, .,Team standings:'Lifesavers'45 Wagon Wheels 2 hiclets ?a,, Potato Chips 18. Stewart w�ih 7;:4.and_thQ'high single to Rod.. Finlayson with.285; g Ladies high triple was won b P ,. Gw.et Caesar with 818..Shalso, ' n• 1 -e: -o -f p' it of • W. 0;` dc . trc DIES • 8 - 10 .Public' Skating • Play Offs Starting Check bulletin board for times The Opals.and pearls bowled. their -7t7.44' -leo D cerneb r-- 4 h games on .Saturday,evening of last week. with the I?earls taking 5 points and the Opals 2 points. Marion MacKinnon rolled a 2,`39, .. _. -„._.21:6-•a i�d..23 0 •, h e r-n.e�-t a c b� h � t�,� �ti-�- ,.Rain u Margaret Wilson rolled the high e ging:le with'a 296. Hightriple was rolled Say. 7e-n.r-i s-wiT -a,.- lvferi:over'25G; .Ro Finlayson •'285 ,'Harold Errington 271, Sill Stewart 2i8, 2., :Zeke Zera''r; .273•, Ladies over 22; Gwen Casa- "Jessie :Joynr !,/,;at:k`irr noir 2 4 , Cora T e. 2 h rsor. l . }� s,e q y, � y+t a. POints' pori: Bead s.. ,. �, rV :oids '6.; Tiers , Z'eb'ras i, C"(ior1� lt.j✓f�jF. :,"At , e."rO h'"retr 2r `�4.o1 �•e11r es C1 -.i i—ks • Lions 4, g..411:irelg,w9' , Standit >t s::. ; elye Cobs,. 'ty.i ,,X,ports le r S ctiik 4 o'l::+Y` was 511, Pole Cats • :i,. 'AO; 9 ;Obpliers;4 , Kanzkoor '. w .. • Lions... • , Carnes 206. and•1over: Margaret , ' 'ikon 'sd2 ;'Anne Wisser 274 *a td ' 2:.,•4t, am.ludie Nelson 267' ;and 240 , Isobel Tiffin 262; Joy De'nnis'25:8 Isa .b Sanderson 234, Mary Jessie lb y •nt 206 ..Gr'ace Ll . �r l�dtt . 224 and a 217. /. 1=erne•lvlac;Dona.id•.rolled the high 'single game of 290 -.and 1`.1i1 -.d're_c±Can orrt e fi g -�x ip1 o 643 `on yevening.. •• 'Ga e 200: m s of and. overt •Ferne MacD'oiia1d.290, Mildred Carnet - on 230 205 262 , Thelma. Brown 214;, Marion Cam hell 220 Ben 1Cir�a.nd ,210 ., 'Jean •Phil1i s225 • p. , Cleland 21 .,.Kathy' Gibson 214, 230 , Marie "Greer 204.. Diane tarter 20�, Team Tea'points; Cath€ r,inc r: ' o inns. Kath •een For ter`' Di ..,' s s Schmid• s Diamonds,;:; �;rte. , • LL'e, owe , .:at ��" Cibson,'S Greens• .,Greer'S Parl's 2, e!s tl e 13r11e :�•1o1c , lyileet La is' Peds r,); :Joy' ma:bies, 7, Tru ' y dy f'orarr s Dt. wye: rrGGG-.'b? ,.'Anna,Ern , y".i'ilded tarn c. :,l.e'�t 4,Kay. CLawford' Sapphires Yrt An]a {.,raat FiuJ. otcnr s., s' • Uta15 ;, • • A "" Vit,• i'te4rs t > • yearn Itandings; dt i"ear1s ...;.ralds "brdi, iras rig . itechurch Native red In Preston ' WI-IiTECH'URCH NI W' 1111111611ffirlelnil 1.1-0 5 :George Jacques passed away January 20, 197.1 at St. Mary's. Hospital, Preston ln',his'T8th year. George received his its education at Zetland .and Whitechurch 'public ;. schools' s as Bis:honie 'was the•.farfii owned by: Clarence Ritchie.' - Hevr:as =ante ra-n-af Wr1-zl� W a -t T When'hereturned .from the wa he learned the barbering with Mr; Swanson. LaterIv1r.. J ac1s ues • moved to Preston, where' he , 1iis'• Wife arid:three'sons lived, Ile, .also a . a conductor o ttic train L.NI.P.S, whie}i ran/ from Lond'on'•to Port Stanley until his'. retirement., duriri:t wlrir±lt.tiirae his 'wife passed!, away, Ile.1 'r:retLtnlled [.o..,_W] ft Ali and tnarried'Mrs. ,`Mabel Leggatt., Tiley retired. iti tiVin harp uptil' after her passing whetrlie'went to”: l it, heher to thee. home of !iris son,.. Jack:Y' for. two years.'''tOn selling their business there .they "moved :.toLon- don, where 13 X11 •was still associaf.- ed with Silverwoods Ltd. .until liL" reuT I a-ft•tri3 years of faithtiil ser..vice .: The' remains' rested at the A,' Millard'Geor g.e• huneral •I10me! '• crit' l Wednesday a•fternoon.when service was'.ebnd7 tedin-tire • •Chapel.by Rev..• Cyril Ladds a id'. Rt. Rev._ Willia m A . Tow.nshend Interrri.e-nt wa•s'in 'Forest,Law►i •Gardens-. Pallbearers ,were Maurice' I.Iod 1*t-u?ic'e -itn pson -1 1 Lyn'n', .Jack Scott , Tom Tomes•,' ,Reg Day.is,. ' Left to •mourn: Eris loss are his . wife Pearl; their son: Ivan of :FT,, i ,, '` heir:•, tE.el St. , Ba'r.rie , Qntaro, t •.• ,. da ighter.'Doris', Mrs ' Rev . i Tomes o'f.Rothesa;y Ncw. Bru it wirier; silt grandchildren,Bill , - a r i 1-•• cl -'<1 �'�, I31a k� LltSy'•ci�. Ztn es a , !lith and Matthew —One/brother Clifford i.loyd of:' 'Tonawanda , N, Y.; one sister Mrs. Ethel Runchey of: Toron u three step brothers ,• Georgc,,- iur 1lie .funeral service w."is eondtiCt,. td y lir Dc:rwy n 1if11 of Ptcsto r ' pr:c:s h;nlotl,ji, , ' 1."lir manY. beautiful flora 1, tril1- •utes and:,donations''to the (i iiid •ian'Cai7,eer .S•ociety a'nd C leart- 1 i'rrtti t 1 r. a Io'Ti"bcs c�'I�cWC(1�'~-11x�; .esteem in' which the deco tsc•cl • w •as held .,