HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-02-10, Page 4• PAGE FOUR. • ' THE L' UCKNOW SENTINEL, ,LUCKNO)C, ONTARIO, WEpNESpAY,; FEBRUARY,, •lok 1971: HOUSEHOLD MOVING Local, and long distance Midwest- ern idwest ern 'moving and storage. For: free. estimates call Eric Walden; Wing - ham, phone .357-3221,_ TH•E. LUCKNOW SENTINEL is for sale at Mel Stailey-'.s. Supertest• in Lucknow. Pick up an,extra scopy, ,from Mel: CO.OP SPECIAL, .- Winter clothing at 'special prices. 'l ucknow . District—Co-op,' phone 528-2125. • • :. --- _-—. .AUCTIONEER,,.SERV ICCE BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT_ Contact Lloyd Johnston; RM 3, ! 1-lolyrood, phone 395-5390. ANTENNA.' SERVICE • Repairs • and Installation, Free Estimates; Year Round.' Service,. •Doug Harker,' .Phone 364-3313 Col- lect, ' Box 467, Hanover,; Ontario. PIGS 'FOR SALE 19 chunks. Jerry Cranston, R.R. Lucknow, phone 529-7407. CO.OP' SPECIAL Electric •heaters on sale. Luck - now District ,Co-op, phone 528-2125. SUPER .CASH CASH' BINGO • Legion Hall, Lucknow, every Thursday, 8:45 p,m, Pot of Gold game winner take • all. 14. • reg- ular games, $10 , each, 2 Share the Wealth games. A $30 Special: Jack:. pot Game for $105;00 ,on 57 cal:s: or $25 consolation, prize.' , EUCHRE AND SHOOT' :PARTY ,.The Lucknow Women's Institute will hold 'a .dessert euchre and shoot .Fart y'in" the Town n Hall at .1:30 p.m, on. Saturday,--Febrfiary- 13. , Everyone ' welcome. Proceeds for the Golden Circle: School,. Wing /•. ham Grant ;McDonald, Ripley FOR SALE 1970 Ski •Whiz, model ' Wallace Ballagh, •Teeswater. 300S, •18 ' hp,, excellent condition.' Licensed AuctioneersPhone , 529-7339. , of all t •:Sales . ypes ,44,-15 l one ' p ey:. Teeswater' 392-6170 SINGER ,SERVICE Repairs to all. makes and 'inodels,' Sales and Service on new products;. SINGER CO.OF• • CANADA . 1 . ; STABLE—CLEANING - moving manure : piles and ' snow plowing with• crawler machine. Symes' _Bros., Lucknow, 528-5203 or;, .528- 2608. COMET WELDERS (18.0 ..nd 300 amp.) compressions. grinders, ler-, tilizer augers, power bin, cleaners, rods and. accessorics. George Mes-. senger, area' representative, R.R.,1 Ripley, Phone 395-2815..: ' Smith; Roles Ltd.. London. Saskatoon. ":Try Comet before you' buy: • DEAD STOCK' Fresh dean' cows, over; 1,000 pounds, . $12:00 each dead .horses, $20.00 :;each; over. 500 pounds . ac- cording to size. / ; • LORENZ' ;REMOVAL DURHAM Call Collect :369-2410 • CUSTOM: SLAUGHTERING, • Iuesda- ` ; nd-Thur-sda- • -Pigs and Cattle, Tuesday Cattle -only, Thursday hi by ' BILL'S ,MEAT' .MAi2KET• 1 peed calves, Hereford' 'and Holstein. 'Alex Far risk, • R.R. '' 7 Lucknow, phone 529 REFRIGERATION. SERVICE Guaranteed service to- all types . Com ' lete ' appliance .repairs at . •' BURKE ELECTRIC W Ingham -.357=2450 Electrical Contractors , Appliances _ Motor -Rew,ind, 24 Hour--Emergency-Service --- FOR SALE — .21",, ---RCA Victor console,' rebuilt and :.new . picture tube; :23” ..Marconi console' T.V., in goodworking condition: Greer T.V: and Electric, Lueknow, phone 528-3112. HIGHEST PREVAILING:' PRICES paid:;for' dead and .disabled cows and ,horses.: Call. `,collect 881-3459 Walkerton. Graf Stock Removal. FOR SALE Shell' torn,,.: either dried or high moisture. Donald Cur-. ran, . R.R. • ,1.. Dungannon, phone 529-7459. • SILVER LAKE GENERAL STORE KINLOSS, ,ONTARIO. Open 7. Days and Evenings. Closed Sunday ` a.m. and, . . uesday pJn,:. Shop:.: For. Our • Week -end` Specials TRY 'OUR SUPER; ICE-CREAM''' CONES i GALLONS 85.e FOIA SALE 2 young breeder hogs and York gilts, all from . a premium hog. . George ,Moncrief, •R.R..3 Goderich; phone 395-2832 FOR •SALE Beatty ,,automatic feed and manure' handling equip- ment, 'stabling and pressure' sys- tems. Contact- Beatty Farm Ser.= 'vice Centre, Clinton 482-9561: • 'PICTURE FRAMING =• our spec- ialty, , wood: and metal: Maxwell Photo' ' Studio. ' 'Winghanl. James P roptietoi ':phoite 357-185.1.. q s ai ar BARN, EQUIPMENT' complete tine of Acorn' Equipment. - .and Clay ^ui inept fv'r ushbutton_Lfa� Ua .ml ••,: Cad or ,F-ARM.ER_'S_INCOM_E TAX SERVICE Tax preparation, financial state-. , ments, 'averaging basic herd, etc. c ah 1 kd e. at farm,. reasonable 'fees. Phone 1-438-0401 rm= MAGNETIC .SIGNS -�--� s or --atonia sy'atem- on ing: Westeel• - Rosco -Granaries '+ custom 'formed in 3 dimensions. I Instant on, Instant off advertising. Max f iiegling, phone' 529-7427.• es,, For cars, trucks, etc,. Plastic, Chore - Boy Milking 'Parlours' :,"e Also, 'Complete Line Of Corrug- ated Metal Culverts :.: 6" to 24” sizes .on ' Band. at 'all times; larger. pipe by order; Lowry Barn Supply, Amberley,: phone 395-5286. VARIETY:: CONCERT` Plan to attend the Variety Con cert: sponsored by the Ashfield Fed- eration of Agriculture on Friday,: February 12th; starting at 8:15 p.m. at Brookside, School; Prizes 'award ed.. Crawford Douglas, . M.C. Everyone ' welcome. Admission'- a- dults 50c,2childr' en' 25c.• VENTS .,• WinghamWIN LGRAMegion BingoBINGO, at The. Legion hall, Wingham,'Wednesday, February. 17 at 8:30 p.m. 15 reg- ular games, $10 prize each game; 2 share -the -wealth . •'games; ' $50, special, mustgo. ' Jackpot' . game_ $536 0. on 6 calls with :a $35 consol- ation. Admission $1.00. Extra and special' cards 3 for 50c or, 7- for $1.00.4 4• ANNUAL ,• .MEETING - = t - A. WEST-1AIA�AiA7�lOSH MUTU FI.R.E INSURANCE COMPANY The Annual Meeting : of . the Com- pany will: be held in the Dungan- non ; Agricultural Hall •on Friday, February 19th,: 1971 'at 2. p.m. •to receive and' :dispose of the', Finan re' s rt to elect. 4 . Directors, , three:. for :a ' • term of three .years and one for, a term of one ,year and to transact any other business that may rightly come. before the- meeting:: The , retiring Directors are Gerald .,Kerr, Bert • anon. Robinson CO-OP ANNUAL MEETING all of whom; are ell eligible for 're -el- Lucknow District -Co-o .will -hold_ g p ection�Mr. �-i1W11iam�lNiggins=has its annual' meeting and'. banquet ojone4ear_ resi' nedduetoillhealtha ' DirTuesday, February . 16th, 1971 aect rr will„be 'elected for `a term .of 7 p.m:, weather permitting; m thto fill this vacancy, • !Legion': Hall, Lucknow, Guest•. A Policyholder with intent to run pecker will be ,Jack Kopas. r--, as a ,.Director. , of the'.. Corporation 11 . 1 11 . 1l '1) Cll; °register. sARD PARTY: ' ,' Secretary -Treasurer ofintent the Corporwiththe- Dungannon L.O.L. will sponsor a ation five k5). days prior ,to > ,.any Card Party in `"the:. Dungannon General Annual. Meeting. Orange. Hall . on Thursday, 'Febru-• policyholders' are urged to at ar-y:11th: Everyone 'welcome - -. tend.` HORTICULTURAL 'MEETING The' Lucknow '' and District Horti- cultural . Society, will ' meet in the Lucknow Legion • Hall on Monday,' February ;15th at '8:30 pan.` DANCE Dance to the music of the North- ern Gentlemen at ' the . Wingham Legion Hall, Saturday', February 20, ' 1971; dancing from 10 1, ' Res - bided admission to over :21, spun= sored y�the-Huron-County;Feder- ation of Agriculture. IN EMORIAM WEBSTER in loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, Nelson Webster who - passed away: on February, 9,..1970 Nothing can ever take', away The •love " a heart holds dear Fond memories linger every day; Remembrance keeps him ever • ' nea Always remembered and sadly missed by: family and grandchild= ren. ' ANNU'AL. MEETING Thea Fourth Annual' ' Meeting of the Huron=Perth PresbyteriaLUnit-- ed' Church Women will be held -in' Mitchell United Church on Wednes- day, February 17, 1971. Theme; Our Responsibility '• in : Change. Meeting to commence at. 9:30 a.m. r6'fues�speakei=�=zn=the�f>ernnorr=-to== be Mrs, E. Egilsson; Woodstock,. President.' of the' : London Confer- ence 1Tnited• Church Women. FUN DAY Lucknow Ski Club annual Fun Day__.will be.hel.(LSaturday, Febru- ary -13th at • 1:36 p.m. Costumes; races,. prizes, free; skiing,- treats:. SNOW SCULPTURE .CONTEST Anyone interested in entering the IN'S AUCTION' :.and SALE: M-�►NAGEME-hP._�. ER ., S ViCE Contact "Bill'-' ,• At R.R.1 Kincardine PHONE ;395.5491 Snow,. Scul . ore Contest for • the. "AN PE .OF 'AUCTION"' 6 A — I wish - to express sincere , thanks to all ,who remembered me with cards, gifts and visits while . I was in the hospital. .• Mrs, Helen Blake 'We wish to ' express 'our'.. sincere thanks to relativesand: friends for' the many acts of kindness 'and sympathy 'extended to us during the loss of 'a dear husband and father: • With special, thanks .for' the contributions to 'the Canadian Gan- „ter Society(_ The Heart .Foundation and.. floral,• tributes.. These. were : all deeply appreciated. Mrs. William Lloyd, Ivan. and. Doris The. Staff and Students of Kinlos's Central.School wish to thank.every • 1ped- us -in- any -wa the time of ,the • storm. We appre- ciated ,y0ur ppreciated,;your ::co-operation and kind- ness. The Principal and; Staff . of • the :Lucknow and' District' Public School , ish 'to is . cx-press-their-appiewcei-al tioi� ► to those who assisted in helpin Ilook affe`te"T`fe-ty and of, pupils, ,.during the recent storm. To everyone who helped and to' those=wh'o-offered-to-helvin-any way, ,a sincere thank you. • Stuart' Collyer,'Principal ; We . wish' • to express sincere thanks. for the cards, ;flowers 'and..- other :expressions of :sympathy'.ex- :tended to us in, the loss of ;our dear sisters <-Special ,thanks to ;Rev:. C. McClenaghan and 'the. U.C.W. '•of; Dungannon United Church, Doctors' Corrin and McKim and ' nursing staff of 'Wingham ` Hospital.: Our deep ap�• preciation to ' ' neighbours and alf who helped -- in so': many .. ways. These acts of kindness will ever be remeinbered.. ' Brown` •and; Robert Smyth: The TOWN and COUNTRY CLUB:. would like to thank the following clubs and ` •ple for helping te; make,their meetings and program mes' more ' interesting during the past ;year:' The. •Canadian Legion, Mrs. Wharry, • Mrs. Wr'aight Mrs.. W. Henderson, Mr. S. Collyer; Mrs R. 'MacKenzie, Mrs. H ' Webster I'; Mrs: R. Cumming, 'Mr-... Newbold:: Dr:: Little,' •Mr F.:.MacKenzie, Heap: ther-'and Ian, Mr. W. 'McQuillan: Rev. R. Nicholls, Mrs ''Nk holls and girls; Luckno&Siare'W- N_ Dance, `Team,: Christine MacLen .nan„Mrs. N. Johnston, Mrs. Scott;. ; Mrs. Conley, Mr. C. MacDonald;•'.•. Mr. and Mrs: Horton and Carru (hers Orchestra. ;Vv Mrs . Etta Roberts wishes to "°'t it ank--her Trends: -••and •nei t boors - � g who remembered her with; cards: treats ' and .flowers while she was in..Wingham Hospital. Thanks also,, to:.Rev.' R. 'Odendahl the.Anglican. Church Women, Doctors and nur- !ff. All ' was 'deeply `nppre crated: SILO AND 'ROOF EXTENSIONS I Anyone wi"shing. 'to have exten- k' •cions -on their silos or roofs; please:.;: . calT or write. This can be. done, now. George • Wraith, Box, 95, Goderich: Phones 'Residence, 524:7002' or Shop,; 524-6511. is b • PLAYING-CARbS. pots Plastic" coated single deck's from :..: . • --` --$1- u -up -as= --well as &T -ee- and euchre. ;decks (euchre cards only),'Drop in. at The Lucknow Sentinel. ---• in tl .. • 'Wha on. • ;done : `� speni , trOl''1! Th • DUMONT ALUMINUM SALES -AND SERVICE;-windows;fi doors, awnings; sidings; For free estimate; call • Roy Ember lin,`. your local dealer, THE TFESWATEIt NEWS is available at The L :know Sentinel, 10e per copy. If yoti are interested in the ..sews of Teeswater and Dis4 .:!rich, pick up a copy, . • TRACTS LIMITED , SUPPLY CONTACT US IMMEDIATELY ' SEEDS SEED CORN CLEANING AND TREATING TRUCKING * ' *. * ' ELLIOTT'S SEED • 'MILL LUC'KNQW, ONTARIO PHONE S28e3Soo ions ' inter Carinyal contact Bob'" Collins .at. 528-3429 or ,528-3010 by: Friday, , February 19 SERVICE STAJIl • The Canadian slaughtering'and meat packing industry had record' sales of $1,530 million in ;1966.. MOBILE HO'M_ E THINKING OF A' MOBILE HOME'. OR RECREATIONAL VEHICLE? Many snakes and models"to (Noose from, For a. lief ter deal,; di oy tis a line or. telephone RUSTON : MOBILE HOMES LTD • 'S47 PLAIN 5` "R D,, 'EAST'. BURLINGTON ( Code r41'.E) •6314400' . 1. CONTACT RON'.JUPE; RETROF'INA CANADA LTD:. HANO'VER PHONE :364-2246 ' or 364.3409° HURON DEAD STOCK NOV CLINTON Due to the decreasein 'meat prices, We are unable to pay for any farm -stook. We offer f=astteffidient• court, eous same day service. - 7 Days a Week 24' Hours a Daj+' CALL COLLECT ," ,:4819811 License . •Pro, 237=Cw7(>' .• v v ,