HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-02-10, Page 2PAGE TWO 1144 UCKNOW' SENTINEL, 'LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Tie LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO "The sepoyTown" , Huron -Bruce Boundary � --. Onthe he Second Class. Mail Registration Number 0847 Established 1873 -: Published Each Wednesday Afternoon Member of the .0 C.W.N.A. and O.W.N A.. Subscription Rate;; $5°00. 'a, year in advance to the U.S.A., $7'.00 Donald CPublisher •Thompson, WEDNESDAY,. FEBRUARY 10, 1971 • WINTER CONVENTION • CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 where, the wood is piled until spring break: up, Then the river will Carry ••it • downstream. to ,the . mill. . Trucks are also •operating on a' rpind rhe clock basis•hauling. .pulp wood to the mill ,to. be stock piled The. Spruce Falls Com-, °'pany are building many'p'erman•- ent roads in the area.:opening up much of the land to ..year -round travel; ;, • • * p Half -the -group Werea.t the T - paper mill in Kapuskasing while' • the ,other half were in the. bush. on Saturday; •the; groups Changed - ti the. procedure. We toured the 'newsprint rria•nufacturing'mill. which snakes the sheet of :paper •you are presently reading. For: • newspaper people; who spend "their:."liv.es centred around news=' '. print ,.the tour was a very interesting one', Qualified guides .P ex lained.the Complete: milling .: operation..' Children at.•'the con= vention werenot allowed to tour'.. the n.'iill because, of the dangers involved around the machinery. They .were: entertained at, a swim ming .party at ore of the motels and;a snowmobile -party on the • second. day. • 8. Coaverition headquarters •wase the Ka:puskasing Inn; fornerly'a Spruce Falls Company owned • ; building which was •sold .to, a. priv- wa s 'Bob; Buchanan of the Aurora . • Banner who, 'becauseof illness, was not able to attend . His • ,duties were ably handled,by co' chairman 13i11•Kennedy of the;.. Durham -Chronicle. Speaking at the dinner on'•Saturday night was the Honourable William Davis, ':Minister. of •Education 'in; Ontario who wasintroduced by ..1 Rene Brunelle Minister of Lands and' Forests. Also at the head • table was Robert Boyer, vice ; chairman ,of Ontario Hydro who is editor of they Bracebridge Her- ald While visiting the bus camp, we talked -to Ed Banner -,...d strict:_. forester;, who rioted we were fiorn Luc•know and: asked,us, if we '.knew :Ira Campbell. When we told Mr. Bonner that we did•know him, Wand that. Mr.. and' 'Mrs.. Campbell , for:riie.rly of ',uc.know , now: resid ing in. Belgrave ,'had,•iecently cel•' ebrated. their. 73rd wedding anniv-.. ersary 'we knew' we"'were not tel Brig anythingthat was not already. known to • friends 'of :•Mr.:.and Mrs. Campbell in'Kapuskasing. Ira worked. for the Spruce Falls Paper. Company for many years when.":, lumberin ..g was a: more rug'gged, ,job, thank is today He. held many. positions with the firm • "andserved ' as : Woods Manager. • As . we •-talked ' . to. many�of the .Spruce -Falls employees ,:• we were. pleased to `see that;allmost ever, one knew: Ira. and knew details of his life in Southern•Ontario since retiring. As4ne man, who had worked wjth Ira years.'ago , said' to us, "Ira. ,a.te owner a fele , o: l e�- a pbeil—is-a legerd=iii-the Setting of the Inn is a prett'y'one ' Spruce •Falls. opera ion"•, particularly in wintei time , and their facilities' :were very comfort .a�ble One:of the real highlights of. the trip to the bush.'camp was,th:e "'lumbetjack hunch".served to the' convention`by the Spruce Fa11s 'Company.at their dining hall at ' Garrip-B rhe -ca i p ;-their,. ` • largest bush operation ,,has mod: - ern , :warm barracks where the Critters spend :the work week , us- ually going to their homes on the; week en& -A-nuber of cornrnuters , fromnearby' �'.illages and settlem,ents , 'drive' to and. from the ca 141 daily. • With com „_pletely in cha-nized equipment = the ,eaMp is very very much ro ressed •ftorn the, days of teams of horses , •dog sleds 'and bacon and' • beans The food served us was is, t • delicious and was. served, "• country tom" w tll�t fxing"pl-at-te-r� a l- bowls ,placed on the tables in; front of us. It was truly one of the highlights" of the visit and we were ,informed that these meals ,are available to the bush workers for 75e. • • ' Eus'iness 'sessions were held daily at the Kapuskasing. Inn,; Convention president was H. D • "Mae': McConnell of The Tilbury Timet; Convention>chairrra"n ea 1 on doni trol TI One•gentleman we ' lked to... late _ . c � u - t ,. Bob... rerninis ed .abo t he la e Lyons a native of this c.orrimunity4 and a''frequert:visitor:her'e during the years Apparently it was Mr Lyons, an executive with Kimber ley -Clark', 'the parent company', who•first brought Ira: Campbell to. t-h•e- Earp area, Sev-e:ra4whom we— met knew the:late Mr;: `Lyons well'. Theh We Met Ross Paterson, a native, of Lucknow , son of the late Archie Paterson. ROSS first went to Kapuskatitig frOrti'LucktiOw at the age of 14 and•has rernained., north. In conversatiOn with Ross, fOund that ,he' still rernerribered who reside'here today. He is a paper maker at the Kleenex plant cillor. in Kapuskasing,and has con: - tested elections,in his area as, a representative of tbe IN'DP patty. Marg , besides being a wife and, ,rnother, has been news editor o'f. the l'•Capliskasin weekly paper, for visit with thern on the firial',night 1010red fingers 110�r-blowers KINLOUGH .10WS ., Art 1-laldenby .had the ends of • Ns'fingers, injured withfa snow blower and it was°necessary•to have the mails removedat; the Wingham and District Hospital Friends, of Richard Elliott of 'Holyrood will be.sorry to hear that he underwent further eye surgery on Friday. Mrs.. John Barr received^word of the death of her nephew the late Fraser Purvis whose funeral- took place on Friday afternoon. Members of Mr .• and Mrs.' Bert°• Nicholson's. family from ,George•- town spent the weekend at their home here.. husband a • councillor., and her boss the mayor of the town, Marg. has stepped uut of'coveting. coun .. cil meetings for .the. present. "•"One. guy I have to live with<and the other signs my pay cheque", was the'cornment of •Mrs. Paterson whom. "we enjoyed meeting;Ross's mo ; orto •and his grandmother, Annie Taylor.:'lives. at Bruc'elea 'Haven in :Walkerton.::• • *' . ; Rossdrew to our attention that two nephews';of Ira: Campbell work in the Kap. area., also that _t ,Riess* cousin;• a native of this area: works' at the paper' mill,. He is Malcolm Buchanan:,and will be known to'some in this--r9ea. An ' • other' former :Lucknowite in .the paper mill is Bob McCartney, Of course , ;Ross. MgClionald';' who spends the sumnnlets at Clan ` donald.at the northern outskirts.., of Lucknow was an.educator in.• Kapuskasing for many years now live; retired at• Sud"bur '. Ross s Y• e a *. Anoth_er.'couple..o:f Lucknowites, �a �=5 are:ern to eel bLL the' S cuce•. Mir P .Y Y. P." Paper Company in Kap; „While in Kapuskasing in'the spring,' help •ing to plan the convention,: y' had short v-is-i-t-s-with4int Coo ,, son of Mr.; and Mrs .' Chris Cook of • West.• Wawar osl and • Art'Andrew , • formerly of •Lucknow . We' didn't have' the chance to, visit' with,Jim. this trp:_hutjAt dYode,to the:train on Sunday morning to bid' us good -bye We Hada a rather. unpleasant'.ex : perience" i'n Kapuskasing oh Friday night wh l v alking_to oris moteli- 'We were the .only`witnesses to an. accident.in which a pedestrian was : � M WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY' 10, 1971 TO BE;SURE' 'OF THE VARIET% Y'OU WANT T - DISCOUNTS FOR EARLY DELIVERY AND EARLY PAYMENT Bance Meeting - ears. • By Don' Thompson ' `A :rather occurrence • interesting at the :Ontario WeekT News p a��� er convention in 1<a;puskasing: last• Week end is worthy' of mention..'•'. ,Friends ofo:urs:;• Mr:: and Mrs. -- aTlter�-B-rt�liner of Mea ford:w•cr-c l-�', . W . , ., walking `in the main business sec= tion Of ,Kap when they were stop" ':ped,'by'a gent who asked them.if. k' : they•were with the visiting ": • Weekly newspaper people. Advising that they were,,, the gentleman asked if:there was 'someone there. from Lucknow IGIr: `anzl s, are.he-r answer- e=rrs - the affirrhative which produced a • rather interesting ,story. Seems that the gent 'had"been on an aircraft returning from Eng struck by a' Car The man escap- ed with a badly fractured hiP, al- though Our2first fears were, for his -day-morning-on- time- arriving at - 'North Bay on sChedule: However , from North!Bay to Toronto; ,we ran thre.e hours late arriVing at LJnion Station at 12.30 and in ' Ltic know at 3.3:0 a.m. Monday._ Airenjoyable trip to -the nOrthern part of our province will be, rem- ernbered for some tin -le to come:. For those who suggested that.were very -daring to gd north in mid winter.,. we. tan only. say that their weather we' were there , was better than we had been 'tee- eiving down here irt the banana belt•t kapuskasing is this year observing its 50th ;anniversary and land 15 years a .o.and the plane had ,touched down at Moncton New' Brunswick to;refuel. . find".[k ,... hiirrself, in the airport coffee shop, without' money''to pay for the_cof. fee the gent Ka ;.uskasin Y was.'a.ssisted by.the late' Campbell Thorn son of Luckn'o'w Mr and P Mrs. Thompsoi•paid for the mail's coffee•and entered into.conversa tion with •hien fifteen years '• later, he; still remembered a sirtr- .kindness .•` When' we arrived rri hoe ,. we asked morn about it • SCHLEMMER to Mr., and Mrs. DaVe schiemmer on Saturday; Annette. ' Funwrum elleararneve ON STERFIELD M SUITES 1 HOME FURNISHINGS