HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-02-10, Page 1..... ...ill •
I •
• %,
• 0;00A Year In Advance $2.00 Extra To U.S.A.
Son -In -11,w Killed
In Plane Crash
Mr'. and Mrs. Dennis DaliOn.
received tragic ,news last week
that their son7in.-laW-Warner
ian of LoscAn eles ; Was killed in
a plane crashOn February 2nd
ile was thirt; -three years of age
'and was marred to their daughter:
AI1cL..13rian•Daltaii of Guelph'
attended the,funeral. Mr:. and
Mrs.: •Dennis: Dalton are , flying to
•• Los Ang'cles today (Monday) to
'-:---spend-Sonie-time • w ith thei r- dap
• ter: .Tlte community extends*.
their sunipathy to the Dalton farn7
0 • • • . • . . . . . *
• Fractured Leg In
Serves Canadian Forces
Died .Af:Bruceleci
Mrs.. Perry Hadgins. of Kinlough
passed away at Brueelea. Haven ,
Walkerton on Thursday,, February
4th Shewasin lief -6 -7th -year--;•---7
Funeral service was conducted
at •MacKeniie Memorial,ChaPel,,
Lucknow on Saturday, February 6.,
Temporary' entombment was at •
South Kinloss Mausoleutn.
Treat Accidents
At Hospital
Paul Dietz R R.5 Mitchell
was playing hockey in the Wing-.
haM Arena. when he fell against
the boards and ' fractured his right
arrn He was treated and a cast
, •
ir �.f Ho.1 rood tiff-
fered a; fractured:left leg in a ,
head on callisiori•With lecsWat.-
• 'er Crean,)ery truck on t...riday..,
ruar u 1he truck was driven by •
Ste\ C'1rvn Besidesthe, fracture
to tlioupper portion of hit.leg he
rce elk ed ‘conin,s1sOns to the, rib,
• ••,A passenger in the •Murray cat,
•••11JaincsI1odc of '‘Kinlough, reoeiv
cd. facial lacerations and suffered
from hock • • • •
The 'accident' oCcurred On the :
14th concession of Culross Town
Ship' and was investigated: 4* the •
• Walkerton' Detachment of the • •
•Ontario Provincial Police
• ,
• ..Both Mr Murray and. Mr•
• Hodge:wereadmitted to Wingliarn
0.5 •
e•*".4* ••• *
• •, it!••••!41°!••'••'•
. • •••
,Among the Canadian Air. pef-•
enbe CaMmand'"far,iiilr-torns" is
Corporal '.1,etoy liackett.; tight.
, whose, Oa rents',Mr .! and Mrs.,J. 11.
•(Harold) Hackett liver at 8695 7
24th Ave:.,in'Montreal: '. He is .
currently. posted to .Canadian k For
:ccs Station' Siatix LoOkauCas a.
Barrack Siares•Clerk: • •
•• : •
AiliAmja-kac.,Jjet to
the former Marie Clernents; le ft
whose parents Mr. and Mis. Clov
is 'POugere.live• at pointe
• Che.ne', 'New PrunSWick: She*H-
-halds the rank of Private and is
assigned: as a Stock ControF.CIerk.
1-larold Hackett is a son of Wm.
Hackett..Of Nleaford. Mrs. 'Harald
liagRett is the icirnier Mary Cran-
Cranston of this community
. •
Single Copy lSc U Pages
Four Week'�nd
, . • y •
---Breakins Net
Thieves Little
Four. week -end •bfeakiris are • •
'being investigated ,by the. Kincar-
dine Detachment of the- Ontario
Provincial police. Constable
Andy Burgess is in charge.
Saturday night of early, Sunday
morning three RiPley•breakins
occurred at Ripley District 'High
School; Ken MacKay's Garage • '; , • )
'and TiTtilet-GaTIFITirif*itlii bit' • •- ' • •
Centrat,PubliC School,: . •
Minor damage and loss of small'
. •
change was reported.. The
fication unit of the.Provincial ••
Police at Mount 'forest 'was used
iilaSta-nley ,. Lucknow -
fell' on'ice.on t e street•in Luck- ' • ' ' '
• • , . , . • • • • • • ••• • . ••• ••• i•• ••• ••• -••• 44
now on .February o and dislocated * *.. 4, - • • — — ' -
• _
her right .shOuldet. :She was treat ''. ., -... '.'' ', ,•. •,' , • .., . .:
ntifiet Publisher
. •
ed :and released.
•A truck driven .by Wilfred ..
White of •Wingliani,woit.aut,Of
control andwit
: , collided' ti.mts."'
Wirghatii.Onk4'•Highway near the
Royal "T". Nits. McKAgire re(- ario Director
laceration above the left.
eye. • :Slie...Wastreated and teleat7.•
, . , " • . •
rrn Winghirn was •
struck ori the., nose witha hockey •
•puc,k• playing 'hackey. :at the:.
Wingham Arena.
The nose was:,••
fractured. • •
Mrs. Rita Karshakoff„. Wroxetcr
fell Op the: steps coming out••Ofher
'house,: and fractured her left
anide.••• •"••••• •
• • • • • • •.
. .
T . know 'Sentinel was rep
resented'at the 21st .annual eativen-
. .
13t DON. T:l-laiCIP'S01\1:. •
„•.• •• ...• •
. .•
papert•Astociatian held in:kapus-7
kasing on.ptiday:•and Saturday of
1st w1<. The writer:, and wife
8ev••,..16ined• over 2.00: tepreSerita
tiv.es'fro4.the Association wh
boarded a Special train at the
lintontStatiVtin. Toronto at
aim. on Thursday rnorning of last
we Will. elaborate: on later: in this.
article In fact , we found so .•
• ninth of Luc knOwin. Kapti kasing
beenthat e hardlrealized we Were held in Northern Ontario and .
the first time in a conimunitY
where a weekly paper Is•the-ptirn
ary news source'.
•.*• .• ••
. ,
T he twelve hour traiii.trip.to*
kap was an•enjoyable,one travel-
ling over Canadian National Rail'-
way track from Toronto to North
front Wdrth Bay to' Cochrane ad '
giin CNR track for the reniaining
distance to Kapuskasing.• 2 •
On hand atthe Kap railroad to
ie Pflt p1
er of the Northern Times and
sin.ce January of this year, Mayor
of Kapuskasing., Rene and his •
Wife Olga attended their first'Can
adiah 'Weekly Convention' in Wrn,.
nipc.,g,about eight Or nine yeari
apt) and Since meeting themthere,
haVeleen pleased to, call '.
them. friends. Retie and, his Ma n-
agn)g. Editor Wayne Green worked
1Ong find hard in arranging details
for tlis hdrthe.t0:,..convention
• :unic-lue th th histOry of the assoc-
• Also ctiVe.1y involve'•
planning and arranging for the
visit,to Kap was the..news editor,
of the Northern Times', Marg
Paterson. She has a Very close
Storw-Continues To
Bother Area
During Last Week
110‘,/• 0.
latter part of last week stretched
winter's worst stoirn in this area.
to the best part of two wracks •
School buses did not
niany ;e:•k aJid
Wine sehoois, did not have classes
all stretching their 'period'of
closing ta :nearly two weeks,,,,,' • •
Sleet cieated problem's .with
telephones and many were out for
various lengths of time: Hydro
intertuptios were again experien
ad in various areas.
.600 'miles .from liorne.•
• ...„ ." • • • • . • . . •
• .Fulf:aird'buiinetS sharedthe. spot
••• • . • •• • •
i.igfit.Opripg the two day delibera.7
tti(...„gvity Went-FZ).
• • • ‘• , • • •:
• pulp Wood bush Ca mp,of the
Spruce Falls'Pawer and :paper. ••••
• Company'•;.sittlated•abatit 50•••
iinles from town. we,were
••• 01,VCn a co 1• e'l<`at..tlie-Lut.;
• ting and 'harvesting of pulp wood •
to 1)c used :in the:paper manufat-
- ur-i n trn 111 aKap_niflditry_
Ii[11t5'7 n1ot o f-titeteople:-
'n the community 11ere we wit-
,'nesSed a-protOtype. of a tree liarv...••,
esting machine which quiS,m
oyes, the limbs and• piles a tree at:-
One man•operated, the Machine.
Most of the''pulp.Woad'country'sur'-,
:.tounding KapuSkasing because etf
swampy land is inaccessible
most of the year., hitt„winteri.,,,
roads allothe harvesting opera:
tionte'proceed in high gear this
• 4 •
tinte year. RulpHood is cut.; ,
for the most pas_i;in short lengths'
by.'a ifiarriffiotit.efittifig piachine
which inches, 4110-0,•file• rivet bank
United Church Has
Successful Year,
Annual On Sunda
Annual 'Meet
-Mg-Of-larc-U 7- owtetf ChtrrCi
show ,that the congregation had a
successful year, both financially
and in their activities.. The: meet-
ingwas-•heId on Stinday'folloW,
• . •
Wilfred Drennan, :of seS-
sion ;played the report of the , •
session WthiCh showed an indee,ase':
of 16 members, bringing the total
resident .membership to 351,
riages were performed and 17,
funerals CondUcted. 'The church; •
sends the -United Church ObserVer
V 151 II IL
The . United Church. Women
report, presented by Mi8. •••
limiter, described the varied
activities of the year , including
a fowl, tupper's-pOr-elia-se-of-a
. P.;
..4ilidn:-Boyer. of the Bticebridge
Herald. was 'elected president of
tilt.. Ontario .Weekly•••Newipapers::, ••• •
Association at their 2Ist annual
convention held. at Kapiiskatitig. • '
last week'end He o'rnCeeedi
"Mac.". McConnell •,••,publisher of;
the Tilbury Times: •
• kerine•ih, tainpbell of the Strath.;••
ray Age -Dispatch is. Ist,•Viae ...pres-
ident and Walter Brebnerof the
leaford E5, -;press. is 2nd Vice. . ,•
Directors elected were J: C. a.-
McKnight , •TiilSonburg NeWs;.3,,:. •
E,;Morriton, -Napariee Beaveq'
Williani'Kennedy ,•Durhani, axon-
.ielei...John:.Morris 'Prescatt:.,
Journal, Bob Buchanan,• Aurora :
BaliffeT;I:rairrhor- I,uc•
now Sentinel; Harry, Sienip,
tom West Advocate, • Elio Agostini
Oakville Beaver Andrew Made,
Elmvale Lane •
.e •
• . e • . •
. " .
. . • '
Two Nonagenarians
Mrs: Alex, Purdon of Whit -
church was a visitor on .Monday
afternoon in Lucknow with Mrs.
Era •
-71Purdon observed her 93rd.
birthday •on January 25th ': Among
caller's on Mrs Pilidan Was 1\iiss
,Clir•istena Carrick who,•observed
her 91st birthday on February
ri Other callers inclucled:ilti. and •
Mrs .; L. L. Mac Millian Mrs• • ;
'Spence, Irwin and ..&1rs 0.. Mac -• • :
• e ' •
tablehfor the church parlour ,.pres-
entation at the mission expo,
helping young people to attend
youth conferences, holding a
panel On drugs', Visiting shut-ins,
for overseas relief,, and Sending.
layettes to the Victor Horne for
Girls. The ladies raised $1300 ,
for their mission allocation and
$1400- fOr: the' Building Fund.",
The MesSenget group P. boy
and girls 6 8 years old held 9
meetings in 0 with a member
ship of 18. Mrs. Ernest Ackeri
and Mist Ann Ackert were leaders,,,
The Miles for MisSion.'marked
•, ..d'ONTiNVM ON•046:.E.115
70 •
Passes Music
',..-•Mist• Karen Elliott daughter,of
Mr. and Mr 8: Orville Elliott of
LucknOhaspaSsed 'her rade '8
Piano and Margaret Van Der
F(hppe, daughter of Mr.. and Mrs
G. Van Der Klippe of ,5,
Lucknow has passa her' Grade 6
PiapORoyal Conservatory of Mus
Taranto:, both'with honours
They are students Of MrS
ThOtnas' Pritchard', R. Re 1/ Luck,:
tIOW:. • . •
*. " •
, W 6' , .
• ••
•, • , .