HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-02-03, Page 10k ,: PARE! E LUCKNOW' sE, ui'RL, •t UCKNOWI, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, PIM VARY 3, 1171: STOitIv1: CONTINUED FROM ?:AGE;.;• storm., and difficulties. endured. by others;helped; us: all to,keep' tp , ,our morale andbe thankfu1: we, 'were well. Thanks to CK'NX for organizing.' the Snowmobile Clubs so folks knew WWere .to phone for help. •• Highway, ploughs on .86 did their ,best to•kc:ep the: -road. ope.n,when •it was fir for:them to, operae.. , • Dave Gibb, who drives,:l3issea'.2: Chaprnan's bus to convey pupils.' to .Ki'ngsbridge in •making the morningtrip upon arrival at., th'e school went in and told the print: eipal how..bad the roads were and was allowed to return. the pupils he had on the bus., ,A11'•the other driver.'of Chaptnan's buses went. early afternoon hour Tuesday and sUcceeded in returning all their pupils Wedding Goes As Planned Despite • • DUNGANNON NEWS •BY MRS. CECIL BLAZE • Due.,toa•the sudden andlextreme snowstorm Tuesday ne:ary. all High: 5c'hool 'stude.nts weree •in' God erich or Win ham homes until Friday 'noon.. :Parents are very .grateful for the 'care and kindries's: shown to`.these.young people. Many` Pu blit School' students were billeted away frorn their own homes, and Many were stranded'., . in their schools.::. Snowmobiles served to carry relief - food -and • :blankets: 'One•.'teacher, who was brought home to her family .on ' Wednesday afternoon, described herride on, a•snowniobile as a. com'bination of, a boat -ride and a cutter going intopitchholes`I Hydro• interruption was not .too w'se'vere in this commu:ni,ty and telephones worked periodically.:..' However ; lack of hydro.. on the Gth'•concess:ion: meant .much hard'- 'ship- for carin ive'�estoc:'1 alnd" gfor • l ''fow:1,'Milking 'the cows and plump - BKIRK'S NSIT TOURS 2 TO A ROOM /ASTER, WEEK=END' • Leaves April 8 Returns. April; 11 • :q5 er Schoo Brecik DAY NEW ORLEANS a .. $149:00 Includes Grand Ole • Ni shiville- ► ! DAYS FLORIDA' $135.00 WRITE BOX 700 SEAFORTH' OR PHONE S271222 FOR BRockulte ing water; also the lack of heat in many'homes meant families ,had' to be rescued bysnowmobiles and taken, to, homes heated with wood , coal or 'gas., The 'Curran brothers • `had, a busy •time not only help-., ing each other, but aiding many of their neighbours. The homes of `Bert Mc Whinney •, Jim Boa and: Donald Curran Were three that: had heat and were opened to those ivho had to move .:out •of their own homes. • Ken McNee,' Wayne Dunn, Greg Park and ..Jac•k'Caes ar •were, kept busy transporting children and aiding in many ways., No doubt you know of others who gave valuable aid. CKNX TV.• and Radio 'proved a ble. ssin- in co-operating.:: • ' Masori MacAllister, who took seriously ill., was cared for• at his home by neighbours , Mr, and Mrs • Dynes.Carnpbell.'through• Tuesday and Wednesday'until snowplout?hs _-opened.rnads tQ1es, an amhAklance rea'ch;tiirn, to take. him to Wind'- ham hospital. Fortunately. in re- sponse.to a CKNX.call for help, •. the.'ambulance "returned, from. • Belfast to' take Mrs. Thos. Parks • to visit her aged husband in Wing- in our, cornmuni:ty dull ng "this stormy week included Heber.Eedy, Mrs. Robt.• Bere and Annette.. Hodges , the latter now . is in God.. •erich' hospital.. e• y'.s Ba ery its. pro • erns, but kept-a;-sipp-ly-of-bre-add-and l'ithce-SOuth-l?itittrt k >r=t '`� baked: goods on l}and, 'then ,braved 'Institute officers of Stat •the roads:to snake deli`veries .as' :16 Met 'at ttje<ho i;c *Of Soon as d pluu.gh Iriade-a l�rcak- eetor-etre 1- t EYz c� lf,:=� ��� through; then reurned with•'eascs ••Januar\ :'�Oth of milk for the stores;here There Were 16 L. '�x 1. Mar;, and' Mrs. Jack Park had •, 13• from: t_,�rC\ S&Itlt',' ublic school children all week• • ° Brune •South.. P. , . until snowmobiles Were able -to ' •Thosc whi •3tt n,:e4 rntunty spent two nights; xn Kinloss. Central •School. -, 'Tuesday night hydro: was oft itt the eventing.; Tractors: shone 1a,84ts in - until child' ren`wetc 'put to tied, tlyilta went *off inthe fright sq,,it. Was. a 'grub lent keeping ,,the Ciiridxe.n warm.,' Neighbours, brought biitOkets ,and, . sleeping 'bags. • Russell 'i ottng stayed; With his aunt , Mrs.Walter luehardson in Wittgham, until' fidav 'the tt. oatne .. bornie yia Erttie°1latwa's and the: rest of'• the •Way "h•y' sitoiv fiiobxle; Carruthers Nursitt,;• ttome hada staff of two storin stayed and Elliott Carruthers was sterni -stayed' too and able to relieve`t#tent. Mrs. Welsh' riiissed• getting; to work, Wednesda.y..bitt ma nageti t.get' •there. Thursday. Freddie de Boer strt);ed .45.S grandparents hlr. ,attd' \:ix§ 8:;tzon•. de, I3oer ., Lrrcknow . Hilda' joined him Thursday from Kinloss Cent- ral: . Troyer and Cohlr ntz, children reached their homes ort.:,l,ririy: by sleigh,. : Mrs: Bell of Toronto wit At tFi•e�, ,home -.9.1 her son•l on,iii i was t able -to, return tp Toronto on CC• tl •. 1' District Offlcer eeA Lucbnow Presbyterian Church, Rev: Glenn Noble, B,A,; B Minister' Phone 028-2740. FEBRUARY 7th 10:00 am. .11;00 a:in. Morning. Service • 8:00 p.m:. Ecumenical Service • Everyone welcome • ANNUAL MEETING -- 7.:30 p.m.Thursday, February 4 LUCKNOW UNITED: CHURCH Rev.': Robert Nicholls,B;A Minister. FEBRUARY 'Iafli • LUCKNO'1A/' CHRISTIAN • REFORMED CHURCH4'. • J, W; "Van Stempvoort Pastor ..Services..;.• • 10:00 a:r.- En� lish'7' 8.. 2n4Sunday Dutch 2:30.p:m English VISITORS WELCOME Denominational Radio Broad= cast; "The Back To God every Sunday: CJCS (Stratford) • 2.00 p.rrt. CFOS Sound )',--• -600 , p. m. _ ANGLICAN CHURCH `' ___Aiu KNow AREA: PAI IsH The Rev, R Odendahl. Rector AN1viJAL; MEETING -following' morning service.' Congregationasked to' bring Much No confirmation classes toda' FEBRUARY: 7tk Soptyagesima. St.-Paul's.Ripley 9.15 :a.n. Ascension Kinlougb'' 10:30 am. St. Peters' Lucknow 11:45' a.m. Church School — 10.30 a.m. St. Pants, .Cake: -.then sa.fely-,down-the 4th Concession.of Ashfield to their honies On' Saturday evening; ' '71)./11. the Ott, - Eedy wedd"in` tool: place in Dungannon United Church and over 50 of their ,guests were able 'to. attend the ceremony:in spite • of the storm . By ,"Chartered'' bus 40 guests' went to' Luc.know 'for. the reception and dinner Mr..; and Mrs +Dick Williams .' and fancily from.Brainpton spent, `th "v'°eek end witl Flank Pentla-` form, Problems: Smith 'were Dist iti't r, e: i•Se t \ 1 W1 M :.AtnOld, ''' x^ L �, t st _� mac'': reta•r�• T. e a, it: r _1r � . rte. --j Leod , K ti:s . a .."��:e : _ca. The E umenie o#_ Worsbip will be held in the Lwow. Presbyterian Church; Guest Preacher Rev: Ken Haw= -trorue iii Wingha to ' Anglican Church. • Everyone Welcome. Polar To: NDER'` Ph � by is what you: think a Yife. Religion is what you �. r : L�-z1...,.„.,,:'� r► tt is offtt: :a nches, ne'., t;? e .:..e' \L r . e Mrs . ? it ry e v .'c•+.. :•; ,,,':•:7:-.:':.,.N.•, , ' rias inable'.t�� t..71.. .,':-..,..•4'.3:''.. . tans :airs:• -Lr S • at �, :'�:' i ♦,.:.C: s3 b ;':: �oe'ller rood was presc'nt.alc�ry_.:�» .. '.•'` !: • - flations oftccr.,�lr._'1 ti' :: • cc • N .r�i•ea `. McLeod, R. '2 KinL d ne `• i.'7%.,:..1..4.,...:•,.-.: Subjects discussed 'r.e:re the •.e ' It ,;.3srsLed',c•,ttrdr•'.the` • •of mernbersliip cards in •BL, ranches'. mted \ail -:'1-. Cash donations. to' other•organ.iza.- \.r. E:1;1 e ;er\`ed a.lunch: and t langside LAI•GSIDE WS Y'--4P-.s:_._. ; F:Dd, r ., • .. Stewart 1✓iat r il. ivrfy.y hydr:r, was. cif.f•fmin a.',r. veer LL�aa�;; 'u tt.rl ;rriddy ,: d1sC� r 1jJ'j.�t phoriei .Uri •cotie euvit)r f i o •� day'iigtit u•rztil' I.a,te tirddy laftr • of,water, ' Doi . Waal • tp.ent, l t.,�.:tda)•rri{kit at lout r,iJlivray't and vy'r:drrc.s%ay and •"J'irursday. at Mr. (}t,•iil,tr't a1. c vt rr ; fiOir,e'uri. f"rida y. .at�rday., .?u!Ida y acid •1 ✓,ondayy l.oug 11e,Qui.)1 Ji tett. a', LricJWrrrot>>1( tiJ tJu '1'6. wilt" fJ. Gear fir-srfc7wrlowtr a" r -arrr orf p' 'anied hirrt''ott the .plow. , first plougltrrig was done on Concession 4 on Monday,, Mrs.. Don lie 11,• „waft 'Wayne and Bev didn't get home, until Sunday' _ ten_Por' rnoLth 'snornobile:. Philip Stect Waswith the' 1 ,, }f. 0. 'sntawplowcre 1 18 whl'ch was• stranded front Tuesday. to'hors- . Td'ay atAit,rherlcy'.with a:'hroken '` stiowpl.ow ; Ted Collyer: ficipcdr. chore- for Philip, . -'.:C'hc, stor'r, waS• 'so bad POti Bell tried ,tto'rttaltr'it otithe snowmobile. and ;turned ' .'ba o k , : MaiYj tadroit from this coon-,. Christ Church;'Port 3 prin. 3rd and= 5th Sundays those who: attended ;felt they .had... gained Bloch valuable information .;,' LO._pass on o�tlie_Branches_'i.n 'their 4z -R . District :.'. CRAWFORD MOTORS CHRYSLER - DODGE - PLYMOUTH WINGHAM ONTARIO 7,0 CHRYSLER .300,. •2 .door hard top,•power•, equipped..arid ,radio .. . 69 PLYMOUTH; 4 ' doorT sedan, 6 automatic with radio anti power steering. 69 _ GHEV,-••4�-door 8 auto • � I'IIStIC• 68 AUSTIN, 4: door 68 DODGE Polaro .. 500, 2. door hardtop, 6 • automatic ` 66 ' CHRYSLER, 4` door • ,power equipped 6.6r DODGE,: 4 door_ .• fi autnrr,;atiCy' power steering and radio 7677}71)11Dot sedan,• 8 automatic with radio• 66 PLYMOUTH 4 door, 8 autotnatic, withradlo 66, , .FORD' Galaxie 500,` 2 door hard top, 8 automatic And.radio '66 .FORD,• 4 doer, '8 autoinatic, power steerlatig', .radia . . 66 ACyADIAP_I_s-tationwagon, 6 aut*ratic,.with radio, 65 : ` FORD Fairlsine stationwagon,• 8 automatic ,..'. 6lr-atop; 8=- autotnatic with radio '65:FORD Galax' .., ... . a 500, 4 door . ,. hardtop,' $ automatic TRUCK , 68 DODGE,, 'i/2 ton 1•3 000 64 DODGE.1 ton 8 Cylinder,' 4 speed