HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-02-03, Page 9WEDNES�AY 0410R -VARY' S,.1 ,71 STC M • CONT1'NUEn •FROM PAGE. S had Tient'..:'Here they stayed. until • Thursday when, hydro• was restored. CON.CERNED.I=OR I AMILY • Nf •11IONF SERVICE: • •l�1rs., Jblin. Hunter had an•anxiou=s sev4ral ht)'uTuesday rs on "' when when the storm had struc,kthe area .' ,tc�tW..th the tele'.s-iinatilo.P hone service disrup yva ._ is .to,hear that' -0-` " she • Joins returning frons Lucknow wa$ stotlri stayed at Harvey liitehie's alti tti'thway SG: and sons •Ray.irond and..JeffereY ' were taken'by school hLLs.,tito.Lucnow to_their' grand- . rlaoihcr"s;,: :Neighb'ours,.strulgled out . thror.r,4,h� tfle.stornl about nridni 7hg.t 1 ilte"sday'to inform Mrs. Hunter of; ' he.r fainily!s w:hereabouts.. John returned home on Wednesday part' :way, hrtractor and on foot : Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Alton of . (ittawa , having, four days off from his, study d'eeided.: to' notor (lown. '•and visit'Lu'cknow and:arka rein. rives. T.hey•struck the brunt•of, •tfiie ,torsi :at Ciuelph and arrived `• • in, Winglianr o:n"Thursday ;':There th-j.-y were _forced to remain rnd THE -LUCKNOW SENTINEL,' LUCKNOW,: ONTARIO 11 PAIR . NINE, Lack of Hydra Mukes sbridge Area Worse Off.. Than ManyPoints K1Nc $BRWDt.;.E NEWS BY ,DOLORES AN OS.0 i V.. .1 .Kingsbridge'and area.were also left with, many.problems and difficulties due to Tilesda'y's sev. ere' storks . :Many pontes were without hydro, heaCand telephones in iuost places were out.. Most .fa,brlers in the.area had the .problem of not beim; able to' provide water to' tlleir-'livestock,. sonic as, long as three•days... Some .cows did not get Milked for two days'•, or e1sc 'were with.Ut water., affecting. the supply of milk usual-, ly received., some pigs were a loss due 'to'the situation. On uesday 'Morning the stud=. e1i s of St." Jose h's sclioo1, IKin�gs � bridge a.rriv;ed ,as usual'. onl•y to be sent right bnc,k home aga.in•.:All • ata,).cd with:1,4)y :Pennington's a.rrivcd safely home,,:except• eleven: -.mother 1 enningon. .C)n Fri students•and their bus dpri:ver , John '•day' they ::were.ab1e..•to-get:Co; Van,. I�ooy wla,o. restrained at Joc •:' •l:X/I ;'s si ter's:as:lrs;'Roy Penning_: Boel's for a•few days,• l=ive teach •.'.ton,.of'T.e'eswater. They returned ers remained in the school with Bio Ottawa on 'Sunday' a mwall rto hydro :or tient o'r ;phone' •out•.beini able,:to visit Lucknow 2 two nights before walking about; a;. r�lattvc�.. [ ete.r Lcvi:e(•, present mile to Frank Sullivan's where ' 1i: of Belfast a brother-in-law ::. there was heat. • The I?rincipal , of Doug's . ot'throrgh.,to •secs the. •C'le►it Steffler struck but 'walkin ,. Mrs.., ,'� and h1 s r� they cfta tcf c t tllyons o y i to' Eind, the nearest .Working tele-: 1�•. is k. was nursing in:'Goder•ich•.:• phone and got as.fa.•r as J•irn 'lvla'r, . . b >: hotjitr1 at the time. tin's and Jiin•,took him the 'rest. THURS.,.. FR'i., S� SQUARE 'PHOM:E 524 781.1: AlRCONDITIONED: F!1 4, 5, Recommended Adult Entertainment Thursday at 0.09.” p.m: \Only •• ..1- a aturday- - at 7:30 apd SATURDAY;:', F6.R 6:MATINE; 2: 00. P.M. LL SEATS.: 500 s :pure GOull ADMITTANCE' RESTRICTED o: 1600,45 2Ot11'Century:Fo: prefenr ELLIOTT GOULD PAU nLA PRENTiSS GENEVIEVE WAITE ,hMOVE IOVE A PANDRO'S BERMAN. STUART ROSENBERG.PRODUCTION__, PRODUCED BY PANORO S BERMAN &RECTW BY STUART R0ENBERG ' •5creenploy by JOEL rl'EBER an41'STAN IEY HART Based on the noyel by JCrEt IIEBER Color by DE LUXE"` 'music By 1yIARVIN .HAML,OSCH' PANAVIS N!t n, 'Shot/ al ,Might': al • • of the way, home on snowmobile, Father H. Cassano was.strandedI'' in London. There were no Sttnday Masses in Kingsbridge or St. ; Mary',s :Lucknow; MOVE TO HOUSE BASEMENT ..• M.• MILK I10MEMA,DE STOVE, >~RQ� • "Also -without h ,d :o e•were y.r or h.a:t • •and'Mrs.Jack'Van,Osch, • ri8ht'atkingsbride.'They re -• nrarnedalone•in:4as c`o dit'o fo ...n � ri, . r two nights, 'before 13i11 Van Oschl o:f :Kintail.Store walked to•his.,'•L •.arent';s: borne andset. op. a borne,: made. stove inthe-baseme'nt': . made from a milk can and the three remained down �theie.for a; day and a night.. • • AritOng other 1 orfies in'tha't area 1 na le•to PrOvide an 'he at was t'heI borne of Mr, and .Mrs:.' D'eirnis• • Dalton,:Where Mrs. Daiton's.'moth- er', moth- er 'Mrs; Mary rnbertu•s • an eld= Maty La , .erly. woman `n her :eight>.es was staying,• After. two :nights without any heat ;,'these people , ,Mr t and. Mrs'. Earl'Drennen • and.a strand* ed''a' r r v,,. d''•• sse b 'we e rno e to .thee house of Mr. -and 'Mrs.:Des•mond 0' bonnel'1', •a short ,.di'sta;nee aW'ay; where there was; -heat.: Mrs.. Lain' bertus' was.wrapped ,up.wariiily .and put:Or a chair. and carried; by. •Dennis.Dalton and-ene•'Frayne, • A,D.LI.LTS LIMED BAsEMENT, IILA'I' 1;ROM. OEBEC HEATER. Nor and Mrs Joe Courtney: and rlie'i`i*'•six h'ildr nrlarrd five •c-lrrl-d- ren of: Mi. and '*s. \ incent.Aus-' tip lived in the basernelit' of 'th'e:ir 'farm home .,with•feat•provided • -froii>>art;old"Quebec heater until. heat• Vias .restored: qct l ridgy din cent and 101 Austin stayed at Bert_ Tuesday *morning and had to re main unW he Was able to arrive borne obi snowmobile of Thursday. Antone Van ()Sell had had some cows; taken ,to the- Listowel Livestock Sale• that morning and. he followed by •car. ,,He was able to get back •I to Wingham where he remained until Wednesday .then he struck out for :Luc know but his: car be, carne stranded at White -Church •and lie received a' ride to Lucknow. by : snowmobile where..he rema•'ined, until Thursday ''when he also arriv-• ed ho:Thursday' on snowmobile. A car and a tractor owned by Pat O'Neil wee stranded: in diff- erent locatibns on' Highway 21 in the Kingsbridge• area and; were buried by snowdrifts. There ,are sure to be many, other •incidences•that took place but it .p As diffieult'to find' them. all. • arn'slare that the .rest •of the stranded and snowed -in citizens in . thiscommunity:,:'like myself deeply . appreciate the assistance ., :We received•from snowmobile• owners and we knowwithout .' their.gener'osity', we would have been 'in •verb :p bad shape indeed l • ben. y P • rwEAT9 wiN Hl Ni ., D* Pbpne:: 3S7-IS3O- SHOW TIMES Friday and' Saturdays at 7:15 and 9:15...All Other • days, one show • at 8:00, except where noted ' on the program. • *rt***.'*'*se* *.*.• THUR., FRh, SAT., FEB. 4, S,6 Adult 'Entertainment 1(eIiy's;Her�es" � Colour Starring Clint '.Eastwood,. Donald Sutherland,"" ' '�. This is an action -packed, ,war comedy, as only Eastwood and 'Sutherland' can pray it., The second ,show .on Friday ' and .Saturday ' da ,:•will start 9:30., a * *'"*`*.* t.t .::Mr. and \irs Ja.cl<•Tig' ert:a lnd soar Glen who•attends high school were .stranded in C;oderieh unt:il f r.ida' '.: 'Ltickilyr;:'their other _.'., :five children,; w.ho ;attend• school, •. here; were stayirir 4t.Jove f3o.e1'.s.as buns; soup•,. cookies, •chocolate there was; no' hs'aro'at.home a nd; ' bars,• bu•hble guru,_. They. wee a 1 ir<<:e.l�rar'ilch had broken off a .quite•hap,py Qti:e'littlegirl said tree in front of the housea.nd • No:e rd" broke throuptli. the.',�glass'of • the'' . The scnc'ioiers .wh;o attend Lucknow; a:luniinum storm. oor•a.n,' pus Rd Te iTO"O1 far-071i'�c t as .li ) • 1.•• ° open :the inside door . VTliis `w;. $ billeted out in :homes:: Some d'iscover'ed bac Be 11 • Rising passim; parents..went' for th,etr 'children on •• on his:stiowmobilc:011 Thursday , .Thtirscfi•ay ' i6d athers on.'fr,ida`y. whirswcht ot 't11c snow' ands closed We uders.tand a bus :brouch.t those; tile- door, \1r , Glnd.:.\11s, 1�rank Doherty in faiiirly.'of.'port•Alhert'loved" ,.rind ltll:ooiccssions over blocked to the home �of xlel: 1 ic•kson where `,• Loads, 1 ski=doos'o..erated 'b Bill. Ilk re, way Iiea: far awhile , then ` Wilkeri ,John" Jamieson, Jiin de when the hydro: went out there.,, t;oer.-,'.Joc. De Brt j"n•and Mi... Ward 'the.y, all moved to 13i11 `111 c..rt's who.: resides, on the for'nier. John• h -t -r r tit- -w`-e-fi •f"Ce'pcoplc Crowston f rn;l: 1 1is`slz -doe party:were "also busj'. dcriveriiig food and 'other •conuiiodities to c;14,-.4 --14181'1i•'i=P11A-1'.Y 1' ` flloseora blocked roa-d's.- Alex. Craig, ,..With the snow blow•, itecburch6etsr: are Of Storm: Wrt:- 1111 TY 13Y h4RS,; ,VIC.TOR'EMERSQN The worst stor�ni since' 13.41 truck this•o• .0 •s.cmna nit�y Tuesday ,•,_ and•with thick sow high wind.•and flurries rerid:eredvisibilYt , nil'• ,y. • rriost'of the 'tirrl.e;•' •• • .Our..c•hildreh in'the Junior':clas-:' ses,attend Kinioss Central town ship school-!and,lad to rertiain in the •school •with',the teachers or be :bilieted out:at. nearby:farnl hornes froxri Tuesday to•Frida'y. They!..`• report .the:y slept on mattresses, . . had a blanket and were .warrii: ; They. had sandw•.iches., 'hot dogs , • '' •MATIN EE' �r. • � .SPECIAL.' � �' ' dventures •. klebe left. back to the village•,and:fo1'ks' in the village gave them a `hdnie' /until t:lie.y wa re :tai ,en•'to th'e 2nd tyere st�i�irir. 11OS1'1TAI.!P,AR1'• 1%:AY'L3 Y'SNOW- Ni013i1;E Mcanw11i.le inthis,arcii , .,Nirs`.• Stuart-:Stilith wa•s'taken, partways •. • ,;ar o • - the hospital: in C4odcrieh early Thursd'ay:• morning tyhor ' slit gave l irth'to �l Ltialy°giil'. I I'I 'I 1.1;1v•LN 't3AS1.MM11 N I INC LU D.– 1NC1 91 YE.AR CILI) 1,:1Ri Y, 'OVAL-. ,ACE; 11inn's` 1:RO\-1' WA'SIi1N6 Iv1AC:1ll:N1 •. Fifteen people' lived in tiic. asemc'nt 111 le. 1'iiiiC U r ane' Mrs. Prcriry T)r•cnnen ofl the Dth of 'Ashfield , Amltlding ninety, one year .old Larry INa'i'acc.„Ilea:t was improvised by an Old washing' lriaChine! As we nientiorled before , nlany” p0,ople4 were stra ti'dcd . Men who were at work in codericll or else- where ., high school studentsfrom ;odcri,ch and Witty hams wore`,, is:thong tllc5ew fiCof ic. Austin iii ripe lied to' "be iirLtrc kii&V o,pi.... .._... Colour. All .seats 50c •niade'a track'"•on.in: o h 'street, for: the:oil ,truck`•to'get to those• homes` low in, fu;rnace'fuel.• This locality did' not suffer 'hydro failur •li'ke'tho'se. in .West ' Wa•wanosh•.Township:..:•Without -hydro fro n•T'uesday..evening •to , l ridgy , `fhey had real•.trouble , could •not pu nip .water, for •stock , run milking machines; unless by' sortie other method had `no. ' neanai. of• cooking, food nor heating` lortf""Tes`r •'a'`m rs.wi •so s ha„by pigs-•suffe.r.ed loss due to no::' by dro a.nd. no' heat bulbs to'.keep, them warns. !Soiree .farrriers, had•:; ,ro•w•alk distances ro barns on ot:her••farnis t. feed • The villa¢ stores were , ne.ver without bread'butter'- meat mi k' and ,the'sno:wmob'iles delis er : blocked :Noone' from this community was a-141.oi g the lost •bu•t_-for who'had• missing.relatives`, the seryieesi of CKNX will nrver;.he forgotten. Their •reports •on the • CON•TI NL' ED ON' PAGE •10:':.• 01* 'SI EGR IST'S;:UCKNOW/� MONDAY,• WEDNESDAY, FRIDAX' PANNABECKER' S, ST. HELENS MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY o ... _. G • : if ' TUESDAY, THURSDAY,;f' SATURDAY //07PAW' // ��\\��\��,� Rro'fesslonai • otwvice, by Piopi. who car. WINGHAM DCLEANERS