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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-02-03, Page 8
PAGE .no1 11E tJCK$OW SENTINEL, LUGKNOW, ONTARIO STQR,M, :. CONTINUI~D FROMPAGE' 7 • • getting needed supplies,, but those•'• whose cars were stuck, i i the snow • on the highway., Mrs, Leonard Courtney•w•ent to.' the: hairdressers , Mrs. John Mae,: • *' Kenzie near Kintail , oil Tuesday, morning and didn't get home un. - til her husband went get her with the ,snowmgbile..� Pnday Services at•Pne•River •Church; were cancelled on Sunday.,: School sti1T, didn't commenc• e cn `Monday ar Pine River Central • School because of broken pipes.. Bill Kempton returned home from Kincardine Hospital.•on,Fri- day.- Bob Fair,' Elmer Sineltzer and Wayne`,Lowry hate been. run • ning:his snowplow. whiles Bill has been sick; •While,thank.yous,are being given out we.would' like -to risen. - tion Dave...Moore andiii's township crew for their .good works during . the. storm.• farms andarouzid.: the Tlock,purnp ing was necesary° by hand, Sch@ol children were In cuany cases, billeted , away froril' honer'. for the first tittle, iii: their lives;, 'North Ashfield School ,with J2' pupilsof their own and• about 36• grade 7 and, 8:pupils front larook-� side• School made for an anxious, time for three teachers `:and. three bus drivers, foi the two Irights • ;1 'spentin the: school. ,r The teachers :ca n', And words. to express thanks' to all' who came; with help Ski -do operators, bus: ' drivers , and all w ho provided transportation, ac. coitrrtlodation , and, supplies '- for it did req Ore a pile of food to 'feed 12`5' tO• 1$Q'• people for .three,days. Country, stores came. into their;'' own .and . were le ft Wit 1-,t es Children learned to.eat , not; only what they liked ,,'but what Was provided." •Sett t •children wanted only; to:•go horn ., others ,. 'used toy �7o home w hen Dad c a nie refused . . for there :Blankets were. orou��'ht by loads; front nearby homes to North Ashfield School: Howe•v er no one straitdcd iltl?ley whery she:: attends Se1.10;1 Clow;ere't a :apply of Irisulitt w .iS, Itx,,Aw: and avl:�lttr- l.t<ted , • ;� :rr;>ytulitci.t,irr all t'he eortti:= ai4�tr'w,44,w+r4 4'e,.•il vi h lr. an� � .Mlrs, k)onald• Sirs! �soll that F , daughter. betty,Ann ,haLt..l, b�iby� daughter in Co:roirto, ' On and on thc.: storms ,±;o an0I. still the•:stores ra;e. hd.,t J w;•esold >r+ut for the. ,pws, l art , 'alt. Well acid t;h•e•"Wtnterr. land will.'kaciriatehils once a�aiii; when•NIorher Nature.eallus the e.etuenes,,; Storm Strikes Kinlough Folk • l 1NbUl'Lit NEWS • b4'' `i LE • The severe week.lon; snoWstorm that hit Ly'estern;-Otitariu. on Tues day , 'January ,26th' Was the ,w or•t: • for':'many vt ars; • r •Our area was not :<luIte a� hard WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3,_mi GET AWAY FROM IT ,ALL. COME TO. THE LORD' SIMCOE„' CLOSE TO SHOPPING, THEATRES AND ENTERTAINMENT SPECIAL PRICE $54.90 PER INCLUDES, "• ' COUPLE. I . ... 4k'Friday and Saturday night accomodation In 'deluxe.' • bed sitting, room;; or best available, .� Bottle •of champagne Breakfast and dinner (for 2)'on.Saturday • Breakfast and city sight' seeing tour (for 2) on Sunday. Please mention the get -away, weekend• to your travel agent or ... when you make•your reservations: • Special' weekend price valid until April. 1, 1971, and includes ta'ises Siri�H�teU TELEX 02-2458 TEL 36271848. (ihsou's from Tuesday noon. • until Friday noon This gruatl.y'• added to the anxiety of some five families :ince• they•had heardby radio.'th;t their children .hadleft the public 'school by bits After those: in 'need. Paul Hackett had a severe attack of. croup ori t•Id i\ night .requiring medication to r� lieve the congestion. Lorne Hackett.,, who is i ,tli( egg,: production business,• in' a' a-rse scale , by Sunday.' • The•trucl< was c•,xhe;ct• .get .i. - . n. Monda ,. to c,d to .�,et n o y f r , ,in the ,eggs and leave'eni t c a. gg .p � which. were i.ettin g..rather •c,x,r'` in • the area ltiirs. Frank Ritchie was iII ii, as Storm Probrems LOCHALSH NEWS Y Iv1ARION'McCHARLES MOther•-Natuie_can_be.stew a'- ` winter wonderland arid also o play • ha with her storrn5`ways'as •: lei-ried b}moi-airy-du-ring theast••week:. :In three `weeks ' P . 197.1'seemed to"have been. thee. perfect winter., :but. the; fourth week of Canuaty„1.911 claims to have been.one-'of the:::wiildest on : •record Snow banks ten; and .twelve. a feet hi; h:are to. be seen Many Y country roads: ','On the Ripley road,= sideroad No.,15 - a car, d. is,•reporte:to be'.:buried in; one 'Of • .these- drifts the occupant be came stranded Tuesday noo;hti•me and.' walked to •the nearest farm house thinking by night time to be able to dig their white: Folks'-.,. wagon Now.: it is completely covered. and.t=he=e-xac wrerea-bau known • Farrneis„' especially' those with dairy -herds have suffered greatly,:. • Jirr Bradley': •were i1, hoary. withoutitidro., ' Bill Stewart• fit ted.the tractor with powe- to milk the cop s: .Water Was scarce on'manj. when the hydro, was- off, and -one small candle doesn't provide rnu'ch light in. a ;school, On some farrns snow was car rted;•into the barns, for water for pigs :and cattle; -w.heit IIydLo inter ru tion occurred.. Thousands of:. P• baby chicks onone farm were Y• r .when'_h ,beCrame cause for' afa m 'the .. chilled., -Milk could be'a. prpb • le'm>in :more ways.than one. Some' needed it' badlyfor :small, children .,. others hadmilk' stored ,in' everything !available' it was even reported that one :farmer. milked his cows ofily to give it back to ' ther-n,::for-dr-inking- pur-pose-s• - • Sickness too made: itself known At feast two,' in this area had to receive' Doctor's attention and throu;gh.-the.a:ssistance. of neigh boors • Finlay MacDonald .and. Torii, Farrell were helped.. •Mrs .Mary,, Hannah,Martyrl.,: who.is'staying' With Henry Ma:cKenzie's ;•• has been in bed but"unable, to goto a• Doctor. •: Others are without fuel:for furn�: aces: n two casesthey setup" stoves, 'which they were lucky to have, in• the. cellar'. 'Here, they,' lived .for no to;three days • T,hose..w O .0 k.l_cl bllt Stilled ' fie ighbour.s'and like••Olden times Went to the store 'or to LucknOw in groups•to-replenish supplies. Donna: Elphick`, a. diabetic was:. your cor fs d1-f• f'ict ;lt,•- tit,e. w"`herl you dccele'rte brad rural, th'eo y:aut'tr • hos tii'e 'wobbjes, 'tredi t C�tterrtrC t7, i5 rtiet scot Let ybufer cdmpCet strfe y: Check rive,' I sbfe tiutrsrrt©brle�: • • i1 was oft , and in ,so. r e cases sere ace.•was riot restored fo.r:'da' §': I.n this irlintediate•area the Row er,was back to nor ilai'the sate • Part of.tii.. ``flla e:.wa3 +:^ tele hone.ser� tc ,n hich w i '' ' partly, restored ftr.., 1 ct^.t.: ti rx.• Tuesday: morniri ch'oo1 br rna•de their. •usual �aunds , but :late°r' in the piorning the _torp, wo ser. ed 'and it 'hecarne necessary the:: , .0 ils, :tb remain, at their F... F .'schools A:t the,..Kir31'oss Cen't_al School thepent the • first night without heat. Some:Were :th` n billeted•.. ' t•nei, hbokrr iii -••h e4 --LL • and •thee ass well"•• a- hi --n school ' • students a•ndhinder Tarten childx ren wee , Ct raid: to th'eiponies on;.Frid=� Severalfrc he e are e _tploy: ed at' Do.uI s',.F',oint a:�>c ,; tithe places.. and had d„.. Lieu;lt: .:e ch ing their hL Sunday. Cu:ti i_. ice•t Fi .::e also cancelled :�, e owe'c,.,_'• thanks to: those • who:assistedi= and:•to our. local.Rad•io CI<NX •and Channel . e le .:te,n for ther.way •that• : it toac b `: to help people ih this tryin • situa • tion, . a. road in the snow • It was not until late that evening• that neighbours hiving phoneservice•arid ski• -dogs called at, these homes to• notify • them where their''children`were bitle'rr.td in Lucknow Ge e :Cranst=o'h`wa forrn • Lucknow ;,where he” is ernp10 d. in'Tre �eaveti's: Mill. istaYed•in p ye. 1 Vviih their phone out of. order he was, unable' to:contact':his•wife,for several days. . With stock in the barri; his wife had''ti difficult :time to Manage. •, Lane Gardner 'provided ski-doo `• sery ic.e for his neighbours and 'made thearipNinto Luck now for., food. and 'rriedical supplies for Storm Causes Many Anxious Moments ZION. NEWS BY MRS. WM .HUNTER The fie.rc'e• snow storm ex:perien- cedlast week ca'tsed" many disrup- tions to'area. residents. On the' twelfth concession 'ri Z on corn.- mtii it -y res-td--Fit-s=w fort•r�;-i •at -e have only two hours on Tuesday p. df hydro cut. -off, ' rue •to impassible roadsfarmers shippin'i m�]T{=jay cares had:e:no milk p-i;c-k :.. ups and consequently no empty; .0 cans delivered. MilVett w.ho' ha's a :large dairy herd ; w'as out of: cans by Thursday and d'is- posed of, the milk in every-cbti- G C f' -6'a seagy.”- wedr _. ", pigs and calves' etc :' and finally had oto dump the excess milk out. :The Teeswater. Milk truck finally got around on Sunday which was l,itost a week-frr5m The1ast up.. Others along.the rime that: were'over-stocked.with rn'ilk it cans were. Bob Rehr]; Arlan. 'Ritchie., John Rittrhie.who still had rro pick'``'up: "On i londay Te•lepfron es were out of order fn the' bloc k from •Allan •Rit.ch.ie'W to l)on 'ncil :a.11 1ast...we.ek with_ a col i .t}r__ flit'. N1rs.•.:Bob'l lelni re ,orts. that lice.: P. daughter Roberta. and'Lloyd lir tt: g :tock and family in Wawano l; ae:0, 'without heat froth Tuesday tc ,' L•(1• nesday,'rri ,'•.Neither did they lir:• an •eans of :cookino, a• mt: a l Wednesday p rn'.,, they weir:'l� to: get to a.neighbours.wlt�r; CGNTINUJ D ON. P/Nc • f. EQU'IRE A' FOR . :Madill a onda School ingham,Ontario: "IES TO COMMENCE -MARCH tier- OR SOON THEREAFTER .AS POSSIBLE.: .--THE SUC E-SEFU1 APPLTJ•ANT::'W1LL — H-/l;VE-Pit•-OVEN E:X,PERIENCE IN 'OPERATION' AND REPAIR OF A WIDE VARIETY OF AUDIO-VISUAL EQUIPMENT INCLUDING -TAPE • RECORDERS,,... RECORD PLAYERS, VIDEO-TAPE RECORDERS, FILM PROJECTORS, ETC. THE APPLICANT IONCHARGE OF' SYSTEM IN THE SCHOOLS' CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVIS.: SALARY1S_._NEGO_T_ ABLE, BASED <ON- ACI P -TABLE RELATED. EXPE1 1 =L BE IN' THE :$5500 •i $7S00 RANGE. : Board reserves the right to reject anyor all applications, Selected • applicants will be interviewedthe week • of February' • V-19. • ` WRITTEN APPLICATI.ONS'• WILL BE RECEIVED • UNTIL 4 P;M, ON MONbAY, FEBRUARY 15 BY :• F. E.MADILL. ,SUPERINTENDENT OF OPERA'T'IONS HU•,RON'COUhis OtARD OF EDUCATION '97 SHIPLEY Si., 'CLINTONi'ONT. IVC. ELLIO'T'T'' Chairman D. J. COGHEANiJ biretor _of_:Education;