HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-02-03, Page 5UCKNOW TIN EL WEDRESDAX. FEBRUARYS, il71 I{, J`, MacKENZIE, 0 pptom:etrrst NQW iN RIPLEY' EVERY. WEDNESDAY` Offi 4.4. to •5:.,3u p.ti:�.•I'hotfe 1Rr} rllas•cl c�nz;ie • Iliple>' ,sli,, :aril. • fur. hPpuintn eat • ' R: HA:MhLTON ' O,P..TOMETIIS,T NEXT TO ;LYCEUM THEATRE '- •W1NGH'AM' PHONE 357-1361 JOHNSTONE'S FUNERAL :HOME Modern, and Convenient Lucknow, Phone 528-3013. Day or' Night Serving All Faiths According to Their Wishes Moderate ,Prices Established 1894: INSURANCE FIRE; WIND, CASUALTY y' AUTOMOBILE' and,- LIFE To Protect Your Jack, Insure With Jack Today.; J A. McDONAGI-' Lucknow,. Phone 528-3423 'THE 'ILUEKNOW~SENTINEL, LU,.CKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE 'TWAS THE MONTH. AFTER CHRISTMAS• And all through' the hot, e slot was:. $til,r r'ng., 'not ,f:•ven a, rnowc! 4or'eti" ,Join the happy'•, peop,l'e who. sell• . AVON, Call:Coli'ec�t 31r;�.8368. . SUFFERING FROM A'FTER-Tl'E. HOLIDAY•BILLS 4NDBLU.ES? AVQN can help you Solve •both problems.. .Excellent ear ant; op- ', art ' to t ar s Tr• on . �d rt un. . �. :.; Callw collect 37..8368.... . WANTED - • cutters and, wooden. steel -tired' wagons', sleighs ,and bed. 1. State 'price and. 'condition, Apply Ro Coblentz, R.R: 5 •Lucknow.,. y •. SANDELAST,ING:" • I DEMOLiTIONii WORK. SPRAY PAINTING. RNOLD STOTH'ERS PHONE 52.9.7403 FQ,R •ESTIMATES WANTED, TO BUY /- a. quantity of , agr Rodney. oats, must be . free of wild oats.+ For further .informnation.;phone Top . Notch :Feeds Ltd:, Brussels, phone 887-6011. R. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWELy ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW'• Every Wednesday and Saturday . Afternoon Office .in the Joynt Block: Telephone: Lucknow 528-311.6 CAVILLER AND .COMPANY. 'CHARTERED, ACCOUNTANTS" WALK'ERTON. Phone 1101-3471,' o?eprh yore Q INVITATIONS, Q :•ANNO'UNCEMENT,S ACCESSORIES COME `IN`AND„ ASK FOR YOUR FREE BRIDAL GIFT'', THE LU6NNOW— NTINEL •c �li7�e� ✓ CRAWF:ORD` andMILL J. H. CRAWFORD', Q.C. '• ALAN R'. ,W I NGHAM...', IN LUCKNOW EVERY WEDNESDAY• . 10 S.T. to 12.noon •• Lcated in Breckles Block P o'8=2320•.'.. IN RiPLEY EVERY 'FRIDAY In Ross Mar•tyii Building Phone---Wirrigham ; Office'357 3630' - Res. 351.2330` BELL OPTONIE,TRIST GODERICH;; The Square: '(Phne JAckson 4-7661) 4 •HARTERED ACCOUNTANT 37 Soh'Strent, Oode•ric,ft ut; ..,. Telephone' 524.7502. R. BRAY /:*. Gr P.%747:75').4. //,. (...' f' • II HO!yIE SALE ' • [E �!IENESE'T . OME'COURT` i1( SII AIRI�RIQ 2T R0A`vGODERICH ;;;E.;!'.,:, II1 „I I I{Iyll+tlll;l'nt,S. 1' UI' • III; SIL1 Mi' MQl3ILI' I IVI11LS. F'41,CON'Tl'R4YEL ;� I' I'i'1t,A1.T,r n ANI). - f CJCI(GA,,NIPERS 1 ti, II 11 I III I. 1 •w :.I I.I I� 'IT I II Iv �I _ , 4 •l 'i ::. , , - � �, � I,� II ��hon,�• ,��-1-t3ti; � �, ts9� �� : �. I I ft 3 c t i�•l J THETW. ENTfES 1 ,,',1p1 + L t I u, , 1 I I,,1 , On ;a ercenta Qe basis the r 1li'I' lli'111 R ' wor 4I r a 'I traffic: cr �s'h ile-u From a teachers contract signed in 1923 by ayoung oun woman w o 1 I 1'.�'' .• , .... . g Y Y g . ❑, � �d to ,�ansas eed. : 1,•1nIrSi�'�gGCu1Ir a •I;L`,I,' I I � YI;}I�t i�,+l al1899,,re'c'ords' p. 1.: No t .to et:married, This 'cont'ract becomes.null And,.void i e I, ;th . n:t ,r o Sa fet, • a u e , 'he ' iately if the.teacher. marries.II •onlylltLWglc�ars in, tlz� �Icty collided 2, Not. to keepComptang with men. 'Q%;: o; ith'le(r r�1 a irj ; St reed ..yrl pIIIIIII;IIIII Il l.I ;I11,, II IL, 1 I 3 To: be at home between the hours: of 8 p.m. and. 6: a•ni'unless) she 1, r+ Ir., i; j, .,11 1,� , is in. attendance at, a school' function.; /1/,',) 1,111 II�i II I it 4 Not to: loiter. •downtown ,in'ice cream parlors. ,,',./ r 1 ,I P / r ¢ I ';.i i%I'i'1 )la I i rII\ ,I;I I y• i p 7dy,11';Iii,,Ii.?1,i'i',,,':. E ,YOUCAN'.TNottoleavetownat.an tm�without,the ermisonofthechau %,,+'I(�Imanoftheboardoftrute / 1VI'01DES. —,185workable,/,/ I �'+ gF l''bedroombrick, •. ig • , ,'bI ,.,60Not to smoke cr arettes -This• contract becomes nulland voidit •hgl, I tn�.'�I�x, and, 30 ;x 49'1 � aL� mediately if the teacher is; found smoking I,� I 14, • for cash. ' •• . ,.• ' � �, � ' ��. III ,:; � �'� I ,o� 1111 1•I 1 , � 7 Not ,1�i � � I I I r r �� s co rac ecomes null �:1 ,fl LI 11+` I� 1'``rfAGREAGE' Tees and w a ATS \ ,' void : immediately ft the teacher is found drr<nlung beer,; • me .•, I, ++ I ' i 1 c ' 20 acres' bush or'whiskey. : //' ' I,1 i �re�a, 50acres, // , 8. Not to ride in a carriage •or' automobile, With; any jnan except her. •"brothers. Or father , 9... Not to. dress ' in, bright colors: E,QIIJb4G. iN 10:. Not to dye her hair. 11. To wear at least two petticoats. • 12. Not to Wear dresses 'more .than_ two: inches:_above the.'ankle • 13. To keep the schoolroom:' clean; to scrub the. classroom floor once a week with .hot, , water and Soap,;, to clean • the blackboards :at least.. once daiily, I■■mmismo uuu. u■mommom:iI ■ ■ ■ r ■ I■ I.■ 111 ■ 111 IN r.■.: MI • ■ BEWILDERED. ■ MPney Isco 'Ili -61 e ` of t low ■low priced homes ■ti ■ r: FOR $7;500 00.'vou, can purchase■�j. i this ■ 1½ storey, 3 bedroom h�dme: j: having:, a new oil •furnace,. new 3■ • pc:. .bath., and ' aluminum doors �:` • and "windows•: Accessible • am' 1 ■'year -around:. wt'r 11i%lo,• 1'I hardwood; rolling secluded s1l I g, .al king $4;000.,' •QUIET•VILLAGE LOT ...Shade i ' 1 `t-rees�pe eco 1,000., Terms aVailables ., • • ■ ■ ' ▪ Wantedis dead or disabled •■ cattle' and horses TOP PRICES PAID' ■ :Small animals over 150 pounds • picked up free of.charge We:" pay you for:. your animal at D STOCK OVAL' SERVICES :purchase oneh e fo l Ing :' �•.. 24 HOUR ' FAST EFFICIENT, SERVICE CALL• COLLECT 887-9334 BRUSSELS, PET FOOD SUPPLIES R .R..2 'BRUSSELS icense • No. 273.0-7Q • Por These Properties Please -Contact • ROSALIND'H0 GiN-S ' 395-23.37 or R'.R'.'2 t'olyrrood,..Cnt: •.NOW .FEATURING NEW • PHOTO -LISTING 'S,ERVICE.: 1l .1 * 3 ' BEDROOM ALUIVI.IN, IJM' sided home, 10 : miles from.. Goderich•. on'. •a paved. road, situated on .�ls of an' • acre '.of, land, large garage and. machine shed,This home has mod- ern _Clipboards, odern.cripboards, oil furnace, 'drilled' well,: 3 piece bathand has been :recently redecorated If; you would like a' country home :situated 'on, a paved road close•to' Lake Huron. •:' see this soon: DOCTOR 761F CHIROPRACTIC 256 CENTRE, ST, WINGHAM, PHO:NE 357-1224 MINGHA M MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERy I:E-TTERING .REASONp BLE PRICES 'Buy Direct ;and Save us' Ph. •3571910 Res. ■ ;. • .FOR $14,000.00 and you. can' calls l ■ it "urs"= this 11 ; store , ■' I■Yo' y'■ ,.. •4 bedroom home :,, itlr, lots ,.of ■ _ i ■ closet .'space', full basement, I • fairlynew ,oil :furnace, .Cpc:.'bath■-� i•and a.,glassed' in sun porch:. Sit 14:- • ated-on ' a well --eared --for; cor-■ • net lot, ■ •e TERRIFIC' BUY 11/2 'storey, 31, `• bedroom home with an .attached ■ : ,,■ car garage,:: in the best• of con-� d tion having a 'foil `base�rrent,•• • ■ 2 year old oil: furnace and' wall!. • to wall . broadloom in the living ■ I ■room. Come -= inspect; , ' yori ` won"t - . .. �. r � -be sorry." ,... ■ ■ • i� s ■ ■ • ■ Ph '351.1015 DON HOLST *REAL T..ATE L�TDDD ., •- I■ ■ ' REALTQRS, W :IN(,)HAM 'RURAL ONTARIO ' SPyE�lAL1STS' r; ., ■ ,r ■. 4, • ep■ , ■' ■. • • I.. MacKENZIE .■ ., • •-MEMORIAL`. CHAPEL' 1• UNERAL SERVICE • • et'viCes conducted aceordtng te'yourwishes at your Home,,. ;:your Church, or at -our Mehr= orial. Chapel at no 'additional` charge Lucknow, Phone' 5284412 :I Day Or N ght • 1.,': I • • ' • Ba ry :McDonagh; R E Offjee •S28,3423 :Reg, ' 395-5326 pro?t +'dL f�iEDS •••$•u%ui■■j■1, 50: ACRE .'farm on .. 'Highway 21, .": comfortable!3,.bedroom home,good barn :If you would like to live in. a ' desireable area and ' work in town;, see ';this as the owner is anxious to ,sell this farm and, will , \ consider reasonable offer,. immed= tate possessions good terms:. �-ACRE�;Mese=to--Coder- ich, lovely 'red brick homewith all conveniences; 'large barn, 90 work; , able acres immediate possession 4 BEDROOM 'solid brick home sit- uated ' on one acre Of ,'land ;close to ' Lucknow; 4ece bath,ofjittation oil an wood -fu mace, `spr p well and, pressure- system, recent renov: ation not yet completed, make this • a' home •worthy of your inspection. 40 ACRES of level' and rollin acre-' age, 30 'acres of :scenic bus phis a 'small, stream' winding across the property: ' This .could be your prly- Fate spot for relaxation' both winter andy: ummer: "asking : $77,,:00: _open: _.;.,-; 'to offers. For 'These Propevac,s Please'' Contact. Phone 529.7350 Wilfred 'Mci flt�e & Co-:, [hnited. ,.WALKERTON Member' of the Grey, and liruce Multiple Listings Service Sa esitretl Wr rkin j For: Y`ot :J