HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-02-03, Page 45 1 lr r 1: RAGE FO ,A THE UJEKN:QW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • WEDNESDAY,. FEBRUARY ..19a1: HOUSEHOLD MOVING; Local and long distance Midwest- ern moving and ,storage, •For ..free, estimates call Eric 'Walden, Wing - ham,, phone. 357-3221. 'THE LLI:CKNOW SENTINEL , is for sale at Mel" Stanley's Supertest in Lucknow. Pick, up an, extra copy • from . Mel,, BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Contact' Lloyd Johnston, R R:: :3• ilolyrood, phone 395-5390. FOR SALE - a number of good York sows,, bred Lacombe, due to farrow next week. Johnston 'Mac- Leod, R.R..1, Ripley,; phone 395 - 2632. , COOP SPECIAL • snow` blower, :built by Art:.Helm: Winter 'clothing at. Special; prices. • • FOR SALE used auger -type Contact.Jacob.. Rohrer.,. R.R, 1 Lucknow , .District' _Coop,. -phone Lucknow, phone 528-2245.'•.. - • '. .528-2125, - - - -- CO.OP SPECIAL`.. Electric heaters' on sal Luck - now h `528-2125. now District. Co-op, pone AUCTIONEER ;SERVICE' Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace ;$allagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers. Sales of . all types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater. 392-6170 FOR SALE Landrace hog, of serviceable age. : Grant; Curran, R.R. • 1 Dungannon, phone. 529-7635. IN G EVENTS 'COMMG EV NT5 IN MEMORIAM SUPER .CASH, BINGO Legion . Hall, Lucknow, every, Thursday, 8:45 p,m, Poi, of. Gold i,garne. = winner• take all. ,14 ular games, '$1.0• each, 2 Share the Wealth games,, A $30 :Special. ,Jack- ; pot Game for $105.00' on 57 Cai•:s or i $25 consolation.priie. • ' , ENTERTAINMENT' 1. ing Y to •music .b Al,; 'Doris . and The': Alley Cats, at the Windsor Hotel, Kincardine' on Friday and Satur day,'.February 5 and 6. RECEPTION. . • • A Reception will be held, in lion - our of: Mr.: and Mrs. Tom .Nicholson .(nee: Mary Pannabecker )' in. the Lucknow. Legion . Hall on : 'Friday, February ,5th. �Tiffiri's . Ore Lunch' : provided, Everyone .wel- come.. , ,CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING The Annual. General Meetin: of the Children's ,Aid Society . of • Hu'ron. County,:; which 'liad to: ,be. cancelled for February: -.3rd,. •1971, will now : be held; 'on Wednesday, :February .10; 1971 at... 1:30; p.m.. at Enjoy' Entertainment and Danc=. 1 '�SINGER'SERVICE:. 'Repairs to all Makes and models; Sales and Service on new products; SINGER CO. OF CANADA'• • Phone .351-3730 after 6'p.m. 'STABLE CLEANING - moving , manure piles 'and snow ' plowing with crawler machine Symes Bros., •Lucknow, 528=5203 , or 528- 2608. FOR SALE 2 Holstein heifers :due middle ,of. February. Wm.', G. Hunter; . R.R. 3 Lucknow; ' phone ' :529-7186 VACUUM CLEANERS Sale. and Service for all makes. 1Z... h Peck,' :Varna, Phone 262- 5748. 62-574!1 , . DEAD,STOCK Fresh , dean' cows over :1,000 .ps unds $12.00 cath: ,'dead, horses, ,$2(`011 each; over :a00 pour;ds ac- .cordin.g t.o: •.s. ize. LORENZ REMOVAL DURHAM Gall Collect :'.`3692410 CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Every Tuesday ' and Thursday. Pigs ri"d`Cattle Tuesday Cattle only,. Thursday • inby1p.m. y BILL'S MEAT. 'MARKET FOR_SALE Beattyautopnatc feed . and manure handling equip- ment.. ,stabling. and pressure. sys- tems. Contact Beatty'; Farm Ser vice Centre; Clinton 482-9561.. FOR ' SALE , ' dropped . calves, Hereford and Holstein. , Alex:' Far- rish , R.R.. 7 Lucknow; phone 529- 7305. REFRIGERATION.. SERVICE. Guaranteed service to all types Complete appliance • repairs': at BURKE ELECTRIC• '.Win g"ham 357-2450 Electrical -Contractors' . Appliances H Motor' Rewind. 24 Hour .Emergency Service• FOR SALE — 21 RCA . Victor console;. , rebuilt and new picture held at a later date,. SKI=A-THON Lucknow Ski Club.will participate ' M the National Ski-A-Thon .to : be held . 'across •' Cana.da, . Saturday,.; February 6th. Funds will ' be used to' help the Canadian Ski ,Associa- t tion. Entry forms will be available • at -•the-'local :. schools and Bank' :of Montreal;, Entrants may ,complete their ,runs' pn Friday night pr Sat-: urday. • RECEPTION A 'Reception ;and Dance . will : be held • for: Mr_. and Mrs. Ken Murch e " rnney m .,< . . gannon .Agricultural . Hall on Sat urday, February 6th; starting ' at 9:00 p,ro. Friends and neighbours, please accept ;this nvitation'ao .at-, • tend. CONES • L ME; e ' NoticeANNUAthatETING annual the take meeting, of the. producer .members of the .Bruce County Pork Produc- ers' Association :will be convened at' 1:15 P.m. on Thursday, Febrile ary i lth,,1 .71 at the Elmwood Cpm- riunity Centre; Elmwood for . the purpose • of the proper business 'of the annual . meeting, the consider- ing of amendments : to the constit ution, the election of 'thecounty board. of directors. .Between . the hours of 2:00 o'clock and • 3:00 o'clock in'' the afternoon •of the above mentioned. date, nominations and elections' . -for. Coucilrnen under the Ontario ' Hog •Producers' 'Mar- keting Plan will be held. At 12:00 •noon a co'mpli'mentary lunch .be provided for : all ',producers . in at- -. 11 0 • Alfred Brunton, `President Bob Misch,.:Secretary IRWIN in loving' 'meoi " �' of , m Paela'• Irwin:, . who ' my passed • away: February 6th, 1970 in her 14th •year in Sault' St. Marie General Hospital. She. was taken without any .warning, Her going left •hearts fill'ed'. with. • • But though she is gone from . amongst 'us, , In our 'hearts she will always, .Sadly missed , by parents Mie.: and` Mrs. ' George Irwin and ' family grandparents Nlr: and -Mrs. Spence Irwin, aunts,:.uncles and sous HACI{ETT — In loving mem a dear wile and mother. Mrs,, '' t 4 ins: - ory of• ` Harry Hackett who passed 'away nine years ago .February 6, 1962, Each daywe keepthinking of ,. the Court. House; Goderich, The public' is. cordially invited : to 'attend, The . •Banquet honouring the- foster parents:: of Hu'r'on .County will' 'be tube; 23" Marconi •console T V.; in good worki'i g. condition . Greer T.V. and Electric, Lucknow,. phone 528-31,12. HIGHEST.. PREVAILING ;PRICES paid for dead .•and disabled 'cows and' • horses: Call collect 181-3459' Walkerton, -Graf Stock, Removal: FOR SALE : Shell corn, either dried or.high moisture. Donald Cur- ran, R.R.1 Dungannon, phone .1529-7459, S;ILVER'.;LAKE GENERAL STORE' INLQSs, ONTARIO' Open 7 Days and, Evenings Closed. Sunday. a.m. and". Tuesday 7 p.m. h°1:' `For Our, ,Week=end' Specials Who was: loving' sweet and 'true, Someone we loved..with all our hearts, F.*THANKS 'Dears Mother that someone was ;itsi...§ Vander Veld you because. we loved you,. U •I• M S. .ted Wish lo `express thanks: to the ;Luck now . 'Snowmobile Club,' Special thanks to. the ,ones .who, delivered milk cans to. their home. This wa's. very. much-appjciated. We wouldlike to thank our neigh- bours who helped, with the: chores: While Antone ;was: stranded during • i the storm' and also to the neigh- bours' with snowmobiles who assist ed . in•bringing, Antone home and de livering groceries. Their 'kindness will neve, r be forgotten Antone 'and' Delores ,fan Osch Helen Foran• and.taby'daughter Anne Lisa ' wish' to `:thank all those who so kindly ren embered .them. with cards, letters,, gifts andvisits when in"Wingham• Hospital: Special :thanks. to Dr: J.. C. McKim, Dr., M. H: Corrin, Mary Maclntyre, Susan Andrew and the' nurses': at the hospital us -thar -wealth--unt-ald No treasure on earth can :replace you, " P Your `memory will' never. grow Always .• remembered and sadly • .missed=bYT'husbar c ;n Hfaniily:- -72 The Jack ;Collinson family, .of' •-• Kintail.-is »h ,t o�express•-•their- thanks' • to neighbours who helped' in the search and those who helped, at home.: .This kindness •was very much 'appreciated .. ` ' TRY --OUR SUPER ICE CREAM GALLONS 85c ` FARMER'S INCOME CTURE FRAMING' = our' s. TAX SERVICE . wood • and- metal:. Ma,we Preparation,—financial-state laity, • Photo . Studio, .'• Wingham. James meats, averaging basic. herd, etc hone . 357-1851....cash aor ,accrual' system,'' work done' Snydei, proprietor, p•at farm, reasonable fees. ' 'B i'RN EQUIPMENT complete _ __-``Phone 1438=0401J---- ec 'BUS TO TORONTO . • District No. 10 of Ontario Associa-. tion of . Agriculture,. Societies' is.,_ sponsoring a bus tthe Conven tion in, Torontrs February 24 die bus leaves Lucknow 6:30' a.m.; Feb':' ruary ; 24, returning. February 25, at 5p m Any one_ _interested ending convention or to .Toronto.' FOR SALE —grade heiifercalves: for two'days 'contact' Mrs. Rob-':,. Phone 529-7465: ert'. Stothers 528-2046' by February 10th;-Fare--$4-per--person . line of Acorn Equipment' and Clay \Equipment for .pushbutton" farm mg; W_esteel_:_.Ro cooGranar_ies; -7T-Ch-ore=-13-6Y-Milking Parlours. A;•' Also Complete Line Of 'Corrug ated Metal Culverts; ; 6 to . 24" sizes on hand at all. times larger' pipe by order; Lowry Barn 'Supply, Arnberley, phone 395-5286. AucTioN,: S SILO,'AN.D.ROOF 'EXTENSIONS , Anyone wishing. to have exten- •sio s on their silos or roofs, please call_o write This --can: be done no* -GeorPhones •Residence 524 7002 o Shopor 524-6511•. y PLAYING CARDS •'^ Plastic coated single• decks. from 51,19, up aswell as double decks e"r tkt"l-euchrer-v-arda only). Drop in at The Lucknow Sentinel.. • DUMONT ALUMINUM SALES AND SERVICE, Windows, doors;-•awnings;-:siditig ; For free estimate call Roy, Emberlin, your focal dealer;: AUCTION 'SALE USED. SCHOOL-,-E:QUI•P-M Scheduled' January 30th: and . cancelled, will ; be held SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6th 1T 00 P,M. At Cbesley in basement of Bruce County Board'• of Education Administration Building, • MOBILE I OMES ''.. RUN -K1 OR OR RECREATIONAL • VEHICLE? • Many makes and models to choose from. Fora better deal,' drop Us a line or telephone "VALENTINE DANCE " Valentine Dance Friday, Febru- ' ary ' 12tlr;'.. Whitechurch Community Memorial' Hall':: Music Tiffins srche,stro Admission --$.1499- -ea-c paid at door, Public schoolers free. Prizes, lunch served .Auspices W.I. village members • THE 'rEi swATER NEWS is • Available at 'Tic Lucknow Sentinel;: • IOc'per Copy, If you. •are interested',,, in the news of • Teesw'ater and' picl . 'till a copyo' RUSTON' MOBILE. HOMES LTD,. 547 :PLAINS R . ,D,, EAST ` 7 BURLINGTON ,'•. Tel (Code 416) 637.2460 )TJCE NOTICE AVOID ,THE•`RUSH' t,-3�-�r-Mdt�or-•�ehmde�Perts--�- Open daily 9 , . 12 and 1 - . 5.. Feb- ruary 15 . 27, 'office hours will be extended' 'to 6 This .office will be e, Closed February 27 at 6 p,.rri, Department oU Transport Agency;. Mrs. Eldon, Waith, Ii1LRAY',PARMS LTD,' ABATTOIR, HOLYROOD The best in :Roth Crown, Dry Ped. - Drug Flee'' t eef, Try tut Fresh Hoene, Made'.S .usagP; Custom' kil ling by. appointment. Phone 528-2132 t. SERVICE STATIi CONTACT RON -JU:P PETROFINACANADA: ' LTD, ,HANG -VER`: PHONE 364-2246 'or 364-3409 -' • LIMITED SUPPLY: CONTACT US, IMMEDLATELY S•E.Efl=GF��R-i1W=-•`�`�R�SS- SE>EDS-- SEED CORN CLEANING 'AND TRE • aTINc: ._,TRUCK-ING ELLI TT'SH.S•EED LUCK' . NOiN;• 'ON TARO:. 'PHONE 520 $00 , URI DEAD STOC CLINTON Due 'to the decrease an nieat prices', we are unable to pay' for any farm ' Stock..We offer fast efficient cavil- ' eous same day service., 7''baYS a,Week 24 •IIot rs Day CALL COLLECT 482-9811 • `License No, 237:C' -10