HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-02-03, Page 1• .
••.i ,..,
00 A )'eir- illAdvance —. 2,00 •Extra To U.S.A..
• LI4c,KNOW;LONTAR!P -; r' • WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY .3 1971, • • •
•.-: • ! . • .' • - '; • • ..-•r • '
• rl jr!'19'!' P'!'111(! '''r!
!, • rrir,41:•1•1, !.,*
, .
I •1 JL
• f*.i 1,
Sing le Coy 15c
Residents Stranded In Their Homes
. . . . .
., . • , .
Heat, ... . . . .. . . .
No:.-e.•,Wpi7st Winter Storm The,..
A fierce , win,ter Sto.rin.,.'.With . by leaving late in thelinorning..,i
hf,gh:Winds .11K1 blowing •snow., and early after -dinner; managed,..1)
. .
itrif6. thiF area on Tuesday of last to 'gethonie.by:bus alifiol4ithe,r-1,q.
. ,. . •
week -and ii, effects are still being were a. nuniber. of exceptions,: ..,'
felt-al--111-1.,:',is••.beitigWritten, one ,., liciward,131.kr. de.tiv:.eriid all_his4,/
week4iter: Starting, to write a
story.; zil)out lastweek's-.storrn is
like tryinto count pebbles on
the heach.••• there is .jUst no end
to:the. incidents , some serious and
some.:aniws,tng, which arose during
the sey(.‘1‘4, ay ,perio .
* • • 0
0 ; ... • •
It'w clic. wee1<end before this.
Wtiter.h.:id,-p'ers'onal'ccintadt with
an01 the s•torinf vietims,.as they
6e.',4antO.d.i.g out aqii m'kc fit; r
ever, li frequent snow 'squalls.
and iflds wluch7 have. continfie,
into this week have kept people
prett inp li at hbil)f :a 110' stories
are still difficult to get. Tlie'
lines of c:of-hnninicatiOn by
telephene'broke down in ninny .
areas during the worst of the.bliz,
zard and it will be many' weeks
before -a:11::the'-t-ale-s--ef.-..the ;.'storrrv--
Of 717‘are told Without too much
exaggeration, there probably is a,
"story in:eVery'honsehole about.,
sorneo6 who was inconyeniehoed..,
in sonii.w ay Or another during •
the Storniy' days. . ' •
lt all startedon Tuesday of. last
week,. ; 'cueSd'ay morning started
off with heavy Snowfall but the
bliZzard ; which developed 'before.
noon, was unexpecte• :4y most
lylts: Dorothy
MacKenzie., who'Manages the..
Teeswater. News for us, drove
ftiona+te_esWater1O4ucknOw. and
back before 10 a m and exper-
ienced very little problem' in driv
ing' ,1iioWever,..by noon hour, the
area Was in the.,gripi..of.a, raging
had a11 gone out in the morning,'
'wete::nosooner,ai school than'
sending them. home •
:Mosrof the_p_upils aytir
School and .Kingsbridgp. Scho'ol,
' .Goes.Thru'l
Newtloy,. .
pupils in'the Port Albert Sheppardl
ton area but'didn't home bin 7
self: lie was stranded stranded for threc.
days at the Store at, Nile. •
'*" •
.deliverccl Were 'let off!With'frie
-and r cia t i•V es when" the goingogot
really desperate. Kinloss Studel.'t's2
who attend attend. Luc know.
Sehool , were billeted out 4,
ar.ound.tle village: .VerLfilyLL'i,
-students::: got bon)
• E1iio l'ritchard-Of•Lucknow,h4S:.
drri-v-iiig-tv,ritr i 1, totiti..±.
• '
1)nrin, he, has used
;Several 1110.40s, of transportation to
bVsur.L. that 'the mail rnade it
thtetri:11", ••
et , -team and
sleiy.1.1 and automobile have been
the losi fa.rnillar modes of
ever the' years.
With nO'niail delivery si(iCe
agod to get'-ertait to patrOns.ar,OUild'.
the St,1:1,e\teriS area. on Saturday'of.
last • snowinobiles \Azer
Used 00•Satutddy'S- deiivcry and"-
-tid of Wayne Todd andROi(
i'Linnaht.,eker sortie- ottlic.
1111 I. R, 2 was deliveredby
. •
.0 •
Gi at
, , ,
torn had
tts hut it
e Testi,ng,
Icor •;hearin,
.. , .•;!'• • . , . .
, 1 i sl bells,..wc • . '
;nOti n al dna :1,ton: of •.'
,.,, • 1.,1 ,.
! 1 1 )
, .,..,4i1 1. 0 ., 4 ba11e,c'?f, ..
,;.,. . \.
5 ,1an Fyin ' t1-tellteariland
LiiktioW's''-inairi street:.-
g -! ...1. . .
:)..A . , in. liar; \sight and sound of . -a ..
f4w. ,•.ar.s.1\sa'g-i',. iis'nOW ,cttlte.-:. .:
lon.fc. 00 \tci'hcat -the .:fil'iigle Of 410. ,
ilei.,..,1-i: be l is on a W•in.ter's day'.,
,,. --...,---,.....-...------,..----...
`fr ,i1IF '.., V/ •••• •40 -...1 40
4, •
• It's been a long time since this part of Western
Ontario was affected by 'winter weather as severely as it
was duriiig last iweek's snow storms. • • '
Starting early •in the day Tuesday, the high ..windS
5 and blowing' snow eased little during Wednesday and
From Friday on,, the weather' eased for short periods
of time, but frequent snow squalls and poor, visibility kept ,
moVement:at-pretty-rnuch a -standstill,
While the storm produced many uncomfortable
• uations for the youngest school pupils up to the senior
citizens, this area was fortunate to escape without more
Weather Prevented Us Getting opy
To entra[Pmitnig:Plant At Goderich
!. •
; ' • ••• •
.• •
' . • • .
. . .
. t •
*. • . • - • •
Despi,te the storm and snow con-
ditiOris Sentinel readers still kept
. •
as -king for their paperlast week.- •
For.soine't,ithei, The, Seritinel:has
done the actual printing operation
of r tbe newspaper At a. comniunity
Press'in'Goderfeh where upWards
of twenty ,Papers print each ‘4/e1<„,.
- Enjoy Ski Holiday- -
In laurentians
Mr. ,and Mrs. Jack'lvlacDonald
Mr. and.Mrs..Jacl< Treleaven,
pleted ;.ready..for printing On sched• now and'Mr:' and Ivirs. George, .
. „
' • • .
Guest " of Wingham., returned
Sat -
CONTINUED ON PAGE 11 .urday'nighi. from a ski holiday in •
th0.Laurentians , at the Chantec':
UrnS. ler Hotel.in'St. Adele., QuebeeReit. •
Dr Ivici<irnwaS unable to 'join . ' •
• .the group because of the bad
. .
Mike'Courtney, Son, of Mr. and -.•
Mrs.'1,eo'Courtney•of Ashfield, At the end Of ,the week,. a
. • • , •
hadto:iletirri:tolGOderach riopit--; race was held called "ski -
1aSY.T17ursday.. Mike , who wa cutta Jack MacDonald affef-Car
in.ifirecl in a .Juvenile hockey roll McKim\iere in the winning
matehthe.previOys Sunday is no class and shared siixty-four•dollarS
suffering from a xype.oT:whiplash. prize 'money With the Other two
There is'a Juvenile ' hockey . class n?,enibers and their ihstrticOr,....
.gAine slated for Owen Sound SOund J• ck MacDOnald''s racing time:was ..
„1.34day...(,,i ea therLperniitti.iisT.)_ which e_condlughest_arrioagth-c-,. .•
no doubt Mike will have to miss. , v,e0Ots participating :
tragic re.stdts. ,
• 1
The prolonged hydro, interruptions insome areas, re-
sulted in financial loss for some people, ranging from
minor to major. •
cono of theprime areas of concern was for school
pupils Who were marooned with their teachers in area
schools,- some of -them without, heat and, hydro
The storm last week did make us realize that in tines ,
of trouble, ,we are fortunate to, live in rural 'Western Ont -
6.:••+++4+4++++.+++:•.:•:+ •:t 44+. +•:• •,4
• " • "
• • •
. . • • .
• •
. . .
Frightening Experience
of : •-corriplete*th 11e1rretTa facrtha
the icifitail areahaVe'a lot tizi,',beprobably saved.his life, Jack spent ;.
thankful.for'f011owing•-last.Week's ithe most of the ,night in motion
„ .
,inOw sform. Jack became lost,. so. that he 'Would not freeze • In • .
on a sneiviniobile last' Frictay. night the meantime; Eric Drennan , son
ario. , •
• Hundredsof homes were opened to stranded motorists. '
Kissing persons bulletins on CKNX radio were 'numerous
and concerbed people :were alWays. ready .and willing •to
pig news .for any. radio and ,TV• station, Cloix is to be
commended for going beyond 'the normal news gathering
patterin--in_proxiding a„,valuable .public service. - Without -
• —their persOnal-Ar4atnieht--of the news, there -Would have. .
been' many ,mOre • orations moments for area peopleand•
possibly more serious consequences.
• Also in line for a special word of praise are the
countlesssnowmobilers in the .area who gave up the
comfort of :their • (Aries o.assis ers.
.1.Without the help of, ihOvvraobilerS, this Storm would
have produded, some very unpleasant sittiationS.
- While-the.Hrest of waited ,, pollee, hy11 phone and
snowplowing crews, Worked rotmd. the clock th restore
ervice. We eould ge, on and On in our ,eofiilendations,
There were, 'many 'acts of kindness, helpfulness ° and
In times Of problems and troublesf.When•peoiole need
help,:i8 there any place tonin rather bel
an it• -a -s--7' abOur-73-a.m:, Saturday ,of Mr.. and Mrs--.71-ienry-,Drenwan
who had also been at, the $innett •
•fatin , 'drove to the Collinson'farm •,; '
to check -to-seeif Jack had -arrived''';- --• -`• -
. .
morning before he made his 'way
to the farm of AlVin,Morah on, the
10th of *
Mr Collinson.lives on the -Kin-
tail sideroadH,-runriing between
Lochalsh•and-Riritail-On Pada
night he had been at"the farm of
Jim Sinnett, immediately behind
his. farm on the first sideroad.to
the east of the C011inson place.
He had left for home on:his-
snowmobile. His northal:route .•
would be north on the Sinhett
sideroad, west on'the,10th and;
sotrtfron -thentailirdeioa-d
home, Apparently Jack •
missed the 10th concession in
some mariner and ended up in 'a
field in an area between the 'l'Oth
and 12th of Ashfield, east of tl
' This was about 2' a .rn. ,The •
CollinsOn'Phone had been ourof
order 'and, there was no way to .• • ,
phone to •citeCk abOut.:Jacis arriv-
al; Finding hiM. missing the • •
help of other showmobile.rs was: •
itnmt-d:i-at-e-l-r-su-rnmurred---a-nd a
group of six searched, all night
without success. .
, .
AS t ear1y nioinLag weather :
cleared from time to time ,, Jack ,
was able to distinguish 'yard' lights
at the farms of. Alvin Moran; Bud •
Parrish and Allan MacDonald-. lee =
struckout on foot and arive•' ,
at the CAM/1,0f , ,
•on tsnowniobile*broke and /\,loran'On the south -side* of the'
„lack foundniself•
he • , • .
10th of,Ashfield about 7 a.nl. A
. hi..loit and Wit- ' •
.„.;„ • • . • - •• h
•. • missing person',been. • • •
out trahsportatibri„ ••• • ! '-• •
-•• • • -.•'.broadCast on radio .by this tinie
..fir#....atteihr4edto'bUry bun:- •; 4.1.0h4d,-.,beet,Le,,x`pOied t:CLflio•
self..in 'the- •stiowtO-brealthe,strOng • elements 'for about eight eight..4660'004,
Later..,..,:f eating 'that he ._..was-none•the-watse tot,
wOhItl':freeti,,- he, got on his feet
fotind,a.,-freC ',.ah4,•Oti tinned'. towall< en -fingers andbeingelttremelY. • .
around the ,tre.pusiiig, the: tree a -s tired frorn his experience. Cheek
i,art,.dtitarktd:.makesurc ho did flOt the ocinitiort household. *
. •
stray.••• • . • '.0"11•\1•1(Itiday-4: we find Jack 'well and • •
1)rcsscd in •a sucwniobi1c suit , • 'without even a cold" . • - - - - • • -
• • •