The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-01-27, Page 14FOURTEEN • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. t. ALL NO. 1 GRADE 4 FEET x 8 FEET x l/4. INCL ►merican Cher • r . -..Random Grn��red . Y PER SHE WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, .1911 ?• � � ceeding on leaYe •2 a.•teacher • must :have taught in Duron Coun ., ibrar ServicesWIJ1, � � � ty for •5 years previous and when : Available'At North AshfPublic Schoolhe or.sbe returns must teach an • other 3.•yeats, in the'County. 3) . MARIAN, ZINN BOARD OF EDUCATION, MEMBER • After the.,committee of Huron 'student fees.=were'deducted w'as County Board of.Educatiot:,rnet approximately $14,000., At F ,E•. with.the Huron County Library: ; Madill S S;..the vehicles:were Committeeand• the -hl rarian• Miss ; provided by'Lillow's Ga.ta,ge Blue Dewar it w -as agreed to ,purchase ale , while Ggderich 'Motors' Huron'Count.y Library services for Baird:Motors and Huron Autotrro- schools. in: the County without lib , 'jive & Supply provide the cars 'for rary services (e7 -.g. North Ashfield., the Goderieh• school. ' The Board Public 'School)' for $1: 00 .a student,., purchases insurance , gasoline , Thesebooks, will be changed 3 Or oil and. routine .servicing. .4 -times a year and will mostly 2. What is a sabbatical leave? consist of fiction books.. This; -is . -,Is-a--leave-of absence} for one above the $6 per pupil which; is • year for a teacher to pursue • allocated under the,budget for, further education or specialize. in elementary. schools., Brookside fa field in which te.' administra } -Publfc'Schooa has, over 4100 books tive staff feel they require a teach in the library'and F. E. Madill. et. 'In the. salary agreement.,be- 'Secondary.School.has�12°,000 tween the Board and teachers books and over 2 ,000:• paperbacks. there is a number of stipulations The circulation at', F. E:. Madill such as: 1) during the sabbatical for the month of October 1970 ;was' ' leave • the teacher shall be paid , 2,410,. 1 was amazed at the num- 66'2/3'of the salary he would ber of :books (fiction, ,,non fi ion,; have been paid were ,he not pro - reference ,books, etc.) that are :in' 4 ;FEET x, B FEET X 1/4 INC �ma Gilt s ern root/ the Huron, County Library depot; ;(in the basement of the :Court''• House;, Goderich) and ;Miss,'Dewar is very,Willing-to help ,anyone who wishes to•find a certain book or find' books, -in pre•aration for a t.opic`•or' thesis .on;any subject:`The use of• -books, periodicals, and reference books,, etc isbecom SH•EET ing More important. in the prepara tion., of students who will be re. quired to' continue self -education :far beyond their/i,days• 41. school If :you think that your -ctild is: • - watching too'rnuch TV or if, you as :a parent wish to read a •goad •' book, encourage .your son 'or. daughter :to bring.. holne.a book 'or paper ba,c.k froru th'e,school lib racy; It was agreed to. •sponsor. a 1971 72 winter course;in Social Studies: Mr. J• W: -,,,Coulter informed'- the board that a. new course.. in' Social Studies.; is corning out .for Grades • 1. 5 s' . Sortie `Board :Members bers stated that they, hoped 'it would contain more' Canadian: History and' Geography: as they ,felt•child.- ` ren -from -the -=ages of-6-10-Y'0--ktrow; Sleightholm spent the week end more about: other 'carntries than with Mr, and 'IVirs,'Douglas Tiffdn• they do of Canada .,• Pres- Of Win harri. ent time 131 elementary teachers: g. are takin an ' r Mr::and hits.,, Clarence,. Ritchie . g A t Course at Bruce Of 2nd concession,/.'Kinl'oss.were' ' field. Ninety-two are- from the recent; visitors' with Mr'. and Mrs. County Board and 3B. are' from Gershom•'Johnston of: Wingham. Other Counties and from the. Sep- SISTER PASSESarate School. staff; . 'Syrripathy•is'-ext,eiided from•th . The, ,above items ate 'only gait acornmunity to Mr, and MIs. Rus` of• a ,long.agenda at our last meet- •sel'Chapman ins'the p'as'sing Of her ` ing: 1 do not wish to;repeat what sister Mrs J W Shoebridge at has been given on the news bp WellesleyHos ital onsaturda CKNX:. However 'at our last meet .p y •.�. -The. funeral was Tuesday at' ng we dealt with 2 delegations Orillia. ' Mrs. Shoebridge will be and :another hour was in;'ldiscussion --re-r-n.er-nber-ed=by-some-;n the vil-° of our-Anti's-andTObjec ivies, which .. •l willdiscuss in a' la•ter•colurnn. 1. How many rec ive Driver Education and what is •the cost? A1.1:students taking Driver Educa•' 1.64 v4, 9;15 4'0`, 1•n4g.6-9"7e`a totak. f 46,;6.;students'ir the County were' enrolled :in•Driver'• Educa tion•courses.:'At. F. E, Madill_, • 121_students-were-trained: and• at Goderich' District•Collegiate lnsti- tute there were 105, ' "Each student. received;25 hours:of classtoom * N• ,. instruction and '26 hours "incarN instruction', 8 hours of which ar'� a. °""" -Were=actua=l" behrnd rhes e`e1" driving , ,Instructional".costs is $7 per hour: for classroom instrttC+` tion and "inca't'`' instruction is $5.. The total cost in this 'period after • n THIS PRICE:.EFFECTIVE ONLY. WHILE:.PRESEN,T' SUPPLY. LAST, PHONE 528-3.Li8.` IT.ECHURCH Miss Joyce Tiffin recently "spent, • an evening: with her. frier -Id -Miss • 'Brenda Glousher of Win ham": • g Misses Joyce Tiffin .:Gale Rin_ toul and ;Janet. Sleightholm-spent Friday evening with Mary Lou, Wa-1l. ,Mr, and Mrs, Jack Kerr,of Blue vale were. Sunday visitors with' Mr., 'and•=Mrs. -Ivan Laidlaw and family and Mr: , Herb Laidlaw. Mr.., and Mrs.' Gordon Campbell' .._...:.have -,have -notified that' in Feb' '. ,ruary he is being' transferred to • Richmond. Hill. `.'Mrs,, Campbell is the•former Sharon Rintoul. Congratulations to••Mt. d•Mrs George euriir who ree`b oently .reivl ed. word of 'the birth of,,their 'sec-- and great grandchild. Jason Casey • son• of• Mr . and. Mrs:.Case'. Balk of ``Winnipeg . Mr, and Mrs. Harry, Moss of •,Plattsvilie were recent visitors . with• r and Mrs,• Ben .Mcclen '.aghan and.Mr, and Mrs: `Carl Mc- Clenaghan. r': a-nd�frs:�Gerslom "Johtf ' ton of Wingham were Saturday. visitors with 7vlr. • and Mrs. Jim Johnston atdy farnily:of Listowel, Miss Donna Caslick of Cuitoss - - artd_. .e:orge-Miller--of- Wingham-• - s visit'ed•°Sunday with. her gtanddd- parents Mr and Mts..,,Earl Caslick Mt:. and -Mrs. 'Russel Ross ed .Friday with•Mr, and' Mrs,•' Gordy • ...on Scott of Ripley:... , N'lisses Joyce Tiffin and Jat et LUCKNOW lage 'haying .driven the`school bus for Russel .Chapman• fora few weeks 'when he was ill and just an , owned one bus. . A Rih1Stud ,class ,as -lie - last Tuesday•evening at. the home of Mr. and Mrs., George Thomp- son. Rev: Karl DeI<oetjer of. •B1leVale.was in charge. .Mr. and Mrs:, Bob 'Dawson and Cindy ,of Campbellfo�rd spent the -week end .with her parents Mr.• and Mrs." George Fisher�and fam- ily ofWirigharn, • After-rritf h.working with.snow:and water the Recr'ea tion Cornrnittee succeeded in having, ice on the open jrarink at Whitechurch -Park on Sunday - afternootr.The srnal..i" crowd'• which gathered to enjoy 'skating and snowr.o.bile rides 'really had a most s pleasant afternoo11 as the sunshine and not too cold weather added much to the enjoyment As the word got around doting' the ernoon. that thea was skating;• the park Borne of the younger fry came iii late' afternoon a'nd: enjoyed skating;, the teacher on: his return shall ',submit to xhe Board a• written re - , port qn his, year' of.study, research or program., Not.. .more than .four applieations front the secoridary- or_4 from, the elementar'y,sehools • hall be granted tit any one :year:. At the last. board, `ineeting'on1y 3 sa.b. att..cal:le.a.ves were granted for 1971-7-.. • • 3;.. What is an "ad.hoc".cors tntttee? is a 'temporary committee- ap- .pointed. for aspecific purpose and , is -dissolved .when the Board.' ►nem ' bers- make their final report :to the Board. However,,: any, Board member can•.attend an "ad hoc" rneeti:ng:a-rid haveifull•voting . Privileges. ' Buying a. a; e: your pc units n� • Exceptional'value of this I'oW price.,.:. Ideal for' humidifying`.. •bedr.00m; 'office,, bachelor apartments ' Light,. easy, to move fr•o:m,roorrj:to room.•' ELECTRO H O M E.: PORTABLE : ELECTR'OHOME H44 Sharply styled.,° two- tone::hurnidifierwith 2 -speed'' fan.:. `Perfect tor the '4 :or'.b room: house or' apartr ent. X44 •''' . � :;�,;�,> ELE;CTRO-H`OME H88 Choice of wood.gr.ain finishes. Has variable speed fan'. Rolls on freewheeling casters. Serves': 7. room dwelling. :the ultirnatein house —hold:humidifie'rs. Auto= matic humidistat main tains constant moisture level. ' Signal light indi, cates when tank is'empty, , W uAtlfi I I . •. Decorator• •--cabrrr t-iw ehoiee of.wood grains. Priced .from c:==::;01:1010=0 0 0 Greer T.V. A�d Electric LUCKNOW PHONE 528-3112