HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-01-13, Page 12Most of the money invested in: our highinterest 'paying Guaranteed investment` ,Certificates has a ,priority, in. mortgage loans we make in the same area.. Your investment in Victoria and.;:: Grey Certificates, not only. helps --you, it helps -your- ;community to:- •grow and. prosper, VG ,TRYST COMPANY SINCE . 1889 Lealand Hill, Manager Elginan i 1< Goderich r 52:-7381. THE 1 UCKNOVY ENT1NE4 . The: 10.71: inaugural session of West 'Wawanosh.Township Council was held January 5th,a:t the .borne of the Clerk at .11 00 members of Council subscribed to the' Declaration of Elected Office . The minutes of the •De;cernber l5th'rneeting tn.:1970. were read and, adopted. ori- Motion of Coutt 'cillors Aitchisson;.and: McDonald., Roev.e. Lyons welcomed =net members of Council and, those • Councillors-'ret•urning, for' another two-year. term .. ' on motion of Cot ncillors Donald and Aitchison:, the Clerk.. was 'authorized to putchase.a. ;filing cabinet, not to exceed; a- cost, of $160.00. '-Township Officials with ;their :. respective salaries are named un„ By -taw # 1., 1971, iven•third , reading -and: finally -passed -on • rnotion of Councillors Durnin and, :Hickey. Officials and salaries are: Clerk '- Joan Armstrong® ;.$120:0,'00; 'Treasurer Clarence Greer - '$650.00; Reeve .-.Roby l Lyons .$325:00;' Councillors 1 $275 Grader, Operator .$2.. 25 per hour;. Wingme'n - $1:90 per hour; Casual Labour $1.90 per hour..Three new fence -viewers: were, named by'this by -law Lorne.' Forster Ro •, ou ' - . 1. Albert Taylor -.tate -..$10.0b per da ,'Other 'viewers are Gordon Smyth, 3ert Moss and�'Wiliam Caesar:.' Pound-keepersremain gas, last year, as are the livestock` evaluators::. Livestock evaluator''s fee ;is $5:00 per '.inspection. ,`By -Law## 2; 197.1., authorizing; .th`eReeve and Treasurer to bort-, , row up to $80;000.00-to'cover Township.=expenditures in 1971 WEDNESDAY. jANUA.Rt;Y utktil the taxes, a.re c$340c:ted; was given third. read in) and firm :fly, • passed ori motion of Councillors Aitciuison .and McDo11a1d;, The .road ace,ourfts'were ordered' paid;. on motion: 'o,f C'Qunc iflors Hickey aid Durnin� Councillors McDonald, and purnin `by ;Inpt on., '.duly urip;ved. and seconded;,;. appointed' 1-1.0191 i', Errington .as ,1 Vest Waw.a,no$h representative :to. the Maitland Valley C9nservation.Authority, fOr. the years of 1971' 4(1(1.19;72; lvlr, Alex Chesney,:; l-juron 'Coun.. ty Weed Inspector, appeared be.. fore Council to. ascertain 4s' in- -= tendons as far as, a-we.ed control program is:corncerned . for .1971 in ' West' Wawanosh:. • Cou ncil. assu,r ed hirrr '.they. would •att;einpt earlier control' of roadside cutting during the summer of l971,� 4 'The following ,general accounts . were passed for :pa.ym.ent on Jpor.: tion of Councillors 'Aitchison arid'; Mc Donald: . --H r�old Err-rngto-n,--i borr-tn- les , '28, 00, Ontario l-fydro., arrears on tax roll' 91: 57; County of Hur on , 'talc- collection charges ; 252:1$; Huron -Perth T.B, Assoc iation , 1970 grant , 5` 00;,'Town. -- thi hospita1: representative expenses,. ,. 25..00. Municipal' World, elec tion sugp1ies', drainage forms •. Fire Area Raven chimney,fire , 52.00; Ont: ario..Hydro,' Dungannon .lights ;', 687.52;'Lucknow' Sentinel.., elec'- tion' ballots; 56:45; Receiver General, postage stamps Municipal World,2 subscriptions,; • 10111111111 col pm -1111.41114$110111- LUCKNOW =- PHONE 54432' e are•accounts;, .. • 950, ROAD ACCOUNTS Narvey Culbert',"salary 107;65 Hurnphrey., Operator ,.1533:.59, A,:.. M Dorra-ld;: '' wi ngrna-rt-, ,121; 03;7 R,;.Phrllips,. w'ingnian, 3.3:,30 N-: McDonald, 'plowing snow , 162;25: Roy Hardy plowing:snow ,.: 295. 00,. Radford's 'Garage , tire' • repair, -7:75; Bank of Commerce.. C. P. P, and 1: T'ax, .5'7.46; Rev-. 11 eiver Geneial,'U.. 9 20, Huron County k h4 ; Streets , re. locate �r fi tdr%o Ltirdc rai.1' , ;u 173.25: Council .a.t journe'd�tc ruary .2 at„1;011 p in .t,4t;4 'horde of .the -Clerk. i�. ;,JO{1N ARMMSTRO` ;: Clerk.•. • . LU ALE ONTARI to R 2 Door-Hardtops,Fu 11:� Power, Rear Defogger, Engines 390 and 351, •Automatic. Trarisznsaion;.Radio' .Last Year. For The '5 Year or 50,000 Mile; Warranty POEtOYERLOOK 1970 -i-- S33 :METEOR CONVERTIBLE. 390 -_- V8 :ENG,INE, AUTOMAI`IC 'TRANSMISSION, p;OWER,BRAKES, POWER STEERING, 'POWER WINDOWS, :970, -METEOR MO NTCALM--2 DOOR HARUrOP,1:390 X118 ENGINE,- AUTOMATIC, RADII, POWER' BRAktk, STEERING'. AND WINDOWS. REAR DEFOGGER,' iYEAKERS,' HEAVY IMITY •sUSpENSioNf WHEEL COVERS LIST $4990 Ni LJ$ED CAR INVENTORY NOW pT'$65,000 anoary wit aniuvi X029'.` TEES'VV`A,TE 92.0941.