HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-01-06, Page 13i WEDNESDAY,; ,JANUARY. 4, 1971 RIO TIDE L.UCKNOW SENTtIIEL, LUCKNOW, ONTA PAfit' •',TMIRTREN: Baptismal �e�vice: ZION NEWS ' n.Sunday Donna Grace, six=. • month-old daughter :of Mt and _ M. Douglas Raynard was christen ed'in.Trinity United Church Rev J. l umme11officiated. Dinner guests with Mr,. and °'Mrs Raynard on Sunday were: Mnd•,Mrs Bob McAllister and: Bill d DuFigannon 'and. Mr..a�nd• ivlrs,. Nelson •I aynard of hucknow: ' , .00 NewYear's Day visitors with Mr. nd Mrs. Allan Ritchie and fari ily. were Mr, and, Mrs.: . Wesley. Ritchie of, Lucknow and:, ;John Ritchie . ,John and Kenneth Ritchie were mho t to•S'unday evening dinner`. 'at the Mayfair Restaurarit'•for Ivlr: and Mrs•.., Joe. 'Hawkwood ,> Howie Greg and Joanne of Calgary, Bill 'Bancroft. and:Doug Waremouth of Cochrane and, lvlr.•and Mrs,. ,Wes ley Ritchie of;'Lucknow All per- sorrs were guests at the Alton.-, .' .Levick wedding last'Saturday Mr, •.Hawkwood• is a brother law: cif John Ritchie . Latex Sunday evening. the dinner•party were entertained at the borne of Mr uyifg a t TriflityChurc and Iylrs Albert Taylor of Wawa nosh. Not attending at Taylors. were Mr : and, Mrs. Wes Ritchie. Wedding .eongratulationi are., extended tQ Mr., and Mrs:. Peter Leviek, newlyweds, They left' Malton,;Airpor`t on' Sunday visit:' friends and relatives in calgary'and Cochrane, Alberta, for a week. A'mong`those they will visit will.be Iyit's:.Isob,elle Hwkwood , their..elderly grand. mother,, .who. was unable to, .attend the wedd.ing'.due to her. • health, . May, from this :community.. and. area attended the reception'he.ld . :on.Sat,rday evening in --the Legion= Hall, Lucknow• in=honour:,of Mr, and Mrs Levick, formerly Marl orie Alton A good time' was. en . joyed by alb. Visitors with M, and ;'Mrs y - i;lenr" Gardner and Lane•were� Mr-,: and M.r's:-'Armstrong Wilson Of', .• Lucknow on Wednesday. evenirig a.r d . Peter Connoii of x.eter on.. Saturday ; o, V,rsitors •for New Years'week<' . end Holiday were•Mr.'and 'Mrs. • Exceptionaavalue'at•this.Io'w price. Ideal for; humidifying.: bedroom; offi`ce,, bachelor: apartments'. Light,•easy move from room to room, • 'ELECTROH:OME PORTABLE, ELECTROHOME H44 :Sharply styled, ;two- tone 'hu•rnid Fier. with 2 -speed f_an. Perfect•: for. th.e``4. or 5 ,room`'. house or apartment. • The. ultimate in hdu`se ' hold'hu`midifiers. Auto"• 'uratic humadistat main'. tains constant .tnoi.stu�re vel.+gFtaa�a'•, .hiad� rates whentank.is empty: Shutis .bf i utomat,icaiIy. ELECTROHOM,E . H8.8. Choice of wood grain finishes. Has variable:• speed fan:: Rolls' on freewheeling casters. Serves 7., room'dweIIing Decorator' cabinet in • choice of wood grain. ociossioctoc er- LUCKNW Od0 Donald Kirkland and Lana of I�iiigsville , Mr, sand Mrs, Ken; *Kirkland of Toronto', Nancy Kirk,' -land •land of Stratford. All the Kirk .land'famtlies were entertained on., New Years by, Mr and: Mrs.: David Kirkland, Annette and: Sux:- ;anne • . Mr' and Mrs Wallace Wilson and .Wanda visited Ml.:- and Mrs.' , Gordon Kirkland on Wednesday evEning . Barbara Wilkins.' entertairted'_her friends -at: a :New'Year s. Eve Party', where they enjoyed ski.-- • doo riding ,-,games--etc,, 'young folks.also celebrated' Brenda '.,Ritchie's birthday, which ':occurred. on New Year's Day. and 'Mrs:: Frank Ritchie returned' home with Mr:• and• Mrs. hris Brdwn,to Brantford ,on Wed. nesday ; .The Brown family had spent`part o`f Chr`stmas holidays' visiting ,in the Lucknow area _L1r ti and•Mrs. Ritchie .visited Mrs.: Mary, McA;Pley at Milton and; found her•impr'oved in. health, They,returried home onSaturday:, Wanda Hunter 'returned to Win dsor on, Sunday after spending the.. holiday at =her, home . ' Cihristmas visitors with Mr.. and: Mrs Jim 'Hunter and 'Wanda were Mr,: and: Mrs.., Lorne Ritchie and. Annabelle` of Ripley , ,Ivtr.. and,MTS. lespie , Ronny arid.Cathy of„:Krn •lough, Mr.' and Mrs Bill'Smith • and Risbby of Seaforth , Mr. • and Mrs.; ,Ken Nicholson and family of Wingham and Mr. and Mrs. -Dan. . Nicholson of• Lucknow • Mr.:, and "Mrs". , •Roy_Kearre-of Stratford 'visited with Mr. and Mrs. . .- Hunter- on New :Years and were' guests at. the Alton-Levick wedding; On Saturday an Trinity United' Church.,'returning:home on Sunday. T. HELENS Christmas visitors with Mr and: •Mrs , Albert 'Taylor: and Ray -were: Mr and Mrs Ken Taylor of Til- lsonburg, •Dorothy Taylor of•.Bramp ton 'and Mr.,. Herb Taylor of Goder= ich Holiday visitors with Mr... and Mrs Andrew Gaunt were .Mr`,, and Mrs ar herwood acid r`E nesE o Carlow., Mr. andMrs .:Gordon Dawson of Corunna , •M"` and Mrs. Murray ,Gaunt Stephen and Steph_ anie of Wingham, Leslie Ritchie ,of Lucknow, Russel 'Ritchie Whiteehurcch: and:Ivir. ,and 1v1rs:` Johnston. Conn of'Wingham. Visiting with Mr and Mrs: a.'rvey—Webb-w-ere 'Mr,. a-ncN L. , ;Dan. Rose, and; family of. Emo', and Mr and Mrs,. Ken Grewar and • •family of• •Montreal during the 9 Christmas 'holid.ays . Mr: and' Mrs: Gordon :McIntyre' of-�ckimvrti�--Hill-Y�--Mr--�--a nd�lts . c•Intyr:e,of Weston, and Mi. and:.Mrs. Gordon Miller of London 'Were, visitors with.` Mr. and. Mrs'. ' ` Tom "Todd and Mrs ,W. I • Miller' and `Isobel.. mt.: and; Mrs Fred iliompson Benny'and Billy Of Cookeville were;holidaayy visitors and .Mrs ...Gondot`MacPlierson's ' : SUNDAY SCHOOL CONCERT , The. St. • Helen''s Sunday School concert was held on Tuesday; 1)eceinber'22nd,with a large • attendance: ',Several humorous iir 1Nere ` prese't ted by; the"va,rious' classes., Just a ren tnder.of the January meeting Of •tht 1N.1 on..Thursday next Shoat Party in the hall' ori Thursday e retying: ' V,isittn,g, during, the holidays •, with their patents, Mr..and Mrs. FranieMewhinriey'were Marie •Mewhittney' horn -st, C:.trines,." Murray iv1'ewliiltncy fr011iTit.ter borough { at)d Potig,la•s"Mewh' ine•'. from lvliiton:. ES BROTHERS LU!"KNO Editor in Chief — Robert Rooney a1 •. Assistant -- Beverley Smith Mary MacCharles Barry MacDonald Bruce Aitken THOUG:H1'S ON THE:NEW.YEAR f'Genera.l.ConiensuS.ofopinion among the students seems. dicate,.that 'the 'New Year, and, :the return to 'school were `too 'close Ito New, Year's Eve;: There. is a • :little.indignation about this thoughtless situation:One of our more romine'nt-sent"Big "B p .. ,g .: Red” McCreath:saysc,-."It 'ought to be .looked' into!". -Jackie; Johnston. has returned from -partssouth Her luxurious : tan,.'is'•the '.source of considerable envy. among the 'rest of we "'pale Japes °. It_ ood-to.'s,ee Bryan~Boy • with, us again,.; He suffered. fibril; a rather badly .broken collar bone Y �. inflicted .in a hockey game be- : fore the. start of holidays. . We • can think ,of .better Ways to spend Ripley was st►ccessful in defeat !Eng Kincardine in tt e.firstgame.. The second game pr'o'ved more ' . exciting as Ripley .met with tougher competition in the form' 1of Wiarton.:.:At the end of the: sixth end; the•.sc'ore was 10 ,'3.for Wiarton'but Ripley.buckled down and:' c:halkedup•6 big points res:ult, ing in• the. score at the nth" end;; ` 'Unfortunatehy Ripley failed to pull through in ihe'last • '. •end:'and the finalscore was Mar - ton al ; Ripley 9 . PARENTS' NIGHT Tuesday, .January 12 f"rum 7.30 to 10•;00 ;is our nig, t,; or .t e par- ents'.. .Everyone is welcome t0'': conie.'andget to _kti w our: teach r o e s. the .vacation. -.The Christmas,Dance on'.Dec- ember .22 Vas. a"Success.' ,The band , )the kr.„1 Pine' ; performed- magnificently. and the•many coup' les there seerned•to enjoy, them selves.. The' new system of: sign- ing -in proved ;workable .. The dance helped set the stagefor the. festive holiday to Come. • CURLING On Wednesday , December 30•, Ripley'High School sent'a,teanl to'compete in the "School,Boy", oonspiel held.in; Grey Granite Curling Club in Owen found : ; Other teams participating were , from Kincardine, Clesley,. _Wiar t_on;,- Ow,eri1Sout d,I anoyer and Port Elgin,,. • R :pley'-s 7reanr eon .. sisted of'Donald (Moe) Martin. (skip), Brian' MacDonald •(v'ice);. , 341 Kcirkpatricksecond), Peter Walden. (lea d)rand.coa.ch Mr,. Bill Turvill.. • (intended "for last ,issue). Mrs. George Emerson and Mrs.. Chester Campbell visited on Sat urday with their. mother Mrs John ,Bel.l in Wiarton. ,• Mr'., Hank Parker, returned to his Yarm on'the 12th after spending ; some trm:e rn Btlr-lirtgton-Hospit:a1L 'His"';friends:were happy "to see.him iback , ' Mr , and Mrs "Roy Collins were • dinner -guests .on Sunday of Mr,; land! Mrs. Howard:Thompson. -Visitors last. week with Mr. an jMt$:'. Don, Dore and family . e1e Iv». Claude Dor_e_Sr, of :'• --B.erwie7 Hattk Parker and &ir ntf; Mrs 'Howard Tho ipsbn. Folks ih this communitytake, this•';, opportunity to wish for all a Very Merry, Ch;ristnias and a Pros- perous .New .Feat d • OPEN MON., TTJES. i WED„ PRI SAT: kit ,-1.6 'P.M,, .CLOSED. TfIURSDAYS, ALL DAY ' DRY CLEANING IN, BY 16 A.M. a 1 w TOUT BY 6'P:«:: SHllt SERVICE 'HON:t.5284335-:'•