HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-01-06, Page 11EDNISDAY, JANUARY :4, - THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,•MO.NTAR.IO PAGli ILIUM Father Passes itchener Hospital Reverend:,and. Mrs, Donald Stroh•of St. John's, Newfound,- land'received word the day after 'Christmas that his: father. Walter Stroh`of 'Conestoga had died'aft.er ,several months' in hospital in, Kxtckener: • •Done Was,',l11 with a, throat, ,'nfec ,- tion. so Mrs. Stroh; the•`former, ,ouise A6tdrew of this community; delive,red. the• Sunday morning ' sernton.auTrinity Lutheran. 4They arrived on 'Monday thorn- ing at Toronto:' Mr:•and Mrs William E. Andrew and attended the funeral on Tuesday'` afternoon in Conestoga- and. brought Louise home with, therm ,• On 'Friday Mrs Andrew', Stephen: and Louise'visited witt•the Stroh fam•ily'and tools Don and Louise: to,. Toronto to catch the plane back to St; John's CHALSH 'Miss •Linda' and Donna Wylds of London and' 'Mrs . Alfred Stone of,.. St. Marys were holiday visitors ith Mr'. 'and Mrs:.,• Warren. Wylds. Mr: and ',Mrs:.`Allah MacLean .''. and family of Gollingwood were among visitors, at .the hone `'of Mr.. `a nd"'N1ts Ewan MacLean or the .holidays and', rs 'Dav,id•-Todd:-were Visitors in .Chrrllra and Listowc1,r with relatives durLnthe holiday week. John Bradley'af the, Univ rsity. of 'Guelph spent'the holidays with Mr': and Mrs',' Eldon Bradley, MI'. and Mrs. ; Henry'.Mac.l ;en zie.,- Jini, and Nei.i were holiday dinner 'guests at the,'itorne: of.their daughter Mr.' and. Mrs'. '13i11 E,lay- • den..., Mr. Toni Farrell spent',Christ.- nras day. i'n Coderich with 1`1r,., and Mrs: Murray McGill and. New.. Year's, Da•y in Kincardine with: Mr,' and Mrs, Robt. MacCormick..: There are several more;snorrro-, leSdn [he_corn •. , 1 M acKenzieand .Ross Mackenzie being among th'e' latest. '`Mr::'and Mrs. Harold, Elphick: nd 'family spent Christmas in Tee_swaterwith Mr :arid Mr Gordon Stobo: Miss Marion.MacLennan .is now iving ;in Sudbury Miss Doris, Wylds spent 'the Reception :Held For Percy Barrs . ' RiNLOUGH:NEWS. A reception wa.s (held in the' i ,.p Holyrood hall on Monday -°evening,. .for •Mr. and, Mrs; Perey I3arr who: left .on Tt .esday ;for Toronto..dn ,their, return trip -to Fair Banks.•,• ',Alaska,. , • 1r. and .Mrs, :I3ert»Nicholson ' and. Lois•andKirn Langford visited' Tuesday' evening with. Mr, and Mrs,. Howard Thompson and Bert. Mr, and 'Mrs: Bill Burt and famil••'spent. Christmas with her . paren Mr._ and :Mrs Angus Mac Kay iverton;r' Christina's •anetholiday Visitors with Mr, and 'Mts, E3ert,Nicholson; were ;Lois' of Mi;l'ton , Allan of . Georgetown , Mr, and 'Mrs..Ted Evans, Linda ,Larry and Lisa , Mr.,, and Mrs . Je'rry Collison of George- town, eorge••town, Mr. and Mrs, Cliff Lang. ford': Janaie,and P'atri. of ' Woodstock :(their.little daughter Kim` has been with her grandpas= ents here rear •several weeks, while Db alined), 1v1r:'and. Mr's.:Gebrge''' Cuyler.of Millartor , Mr, and Mrs. J la'rold Slessor and Connie Of .Glands. and,Mrs... George Bushell; of Mdnt•rea'1 , M'r,' and: Mrs : Doug- las, 'Fra:ser. and oug-las;'1raser.and fa'nuily-•of•Armow, and' Mrs: Gertrude .i3ushell spent. 'Chris>maswith:-Mr, a-nd, Mrs hd Bert [>ushell ' Nir and ,Nits. Ralph Il,aldenby,` Billy and Connie of Guelph visit ed over `tt>•e.week-end` with his parents. Mr. and: Mrs: William' Haldenby, Mr..and. Mr's:. Howard:'White Side-; Howie and Brian, Mr. and. Mrs ., , Howard` B'e,rtnett , ,'Howard • Bennett' (Jr',) and Miss 1 leather Lenneus •of Toronto visited -with • and ,Mrs,, Art Haldenby. Christmas Holiday visitors with Mr::a'nd M•rs.' Roy.Sch,neller and: ,Jim were:Mr. and. Gus, Donald. Earle and family of ,lseechville,•.. nd': Mr 17Th H a d' A1r.an s.� o n. t; bg fartril . of . Win',,ham and Miss Bet:i. .cer.o f S hnelle o ,Kitchener.' Mr. and h,irs.' Bob, Stnith and r ,Ba'vi 'ted'•with Debbie of �Noh t , y sr . , her. .grandfather Mr, g g. . .dera b y.. Mr. •and Nirs. Bill, Graharn of ed.T.ues d • y ev:e.nin ' g Lucknow visit s. 'Scott and with` Mr.,•aind',Ivls..Jack Mrs': Cox e Cutting Paces,•.. ' �i�1■btrrti�a���i•i Women s SnoBotS Musses Sflokots mem IN mum Noitoi Overshoes' ME:N'S, AND, •CHI.LDREN'S 3. MEN'S AND, BOYS' dubber Insulated Boots EN ti ri sinsint • MEN'S, WOMEN'S' WAND' . CHILDREN'S' Ates ALL 'PRICE 'RANGES OFF 1111, ammi.sii.mti RTS FRIDAY, JANUARY pr .=O= =0=0 —0=0 O,=O Lucknow 8 'hone. 52$-3117 1 Christmas visitors: with' Mr', and Mrs. Gordon Kirkland .were Mr. • an•' rs. ' -n i a ' NancY Kirkland' of Stratford., Mr. and Mrs. :David Kirkland , Annette and Suzanne of ,Luckno:w: .Nance Y and Annette returned with. ken Kirkland for a few days.vi,sit with. • thein 'in Toronto., ;With`Mr', and Mrs: ,..Frank ChRit chie for cistrnas:wre �Mf. and:: • • holidays with her parents•and brothers Tvtr°.' aitd':Mrs . •K. L, MaeKenzie. a '.�. a few da sin I- ainilton With: c '0.N/it. h brothers of Mt. K. L... Macke g Nir. Ra 'c .y Ma Kinzie.' of 'Toronto as',a holiday Visitor w"th Mr • y i . . 'nd Mrs.. Ihenry.'Mac Kenzie', Mrs Annie,MacMurchy spent •of w days with Mr. and athertonof. Elmira .• • Mr - .and Mrs•' •Donald Sini son anti; fa tnily spent. Cliristrnas' with r.ti_n �rs,Ifni" , Elliott. 'A car driven across the road' and thru'the. fence at the. Ripley''" ids road during the holidays rought to light �r similar story of young;coup:le. rriany years ago, • tied blindTTiorse,and'oir' eturning .to the :Lucknow - Wing. ani area rn:issed the turn and they 00 landed down .n' the flame teld'.. One, wonders if cars are ny"di'ffereiit.to horses r. Mr,, and'•I`4rs, Allan'.l�4cCt arles nd 'fancily of Montreal, Mr, and s,.1 onald MoCharles and fani--. ly of tram ford; , Mr , John Mc - Cliarles of P'e'troli-a and Miss ,Cot, tine•MacDonald:were' `Christmas. Visitors with Mr.. and ]vits, Oliver eCliarle t, Mr, and Mrs,•"bon Ainsley and� • Mr. and; Mrs::'1;rank:Ivla�llder[ entertained.friends'a.t'a New Y'ear's dinner. • ° ' Mr..�• Geor(}+,e;•Ilaldenby vis ted•'On: 'New Years: with; Mr, ;and Mrs. • •C.lare Sparling. Aldan and Douglas ae`al Trevi torr C 1r,. acid' Mrs. 'Glen Young and '. fa niily' of Krngarf visited with Mr,:. and Mrs. lfirsselli. Hewitt. Mr. and Mrs: Art 11a1der try. entertained: friends, at a dinner on. New. • \\Ir. •an'd' Mrs.: &CrSSC ll'llewitt• were Ch'istitlas 'dinner guests with Mr..: and Mrs. 'A ert •Young. at l3ervici: ' Mrs. Art IEaldenby .will be host: ess'.for the rttcc.ting'of the Art li can��Churc'i Women on,Tlt'ursday;, January 14th: IvErs. Ca'rteron•McAiiiTey, rohn�'T and :Gwenanne •of 'Ripley -Dianne of:.A'nihurst 'Nova .Scotia ;M�irlt of ,Barrie; 1\1r . 'arid' Mrs : Frank Rieglin , Craig and :Todd of • Ki'ngsbridt;e ;. On Saturday, visitors wry _Mrs as d:� tvlrr-s--=SCh ris l3raw n , • 11'eatheCand L.eeanne of. Brant'.. ford and Mi 'Andre Rossf ' tori: family of 1'oront0 were holiday , guests of Mr:•arid Mrs. Frahk MacLennatti: Gucsts.,o--Mr.:'-.nd.Mrs. Gordon.. Finlayson were Mr.. Rod 11inlayson of Sarnia , iMr,`. ttd Mrs: 13iY1 i'inla'yson and John o(Owen Sound, Mr,:'airdMrs, iau1 Frnber1in And Mr,, and. Mrs, 11111' Rogerson: faniily of l''pronto, Mr. •and Mrs:'Atlee Wjs'e;;of Ohio 'were `;,Thesis o.f 'n:r, and. Mts.. r, Wellington, Webster d`uring,t1i , ss : r y o es - Mr and Mrs Allan, Ritchie , Brenda., Bryce and flennetlt: spc'n-t Christrti'as with:Mt. and Mrs. Wes. Ritchie of Liteknow'..:' John Ritchie' was • w,ith,fl.u' and 'unable •to be: pre:Sen't >Sevcrai'ace sick with flu: in.. the holidays Mrs . M'ary'Murray and Waiter .wer.e l;uieSts at:ihe horns of Mr' and Mrs.. ,Finlay MacDonald, Iv1r and 1vs,. Morrie Luther' spent the 'Christyntas 11.d1iday wee:li at lid,getowrl with relatives Finlay MacLennan of 1Ci:tchener, Mt,' and Mrs. •lade Ffefferti'an and Miss•Kati'e Sutherland of Lfitidon: were hdii'day v'isittits with Mr: Mae;Le t in ' Mr, and Mts: Wril 1 shy entertajned.ftieitd5 and ne.ighhours to a.1lJew'Year's ve-party cornrrtunity. Saturday visitors With :Mr, f•and •'hlrs , Allah Ritchie were '1\1r . and Iv1rs ' W: ,Duffy ; Denni.s'and Linda it lton'''Toti ' Culbert of, .Crewe, Mrs. .Sam Nesbit sof Luck= now . • • Mr. and Mrs. D.A.: 1-lackett and family spent Cl ristrn•as.with.; •Mr, and Mrs•.'Howard. Walker: and g fancily of Win -hare .. , Y :Christmas visitors with..Mr':',and •I\ Harn., r Misses ter were. M``ss es Ada.: and: 1-1azel Webster o,f Luck,. i I: -now ; -; - a-ro --a ne�t�Ha n r 1ton; Mr•. ,and.Mrs. Roy Keane of•Strat- ford ; Lar.ry Hunter: of Oshawa Cn Saturday. arid -Sunday' also ing at, the' Hunter home were:. vMrss . Eva Freeman of Goderich ; Mrs'. Allan McDonald'—Janet 4 -� Ilonny of Kintail, Joe'•Freeman Jr: o.f Shepherdt'on , , hen Ivfundcll and his mother Mrs.' Mundiell of Ham: Ilton',.. ' Mr. and Mrs,. Douglas Alton of. iOttaw"a s ent Christrnas> with' - rely _: . Jives' in the:area, .'Mrs Alton ..stayed, for a `loner visit when Douglas:had'to.return to Ottawa' (for work Visitors on°Monda, with Mr and 'Mrs. :Dong Rayn..ard were Mr and Mrs: Bob' McAllister and 'Bill„ Mr Mason• McAllister of ,D __ �annon:,T 1\1r_ and Mrs 'LCen •. �„ hicA'll`i`ster, Wayne and Shane of Sudbury d rd ' M n Iv r .. Dou Ra• �na r .a. � s g y. were. entertained on Friday .at', Mr ter f'' and Mrs:Sob McA•llis s o dd) and -Dungannon. On-Sat.urda��-t-he_ti- :visited Mr. and Mrs: Rutssel Irvin' and •fa�ily . 45T, COURTEOUS leaning SERVICE At SIEGRIST' • L S', UCKNOW MONDAY; WEDNESDAY FRIDAY ' PANNABECKER' S, STS HELENS. MONDA,, 1AtEpt4E:SDAY,:_E DA I-�G: SLATER'S $TORE, AUBURN TUESDAY, THURSDAY,; SATURDAY ligcomm USTOIN ///,''1\\\�\\\\ • Professional rvic by People Who .ears' WINGHAM CLEANERS