HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-01-06, Page 10PAID. Tau • . . . . • • • •. • • • • 1. 14rE ••• • • • • • . 0 • •;' : .• E. • • . • " • _ye/ • • • • • . . . • • • • , , THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, L.UCKNOW, -,ONTARIO. Itcir Servers Alt ther Recently ingsbridge • • AShfteldreCently recorded an4therl met at PineCtest. Manor 1 -Nursing • event inits history On Christmas 1-lorne,to entertain the shut -iris -Day, ,;la•'new.red garments were • • .. with a Ghustmas pograrn.., used for the. first tithe by.the'Altat Mit Glen Walden ,4ead, 'a' " serversthiting,the Midnight Mass Christmas Pgekti and seti,PtUre On Sunday, December427 lesson pertaining to the'Chistrna.s religiousand social functions were story of the Birth of Christ, a0Pducteci•fOr 60 Altar Servers . NanFy, Ruth and .9racie Alton 'frOrn, St'. Joseph's, Kingsbridge; sang several jolly Christmas St. AuguStine's; St. Augustine and songs. Fhristnias:carols were St: Lucknow 2' A' Bible. sung with the shut-ins joinng in • •Service concluded hy:a Solemn , the singing, • , ; • • The 119man Catholic yarish 91.! Eflteriain At. Pinecrest . • .• . A nurnb4r,of members of Units. .2 and 3 of ,the United, church '• • • Wotnen of Lucknow United Church' BenedietiOn as the first part of mrs. Drennan, read three short. this reunion; A Social function poems “silver Bells, Was held afterwards at the Parish stead Yule" and "Rejoice, Tis ••Hall . • Christmas' Once „More". „Mrs. Paul Dalton opened the Social Collins played several lively •• with a.Vord'Of welcome; to his ' .Christmas selections on the Mouth. ;• brother 'Servers.. • Carols were stingrgan The carol 0 Little Town Ivlark Frayne , 'Henry Van. Rooy and ,.of. Bethlehern•was'sung, ;•MrS.. Tom O'Keefe read three 'pOeins_re--, Walden led in prayer: • Miss Murdie•On,behalf.ofthe shutins .MOVed, a vote ofthanks 0 a 0se.Co.fi nri u ing :a ry fine program to bring cheerful-. ••• nesi• to the stint • lated to the duty of the; Knights of the Altar , while Paul Doherty , -reran. - • - • ; by reading the Altar Server's" "To.serve at dip Altar , rever- ently, intelligently and punctna-• .11y" was ,Eather Cassano's topic addresseJ y jj buys . .'• . 'Awardsweregiven to -the boys present. .12 of the past servers ,• were given a souvenir, to remind them, that once, they viefFiliO* • • priviliged to serve at the Altar .! An old, but familiar face' was , • 'present and received his, reward, Mark Chisholm'; who served the priests in•StdMary's; Lucknow , before the family moved to God,' erich.' Glen ,Tigert said .a.few words on behalf of the past serv- ers, encouraging the 'present boys to serve worthily the Altar by • their regular attendance. A note ...of'interest these past servers are • t. still helping the priests,, as com- mentators or readers on SundaY. • The second group consisting of ;• 12 boys, called Senior Servers, were'resented with awards. '-"-----=-7"tSi'rwn-'Dtrltort-tha'rrked-Fattrer-artd ,•prdmised that they wilrdo their • best, to follow the example of • • • the ,past servers-.. • • The third. group., know.n as the • •, Junior Servers were also giVen' • • . . • .thelr awards for their regular 'attendance. Joe Boyle' addressed'' • ,• a word. to thenew servers . „ .. • , • h, • . ing at the Altar. - • • - . . ' ' • H • • • ' Mrs ..•Grace Ma:civet and Ron-:' • The•purin grOupwaS.,,of,the aid .of London and Donald • • • •'1cINLOSSMrs , D.'1„ MacKinnon and John .Were Christmas Day pests' with Mr. and4Ars, Ross MacKen- -zie arid- family . , ; The. Graham family enjoyed • Christmas at the home of Mr. arid Mrs,. Allan _Graham. Present were Mr. 'and, Mrs., Jas::$nowe' and Kathy of BeIwOod , Rennie • Graham of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. John Lowndes and family of 0neeniville; Mrs DoTotliy 'Mac- Kenzie and .family.of Teeswater. Mrs.. George LOckhart'iS patient in.Winghant and District 'Hospital. ,Mr. and Mrs.. L,loyd MacDOug-' all,. Grace and Audrey; Mr:. and Mrs. Allan Mac,Dougall, Heather and:David were Christmasguests. with the Parrish fariily members, at the`home of Mr. and Mrs. PURPLE GRO'4 Congratulations to: Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Lane on the birth of their% daughter just•before Christmas on the 19th•DeceMbet.., Joyce Anne's. sister Janet was, born on,ChristrnaS pay last year. Dinner guegts of, Mr!, and Mrs. • D011.Mccosh and Dickon Christ- .„ mas were Mr:, `and.; Mrs, 7William Arnold of Ripley Mr.. 'Mar Wat- son and; Mt. .and Mrs.•JaMes Mc° EWari and boys of Kinlass: 'The.. mccdshes visited with -Currie Colwell'and farnily 9n Thursday - and celebrated New Years .with Mx and Mrs. Aibert •Colwell. Miss Geraldine .Emerson, Prank, .and -Joe -spent Christmas with Mr and, Mrs: ,George' Emerson and Bob. Visiting with her mother , Mrs: John Bell at•Miarton Wednesday, was Mrs. George Exnerson, Mr.' and'Ivirs. McLean Bell , Margie and David of-Edit-1On; ton and Lyn Campbell of Ibndon, ' .Mr. and Mrs'. Roy Collins also Were visitors with the:Ernersons during theholiday season. ,. • - Mrs.. Claude Dore' Sr, held ., Christmas a,t her, home' in Be ie fOr lDiriner guests. were Mr and Mrs. •Gerald.Rbody ' • • and family,M d Mr H arvey Thompson arid Wray: Mr. an Nit, Bob 'Thortipson„ Mr. and Mrs.. "RandylylacDOnaldand:TaM •my of TivertOn, Mr. and Mrs Brian King,of„ElMira 4' Miss Dianne and Ronnie Dore o•Te swater, Miss.Debbie•Gibboni, 'Stuaq and Cecil'Dore:, Mr. Don Thompson ofMOntreal arid Dave ithOdy. of ,Sean,• Barbara Parker and their cousins, Alicn.. Bobby and YarY. Anne: • HOrne with their farnilies for the holidays were Nancy'Elliott', Susan Farielfi: John Collins, San- dra Collins:, Don 7'honips9n. and d: •'. DaviRhody,. . • Cathie Dore spent: Tuesday night with Margie Collins and Donnie .-139yle spent sorne time with •Bessie. Farrell and' boys of Kincardine. KINLOUGH •Mrs, jack Scott will be,,hostess for the citizenship meeting of the Holyrood Women's •Insriture ,n. Thursday This is an Evening meeting . Rpll call 'If you were.,to leave Canada ,,to what'country would you like:to go to live and Why'?" Topic '.'Status'of Women", Motto - "The World is ,rny country -Nn kind is my friend". Directors Mrs. Jack Scott, MrS. Raynard Miss Janet :•BuShellr'nurse -in -. training at Victoria Hospital, ,s 0 e WEDNESDAY, NUARY 'iesbyterian Church • Phone ;-. 58274O JANUARY lOth 10:090.m.,-,$unday 'School Morning Service • LUCKNO UNITED ,.;CHURCH Rev. Robert Nicholls, BA:: * Minister . JANUARY. 1,011.! Sunday School • 11:90 Morning Worship • The Installation :of. U.C.W. home here.. Mr. arid. mrs M'. Johnston. of; Liirowel'v•iere recent visitori... :.• With Nit:. and Mrs ,George ; ...L. h. . • • . Dona d ancl -i-erty--H4 1,11--Qp. ed 1,.;v.it4' and.,M(s...Jack Barr ;and family. • .',. • • Mrs. Nornian Fry arid family Of Harriston:Viiited laSt her patents Mr and Mrs. William E. Waterloo:. ,:MrS; HarVey 'Thomn-••:, son held New Years With Sante mernbersofthe family:with the exception of Gerald RhOdyt • and Don DOres...:• • . • Me.. and Mrs,' Hank Parker of Burlington Celebrated. Christmas . on their, farm on the,12th With. •rnanyOf their.farnily: .Among .ihoSe.'there,.were Major a:nd lan McNab., and. Sean.of • liaye's Lake and.kingSton, Mr.. and Mrs'. Victor Gawley Johnston of HOlyrOod ; Mr'. and ••• ,, , DeWay.ne Greige• arid' family, Miss e -S Ada ,:Lettie and Ethel-Gaw. ley :Of 'Ripley. arid Mr:.0.4 Mit.; Clif ChadbOurne spent ChristMas with Mr...and:MrS., Don Chadbourne..and Tracy of 1<h -war- ,. dine. • ' • • : Chris.trriaS party Was ‘held at. e re..on . ues- areVeping - with a. 'very good attendance. Euchre was played at.the start of.: the evening. Winners being Wanda ',4‘,41.ey. and Bessie first and -second. for ladies and. mens. wept' andRoy Collins; :•.Garnes. were • •••:' played, including'aseaverigei hunt and later a.dance....EveryOne. circled for Auld 'Lang Syne And a —ine.\*Alas had by all, ., and Mrs. Ralph...H:41 and the Collins and . Robe rtson. n.fa mil- ies celebrated .ChritirnaS. With Mr. and •Mrsi...Eitissen.Collins, , Visitors over the holiday.seaSon with Mr...and. Mrs'. Don Dore and • farnily,were B'ob Emerson, Mari-. • lyn Rhody Cecil Dore., 1\;1ajor . and 'Mrs.' Ian.. McNab, .Chris and Grant Fairish. Home for • the holiday, with Mr. and' Mrs. Gilbert Harriilton were. Miss Betty Harniiton.of Niagara FallS and Donald' Hamilton Of Elk Lake. Christmas dinner was enjoyed With Mr. and Mrs.,•,John Barr and farnily. • • • Members of the. Keith family observed"-christrn-as da -Y -w -it, largegathe'ririg liolyrood Hall. • neW serverscon istitig of 24 ..• t visited S • s aitboUgh• Onl'y 22 Were.: , .• , „ . • „ • present ...These boys started..Serv-.. , ing fekr:the-fkrst-tirne-.1ast-potober„ They were disO; given a reward,. hoping. that they :will also,le4low footsteps Of the 'Junior. group. At :present there are 24 Altar .Servers biidge; 21. in St. -'Augustine' and •••••-• 3, in St.: Mary`s... Lucknow • .'' , • , • -Reireshril-eritS Were Served All pfesent enjoyed the afternoon • " .•hopiniotliat in the near future , another reunion will be organized • 'Thanks g� to. Oather CaSsano,'Who made suctila n un, ay wit • ;Mr . and•Mrs. Ira Dickie: and Mr-. and IvIrs..MOrley Trenohr-of Listowel were Christinas:gueSts 'with Mr. and Mrs. Allster. „Hughes.. :"• , .Spending Christrrias„with,Mr. and, Mrs 'Herb. Buckton were Mr. and Mrs., John ,Mowbray and 'Mrs,. Janet MaCConnelI of Mildrnay. Dr. 'and Mrs. W.A. Buckton of, Forest who _have. justretprned from a Vacation'in the Virgin Islands were New Year'S Eve: guests'. ' • Mrs.Jel1ede JOrig, Who has been -,a patient in ViCtOria HospitL rearrn e • • MONUMENTS • For .sound counsel and a fair price on .a inOntimen .correttly designed from (panty hi -ate -tie', rely On 1 • SKELTON E OR1AL Pot O'Hagan, Prot', a e • 16 el Over Sixty Years , WAi.ittitTON 'PHONE 881,0214 ONTARIO 14-44 4 , • . Mr . Elden .F.C,kenswiller whO, is patient in the. Kincardine and • , District Hospital''W;as.a,bie to spend christmaS with Mr: and ndMrs. ROY- Grahani. at. Lric•f(nOw • , • Mrs WilliamCox and Mr ,n'and. Mrs. Jack SCott,•held a family • , dinner on Christrnas Eve•••• A number from hereartended the Christmas Eve serVice:at:,St:„ Peter's.Chiirch,. Lucknow The Powell PoWell .farnily spent -Ale holidays at their home here., George Ha ldenby and; a-nd Mrs Barry Haldenby spent ao • Haldenby. arid, Geordie of Saini'a. Mr and Mrs Gerald ,Rh*9dy and. family spent Christmas. With her. mother Mrs. Claude Ddre at ..• • •mr: and. mrs... John .Prook 'visited: with Nit. and NIrs. Gerald Ithody. Miss Sandra Percy spent 'Christ- tia•s with Mr and 'y ?erdy and ,y.ayile. Holy Communion ; .1 , • , • ' POINT TO PONDER Salvation ,i.s free,, but it'" isn't. . : • ANGLICAN CHURCHLUCKNOW AREA PARISH• '.. 'the . --..ReCtor ,.'.• " JANUARY lOth • Epiphany , . • .. St Paul's .10toley 9:15 Ascension KinioUgh. 19: 39 a.M.. St Peters Lucknow 1145 a m Church : School 10:30 a*: .St..patila, Dungannon 3 '2nd and 4th' SundaysChrlst Church Port Albert. .3rd'and .5(k-S4ndays Mr . and .Mrs. 1)Oh fattfily,spe'nt• Chriitrnas'Witli..Mr* and Mrs. Jim Iuntcr. . Mt. and..MrS. Fraiik Matilde sc.e.E'd.i 11 aflctMj E3oyle were CliriStrrias.'d-inner , • : guests with isrlisses 'Nellie •i• Marg- aret and 'iteleri Malcolm: in Luck-," pow. . , ." Misses Edna and May..130yle entertained at a Christmas 'dinner on Friday evening, t Mrs., Torn liodgiriti Mr: arid 14 home for Christmas. • • Mr.,' 'and krs..nonald C. M'a'c-. Intyre and family Mr: 'and WS,' Allister:Hughes and 'Mr,, and' Mrs •, •Harvey:Houston were gtfettS: at f. • the,13annerman - Ca trutheis wed dingon. Saturday.' • . Minss' Eileen Burt and Mr. Norrn• an Sceli of'Lond,on guests. With•lv1i.‘„ and Mrs. la,. Butt, Nancy and•RObert, The Maelnnes sPent thriStrifas' *the home "dr and Mrs. Chester CaSernore of Wingham: "' Mrs.., Jack slipclgiris each entertain'' in '. ed erribers of their tamilyak•,, • their. homes on:Christmas Mts..John Barr had'all rde-mbers of her farnily-hOrne for Christmas. Mrs Gertrude W guest at the' Bannernian-Caftutn.' ers Wedding at Ripley on -Saturday; M d Mr.; an Mrs. Maurice liocigins,\ of London attended a farniiy • • dinner at the home of .mti, and • Mrs .* :Jolins'ton` nd also cal- led on.lArs, •COx and Mr.. and Mrs. JaCk Scott.; • • r„ and Mrs, Art aldetiby had inemners of their .fariiily with thertNiiker the weekt rid. A, fam- ily dinnet.waS held 'On 'Sunday. .1.Vit. and Mrs. _VViIiiSn't flaV. • • • denby spent-Chtisfmas Day with • Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pry, a nd • '• LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN • REFOFtMECi CHURCH 1. W. Van Stempvtort .Pastor •10• Services:— ptin(butch :7al(E;ngid2 30 ish)Sundays) ORSWEI;C' OME Denominational • Radio Broad- cast,' "The Back To God Hour",,, yery 'Sundiy: CJC$ (Stratford) 2:00 p.m..; CODS (Owen Sound) 6;00 p.m. •,. • • , • • family •at Harriston. ' • • Mr And., Mrs, Gerald Gi1JSOn and:•fa TeSwitter, Mr nd :1VIrs; Charlie MUrrayand, penri1 .4 "7aridMrs. Lyrai.•Stttor , aratd'7 mis.7m0f rOit s,pent the holiday at her home .• 1i'wh,r firnify • • I e id on' Cliristnias,„ Little Doane Me•Parlati Was a atierif ..in the Childrci.nq 'War : Merri�.rjal Hospital, London, ... 'Mrs. Ste w a rt La lie aliti ba by daughter Joyc'C •Arnie returned • home .froni WiligharnflOspital: 1-• • [Attie Janet Lane spent a few • • days. With her. grandparents Mt, and Mrs, P. MacMillan, • •1 •