HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-01-06, Page 9WEDNESDAY, JANUARY ' 111.1 THE:. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, t.UCICNOW, ONTARIO PAGE', NIMe 3o THE • SQUA• ,RE; PHONE 524..81.1 AIRCONDino D THURS;,, Fljl &' SAT. JAN; 7 $ & 9. Showing thursd.y ate p -m. Only Friday and Saturday ;;Two showings. at /:3U anr, ,'9r3U p.m. ADULT ENTERTAINAAE .1t ' 1,40. otNr SATURDAY MATINEE.: • 2:110 •JANUARY '9 KETTLE ” 2 OARTOONS•: SUN;MON,TUES. JAN. 10, 11,.12.. w mos a.:10 +r• 2Oth .C.ntury-Fox Pros nts ° • ' A HENRI VERNEU.IL-JACOUES .E. STRAl1SS P, RQOUCTION'. • STARTING WEDN.ESDA.Y, JAN. 11FOR'.4• DAYS ONLY (Adult Entsrtalnm'iutj Wed and Thurs,'at 8.00 p m hidey and Saturday • at 7i30 and 1:30 p.m. .. GSI DE Christmas visitors --with Mr and. Dick Mc.Qui.11in and Ronnie. were• Mr and Mrs ..Gordon.lvic.Qu.il Iiri and :family and Bill Doek of: Sarnia ,,•Mr. and, Mrs.;"Harv:ey MGCuilli'n and .family':and' Boris. fonlionoh''of St..Catharines , Mr. and'"Mrs. Doug MacLeod.a•nd Dawn, Lynda'McQuillin•, 'To.ronto and~Mrs.ry Don N•ickel; lvtal -° ton, -,•Mr, and Mrs . Eric Hewitt of• Bernie, Brian Wall, 'Laverne, Wolfe, of .Wingham and Mr . and ..Mrs, 'Bob M.scNay arid..family of Anbe.rley. . On. Christmas Eve; Mr. ,and Mr's• George Young and' family. -•-other members``of -M'r-s TWm 13rown's family gathered at Pine cies"t Maror; Lueknow to spend 'the evenitigiwith Mrs.: B:rowvn. Mt, and Mrs. Cliff Young ' and:.fa'tiiily entertained relative's •SE�t tr d y .1 to i i -t ; were Mrs. Clarence Stakes', rs, Oscar Holine7s. 'Wallace Richard ° scan and Ertc Glazier;; from Ling „ side. Were Mr,'- atid •Mrs, Wes . Yo'u.ng�Tails-t'd •Mrs- Georg, YouEg.ar dfamily, ,Ivlr, 'and Mrs,. ' ;Jim ?Ong and 'fani'iiy. Greg and Sa►tdra Lardner. front Lutckriow and Mt... and Mts,: Donald You'hg lion 4 ;Mills.. Art. iiiipressivc Cant le -light . Christmas ive sefvrde was held! 1ifiangsine, Presbyterian Church The annual Sunda, , School con- , icert'of Pine River Church was held, Friday evening •December l$ . in the: Community Hall... 'A good crowd was in' attendance to hear, the different classes°in• choruses.; plays.;; songs and pageants. •Rev. > ' Mr Hill was ,chairman for the *programme •and Santa, arrive, to., distribute oranges a.nd candy:,,bar to the:delighted children, :Sympathy of the ;cornmunityy is `, extended; to the family and..rela- ti:Xes of Mrs.• Robert. McTavish who, passed away ,. Sunday ,. Dee' ember„20 , at Gateway Haven; Wiarton. She was' a°former• resid•- ent of the ,Fourth Concession of. Huron:— . • .• Congratulations are extended to Mr. •and Mrs. Wayne, Lowry: (Pat Harrison): who'•were married. Vancouver, Saturday; 'Decem-. •ber 26 Bill,Kempton'and Ron Funston flew' out.lo attendthe wedding with Ivlr;. Victor Wybenga, rn Charge and'. Mrs ',Bob Bregrsra n'at the organ. .SAecial..rnusic was played'b.yDoug' and,Dayid Wall With; saxophone 'and. 'guitar Carl • Dore playedThe, accordion TheY.P.S', sand "•Go Toll • it on.thc.Mouirrains", J.oanne• and Christine Bregrnan and.Hilda . de Boer sang "'Away.°In The, Scripture:' was lead by Murray --Mo=flat... 4r""`.Wybet; ;a7brorxght.p a 'Christnia nrssage . Mr: ;and Mrs., Eric Hewitt, of f3ervie.and Mr.' and Nits 'Be Moffat of T&'eswater wcr,e':visitors` on • Sunday, w ith Mr: and .Mrs,„. 'Gordon W,a'l1'and family,' " Jim Orr of London• spent'Chriat �riias with Mss �lnr -Orr and, Bob', 1vC117e ddrw- itt:,and HIA:tve�y. 'spent Chtis teas :Day,wit.h her parerttsMr. and Mrs, Eldon Nietiels.on of Tara and. other rola- owes :Week' end. visitors at. the home of Mr, and hats D.irlt TV1cC��iilTii�' we'r'e Mrs. 'Harold McQUillin and •. Marty'of }3enmillcr;. Mr, ,and: Mrs: l3ob_Snrit.h and Deb ie of Ncir'th 13i y,► ^ !Cr Poo, Nickel 1 a hid Irs f'erry 'Cordon and Janie of ton,. Lynda Methii llln rcttTtnc'i to l3loorvicw with• ltc�r,.sYst:t r . " ' a Mrs. Leonard Reid Carol. Court• •w. ney , Kitchener with Mr', and Mrs. DGnald ,Courtney; Brenda Humphrey , "London with Mr: and Mrs: Cecil Hrarnphrey.,Mr and, Mrs: Jim 'Mills and fami'ly ; 'Wes ,ton with the smeltzer famines;;. Cathy :Elmes;r Toronto with MT, ' and Mrs., Len Eliries. Mr, and, Mrs . John McDonald, Mr. :and M. Murdoch McDonald 'and she°hit "Chr•istmas .with • Ivlr. `arid ,Mrs.1.Rosi'Henderson„. Luc know.', Miss .Jean Scott' Kincardine' spent the Christmas week -end' with .Mr. and' Mrs:• John ,McDon. aid . . Christmas Day .guests of Mr.'• and Mrs. Bill Kempton were- Mr and Mrs.. Bill Campbell.,; Kinca-r dine, Mrs. Albert Campbell, Lucknow;. Mr •', and-Mrs.:George• McDonald apdu Murray :'MCDonald, Ripley; Mr;, and. Mrs., Ellwood Irwin and family , London;„ 'Mr.,., and Mrs: Bob.cOUrtney and fam- ily: and Mr: Tom, Leonard, Wayne ids the''son of:Mr. and Mr.' and `Mrs. Leonard Courtney '1?�• Mrs. ;Elde.n: Lowry , Huron and -Pat and farmily and Mrand Mrs.... -Murray Walden and family 'spent.. Christmas Day'at:the home of, d. Misses Noreen;and. Jean. McDonald isthe daughter of Mr,: and Mrs Jack Harrison of•Vancouver, .and H formerly of uron Tsownsh Four, girls from this area attend- ed:,the. Toc Alpha conf,erence held in. Niagara Falls during the holiday week. 1 Dianne Kempton, Sharon MacNay Kathy Irwin,and. Marhsa Humphrey partietpated• the .event Holiday time bringsma.ny youngpeople home and some from a,distance were Mr. `and Mrs. BillMcCorkell (Lynn HiIi), Mani-' toba', :Chuck'Hill, Sa,ult to Marie_ :with Rev. and rs. Mary Walden, Londo with Mr. and Mrs Murray Walden; Anne Ferguson, London ,with Mr..and Mrs Lester. Ferguson, Mr. and. Mrs.-•Jirn Ernmerton,..London; :.Mr. and Mrs. Chester Campbell and family L- ndon, Mr, and .Mrs. 'Ew•yn Campbell, London; Shirley Reid;'>Kitchenea, with Mr. and Ripley' . Mrs. ,Wm. J .• Courtney , Mr.: and Mrs Donald Courtney , David:, Carol and .Mr'.. and Mrs_. Gary-eo,Q'rtney and Steven visited Chri`-"s�rnas�Day with Mt: and Mrs. John 'C:: MacDonald Ripley. -Mr. and. Mis•. El:mer,.Smeltzer entertained the Srneltzer families -on--Sa-tu-rday-for-•- their• -:Christmas get-together. Mrs:. Len Elrnes ;Cathy -and. Kitt spent Christmas week end in Windsor Mr , .Nand Mrs Allan` McKenzie entertained':the McDonald family on Christmas Day: I. Mr;` and:Ivlrs. J.. S. Robb held Christmas for,faniily:•and r.elaiiv‘es; Sa'tu;rday dinner guests at.:the' Genie Of.,Mr, and Mrs Pill Pace • WINGHAM. .Phone 357-1.630; SHOW TIMES Friday and ;Saturdays at.' 7:15 !. and :•.9:15..A11„ other' days; .one show .at 8:00, ' except where noted on the program.. THURS., ' F,I,' SAT JAN. 7, ' 8,. 9 mm"Ben i�ur" Colour' ' Starring Charlton Heston One of the best . 'movies to come out of Hollywood, "Ben 'Hue' is .well ' worth, seeing the second . time;around. Due; 'to the lengtha' 0f this feature there ,will. 'be only one show each evening ,at 2:30 , * *'*,* * *'*.* 1!c'* *.*°, SATURDAY MATINEE' JAN:` 9` ; •.Latitude. Zero:. Mary were th'e' Fred-Gotts-' :chalks,;Kincardine ' Boxing D:ay.. guests with Mr ,and Mrs-; :Elmer Smelter and f roily were Mr.„.,and ,Mrs - Art: Smeltzer ;Mr.. and Mrs J.m. Mills and family, Mr. and 'Mrs '.;"John. Dah- mer and family: animal health service leadership in nutrition LIFE ASSURANCE AT:TH'E, CROOK O'F'A FINGER HUR-GAIN DIAL DOSER ..: SAVES LITTLE PIGS. ;, • continuous research • management skills • growing animal health service After malting 'Y 15 days• or so for a litter of pigs=to arrive; it does n't%nnake sense o:le - their• lives: be' threatened 'with: 'baby pig scours: Not when prevention is ;.so' easy. with .a Shur -Gain 'Dial Doser, v hich helps you to :measure and adrninisterAhe dose`accurately'. and with no waste;' at about nine cents per _d OSI Active: ingredients in Dial Doser are Bacitracin, and .Streptomycin — a new combination of ; • antibiotics: that fights scours 'effectively. getting 'a Shur -Gain .Dial. Doser ava Table at our Shur' -Gain ,A.nirnal dealt• llS erwice' Centre. ,LUCKNOW PHONE 528-2026