HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-01-06, Page 7WEDNISDAX,_.•, ANU_ARX-i, 1,711,.
,1970's: in various models, sedans, and ,2 and 4
�ds,, oor..hardtops •'''in ForChevrolets,. :Pon#•lace
including Catalinas, Skylark . Buicks and
Cutlass Oldsmobiles
.1969 FORD custom, .power steering;
1969 CHEVELLE sedan, '6 Cylinder
1969 'CHEVROLET Impala, 4 door hardtop
2 -7'1969 C UEVROLET Bel Air sedans. °
1919 •PON;TIAC. Laure:ntian, 2 door hardtop
3 = 1968 PQ\TIAC P,aR1SIE:NNE, 2 door h irdtops,` fully
equipped' •
' 1968 PONTIAC Laurentian sedan, 6 cylinder
1968 , CHEV impala 4 door' hardtop
Used. cars from. '65 to ; .68 in : sedans various; models, ,. hardto • ps
and 4'door. - 90% of . all cars are V8,, power steering
• and all automatic'
.1970, CHEV a/a' ton- pickup • With • V8- engine
2 - 1969 FORD V8, "•1 ton stakes' with du
1969 -FORD`% Ston -pickup:•
1967 FORD 14 ft stake body
1967 CHEV :i/i ton 'pickup
1966 CHEVROLET tilt cab, 14 ft. stake body
:1964:1 ton; • stake
/i4: number. of Econoline and Chevy Vans from '64 to '67.
at .. •
Brussels Motors:
F : Service -:Station
Photo.': 8874173°
Mr.' and Mrs, .Llo •;d, MacGilliv-
.... Y
and• famil "of, Cha lean ,; and
y,.. P
Mr. and Mrs :. Norman LeClair, and
•,Donna of Toronto spent a` fcw,,.
da Y..s.after Christrnas.with Mr:.. and
Mrs. Stewart MacGilli\rayY. andnfamily
Visitors on •Fr'ida . evening with
'Mr..• and :Mrs: Gordon: Wa'll,and:.
family were Mrs, i idon Welsh
And liarveY „•.Mr'.'and: Nits. ..lra
Wall :and' Mary L u , Whitechurch
Bill Wall -and Linda Smith of
Z pronto and Steven MacNa•y; of
December, i4th
Mar•ion.:Campliell lolled the
high single of 219 and' Trudy ' .•
Foran the high triple of 495..,
The Pearls and Opals did not
howl, as scheduled..• .
Team :points: ,Trudy ,Foran's; .1
Emeralds 7, .Mildred Cameron's.
Sapphires 0,. Belle M`ole's 'Rubies
4, Catherine Schm•id''s Diamonds
Team standings 'Rubies 69
Pearls 59, 'Emeralds 47 ;;'Diamonds
43:;. Opals 36 , :Sapphires'33...
-- -_1-rgh-sing anon lata=ekinnor7
• 22•
2,.high'tripae. Jean Phillips, 5 6
Team pints: `Belle Mole's
Rubies, '7 , Marie Gree'n's .Pearls, 0;,
Anna Mae Hunter's. Opals 5
Trudy Foran': Eme.raids• 2;. Gather
and , Mrs.: Claude Dore in charge.,
High .prizes went to 'Mrs . Dawe
foaf it ndeetg°Young ;'.and -law
prizes' ''
rizes.to ,Da•rleneSim Pson-and
Keith Bregm•an, Plani were made
foranother cardY
. ,..
Mr...arid 'Mrs, •Dave•Moffat an
family, and Mr.' 'and :Mrs. Bob::
Stewart were New Y'ear's guests y•
w.i•th •Teri. and . tis, Do.n,Stewart
andl`fanii:l T:eeswa.ter.
•Langsid'c, P S enjoyed
a.sri.owmobile party. on Saturday.'
after oil at ,the fa rin.tof • Bdh,' •'
n4 .
13rci ri7au; ltii:'next. i ect:in'g
Willhe January 10at,.:Wall's;
acid: Mrs.. Cliff'You.n'•? and
Mr, and Mrs. ;George Yot,r
and., family spent New Years
relatives at London ,,
Eight•tables •of. progressive'.
;euchreWere 'pla,yed at Langside• ,
Com"riunit.y Ha ll' on Ttesday;
evenin 7'w•ith Mrs..: Elmer
fai'ni1y spent Sa'turday-evening
with Mrs: Waher 'itic1 ard.son and
Wallace aid Mrs., •Mervin..Glazicr
and boys :at Wiri� hath .
Greg. and. Sandra Gardn ;r of •
Lucknow spent the. holidays with
their grandparents Mr., arid. Mrs.
Wes wi'oiil.g
Mt and Mrs.,.'Elgin Sleiglitholii
'Of Toronto._�P s ent the hol"d with
'his parents Mr,.and 'MEs. 'El ncr
Sleightholmand atrilly.
Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Conn -
and Alnia', Mt,' and Ivlrs..11erb
ttunter. and ; -.:Y•-.:Y•bi Eb t dont; 'Lr
,and'Mts, Douglas.Conle and, Jas'
. on :of .Winghant were:N'ew
gue�s'rs with 'Mr. and Mrs,,' Johnston
ono °of,Wingfiar°n•., ,.
Mr;, 'arid Mrs';,'Gerahortii Jol t�storf:
of Wit1 hani s .ent Sattir`da � with
Mr and Mrs Char~es'Wood and.
faniiiy'of'Egrrlotidviiie':4 N _
.Guests with Mr, andMrs, •) usse1,
Ross and Do''ris•ot Saturday wire
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ross;and Mirk
of .' •and 'Mrs , K'teltencr• Find Iv1r., a
EarI Caslick. •'
Mr. and Mrs, lvan'.:L',aidiew;
TancTand1rnb r1e : iii d ibrrrc; :` tri
Fon'Sunday'evening froth Christ'+
red :Ca me•to.n's Sapphires 2.,
Team standings; ';Rubies 76.,
.Pearls .59; Eme;ralds'49, Diamonds
4i•, Opals 41;,'-Sapphires.'35;-,•
The 'winners of .si,x> Xrnas draws
were Ruth' ThornpsonF; Verna
McClenaghan, ,Liella. F•inlayson,.
Wi,1•lett' Mc.Whinne'y, Betty •
Kirkland and; Anna Mae'Hunter:':
'Jean Phillips was the winner'
.of a draw prize.,donated
and Mrs Horton , Lucknow' Bow -''
ling Lan
December' 28t
High single ,:'Catherine Andrew
242; high triple Anne Purvey 6.14
Gam,es,'of •200 and .over , Cather-
ine.' Andrew 242,,Anne. Purney 225':
216 Hazel We,bster•22.6', Mildred
-6ame ron '21 i3 ; : 235. , .:C ra"ee=El-lett
209 Agnes Thomson' 236 '
Tearn points: Mildred'
Cameron's 'Sapphires 7 , ' Marie:.,
Gre'er's• Pearls 0; Anna Mae Hunter
1-Iuf t•er's *OP als' 5 , Belle Mole's
Ruble's 2;; Trudy .Foran's. Eniera'lds•
4 Catherine Schrriid's:Diamonds
l:ear i;; standings: ''Rubies 78,
Pearls 59-, 1<nieraIds .53 ,;'Diarnonds
51: O 'als:'46 Sapphires 4
Jarary 4th
Perm rolled,the
high single game -of `242 and• Grate
Elliott the triple of 005.
Gaines of 200 and Over:. Ferne.
MacDonald .242, 201', •Grace.
•Elliott 21i,, 201:,• Marion , ac Kin'-'
non 222, Fanny. 201,
Beryl Htinter 2.14. •
Team points Anna Mae
•Hunter's Opals 5, Mildred Carn.
eron's Sapphires-2;,T-rudy-Foran's
•Etteralds,5, Belle Mosle's Rubies
2;. Marie' G•reer's •Pearls.
Btine Schmid`s iponds 8;
-�e'a.t.� ': to di, s: 'Rrlbies:s0' .
T a s n Ing. ,.
Pearls 63`,, Ent'eralds 58, Diarno'nds
mai: lolidays ,spent in Florida
Miss Antic. Kennedy was ,at
ital on Sundato
C�od,erlch� llosp y
visit withlier sister Mrs, .Agnes
Tichba rne.
, Word has been received here
that Mrs.' Wilbur NicholSoti of
,w nt' i the Hp--
GGd�crich Is a ,paxient ii
_ , . l .r .leg -at • 1e
pital�,h.avin�, brohcn, �c g. t1
t{nee on Wedriesd•ay
..M .Ja:ek Pu.tdon of. tin clknow .,
'ora er•resid•ent of this vicinity; f ii, .
is a patient id Winghant Hospitat
Lueknow. Dungannon Bowling..
League fo,r the ,week of 1beeeitrber
16th ani `17th.
Mens high;t`ri 'le; Bill Stewart
7BB, Med.`s hi; h sirigle,Bill Stewi
art. 833'•
• d.ics..hi 'f tr.i ie,.`' erne._ c __
La s:. ,� p � Ma
Donald ' 06, Ladies;high rsititle
• ,R'ene aef)on'ald ',and Gra e
r �. o ..
FRESH 'HOMEM DE SAL S.Ac E• . 2 LBS. -89c-
8-9c_BONELESSHAM . 89c LB.
Rrrth ard•hie rulled. the
single .w ith •a 255 .. Ka • Crawford'`
g Y
.rolled high triple with a 644;'
Games` 20.0 and.over Ruth Jar
dine .255 and 226, Kay,'Crawford
252,.208; Joy•Dennis 243,; Kay.
Rena Forster 217. ;'Madelaine,.,,,
Aiton.`216 203 ,'Arena Johnstone
.214, Lois,'Wa Iden ‘213', Kathy'
on-2.12-;:-.:Loreen.-Alton, 211
Team points: Kathleen Forster`s.
.Yellows 2 ,.'Kay Crawford's Viol
ets•'5•; Anna Johnstone's `B1ues,2.•
Eileen:Lavis': Reds.5, Joy. Dennis'
:Oranges 7 Kathy' Gibson': Greens'
Team standing: Reds 60,
Greens 59 Violets;53; Oran g• es;
50',• Glues 41',Yellows 46
Kathy Gibson` rolled''high single
with a 267 and also captured high
triple with 691
Gaines 200 „and over: Kathy,,
•Gi'bsorl`•267 235 ,.'Grace Hopf
249; .Marie'Stewart 239, Trudie\
na Fdr-ster 2
Madelaine Alton 209, A'nna.':ohn=
"ston e.214 • 210 .Ti lire Wilson•213
. 1 ,
' Ruth•,Ja rdine , 221,' Eleanor,, Gibson'
200 •
• Team p . oints .'Eleen La•Vis' Reds
4, •Kay''Crawford's .Vio'lets 3, .Joy
Dennis' Oranges 7 , Kathleen For
ster's Yellows .O; Kathy Gibson':
:Greens 5;, Anna Johnstone's Blues Y.
Team standing:, Reds 64, •Greens
64 , ,Oranges 37; Violets '56 , •B1'ues'
Yellows 46,`
he evening, went,'+
to Clarence1 with. a.''244score`
High triple' went to •;Ab •Morton
with a• 594 score . 1•
Games over 225: Clarence `Bell
244, ,Jinn Durnin 231, :Boti'.Nicholis•,'
t_a-i le -y-234
Team koints Hawks 7, •Owls 0
,Cardinals '2 , 'Vultures .5 .
1' Team standings Vultures 16
J1awks'66•.,_Ow1s,_60; Cardinals 22 :..
eager `gyros,
Third Paper
The' 103 -year-old Mount Forest
,Confederate'changed .ownership
January ,lst:: ,Wenger Bros Ltnit-
ed,,,publishers of 'The'•W:ingham
Advance -Tittles and The Listowel
Banner, has, purchased .the 'Mount ;•.
Forests ;paper.; from Mts.. Harold J ,
Fair , ts.publisher .for .the past-
f16, years..'
he,..lulo->rr t- it stpaper waste
established 'n 1867 and' named
The .Confeder t 'n h 'r. f. the
a e x • ono o •
moni 'tou nationale t o that
en . s event f t.,
year.,the •confeder' tin'of Can-
dada s' original provinces•
David Wenger., son' of; the com-
an. 's .resident . Barry Won er of'.'
P P y g
.Wingham will become -Main
E11lotX ;277.
Men', over 2&0 pill Stew rt.
333,:51,..j31,11, Neilson 2:$3'.Jack
Fisher 281, •Zeke, Zeran 275 'Bill
Butt'on275, Don •Mach'innort'274,,.
Mel Dickson 264, •.Keith Blake
over, 225 .Ferne Mac•Don
aId' 27•7;., 263 „.•256-, Graee Elliott'
21'7; Betty .McDonagh 248, Wilri�a;.
Chlsholr 48., :Rut. Jardine. 240. `
.Points woti: 'Chipniunl s 7 ,• Kang
aroos. 0. Cubs 7, ,Lions ' 0;,'Coons
Wolverines 2, Squirrels. u'. Pole
Cats'2, ;Tige.rs 5 , t3eaVers
ras` 5 , .Gophers 2
Wolverines 61, Tigers 61; Coons
4 ',..Squirrelsy42 , Chi tn'unks
:Zebras •41:1Pole 'Cats 3'S, Gophers.
86'-.hangos aro '20•:..
, Lions 1"3
..r Winners of the, Christmas Turkey
i�o11., high couple triple ;8111, and
Marie Stewart: �l44'f
ani, 1e , r .. ; 2 •' ,I • y.:.
p , Ga d i3robks 7 4 1ncludin�,,
nand ica,p. adios' high triple
Peine Mac d '66i intiuding •,
WW1ro '
nners Of _tfie $,�_ b11;i�'c:ompli-
vents of the, Luelmow Bowl. were
811 •Mcl tiers} rl and Acle* Andrew;.
in The .Confederate and
!Move to' Mount Forest assoon as •
-possible-: • Robert• Wenger, secret-
ary treasurer of the company is
the Managing g
in. editor' of .the List -
owe.1 paper.
.A �•C`TRIC L�