HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-01-06, Page 1• . $S:O0 A . Year in Advance, $2.00' `Extra :To U.S.A.
'Single Copy ..I$0.••
6 'Pws
(irked B'
Ken) Alton of Ashfield suffered'
.'. a bad„ fracture of the.` lower right
leg when kicked by •a 'cow on
'Sunday' nighf ,
peri had'just-milked-ithe'anim
n g,milker
•'', a'1 and. was.�takig ,...
away when the cow kicked him.
:`scape'With Qnly Clothes:1
ey Are:.
feels Stolen
.From Car VV�ile
On VYedding Trip
.He, was` taken to' Win' ham: Ho • s-
pital and on to, $t:
''JosePhs Hospit.
.it•. ,
al•in London where the leg ' was
set on Monday.
q •
Mrs.- Vordon J,ohnston'of L:uckt-
-now suffered` a fractured Wrist in
a "fall' at their feed mill warehouse
in'Lucknow Monday
She -was admitted to Witigharn,
llospita-l—for treatment
Escape ..Bu rn in•
Mr. and Mrs. Russell, Johnston
of,th:e .9th concession of Ashfield
Township were left homeless last
Weekwhen °fire°destroyed their .
house. The `fire , "of unknown or
igin; broke out "about, 8 p .=nr ..on`
.Wednesdaynight December 3'0
and the home was t'ota'lly: destroy-
J the,Sentinel
that if it had not been; for "their.
son 'tuna , o onion, `w o was
home '.wi t �h t e m at
• the time.
they might both havebeensr
erect.bYthe dense smoke which'
uick :'
,u 1y i f"lied
the house .. Both
Mr, and Mrs..
. d
JohnstonJohnstion. have, e• not
been in good. health..
ing the Lucknow
Fir? Department 1te threesome'
escaped from the house othin•
P ,..T�1_."..,�g
was_•.sa.ved except the. clothes they
were wearing. Lost Was a' life-'
time's accumulation 'of their, per=
sonal •possessions,
Lucknow Fire Department were
unable to save the home. Water
was pumped* from awell on the.
Mr. and- Mrs . Johnston have,
lived ontheir'P. lace , the.former
Cook farm, since ;purchasing it
in1946. It. was. located west. of
Brookside School. ' e .two storey_
� 1 h 1 � I, I II IiU1 Mil Ilii, ll+IiIILiIi)iiliui IiINmiIII�liNllll 1111 Illli 111iiliiiil�111
notting Bedsheets
fro ° tucc c er u
m e , s o ov ed h.o serfs a
complete loss:
The Johnston: family spent the
night •%•n a trailer owned by Lorne
Phillips across the road They
stayed there,until the .weekend,
and(Mrsi: Johnston staY.ed.•wth Mrs,
Eva. McQuaig in Lucknow., On
Saturday,,the'Johnstons moved in-
to the'apartinen> of Alex 'Hackett
in the Breckles block in Lucknow.
in the
•• •
United States.
Many offers of assistance have
come to the family and',:the .'John
lstons are still' in'need''of clothin
sand �.ersonal sterns which Sentinel.
eade-r-s-may wish to -give to them
II •
���}iYiilfli'll(Ill llllNillllflH11d1111111�I1iII11111111IIlIBf111(llllld11101111111f Nu;lilliliiRF jPI".i 1I IIIIP 1.111 1111111 nili�ll
n `'Huron ,Townshi `cou l
.Y g. P;:, p.e
escaped from ,the. second floor, of. '
•.•tht~ ir: home,'by 'knotting bedshe.e,ts
together :as, fire conmplet,ely des -:;
'troyedthe" house in the early .
hours ,of Januar.ylst .
1\1r...and.'Mrs. Ron Farrell. of
'HUron Tow nshiP p es.ca ed unin`ur.-
P 1
ed. bu•t.the',home they Were -rent
(on 2nd Prize ln`
ome Decorating
Mrs: Torn MacDonald, the
J e Collyer of: Luclznow;'
.i..-won.2ncL.pn. ze.iri the. r,stt ias
1'lor•ne Decorating Con est in.
.e. co.n.test was s Prior d: b.
m.:tht Kiisnien.Club and prizes
s ed `,°•
as: -t .t
o hone•, ori, inalit, .;
use, f'
O li }it ..
sand' .
_. , .... __ . .. ovc.ra.lI .effetlt :'.:_-
` 1 h•irty; five `hontcs were chosen,
itt tIle r i
clYiinar ` ud rn itli l..f�gw
fell in t,
als::Whc,n .Ivtrs: l`1ac-
‘,G)on�i w
id was 'a� ar `ded tire 2nd �'
. stiZC''
i.c11''inC. `+ luded 'hal ` ht
ftxtures'from Cha�e a"in ' . i �ltti �:
1 cLb •n�,
Supply' Ltd: a study la.nip front
Cuel h I� llydro an,d 'Christmas li its Y g} .
from-Goodw-zll Electric:
`'n T ;.'a' r .-,r
i nd all ahei e sona.l':' ossa` -•
�, p. p s
sions, were a :complete. doss.
The fire ;..of unknown origin
broke out about. 1.45` a :I]i:•;:when.
Ripley Fire. Department 'received
the call: The. Farrells wore rent;-
•ing the farrn Norrie Of:Bert
on the l0tflaof Huron.West ;: known
to many'as the, former Roy •Marsh-
all place,,`' .'Ron is e:niployed by .:
Alf 'Rackley: of'Kincardine ;:a
block and 'bricklayer;'
Mr and Mrs. 'Farrell were a
asleep at the:•tiine of..`the out
break -and had to.`
use a;.wndow to.�esca' . •the burp-
•in-buildin . „I. The;d'ownstairs of
the "homewas in..flames The
couple were rc.ceritlymarried and'
lost'. in `the fire; w ere a11,their
7 7
e ns and � eddi efts
poss ssio w nb b A
i'''T'Vset',i urchaseo •a- few.daYs
before', was destroyed '
Ron is .tile Alie • s
on''of h1r '•a'nd •
Mrs Lcs:t' r .Far:r_ell.of.. tlie..l2th of_:�
Iiuro,n a'nd;the couple's•inifant
'child was with:the ggrandparents
the• Wit of the .'fire. Mrs: Far'-<..
re ll'`is ttie'foritier l)iaiie;Pollard`;:,'
`da.0 lrtcr of I.1'r.,. and`.Ivlrs Clliler.,
'Polla:rd of the 8tli of Huron
''Ripley Firemen were .on the
scene for three hou.rsprote.cting
a series of small buildings•and;a•`
barn: • 'The brick .veneer' house;`.
was cornpletely, gutted. It was
the first fire'. under the, direction
••of_chief Doug Liddle who his,
ceeded`Gordon Scott in the
ley. Fire Department; •
Eractures Jaw
M.r. n and .Mrs'. Donald Banner 7,4
Maothis oommu y1who fit o were
• • f nr.
married Saturday , .December 26th,
:;had all four tires' and wheels stolen
from their car while hone moon- :•
ing in Ohio.
They were notified by the state
troopers early Monday morning
'December 28th of the theft. By
the middle;of that day they were..
able to 'secure ".wheels and 'tires
and: continue on their wedding
Mrs. •Bannerman isthe former
t , • rr' er u...
Jane Ca uth sof L• cknbw ;and
Donald is from Iain los
A security guard tad been on.
duty at the motel' until: 2 a, m.
1and.the theft was discovered at
;-,3: i5 a'. rn',-by •the:: police
.°:Bill Johnstone of Lucknow suffer'
ed a fractured jaWand.
injuries •to.l-is right'; shoulder and
ribs on.Christmas week end. when.
he was involved in a snowmobile
accident .on:the••Lucknow ski.hill:
His •Jaw was treated a 2 Vic
Hospital in London ..
•N• ••• ••••-••••
♦ ,• •; e ♦ ••
ractures Leg
n Snowmobile .
JIM hlc ' : -'hton of Lucknow i
J Naug Lu kno s
a .patient in Win'ham Hospital
with a fractured veertebrae'. in his
back•as a;.result„of an accident,on
boxing day: He also received,
abrasions to the•face
;:ile had r -rioved"snow a'e"
nd ic
from the rotf o.n his home and wa's.
descending aadder ;when the lad
der sl'i : ed tllrowin 7 hirci to -the_
He•fell on :his .back. on the ice
fall , '
and c e ti;c nt ;•' a fs ll of� to 'S.:feet
He was removed to' WinL ham and
District lospital where he: will be
hospitalized for some time
inners in t e : ristmas • ecor. -
ating..contest sponsored by thea..
'Lucknow, Hortic'ult.ural,,Society'and:
the Lucknow Legion were:
• Stores, The V,illage'Shopand .,
Greer .Electric.
,M�Jesie Stevenso
George Joynt•and.HaroldGreet'. ;.
Window , Henr y,: Donas .Ken••:
_.N=1 -ow -b -r a -d Art uiney. `
fibs'.' C A . Roy ' Gir.vin passed
a:wav•in Godcri�ch'A'lexandria� and
1\ `•rine• lospit
1a 1; i al,•on' Friday Dec-
ember`25th in'her. 77th year:
'.Funeral •service was.'held at. the
Johnstone .Funeral. Home, ' Lu'ck-
Ow on. Monday ' Decernber 28.
Temporary entonibment•was in
• Dungannop Mausoleum;'
Dr'.;, Mel Corrin of Lucknow will
have;his left'
legin a cast for
upwards to;;six..months as• a. result
of a ,snowmobile, accident on :box-,.
ing day in •which ,he suffered'` a'
spiral,, break between the 'knee and
I. was a •pa.ssenger.on asnow•'
rnotiile operated:by a friend Allan
McGuireof. Tilbury. .They were '
operating the •machine. on the ,
hills. on.the; Button farm used By
the Lucknow snowmobile, club.
Dr .' Corrin :'cau ht the toe of his'
boot on a• rock,: twisting: the le
Aird c auaiii-rhe =fracture-:
He was ,rernoved to
Wingham •
Hospital b a bu ance ..where
the 'leg'lwas,set:: This past week,
end he Las transferred to St. Jos
:e'h''s;Hos ita•l in London where
the break was re -set
Dr. 'Corrin, an enthusiastic
Skier , suffered a fractured ankle
while skiing two `w inters ago;
which'•ke l `him "off the ski hills
that year.
i . �. 1�.')♦11�1„f �,1�1, 1 ) x.1
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)7�d�, .,. ' _. .. ., •, � ,.. :'
ung(0non bout
nowroob�le Spill
Alexander Chisholm,,, 14 -year
:rid sots of telt•.. and Mrs.'teonatd'
Chis�toltri of Dungannon was' rn-”
)17re.d 'in a• anowrnobfle accident
on Decentber.27th.
w s titrbw"n°'f colli tile• triach
into whets it' struck. a rock on a
• • tarrti'bn the' 2nd :concessi,oti :of
t�'teld TbwnsMii v
tie landed of
iltrr'rock , st`r:iki'ng his head ,:and•
'feedived`seali1 t .lacerat°ons arid,
sift f fer:cd
,foss blood... , I: c
. 'of b : l Was
admitted to :Winghanl i osplta•1.,
ott Resini
Ihrlgs lith year as a, membei; of
Riple`4yy Fite Dc,parttnent, and
chit.»f of the department sine e
10484 c ordan.•Scott.,bas r6sil;ned.
as 'chief a:n I has bean. succccded
by Dbtig fiddle,,
This does not'nieatt'tliat
Cordon will sever. his dutics';tts
a fireniaj .. 1le' has to kc n ori a
clew xyos:itxoti:.is secrc?t''rtry•4tteasu u,
or:Off tlie 1 i>r•e Department ,,sttecc **
cdjng tho ,Go'sscll: rhbSe
Fire Department;
unt berg f ehs
deatlrot ctirttrd , rt 1 a 0
ago k
O't'her r'iie'ttibers,of the re-org,an
i.ze•d Fire De -artrnent ,ate pump
. ,p l P
et, crew , Cla tepee. Poll:oel. , Bob''
1ohnstcit, hose crew , jack'Scott,;
Ivan Cobh; ladder Griew •, •John
Todds 1 od hi'acvo;i a,1di'drivers
.George tiled lack Ma't a.n ' Ted •
Ttouschn r
» �
Al c.r
.y »
•.Ma.e kayLlo d' W ldand a new
Y y ys ,,
ine.tiiber"grace ,Roc k
The retiring chief Gordon '•
Scott first carne to Ripley in
1 ,47 fr-o tn. La _'. glide d nd st- -rt-c
in the; blacksmith business there
in'.: Februar: of th 't e
month later he loaned the l=ine
Departtilent a. position.he has
ret'a•ined since
In164' h.
� e
was appointed
•'. �'.�
chic. f ii
. A uttiber of iriiportant.•
than es within the de arttnent
:. ,. p
ca)tite bout,du.ring t�brdon's serve
uit c as chtefy 1 t.. and the t
,ordon Statiley arranged for the
purchase of the,new fire hall, the.
former Toni L-ienry woodworking
1io'p-7 -th,e new t'ruc rwas purchas,'
ed to 1,047/ And one of the .first,
:big fires after this'was the burning
ofe h"' th "` high. school' iri `E+e'bruary''of
104S. 'rite
hydrants atid�
a wa:te r
system wort inatalled.Xt' the.vii-
la gc rn' t e 'Pall of 1948 ,rov ,
h • �. Ittip
ern tyts were latere
trio,,d e to tai, .
Alarm s r tell t d.
ys i � i fire'phrsnes.are •
clow locatedattlt�'fire'ha11•:Gord
S S co t,s,
ott , C•_wseorf,e h1ac.Lean s., ,
Dodd ',,
;John.sand Prank