The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-12-23, Page 30PAGE THIRTY
Mens 7 pm,
High single of the evening went
to Jack Campbell with a score of
307. High, triple went to George
Stanley with a score of 723. .
Games over 225: Art Purney,
248, Wilber Brown 235, Jacky'
-Caxnpbeil 307 Ge-orge--Stanley,
270, 241, Jack Haldenby
Ron S tanley 246. .
/• ;Team points: Owls 7,: Cardinals
0;' Vultures. 2; Hawks 5.
Team. standings: Owls 60, Card
inals 20, Vultures.71, Hawks 59..
--See-you- bac k -at-the-" Alley"
'on January 5, 1971. •
Merry Christmasand Happy
New. Year to all,-
/Kens 9 p.m
Clarence Greer takesthe top
place this week with high triple
of 812. Thi's is also high triple'
for the Season. Clarence also
'rolled the high single of 285.
Nice -Fowling Olaxence ! .
. Team. points won: Fords 7,
Mustangs 0;' Pontiacs 5, Oldsmo-
biles 2; Buicks 5, Dodges 2.,
Games of 250. and over: Clare-
ence Greer 285, 283, Bill Bolt
250 Bill Nelson'257..
Team standings: Oldsmobiles
62, Fords 59, Dodges 42, Mus .,M,,,.
tangs 40, Pontiacs 38, Buicks
The Bowling Lanes Proprietors
Mrs . nd Mrs . Horton conducted
ehr st a�Draw�: and -Har -vel----
Houston was the lucky winner.
Town and' Country
Mel King'was out in front this
week with a 221 single'for the
men. Harry Lavis had -high double;
of 420.
For the ladies Vera Purvistook
the_honrs with a 142 single and,.
a 239 double. '
Team points won. Potatoes 5' ,
Carrots 3; Lettuce 2, • Turnips
Team standings - Turnips. 38,.
Potatoes 3$, Carrots 34,, and Let-
tuce 33., ,
' Winner of the Lucky Draw ,
compliments of Lucknow Bowl was;
Beatrice Adams.'
Next bowling date for this leag-
ue is'Januaryr-7 ,'so Happy Hoh
days everyone.
Nye celebrate this joyous occasionof the birth
of the Christ Child, let us remember especially the
lope that was .born` anew and the4ove that 'filled the world
on that first Christmas: May their light shine today, :.
.so that, peace and understanding will prevail among men. '•
— -•Irl
: StigyED:12 NOON TO 2 P,M. •Alit
4 'P.NEti.,. TO P.EiIA: '
CO T alum
Henry W. Longfellow, wrote a
Carol'in 1863; "I heard the bells,.
;on Christmas Day". In,the last
two: stanzas , he summarizes the
two ,sentiments, despair and: hope
as the,•appeared to him.
"And in despair: i bow'd, rriy,heaq:
'There is no peace•yon earth,' I
r hata:nd mock
Of Peace on; earth good,w•w. to
risene."is strong the
ering through. The other pai
a.picture.of a,violent rain stc
In the centre' of'the picturew
tree lashed by wind and rain
on'a branch 'of the tree was a
birds nest with a bird in it,
head tucked under its wing,
Then pealed the bellsmore loud
.and deep:"
'God is not dead., nor doth he
The wrong shall fail, the right
prevail,'' •
With peace on earth good• will to.
This .Christmas season will find
in us one or other of these senti-
ments taking first place. If you
•: stop' to consider that it is approxi
:mately1,970 years since Christ
came to the world with the -:mes-
sage of ."Peace on earth, good will
inen" :arid; that since that• time
there have been 'wars and hatreds,.
it rttight«,be=-�very .ea-sy .to `despair .'
Despair at Christmas in the 20th
Centur:. on the North American .
continent usually takes a ' • 1 .: event
.course'. .Manydespair over"the
passing of the good old days when
every body was friendly and neigh-
bourly at Christmas." Many des.-
pair°overrrthe "•Cbm'me;rc'ialism" of:
Christmas and usually while being
a part of it..
There' is only one alternative ..
-arid .tlratis-hope.. ,'S-artre suggest
ed that we learn to live with des-
pair and :meaninglessness. , But
there are those: who disagree., that
there is mch in the world to give•
hope. Some might even tug-,
gest: that man cannot live without
hope. ' And despite all of the
thing's which are a part of the
Christmas season that cause people
to. despair ,..when' it comes right ,
down td,the actualsrtuatioii, each
of,,us stands 'in a position of oppor
tunity, We have a choice to
make , either to spread; hope.•or
hopelessness. We all have that.
'opportunity, everyday of our lives.
So'4whatwill'•foryou,, there; •
'is no peace , or , peace .on• earth '
good will .to •mien?
Perhaps a basic problem is- that:
we tend to. think of peace as the
;absence of pain and suffering and
stress. When actually the 'great-
est ,moment .of peace comes in the
middle of pain, suffering and
'stress, A: poet once suggested that
'we could never know•'joy until we
had. felt'pain'. Two painters were
asked to paint a picture .depicting
=peace, One painted a pastoral
scene, the suh shining on a -,green
hillside' with, a quiet river meand
There is hope and hopein
at 'this Christmas, season.. !%1,
at times more like the secon
painting, but there neverth.
and possibly more; real to du'
uation . Perhaps each of "us
find peace in:the 'midst of o
ow.n'•turm.oil.. 'So, Peace to
of you and'may this Christni
season•' be to• you *a source-ot
To Witigho
• The .Lucknow and Win 11,i'
Mid:gett•iockey.teanis play
game in the Lucknow arena
December 14th:. Lucknow
4 goal lead, at the end "of tlr
with`Wingha.m counting ••
in.the second and third.. •iii
,comeWay - 4 in' favogr
"Wingham7 '. .Lucknow .h.iu V:;
to keep up with thL' :fast 1.
.Ian Montgomery .scor,.; r�
for Lucknow with Jinr•.
an' Ken' :atria r scornn
To `you, .glad greetini
with .gratitude for yo
. 'kind .patronage.