HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-12-23, Page 29• .•„71 112004 !rat ip47.41idir L'ler"411V 1970 a: N1WEDNESDAY: DECEMBEit 23rd, Mo. MEL.• STANLEYV LUCKNOW. PHONE S28-3430 Correspondents' Please Note ! The next issue of this news- paper will be on Wednesday, January 6th. •• We would appreciate news of the holiday period being sent to us as it happens)._ rather than holding: all copy until the Mon day after New Years.'. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO RIPLEY HURON 0, SCHOOL. PIN PONG. During the last iwo Weeks the Grade 8A'class has' been . •N having a Ping Pang tournament. The winners were: for the boys, Dale Liddle and Peter MacDon- ald and for the girls, Susan Carter and Patsy.Fludder, Doug Bissonnette. Readers Write . . it6,1015 Alexander Ave. , • , October 6-194-0." Dear Dom' Just a note with my renewal to, say how much I enjoy getting the Sentinel .every week.. Mind you I'clon't get it fOr'two weeks but it is nice to read about the "doins" of all my old friends and • , neighbours. I am really enjoying living in my new city.. We do get a lot 'of rain, living on the Coast as we do ,bi.ittlien you really appreciate the sun when it does corne.out. My best io you 'and your family. • • •Sincerely, Mary Anne (McCosh) Kukoly.. • Fears RC SchoOls ''Would. Hurl Area If support is extended to • : separate school Grades 11 to 13 in • Provision has been ilia& to' set any available .copy between' Christmas and New Years. ° Ontario the effects will be•particu- larly•detrimental to' education -in sparsely.pOulated counties such as Bruce , George of Ches- ley. said at the Bruce board of edu- cation meeting. . \„•. • "This would water down all other secondary schools in the. County and 'we.would'end up with" . a ..rnedioore syStem Costs ,would increase for -the duplicate system.. 'There are ,rnany,NRomari ,Catholics,, who do.not.support the separate --soheol 'idea hesaid. make"a date .. Sunoco Heating Oil A top-quality clean -burning heating' oil. Plus: , Automatic deltVeries FREE 24 hour burn- • • er service. Easy year-round payment plan. Get « COM- LETE, Carefree heating ser- vice. 'Get Sunoco Heating Oil. Call today. • ' HEATING OIL 'by the makers of famous cuktotn-blended • Blue' Sunoco Gasoline : CHISHOLM FUELS • 529-7524 John Kieffer of Formosa said ,he could not support a unified secondary school system.'. Mi. Kieffe_Gis the 'representativeof separate school supporters on. the board.' ':If the extension to separate school is made there will be. no' teason_for_d,enying-the--: • same rights to other religious groups, board chairrnan Allan Whichet said. . .• • "Unfortunately, a 'couple Of political parties have Oommitteci themselves, to secondary separate school sUppert,and it will -be a part of.their election platform," he added. • •' ' • , TheElberal and .N.D.p. parties proposal. • ' . ,Vice-chairman Maitland Ward- er of Lion's Head Said any move to establiSh 'another secondary _Lsc.hool system is premature.. Segregation Of pupils has 'an, adver'e effect on the children, 'Allan Dent of Tiverton said. Barriers arc established that-re- inain with them throughout their lives. . Mrs. Doriald'Milne of Kincar- dine , while supporting the one secondary education concept, Said'she objected to the Protes tant council Of Churches send- ing "propaganda to the board." Mrs, Milne referred to a' let sent to trustees titled, The No41 Sepaiatisni OntatiO. 0,4 x4,45046,ii!oit 00, AttOvetA f. 4014 A4*1 . 4 • . 4 ' ; :44 The school held a table tennis tournament for the Grade 8B. The winners of the tOurna- pent, for the girls were Arlene Tranter and for the boys it was Courtney liddle.,The touna.r. mens was fun and we hope to do it again. VOLLEYBALL - • On Saturday,' Deceitibet 12, the boys 'and. girl S A teams went to Wingham to compete in.a • volleyball tournament. •• • In the first set, the boys played HoWick and defeated them in 2 'games. In the second set the • boys played Grey Central and Were defeated in 2 games. Since it was a double knock- out tournament , the boys played again this time playing against Turnberry ," It was a close game with Ripley.corning out •on the short end °fa three gaine deal, thus putting them out, • The girls in their first game beat Grey Central, then Turn- ' berfrbefoie-losing-.tO Howic-k. However, they were:not out yet .and after. defeating Turnberry again, they went on to play Brus- sels for the right to get 'into the 'finals. They,Put UP. a good fight. •but were defeated, putting them out. Ripley girls finished. third in the tournament. 'Doug Bissonnette. • • • • • • • O articipate In Operation riS 11111S CONTRIBUTED g.Y sCIOOt'- •-Gradell.and 8, Room,12 Luck - now :Public 'School , participated in the Junior Red Cross "Operation Christmas". . This is a projeet in which they ho Pe to get to know the Indian children of NOrthern • Ontario.. In October they sent letters td.an all grade ,. one-ioorn scheo-, ich,.' located in -tire -Sioux Lookout Mr LANGSIDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CHRISTMAS EVE, SERVICE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24th at 8:30 p.m. • • MR. VICTOR ‘WYBENGA ' IN CHARGE • • EVERYONE WELCOME ."^"•%"""•4 •LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED ' PAGE TWENTY-NINE 040.40 V%".""roNeWe~^0%. Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. Glenn Noble B.D. Minister Phone 5284740 DECEMBER 27th • 10:00 a.m. Sundt -y-40°1 1100 a.m. ,Morning Service CHURCH J. W. Van Stempvoort PaStor - • ServIcas: .1000 am. (English) 2:30 p.m. (Dutch 2nd Sundays) VISITORS WEILCOME Denominational Radio Broad- cast, "The Back To God Hour", every Sunday: CJCS (Stratford) 2. p.m4 CFOS (Owen_ Sound) -- 6:00 p.ni. CATHOLIC CHURCHES ,CHRISTMAS' SERVICES ST. JOSEPH'S, KINGSBRIDGE WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, It8:11Commumy Ce r4 on of the •• • Saerainent of Penance THURSDAY, DiCEMliER 24 at 11:00 p.m.' Say It In Carols Midnight --- Solemn Latin High Mass Members of the Goderich Town Band will take part in the Christmas celebrations.CHRISTMAS DAY FRIDAY, •DECEMBtR 25 Masses at 9:00ra.m, •and 10:30 a.m. • ' No Evening Mass ST., AUGUSTINE'S - • - . ST: AUGUSTINE THURSDAY, DECEMBER .24 L-Ud(14 OW UNITED CHURCH' Rev. Robert Nicholls, B.A, Minister • RECEMBER 10 am. Sunday 'School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship --POINT-TO-PONDER-- For God. so hived the World that he gave hi.s only son that whoever believes in,him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3: 16 • • ANGLICAN CHURCH . LucKNow. AREA'PARISH, • The Rev. R. Odendahl . . Rector -• : Everyone in the,classbought . gifts for, a• child in 'the School and them-in-rtha mas paper.. They were notified that these.were to' be sent 'be- fore October 30 as to 'avoid the freeze-up.- When•th'e plipilt of the school wrote back, the. Parcel:. had not yet reached them.. "They' ,told about where and how they live, ' The following one,Of ters received by Gale •Frook. . , • e Angling Nov. 3, 1970. • Dear Gale, y name is Arny,McKay. am new' at Angling:Lake school. We don't have:a stofebin here. There are two stores in Big ,Trout. Lake: They called them, Hudson Bay Company'and-C. on Store.. Hudson Bay Company is a big store.. There are not many children in Angling Lake.. 'There' --are-many-ohildren in -Big -Tout Lake.' I have four sisters.; and three brothers. tarn eleven years Of age and my birthday is January My hobbies:are playing ball, skatirig , bead work add reading in the evening. ' It is cold in winter and it rain- ed in summer time. I went to 'the saw mill and pick some' cran- berrieS. in this tali we have short Solemn Mg-4-1C/fass FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25 CHRISTMAS DAY Mass at 11:00 a.m. sday, Decem • er 11i30 p.m. Christmas Eucharist , _ DECEMBER 27th Christmas 1' St. Paul's Ripley Ascension Kinlough itoo a.m. St. Peters LUclmoi. 11:45 a.in. Church. School'— 10:30, St. Penis,' Dungannon — 3 p.m. aid and 4th Sundays • • • Christ Church, Port:'Albert 3 P•m• lst, 3rd and 5th Sundays ST. MARY'S LUCkliow FRIDAY;' DECEMBER 25 CHRISTMAS DAY Mass at 9:00.a.m. !.40,0.**076•44"e4,046r40.4.014.0","0"6".0440,0%.".60".!./4 Angling Lake , Nov..•24, 19'70. ' • can't go for .a walk', be-. Oause,the days 'were Short. I like to go fishing with my brothers. -Sornetirnes I like tO go with ' grandmother. • I like' camping • r .• Yours friencl, ' • Amy-McKay.skating and playing hockey-. I .Deaf Mrs. Wheeler,, I ani thirteen years old and in' grade five. I am writing, to you at school. I got your pr,esent. • thank you' for the gloves and' touque for me'. Tell the teacher ani saying hello to her. I never' unOke. ' • 'Over freeze tup we have been -Again on Decernber14,. they. , received some- more letters thank- ing them for the gifts sent in Oct- ober. • One of the letters, to the- teach- er Mrs. -Wheeler, followst like to, hilzit„LailletiLtheAs&d._____•-7.— -Over the teacher' S head, • Write me soon back.'Good-bye for now , Yours truly, • John MFI'JTS • ' • For sound counsel and a fair' price on a monument correctly designed from -quality material, rely on • SKELTON MEMOR ALS Pat O'Hagan, Prop. • Established Over Sixty Years WALKERTON '• PHONE' 8810234 ONTARIO $111411.1 'tf itrk'k "Lao _ A . a